Project Monotype Teambuilding Workshop

sorry that was a long 2 weeks

anyway, the monotype teambuilding workshop is back! Let's quickly go over the rules again real quick, because many people asked us to build around unviable Pokemon which is not allowed.

- Have a one paragraph description with the core / Pokemon you want us to build around and a slight idea of what kind of team you want the end result to be
- Do not post asking us to make use of unviable Pokemon (a.k.a. not on the Monotype Viability Rankings). This is not a competition to see how good we are at teambuilding; this is us trying to educate people on what is good and how to build effective teams.
- Do not flame people for asking for a certain Pokemon or that they can't build one themselves.
- Each user is allowed one request per week and any user found requesting multiple will have their post deleted
- Please remember that these teams are first drafts and as such will not be perfect. Edit them as you please.
- On that note, you are free (and highly encouraged) to suggest and post changes / critiques you've made to already posted teams that you feel improve them.
- Please refrain from posting teams unless you are an "employee," but if you feel that you would be a valuable asset to the construction of a certain team, PM me.
- Do note that requests for teams built around mons that are below C rank (and unranked) are not allowed as they are generally less viable mons in the tier (C rank is still allowed)

That's all, happy monotyping!
Requesting scarf gard for psychic

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Timid Nature
- Psyshock / Psychic
- Moonblast
- Trick
- Vacuum Wave

Preferrably offense ty!
I think Battle Bond Greninja is super slept on in this meta since it only procs once per battle but that's enough to make it work.

Greninja-Bond (M) @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Battle Bond
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Ice Beam
- Sludge Wave
- Dark Pulse/Water Shuriken/Surf

Specs/Scarf might be better overall but that is strictly outclassed by its Protean counterpart in that regard for a choice item. I just want an interesting take on Gren's unique ability and it doesn't have to be that set but as long as it's not choiced I wanna see what else is possible for Gren-bond.
I would love to see a Offense Team (it doesn't have to be rain but rain is welcome) that can blow out defensive cores and weaken teams that Gren then can come in and clean up.

+2 252 SpA Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 248 HP / 208+ SpD Articuno: 142-168 (37 - 43.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

We can make this work. Thanks for your consideration!
Requesting a dragon team with Hydrapple.

Hydrapple BO
:Hydrapple: :Archaludon: :Dragapult: :Gouging_Fire: :Raging_Bolt: :Latios: - Click sprites for paste
:Hydrapple: The requested mon. Its greatest trait on dragon is the ability to help sit on ground, and while it isn't perfect enough to solo it w/o Latios' help (especially in checking Lando-I), it does make the matchup far less of a 50-50 hell against Excadrill. Beyond the ground matchup, Hydrapple and Bolt together make water near unplayable for the opponent. Some less obvious roles of Hydrapple is its ability to come in on pokemon vs normal/steel/dark and force helpful damage/kills. After 2 nasty plots vs Normal, giga drain starts outhealing Blissey seismic toss, and no other pokemon wants to take the fickle beams. Fickle + EP forces steel to sack mons or atleast force them to take heavy enough damage for Gouging and Bolt to win lategame. Against dark it has the ability to come in against the tinglu/sableye defensive core and fire off dangerous attacks. Spread lets it live Archaludon Draco Meteor, +2 defensive Gholdengo Make-It-Rain, LO Landorus Sludge Wave, and Great Tusk Ice Spinner.

:Archaludon: :Gouging_Fire: Main defensive core, with Archaludon handling threats like Chien-Pao, Gouging Fire, and Kingambit, while threatening/breaking Normal, Dark, and Dragon. Gouging's spread allows it to take 2 specs Greninja ice beams, 2 specs Zoroark-H shadow balls, and 2 LO Valiant Moonblasts. With the teams collective power against Steel, and lots of steels having Balloon Heatran, I felt dropping Flare-Quake coverage was ideal here, and instead having Gouging use its stabs to be more threatening into Flying, Dark, Normal (watch for ditto), and the mirror. Speed hits 409 after a DD, right above out-of-rain Barraskewda, most Zamas, Chien, and Flutter.

