Resource RBY Simple Questions & Simple Answers Thread

Is there a reason a simple Fly/Dig Clause hasn't been tried? I get why the invulnerability after being fullpara'd during the move would be a problem, but with a simple rule like:

"You must complete the move immediately if you were fully paralyzed during it, you may not switch pokemon or select a move besides fly while using fly"

then the invulnerability glitch would be a non-issue.

Sleep Clause exists so that sleep moves don't need to be banned. So there's already a rule governing player behavior, preventing moves from being abused without needing to outright ban them.

The above rule for Fly would even be cartridge-friendly.

The only circumstance where I can see this being a problem is if someone runs out of PP during the move, at which point a cartridge implementable solution would be to say they've rendered the game unable to continue, and have thus forfeited the match. Which if you have only one or two PP left and you choose to take that risk, then that's a calculated risk that's ultimately on the player if it doesn't work out for them.

I know the whole Fly/Dig thing is something people get tired of responding to, but usually the answer is either because fixing the glitch to act like later generations wouldn't be cartridge accurate, but letting the move go unregulated would just be absurd. I don't get why a rule like the above shouldn't be implemented though.
So this is something that's been discussed a couple times, but its been a while since it came up. The biggest issue that comes up in discussions is that it makes the ruleset more complex whereas a significant portion of the playerbase favour simplicity. This is especially an issue for newer players, who wouldn't expect that kind of restriction on their gameplay. The other thing that doesn't get talked about, is that it would need to be coded into PS, whereas bans are much easier to implement.

None of the points I just mentioned would be dealbreakers if the moves were integral parts of gameplay the way sleep is, but Dig/Fly simply aren't, so it ends up not being worth it. Admittedly, in lower tiers there's a theoretical argument that they provide coverage, but I don't think it's terribly strong, and there isn't really any practical evidence that these moves would be viable (to my knowledge they've literally never been considered viable in any meta where they're allowed).
Why is Counter still allowed, if it is capable of causing desyncs like Psywave? Shouldn't it be banned, then?
Why is Counter still allowed, if it is capable of causing desyncs like Psywave? Shouldn't it be banned, then?
Counter creates interesting points of interaction in a way that Psywave doesnt, cartridge aside (which is a bag of worms but not one I particularly care for personally) RBY OU is a better game with Counter in it, than without
Is there any shot at the Pokemon Perfect tiers getting a thread here? They're all pretty unique but have seen almost no play in quite a while despite some interest seeming to exist as implied by 7U.

I specifically mean 3U-6U and Mewbers. Although, with how much UU has been changing recently, 2U is a very different tier now in comparison as well so maybe that too.
I'm a little confused about why my opponent was able to use Hyper Beam without a recharge in this game during turn 24-25. I'm aware this is possible if Hyper Beam causes a pokemon to faint or a substitute to break, but neither of these situations seem to apply here.

Turn 23​

The opposing The Bull used Blizzard!
(Machamp lost 27.7% of its health!)

Machamp used Low Kick!
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
The opposing The Bull's substitute faded!

Turn 24​

The opposing The Bull used Hyper Beam!
(Machamp lost 52.5% of its health!)

Machamp used Low Kick!
It's super effective!
(The opposing The Bull lost 43% of its health!)

Turn 25​

The opposing The Bull used Blizzard!
(Machamp lost 19.8% of its health!)

Machamp fainted!

Go! Rhydon!


I'm a little confused about why my opponent was able to use Hyper Beam without a recharge in this game during turn 24-25. I'm aware this is possible if Hyper Beam causes a pokemon to faint or a substitute to break, but neither of these situations seem to apply here.

Turn 23​

The opposing The Bull used Blizzard!
(Machamp lost 27.7% of its health!)

Machamp used Low Kick!
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
The opposing The Bull's substitute faded!

Turn 24​

The opposing The Bull used Hyper Beam!
(Machamp lost 52.5% of its health!)

Machamp used Low Kick!
It's super effective!
(The opposing The Bull lost 43% of its health!)

Turn 25​

The opposing The Bull used Blizzard!
(Machamp lost 19.8% of its health!)

Machamp fainted!

Go! Rhydon!
as i recall there’s some oddity with flinch moves where getting the flinch condition applied and then removed also removes recharge, so low kick probably applied a flinch after hyper beam, it cleared when a new turn began, and they could attack
Not sure if this is the right place, asking here since it is a weird mechanics thing. I was playing pokemon blue and was using confusion from my slowpoke on Sabrina's Alakazam and got a confusion on it. I thought pokemon hit by attacks of their same type were not affected by secondary effects in gen 1, like how body slam can't paralyze normal types.
Not sure if this is the right place, asking here since it is a weird mechanics thing. I was playing pokemon blue and was using confusion from my slowpoke on Sabrina's Alakazam and got a confusion on it. I thought pokemon hit by attacks of their same type were not affected by secondary effects in gen 1, like how body slam can't paralyze normal types.
only applies to permanent status conditions, not volatile ones or stat changes; Psychic can also Special drop Psychic-types