ND Other Tiers Teambuilding Competition [ON HIATUS]

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:diggersby: :crobat: :tyranitar: :manectric-mega: :slither wing: :slowking:

Decent enough balance, Diggersby + Tyranitar is a deadly offensive core and all members of the team apart from those two offer them opportunities to get in and start blasting stuff apart. Crobat removes hazards to facilitate the insane breaking power of the team over and over again, while Slither Wing provides Speed control and a handy Ground resistance. Slowking slows stuff down with T-Wave to let the two breakers break, and Mega Manectric is a great late-game cleaner or early-game pick to soften up the opposing team and position with Volt Switch.
sorry i was figuring out what mon to do next.
Congrats to Gangsta Spongebob for winning NDRU .
this cycle will be AAA.

Cycle 16: Tapu Koko
Tapu Koko is a threatening pokemon in the AAA metagame, being able to fire off strong Pixilate Facade/Returns and great damage output with Magic Guard Life Orb. There are probably more sets but just build so I don't have to beg plsplsplsplsplpls.

I nearly forgot... Well just in time I suppose. Starting with Pixilate Koko (because Nat chose it), Koko hates Ferrothorn in all formes so Slither Wing happened as a decent choice to abuse Ferrothorn's switches and also serve as potent speed control which is important in this type of meta infested with so many offensive options. Port Blissey/RegenScarf Mew were too generic mons I took to keep up the pace of the team with Blissey able to set rocks and blanket much of the meta while Mew checks many important things in one slot with Trick, Wisp and its Fighting resist while being able to maintain momentum well and even support Blissey in checking the strong Psychics like Zam. Tapu Koko uses HP Ice here as Gliscor is a nuisance to continue spamming Volt Switch and is a nuisance for Slither Wing, stacking well. Cinderace uses Desolate Land here to act as an emergency check for strong PrimSea mon and can continue to pivotspam + Court Change hazard control. Mandibuzz here was because I'm lazy and an easy last slot to pair up with Mew for stuff like Dhelmise, Zarude and strong Fires with WBB.
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ok congrats to LordBox for winning because it was the only sub!


Cycle 17: Ponyta

yeah idk anything about lc just build so zastra doesnt have to beg in ndlc server​
:magmar: :clefairy: :ferroseed: :gabite: :wartortle: :vigoroth:
Yeah so this is what happens when you make the NDOU main build NFE, you end up with cm clefairy…
Anyway magmar cooks steels / grasses so wartortle just does the funny thing with shell smash. Taunt (it was a stolen set) allows you to deny stuff like dunsparce clefairy etc. from doing annoying stuff like paralyzing you so that’s nice. Knock is also probably good with spikes ferro + rocks gabite. Cm clef is mainly there because I just found out dipplin can run growth and uh dipplin is probably broken anyways so here we are. It’s a funny wincon able to setup on stuff like the fightings (if they don’t lure you) and probably gabite. Inherent immunity is also nice for a wincon because you almost always want eviolite to actually take hits which is a very good trait in my eyes. Psychic is so you hit golbat and rosella for actually decent damage. Ferroseed sets the broken spikes and is a check to stuff like Rhydon, wartortle, and fraxure (because you can exploit spower). Seed bomb also allows you to threaten waters more, and there’s no need for knock since mar is already carrying it. Gabite is the resident ground and also is probably one of the better checks to stuff like electabuzz and pikachu. Rocks are also invaluable. Wartortle has the synergy with magmar like before but it also clears away hazards with spin. Vigoroth is mainly so the team doesn’t auto lose to misdreavous but it also is a decent wincon into corsola and koffing teams due to taunt. It also has nice synergy with clef.
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