Smeargle's Studio General Thread: Spriting and Banners go here!

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I don't get what you mean by big ham, but okay. :p

Edit: let's say you have a circle, and the light comes from the top left. Where would I change the outline of the circle from a lighter color to black?
Actually, more like:

"Hammy." adj. Melodramatic, over-the-top, and ridiculous. =)

The bottom right would be where the black is- the darkest shadow in the thing.




And at the Bronzo- er, wheel- the fealess Kommadore Karp, the greatest naval officer in the seas! NOTHING CAN STOP YOU NOW!!!
Oh lawdy. That whale submarine is scary.

Also, as much as I hate to inflict tvtropes on people who may value their free time...

Anyway, I've decided to resurrect the uh... digitising? thing from earlier in the thread because I think it looks sweet.

Giratina was a giant pain in the arse. Ugh.

Also here's my second version of the petit dragon that I'm happier with, just did some alterations with outlining and the ears.
That is brilliant
Magikarp will KILL US ALL!

NOOOOO! There's everyone's afternoons gone...

I was waiting for someone to mention tvtropes - I was going to if no-one else would.

The digitizing thing looks neat - kinda different. I dunno about the Dragotini though, you've done it well but it still looks kinda weird to me, I think it's the head but I'm not sure why.

Some of my own sprites now: a few revamps I did after entering the sprite contest, and a few Amethyst rejects (and one success).


Slowbro's the one I entered in the contest.


Unfinished Groudon. Not sure about the angle.

My first entry. Looks weird still and the angle is wrong.

A little bit too large, but I'm not really sure how to fix this.

This li'l guy was sent onwards! (not that the first post's been updated for the past few months)
Hey Fuzz. I thought Ashachu was impossible, but you pulled it off! Amazing :o
I really like your buizeldex by the way, I mean I've read through this entire thread and I must say your dex is the only one I never get bored of.
Also, utterly amazing warsub.

Good job Azsy, those are very natural-looking fusions. You don't see them a lot these days. And Teddilax is hilarious :D

Hey elcheeso I'm not sure I've seen that before but it looks...strangely cool o_0

Layton up there.
Dammit, you should've entered Mewtwo or Vulpix! Those two look absolutely amazing. Best revamps I've seen so far.
Groudon -> epic. Nuff said
Raichu is also cool except for the lightning bolt tail
What can I say about Shaymin?
And Blitzle is in good condition.

Ladi dadi da bye guys :)
Hello. Very bored and want to do a Dex. Any suggestions for base Pokemon?

Edit: Okay, nevermind. Decided to do Flygon. This not exactly going to be a normal Dex, though...
First entries soon.

FINAL EDIT: Eh, scratch that. too boring. :/
^ The funny thing is, that Ambipom's my 2nd favorait Pokemon (Guess the first... XD), so I tried to do him; His sprite is SO terribble. Really, nothing fuses well with it.
Also, as much as I hate to inflict tvtropes on people who may value their free time...
Your digitized sprites make me think of neon tube signs. :toast:

Ahh, see, that is where I got it. XD I just didn't want to link to tvtropes. Oh. Shit. NONONONONONO-

Magikarp will KILL US ALL!

Your Blitzle is the cutest thing, haha. I'm also a fan of that Groudon's pose, but I see where you're coming from on the angle. I can't put my finger on it, maybe it's a lack of foreshortening? =X

Hey Fuzz. I thought Ashachu was impossible, but you pulled it off! Amazing :o
I really like your buizeldex by the way, I mean I've read through this entire thread and I must say your dex is the only one I never get bored of.
Also, utterly amazing warsub
D'aww, thanks. =) I'm glad my metric shit-ton o' shit entertains!

Will probably edit this post soon with some sprite-related things. o.o


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maybe I'll get back into spriting for a bit

any suggestions on what to test my probably rusty skills with?
I'm planning on starting a trade thread, but I'd like to at least have an avatar first. Is there anyone who could do one up for me? I'd like it to have a shiny dragonite (in a pose similar to the BW sprite, if it's not too much trouble), and the letter 'N' if possible, but besides those criteria I'm not picky. I'm willing to provide a link to your art thread in my sig, and a credit in my future trade thread as well. Thanks!
Did you make this style up? It's kind of cool.
And the words inside are
...Wait, what

someone fuse me

Sorry Rodan it's been long...but I'm almost finishing!


Man this is probably the hardest set of pokemon to fuse. Ever. So I adopted a kind of mass fusion/Aragornbird fusing method, instead of just splicing.
Can someone make an avatar with Wooper and Drifblim in it? Make them look a little fluffy. BTW please don't include my name in the avatar.
JUNE 4 2011

Today we attemted to splice together an Axew and a male Nidoran. Despite their positive prospective compatibility, the Axew did not take well to the addition of the Nidoran's genome. Instead of a seamless chimaera in which the two Pokemon are indistinguishable, the host seems to have been taken over by the foreign traits. I have dubbed the resulting creature Dumbo, for reasons that become apparent once the specimen is viewed.​

It seems to be progressing through its evolutionary stages at a rapid rate. This is beginning to remind me of one of those "apocalyptic logs" people tend to associate with mad scientists...​

Actually, this is a rather lackluster attempt at my signature style, the line fusion. These two lines do not take well to each other. ._. I mean, scratching off the tusks was one thing, but none of the parts seemed to want to fuse without copious amounts of extra scratching.

God damn am I glad I can scratch at this point.

Anyway, taking requests now that I've gotten over the spriters' block that Dumbo up there imposed.

@RitterCat- You're on, then. First thing in the morning. ._.
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