:Dragapult: Wisp Dragapult is great and all but only truly feels mandated on fighting weak teams; between Hydrapple, Bolt, Breaking Swipe Gouging, and Latios, I felt the fighting matchup was fine enough to turn Dragapult into a speed control option for the mirror + otherwise weak ghost matchup. Coverage over twave is fine, but I found scarf twave is good to get yourself out of bad spots against Valiants/Flutters that are too healthy to OHKO with Dragapult (and assuming Bolt is dead). Also, twaving Articuno in the flying matchup lets Raging Bolt handle it way better, being faster than its subs/hazes/roosts.

:Raging_Bolt: Mr Matchup Flip. Great into fairy, being able to CM up multiple times if you get it in on Klefki. Great into flying, helps force out/kill Scarf Enamorus and then break through the type. +1 Draco has a roll to plain OHKO Gliscor, or alternatively you can just switch to Hydrapple, and use it to dent the incoming Corviknight (with lucky Fickle Beams) for Latios' Luster Purge to be free. Many directions to take that matchup. Helps against more offensive waters/rains that Hydrapple struggles to solo, and can be devastating lategame vs Fighting as well.

:Latios: Feels very necessary right now, even with Hydrapple you want a strong ground immunity for the likes of Landorus, and Latios more immediately muscles through types like Ground/Fighting/Flying. Thunderbolt tends to be pretty free into flying, with most players not wanting to risk Gliscor dying when you have a Raging Bolt.
Hydrapple BO
:Hydrapple: :Archaludon: :Dragapult: :Gouging_Fire: :Raging_Bolt: :Latios: - Click sprites for paste
:Hydrapple: The requested mon. Its greatest trait on dragon is the ability to help sit on ground, and while it isn't perfect enough to solo it w/o Latios' help (especially in checking Lando-I), it does make the matchup far less of a 50-50 hell against Excadrill. Beyond the ground matchup, Hydrapple and Bolt together make water near unplayable for the opponent. Some less obvious roles of Hydrapple is its ability to come in on pokemon vs normal/steel/dark and force helpful damage/kills. After 2 nasty plots vs Normal, giga drain starts outhealing Blissey seismic toss, and no other pokemon wants to take the fickle beams. Fickle + EP forces steel to sack mons or atleast force them to take heavy enough damage for Gouging and Bolt to win lategame. Against dark it has the ability to come in against the tinglu/sableye defensive core and fire off dangerous attacks. Spread lets it live Archaludon Draco Meteor, +2 defensive Gholdengo Make-It-Rain, LO Landorus Sludge Wave, and Great Tusk Ice Spinner.

:Archaludon: :Gouging_Fire: Main defensive core, with Archaludon handling threats like Chien-Pao, Gouging Fire, and Kingambit, while threatening/breaking Normal, Dark, and Dragon. Gouging's spread allows it to take 2 specs Greninja ice beams, 2 specs Zoroark-H shadow balls, and 2 LO Valiant Moonblasts. With the teams collective power against Steel, and lots of steels having Balloon Heatran, I felt dropping Flare-Quake coverage was ideal here, and instead having Gouging use its stabs to be more threatening into Flying, Dark, Normal (watch for ditto), and the mirror. Speed hits 409 after a DD, right above out-of-rain Barraskewda, most Zamas, Chien, and Flutter.

:Dragapult: Wisp Dragapult is great and all but only truly feels mandated on fighting weak teams; between Hydrapple, Bolt, Breaking Swipe Gouging, and Latios, I felt the fighting matchup was fine enough to turn Dragapult into a speed control option for the mirror + otherwise weak ghost matchup. Coverage over twave is fine, but I found scarf twave is good to get yourself out of bad spots against Valiants/Flutters that are too healthy to OHKO with Dragapult (and assuming Bolt is dead). Also, twaving Articuno in the flying matchup lets Raging Bolt handle it way better, being faster than its subs/hazes/roosts.

