Look At What I Chained

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I already have all the basics down. Like I said, I'm a decent chainer. I have at least 20 different species of chained shinies, and I've been chaining for a while, so I know my stuff...or at least I think I do. ^^ It's just that the Trophy Garden Pokemon are unnecessarily hard to chain. I mean, I chained Caterpie easier than them, and Caterpie only has a 4% appearance rate. =/
Well time to add to this discussion with my experiences:

I used to be obsessed by chaining and became reasonably good at it.
My chains included a 74 Electrike chain (netting 3 shinies, blue is awesome! :D) 62 Shinx (5 shinies) and a lucky 6 voltorb chain.

I'm going to get back into it. I want a shiny Gliscor.
Why does It take you guys so much to get like 3 shinys? About a week ago I got 8 shinys in a 47 Magnemite chain 1 beig Modest with 26 Sp. attack IV's pretty lucky I think.
They probably don't reset for shinies. I don't know why you wouldn't, but some people keep their chains going.

Dunk - I know very little about the Trophy Garden, other than it's a bitch, haha. What I do know is that you're supposed to imagine it as a fish facing NorthWest. Then you reset your radar from the center-most patch. It generates very few safe patches, so it's really time consuming, but the pokes there are sick, so it should be well worth the patience if you can get to 40. When I get around to updating my guide, I'll probably include a few blurbs about places like the Trophy Garden, Sandstorm, Snow, etc. Reading it can never hurt though!

Sunday - Thanks, I thought that was one of my better observations about chaining. I might update that part as well to be a little more specific.
Oh it took ages as it was one of my first chains, so I was pretty impatient so I increased it for the hell of it.

Also, with the Electrike, I stepped into shaking patches by accident and luckily continued my chains a few times (thanks Raichu!)
Question about my problems

I've had problems chaining since day one.

Now I don't have as many, but many still exist.

I have been able to get 1 shiny voltorb and 1 shiny ponyta (yay!!!! :] )since... wednesday last week.
Since friday I have been trying to chain these darned ralts and dittos (chain one, then the other), and I can't seem to get ditto past the teens, and I barely got one set of ralts up to 37. I know that many people do so much better than this, so does anyone have any personal hot tips they can give me?

I just read the FAQ, and I think my main problem is the patch formation. I never knew the differences between formations, and never knew that touching patches are B-A-D bad.

But I did know about the 4-away, the edge rule, and the 8 bad patches of the grid (even though I never abided by it, It never broke my chain).

I don't have too much when it comes to spare money for repels, I can often have enough to replenish my stock to 30 or 35.

I also need to take out that level 50 spiritomb from the daycare, its been in there since level one ^.^
Forgive my ignorance, but what does cmt mean?

As for which patch on the route to use, I just pick the biggest one. More space to move plus more safe 4 aways.

CMT means 'Check my thread'. :]

Ugh, I have a bad habit of running while resetting the radar, thus I break my chains often for no reason. x-x
I caught around 12 shiny Lotad the other day and managed to catch a really good one.


Modest #272 Lotad: 29 / 31 / 25 / 18 / 26 / 25

Shame about the Sp. Atk but not bad overall.
Yai! after a looong day i finally caught a shiny beldum

Gentle :20-21/23/1-4/27-28/7-8/22-23 with a chain of 23

now i'll switch to a sinchronizer and hope for others...
I caught around 12 shiny Lotad the other day and managed to catch a really good one.


Modest #272 Lotad: 29 / 31 / 25 / 18 / 26 / 25

Shame about the Sp. Atk but not bad overall.

That's a pretty darn nice catch.
And hawt avatar :D
Did DawnBringer just compliment someone new to Smogon?

Grats on the Beldum and Lotad respectively, guys. I've failed many a time on both of those.
is that swift swim or dish btw?

Swift swim, thanks for the comments guys, I've just finished evolving it into a Ludicolo. I'm going to give Beldum a go next when I've got some time on my hands but my previous attempts have been fruitless though. Damn sandstorm.
i was chaining some larvitar to get a good parent for a TBoah and i got this...

Larvitar - Quiet 30/27/31/31/30/4 HP is BUG 64 ...

too bad i need perfect hp for the sub... or not?
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