Let's talk about food. What are your favorite dishes? What do you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Share recipes if you want!

Just kidding. At the moment I'd say Yakisoba is my favorite food. Best noodles ever. Actual Japanese-style ramen is also good (I'm talking actual Japanese ramen, not the Maruchan stuff you can get at Vons). Typically, whenever I go to Mitsuwa (It's a Japanese supermarket that originally started in Los Angeles, and there is a store in San Diego), I'm looking for one of those. They're just sooo goood

No need for further discussion.

Vegetarians gtfo you know nothing
Lately I been eating my food at the University I am staying at. I can't say it's the wort but prefer home cooking to it actually. Anyone else actually like/dislike University food?
Anyone got a good soup recipe?
I have many good soup recipies. They all can be summarised as "put it in the pot and boil it".

Start with onions and chicken stock, then add whatever the hell you have. The only real difficulty is if you add something like celery to not over cook it.

Really, I tend to call soup my specialty dish, though thats not really true at all because soup really should be the specialty dish of anyone who tries it, because it is all but impossible to fuck up.

The only advice for great soup I can give I guess is to actually make the stock yourself, or at least get liquid stock not powdered. You will notice the difference. Though powdered stock is definitely good enough.
I have taken to making my own burgers recently, as I thought in the UK good burgers were hard to find. They were all really processed, and so fatty they shrank to nothing. It's not such a problem in the States, but there's always time to make a good burger. Grabbing some decent quality mince (minimal fat), a very tiny amount of parsley, and some McCormick Grillmates, press it all together and it's spot on. They don't shrink, and actually have some decent flavour to them. I suggest people try, and appreciate the difference.

Just kidding. At the moment I'd say Yakisoba is my favorite food. Best noodles ever. Actual Japanese-style ramen is also good (I'm talking actual Japanese ramen, not the Maruchan stuff you can get at Vons). Typically, whenever I go to Mitsuwa (It's a Japanese supermarket that originally started in Los Angeles, and there is a store in San Diego), I'm looking for one of those. They're just sooo goood

Mitsuwa??? I live in San Diego and my best friend and I go there sometimes!
I have been eating lots of vegetables and fruits;lacking on the meat. Though fish is still good.

I am allergic to most crustacean :( Is shrimp and lobster really worth going to get another check up?
here is a tip from uncle bad ass to those who don't want to get overweight eating shitty university food:

make it easy to cook. a GREAT thing to do is buy a couple packs of boneless, skinless chicken breast (five dollars for a couple of them...), and cut it into little cubes. i am sure there is a guide online, but it's incredibly easy. cut off the extra fatty shit, slice it vertically, slice it horizontally. diced chicken. then, stick it in a large pan (like a cookie sheet) if you have one, a couple of plates if not (you don't want the pieces to touch too much), and stick it in the freezer. wait 24h.

then take it out and stick it into a ziploc bag. congratulations! you just made lunch/dinner for a week. all you have to do for a tasty meal is:

1a. make some rice (i use chicken stock>water)
1. take out your chicken that you want to eat
2. run it under warm water until it's not a rock
3. microwave it for 1-1:30
4. pan: bit of oil. heat on medium. do not let your chicken swim in oil.
5. chicken goes into pan (garlic first if you have it !!)
6. salt pepper onion powder garlic powder (crushed red pepper if thats your thing?)
7. stir it a little bit...wait for it to cook, if any parts look uncooked turn it so that side touches the pan
8. mix rice and chicken for dinner in ten minutes. my chicken always comes out v. juicy and flavorful. just don't overcook it! it only needs a few minutes, and if it looks nice and brown, no pink on any outsides, i bet that it is done. don't worry about catching diseases, because as long as it's cooked for a few minutes in hot oil, you are good.

there! you just made dinner in ten minutes. also spent probably less than or close to a dollar for your serving. AND you have a ton of chicken left, also a ton of rice.

i'm sure that HOW TO: Cook Chicken and rice is waaaay basic for a lot of you guys, but a lot of people are just cooking inept. so, college kids, next time you don't want to eat cafeteria food, remember UNCLE BAD ASS' tips.
Lately I been eating my food at the University I am staying at. I can't say it's the wort but prefer home cooking to it actually. Anyone else actually like/dislike University food?

I generally like the food at my University. We only have one "cafeteria" and it's real hit or miss, but there's also a Grill, Bistro, Sports Bar/Arcade, Steakhouse, Farmer's Market, in addition to the chains like Subway, Starbucks, Chick-fil-a, and 2 convenient stores all on campus. So there's not much to complain about, but still, there's no replacing home cooked meals ;)
I can't cook. Like, at all. I would like to learn, however... Does anyone have any suggestions for me about how I can get into cooking? I know some people just have a knack for it.
I've taken a bit of a shine to cooking recently. So far my favorite dish that I made was chicken chili, with chicken and bacon mac & cheese a close second. As far as enjoying food, a few friends of mine and I do a thing where we all take turns picking out restaurants we've been to and taking the whole group there. It's a fun way to try out new places and it's a good night out with your friends.
Hmmm... I love pizza. Not gonna lie. It's probably the fact that you can add pretty much whatever the heck you like and it'll taste good.

I'm also a fan of butter chicken with rice and naan bread. Best. Stuff. EVAR. I don't really have any recipes for it, but any butter chicken that I've had is amazing. Especially when you mix the butter chicken sauce with the rice and eat it together.
Alright I'll post the two things I like making the most in the kitchen. First would be Pizza. Whenever I have the time and the crap to make it (flour, shit ton of tomatoes, cheese, etc.) I'll make a fresh pizza by myself. One of my favorite pizzas to make is what I call a Six Cheese Symphony, which combines Mozzarella, Provolone, Montasio, Parmesean, Romano and Cheddar. I tried for seven cheeses but sadly I came to the conclusion it was too much for a person to handle (I myself and about 5 other people can vouch). I'm thinking about replacing Cheddar for another Italian Cheese. I also toss a little bit of Garlic Powder over the pizza for more flavor.

Ice Cream is a lot of fun for me to make, and I've made about 15 different types of Ice Cream in my spare time (all the Vanillas, legit Strawberry, Chocolate, Mint Chocolate, Double Fudge, Swirls) and then adding toppings on top of them for more kick. I also make floats and malts (although they're much more rare for me to make). My favorite Ice Cream would have to be "Bear foot" when I make it myself, because Denali honestly doesn't know how to make a Vanilla Swirl properly. My favorite float would have to be what I call a "Dr. Pepper Cherry-Chocolate Smash" which involves Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Syrup and Dr. Pepper Cherry. It's a calorie clogger but I just simply love it as a treat whenever I get back to my dad's house from a theme park trip n_n.
Milk. I go through a gallon every two days. In the morning it's oatmeal with a strawberry/bannana milkshake. I make the oatmeal really dry and pour the milkshake into the bowl as i eat. I also add cereal, poptarts and raisens sometimes.... And that's basically all i eat during the day. Oatmeal and milkshakes. The bad part is that i have to go to the bathroom regularly with this diet. So when i can't use the toilet i just buy a subway. That's basically all i eat.