:Raging_Bolt: Mr Matchup Flip. Great into fairy, being able to CM up multiple times if you get it in on Klefki. Great into flying, helps force out/kill Scarf Enamorus and then break through the type. +1 Draco has a roll to plain OHKO Gliscor, or alternatively you can just switch to Hydrapple, and use it to dent the incoming Corviknight (with lucky Fickle Beams) for Latios' Luster Purge to be free. Many directions to take that matchup. Helps against more offensive waters/rains that Hydrapple struggles to solo, and can be devastating lategame vs Fighting as well.

:Latios: Feels very necessary right now, even with Hydrapple you want a strong ground immunity for the likes of Landorus, and Latios more immediately muscles through types like Ground/Fighting/Flying. Thunderbolt tends to be pretty free into flying, with most players not wanting to risk Gliscor dying when you have a Raging Bolt.
Thank you, friend :)
yo! can I get a Dragon team based around CB Bax a Grass team based around Iron Leaves (SD or CB)? cheers.

:pmd/iron-leaves: :pmd/ogerpon-cornerstone: :pmd/meowscarada: :pmd/rillaboom: :pmd/sinistcha: :pmd/brambleghast:

:iron-leaves: your pokemon of choice, opted for Wild Charge instead of Close Combat because you don't really wanna keep it in vs any Dark types

:ogerpon-cornerstone: greatly helps with flying and fire, obviously we have brambleghast as a pseudo flying immunity but we need to hit back somehow

:meowscarada: speed control, strong pivot option

:rillaboom: priority, terrain setter, good pivot option to help strengthen the other teammates

:sinistcha: really good setup option, stun spore to annoy the other team

:brambleghast: the goat, immune to wind moves, spin blocker, hazard setter

heres a replay, hope you enjoy the team -

Requesting scarf gard for psychic

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Timid Nature
- Psyshock / Psychic
- Moonblast
- Trick
- Vacuum Wave

Preferrably offense ty!

hi, please make sure you read the rules and check the viability rankings before you request a pokemon. Gardevoir is D rank on the psychic VR and we don't accept requests on D rank Pokemon.
:pmd/iron-leaves: :pmd/ogerpon-cornerstone: :pmd/meowscarada: :pmd/rillaboom: :pmd/sinistcha: :pmd/brambleghast:

:iron-leaves: your pokemon of choice, opted for Wild Charge instead of Close Combat because you don't really wanna keep it in vs any Dark types

:ogerpon-cornerstone: greatly helps with flying and fire, obviously we have brambleghast as a pseudo flying immunity but we need to hit back somehow

:meowscarada: speed control, strong pivot option

:rillaboom: priority, terrain setter, good pivot option to help strengthen the other teammates

:sinistcha: really good setup option, stun spore to annoy the other team

:brambleghast: the goat, immune to wind moves, spin blocker, hazard setter

heres a replay, hope you enjoy the team -

hi, please make sure you read the rules and check the viability rankings before you request a pokemon. Gardevoir is D rank on the psychic VR and we don't accept requests on D rank Pokemon.
Alright then, requesting specs latios for psychic
Latios (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Luster Purge
- Ice Beam
- Trick
So this set has been bouncing around my head since probably the beginning of the gen:
Pawmot @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Volt Absorb
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Revival Blessing
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Metronome

Everything not bolded is changeable. The idea is to get multiple Revival Blessings through Sleep Talk (Sleep Talk can't call Metronome, giving it a 50/50 chance of calling Revival Blessing).

