CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 6 (Base Stat Total)

How much Base Stat Total should our new Pokemon have?

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there is no 545-580 option because there are no existing pokemon with a BST in that range.

500-525: I want to place a cap on this pokemon's Spec attacking ability. 130 SAtk with dual 120 BP STAB and peerless coverage with HP is far too powerful. 120 might even be too much.


Yeah, Salamence and Dragonite, as well as Moltres, Ho-oh, and Charizard. Those are literally the only fucking things that could fully resist this set, and all things considered, they'd still get ripped to shreds by how fucking brute this guy is. I can guarantee nobody here going to be able to shrug off those Fire Blasts.

Oh, and the Latis as well.
Stealth Rock tears all of those allowed counters a new one too. And this is with three moveslots, so there's still HP Ice.
moltres could, then again that takes 50% damage they could always pack a rapid spinner, but then again we could just block that with revenanhk.

HP Ice is a good idea but without hp ground tentacruel beats this and heatran walls it completly. Salamence/Dragonite is going to hate a WOW on the switch. Fire Blast/WOW/Grass Move/HP Ground is very dangerous.

Restalk Lax can probably take hits as well and doesn't mind WOW, though its gonna hate leech seed.

120 special attack is overkill with such good coverage.
Stealth Rock tears all of those allowed counters a new one too. And this is with three moveslots, so there's still HP Ice.

Even then I'd probably still go with HP Ground, just because out of those seven Pokemon I listed, you'll only ever face 4 (removing the only ones with decent Sp. Def.), and most of them, again, will just get shredded by those Fire Blasts regardless.
moltres could, then again that takes 50% damage they could always pack a rapid spinner, but then again we could just block that with revenanhk.

HP Ice is a good idea but without hp ground tentacruel beats this and heatran walls it completly. Salamence/Dragonite is going to hate a WOW on the switch. Fire Blast/WOW/Grass Move/HP Ground is very dangerous.

Isn't Sunny Day pretty much requisite for any sweeper set on this guy? It's not like this guy is hurting for defense, and after that Chlorophyll, nothing will be able to even get close to outspeeding him who isn't named Ninjask.
Choice specs is still a very good option though.

Sunny day
Fire Blast
Grass Knot
HP Ground/HP Ice/Taunt/WOW/Leech Seed

has heatran,tentacruel,bulkymence,dragonite,moltres,blissey and snorlax as counter's dependant on the last move. This is presuming clorophyll.
I just can't see much Choice Specs in this guy. Sure he has great SpA, but as it stands, his Speed just won't be up to muster until after that Chlorophyll, after which it'll be astronomical.

Also, guys, if you need any indicator as to how brutally powerful this guy would be at 120 Special Attack, a Max+ @ Life Orb can do (just barely) over 50% a Min. SpD/Max HP Blissey with Fire Blast on max rolls, according to X-Act's damage calculator. That's fucking devastating.
Factor in Fire Blast missing,Life orb+Stealth rock damage, boosting heatran as well as only 5 turns of sun.I still agree 120 is too much though.
Snorlax can take that fire blast probably better then Blissey, don't know how much it takes from grass knot though.
Going the conservative route and voting for 500-525. This isn't going to be anything like a special Garchomp, but I still think it should be limited to something reasonable, and it'll still have plenty of viability with 525.

As for speed, I'm voting Fast, though the main thing I want speed-wise is to avoid something as sluggish as Revenankh, since this doesn't have nearly the defenses or resistances.
Voting for 600 because a non uber 600 Pokemon takes prediction to beat, and that makes the game fun. Fast just because I want this thing to outspeed Infernape.
I was assuming we already had a Ground move here, like Earth Power, considering the question was what resists Grass / Fire / Ground. TBH HP Rock is probably better overall as it hits 4x SE on Moltres and Charizard while still maintaining 2x SE on Salamence. Altaria can probably wall you now though!
Factor in Fire Blast missing,Life orb+Stealth rock damage, boosting heatran as well as only 5 turns of sun.I still agree 120 is too much though.
Snorlax can take that fire blast probably better then Blissey, don't know how much it takes from grass knot though.

The point isn't that this guy could 2HKO Blissey under miracle circumstances, it's that he can do enough damage in the first place to make that a possibility.
The point isn't that this guy could 2HKO Blissey under miracle circumstances, it's that he can do enough damage in the first place to make that a possibility.

So can Heatran and Moltres. Really, being able to 2HKO Bliss under specific circumstances isn't any indication of being overpowered.
Vote 526-545: Bold Voting MEDIUM

I know that I don't actually have the privilidge to submit a base stat, but since everyone else is shooting spread drafts, I wanted at least my reasoning to be considered. If you dont want this I will edit it out.

HP: 60
I chose this number because it is low enough to gain extra power from subseeding, but still take hits.
Atk: 75
The pokemon we are making is special, but I think he has a lot of potential as a physical attacker, so I gave him a decent attack stat. Stab Flare Blitz and Wood Hammer is nothing to sneeze at, but it hardly approaches overpowered off of 75 Attack, which is especially good considering he has only 65 base HP for a bulkier pokemon
Def: 115
Below Dusknoir, above Heatran seems just right for this bugger
SpA: 115
I really don't want this guy to have 120 or up Special Attack. With good STAB and the potential to have more options than Swampert and Gengar combined, I can't see this guy having an outrageous attacking stat to boot. I feel he can be a good choice user or set up sweeper off of 115 SpA. Less than Arceus, more than Jirachi is plenty.
SpD: 110
I don't like when pokemon have identical def and Spd. It just feels lazy. Anyways, the stat is right between Gardevoir and Blissey.Seems fine to me.
Spe: 70
70 speed is good enough for my spread, he has the bulk to need it less, but with chlorophyll (possibly), he will also be very fast, but not unbeatably fast.
526-545 BST and Medium-lowspeed. With speed not being that important, you can pump up more his defenses and give him an useable attack stat. I prefer to have a bit more BST in order to make it happen.
can we seperate 526 and 545, some people are clear wanting to make sets of around 530-534. These will never stand a chance against ones that allow 545. Both are more then competitive enough.

can we seperate 526 and 545, some people are clear wanting to make sets of around 530-534. These will never stand a chance against ones that allow 545. Both are more then competitive enough.

I totaly agree, there is a big difference between 545 and 526.
To everyone, I did the poll like that because there were talk about slimming the choices down to two choices: 500-525 and 526-545. I was going to submit those two only but decided to add 580, 600, and 670-680 in as well to it fair to people who actually like those BST limits. I understand that 526-545 is a huge leap but maybe when the poll is done and 526 -545 wins, I might separate them into smaller blocks.
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