Resource SV Short Questions and Short Answers

whats broken in this meta?
:conkeldurr:, :zarude:, :enamorus-therian: are the top three, with stuff like :mamoswine:, :terrakion:, :lycanroc-dusk: and :regidrago: also serving as potent cleaners / setup sweepers.
The meta this month has been quite different than last year because of DLC2 drops but it should get better next month and moving forward. Watch the available replays on the Winter Seasonal posts to see some of the team structures - is the most recent round that's been completed.
what is the best offensive check to Iron Jugulis?
Tough question because you'll find very few offensive mons able to switch-in and force Jugulis out because they are all too frail and usually slower. However, if you manage to predict the move Jugulis is going to click, you can use Pokemon such as Lycanroc-Dusk, Bisharp, Kilowattrel, Enamorus-Therian, Tinkaton or Hoopa-Unbound to check and scare it out therefore making it lose its speed boost from Booster Energy which means that it will become way easier to deal with next time. The best Pokemon to check Jugulis while applying pressure at the moment is Comfey thanks to its priority fairy move and good special bulk.
Tough question because you'll find very few offensive mons able to switch-in and force Jugulis out because they are all too frail and usually slower. However, if you manage to predict the move Jugulis is going to click, you can use Pokemon such as Lycanroc-Dusk, Bisharp, Kilowattrel, Enamorus-Therian, Tinkaton or Hoopa-Unbound to check and scare it out therefore making it lose its speed boost from Booster Energy which means that it will become way easier to deal with next time. The best Pokemon to check Jugulis while applying pressure at the moment is Comfey thanks to its priority fairy move and good special bulk.
Thank you, Comfey is really the best option

Btw, what is the best of her set? HP or Spe invested? Leftovers or Life Orb?
Btw, what is the best of her set? HP or Spe invested? Leftovers or Life Orb?

To be honest, Comfey is quite customizable although the main set is the following:
Comfey @ Life Orb
Ability: Triage
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 236 Def / 252 SpA / 20 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Draining Kiss
- Tera Blast
- Taunt / Encore
The speed is mainly to oustpeed slow Tinkaton which usually has enough to be faster than Magnezone and Bisharp, but people run very different Tinkaton spreads so don't be surprised if some still outspeed you.
What's Chesnaught's niche in the metagame? I'm a newcomer to SV RU (~1500 in SV OU) and I'd like to use it on a non-stall team!

Spikes mostly from what I see. You could also run an IronPress set since Body Press is STAB. Not sure of the specifics of the sets, but those 2 seem to be the more common sets.

P.S. it also received Knock Off this gen
Is Swampert good in RU? If it isn't, what are some other water types that are good?
Swampert has a niche as a rocks/turn mon that actually has the stats to make it worthwhile, but still isn't a great mon in general (in this meta).
RU just lost the two better Water types in Rotom-Wash and Slowking but Milotic, Quagsire and Swampert can all function okay and Empoleon or Gastrodon can do fine too, though I personally rate the first three higher.
What are the best :choice-scarf: users in RU?
Gardevoir is always the staple Scarfer, though rain isn't as relevant with Barraskewda gone, Gengar is a nice one as well, hits a really good speed tier and can run Trick for fatter teams, and then more offensive options like Hoopa-Unbound, Infernape, Kleavor (HO suicide lead), Mienshao and Terrakion are all solid picks as well. There are also options like Volcanion, Zapdos-Galar and Zoroark-Hisui to consider!
What are the best :choice-scarf: users in RU?

Some faster options to consider would be scarf Azelf, Zarude, Mienshao, Terrakion, Gengar, Zoro-H, Munkidori, and Infernape. Many of these fast options also have trick or switcheroo which lets you deal with a slower setup sweeper in an emergency, as well as u-turn to pivot, especially good in the meta because you can force zarude and iron leaves to Tera while not risking your scarfer
Who are the viable hazard removers in RU? I only know one (:maushold-four:) but I don't know the others
Assault Vest Cyclizar has been basically the only Rapid Spinner since December and Cincinno/Maushold can Tidy Up now. Defog is fairly limited and those are basically the only forms of removal worth running on a majority of teams - Forretress and Tsareena and such are too niche for most teams.
What are good mons to lead into/ways to deal with Kleavor? I find myself struggling against them a lot; sharpness boosted stone axe and x scissor are mad strong