Pawmot is C rank on Electric, so I'm requesting an Electric team that uses this set (if it happens to work better on Fighting, that works too, though Pawmot is D rank there). The (electric) team is allowed to autolose to Ground (if it doesn't, even better), but preferably doesn't autolose to any other type. Thanks!
I feel like with all the set-up sweepers on Dark, Screens could help them set-up. I'm requesting a Dark team that builds around Grimmsnarl setting screens. Grimm is ranked C on Dark
Grimmsnarl @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Parting Shot
- Spirit Break
I'm requesting a Ghost monotype team with Ceruledge(details not given here are changeable)
Gen 9 monotype please:
Ceruledge @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
- Swords Dance
- Bitter Blade
- Close Combat
- Shadow Sneak
It'd be great if you could put Gengar in the team. Many thanks!
Arachis Here is your CB Zoroark normal team!

CB Hisuian Zoroark + Hazards Hyper Offense
:sv/zoroark-hisui: :sv/smeargle: :sv/ditto: :sv/ursaluna-bloodmoon: :sv/terapagos-terastal: :sv/maushold:

Teambuilding and thought process:
So with Specs being the main Zoroark set because of its superior coverage and special attack, a hyper offensive normal team seemed like the most appropriate way to use CB Zoroark without it being overshadowed by the former set. While HZoroark does have better special attack, the two things it does have physically is 1. Shadow Sneak, and 2. Knock Off, meaning it can pick off Pokemon like Latios and Flutter Mane and remove items like Rocky Helmet and Heavy Duty Boots on offensive teams. These two moves come into play because they tie into how offensive teams work, or at least how hazard stacking normal can win. Since you don't use Chansey or Blissey on hyper offense, the Shadow Sneak priority is important for taking advantage of certain situations compared to balance teams that would prefer Specs's breaking. With the change of items set aside, Hisuian Zoroark also provides a unique role to Normal teams as a spinblocker, meaning a Pokemon like Smeargle could easily form a good hazard stacking core to pressure opposing teams with it.

When I first made the version of the team that had the original 6 Pokemon, I wasn't looking closely at the post and I had Trick HZoroark and Tidy Up Maushold, but I changed the paste to match the set of Knock Off / Poltergeist / U-turn / Shadow Sneak that you wanted to use and Encore over Tidy up on Maushold because I rarely ever clicked the latter and the former is helpful for taking advantage of Skarmory when you don't have Trick on your Ghost Pokemon. The 6 Pokemon I chose are all pretty standard on normal; Maushold is a bit of a niche pick nowadays but I figured that it's a good fit on this team because it takes advantage of hazards really well and beats pretty much every type besides Flying under Sticky Web. Typically, you wouldn't commonly pair a Knock Off user with a Poltergiest Pokemon, but in this case I felt it was fine because if you use Knock Off on an important Pokemon, then the hazards cripple it the next time it comes in while Poltergeist is still good for damage.

Team details:
This team is centered around a lot of failsafes to prevent opposing offensive Pokemon from ripping through your team, and hazard stack in general. Smeargle has all 3 important hazards and Spore to induce sleep to give other Pokemon a wallbreaking chance. Terapagos is Meteor Beam since it can do a lot of damage to Mandibuzz which is a Defog user that Smeargle can't sleep, and is a really good special sweeper as a result. Ursaluna Bloodmoon is 3 attacks + Moonlight to give it durability against teams with Gliscor and is a soft check to Pokemon like Roaring Moon.

I hope you enjoy! Here are replays I did of the team to show how it functions: - using Illusion to your advantage - playing around Toxic + Defog Mandibuzz
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Can i get a balance water team that could deal with most of the type while including hisui-smaurott?
I have never succeed in making a water mono that include hisui-smaurott.

Any ideas/feedback for my nat dex mono team? It's on pixelmon and a lot of moves are bugged. Hisui zoroark cannot change its moves. I'd prefer to keep my porygon2 and smeargle. Anything else can change. Stone axe and ceaseless edge are bugged on pixelmon. No megas are allowed
Can we only ask for new teams to be built around a single mon?
Or can we share a partially built team and ask for changes/improvements/completion for it as well ?

Basically I want to improve a current team. Sorry if this not the right thread for that, please guide me to where I can ask for teambuilding advice.
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