Look At What I Chained

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You could always use an AR that ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT change the pokemon at all. It clones and it remains legit
Am currently chaining Gligar. I'm being really conservative. It's at 15 ATM.
I have my impish natu (synchronizer) too hopefully get a good nature.

Shiny Gliscor FTW lol! :D
Ah, I see. Thanks!

Although I do like a lot of things in the thread... I sorta want to keep these guys. :( Maybe if there were a cloning thing like in emerald then everyone could have one.

Disregard this, I can part with one I guess. <3

But anyway, getting back on topic:

Gardevoir (Calm) 18 / 26 / 26 / 19 / 29 / 30

Best one I could find out of the 30+ Ralts I caught. Is this good?
not bad but note that the difference between 31iv hp and your 18 are 13 points which could help a lot imo, btw what ability does he/she have?
I was chaining for a Brave Ditto, they aren't THAT good, but they're usable.


Quiet Ditto
IVs: 28/22/18/31/31/16

Brave Ditto
IVs: 31/18/16/3/30/31

Adamant Shiny Ditto
IVs: 9/3/8/8/12/17 (xD, I was chaining for Brave DITTOes and then at chain number 44 came this one up. Its stats are soooooo bad :p)​
Wow ms magius thats pretty great. I can can clone your pokemon for you if you want so you can trade them -_-
Wow ms magius thats pretty great. I can can clone your pokemon for you if you want so you can trade them -_-

How do people on here clone Pokemons? Is there a D/P cloning glitch like there was in emerald?

On topic:

Ralts (jolly): 9 / 26 / 24 / 24 / 25 / 25

The best Gallade worthy Ralts of the pack. Is the HP gonna be a problem with this guy? Cause if not... wow. :o
so I've been sitting on a chain of 41 all morning (put my DS into sleepmode when I got to it last night) and so far I've used about 30 super repels along with 15 max repels...and not a single shiny =(
am I doing anything wrong?

oh, by the way, I just registered on Smogon a couple of days ago, with the prime reason being that I found this group of chainers. So hi everyone! *waves hi to everyone*

EDIT: One FINALLY popped up!
*waves hi to Corbin*

Glad to have you, comrade. Yea, if you go a while without a shiny (like even 50 super repels) it's just shitty luck. Sometimes really shitty luck. That's why I recommend bringing tons and tons of repels, you never know when you're going to get shafted.
I figured it was something of that sort.
well, I ended with 3 (got bored and decided to stop using all of my repels, since it was only a surskit), haven't got anything exact on the IVs yet...don't think I'll bother either...they all had horrible ranges for them.

oh! something I heard a while ago from somewhere I don't remember. I heard that for chaining in sandstorm, rain, or snow if you turn your screen on the brightest option, go to a really dark room, and tilt your screen slightly it can make it a little easier.
that sounds painfully complicated but it may be worth it for a shiny mamoswine if it works...

I've had no luck lately, I've had quite a few chains broken somewhere in the thirties and it's really getting to me. :/
I've never actually tested it myself..I just heard it from somewhere. I think the idea its to kind of invert the colors a little so maybe any motions have more of an effect to your eyes...but like I said..I really don't know if it works or not, or how much you should tilt the screen if it does work.
Yeah I've heard about that tilt trick too. Its supposed to work, and give you an edge in weather places.

Anyway, my Gligar chain got to 22 and broke because I forgot about the clusters rule! Nice advice Diesel, I can confirm the optimal patch formations are definitely right.

It seems to me that unless I'm extremely conservative with Gligar, it keeps breaking. So from 1 I play as if I'm at 30. Because of this, it took 75 max repels for me to get my chain to 10. Lucky I have over 300 Max repels left lol. :D

So Diesel, is it okay to take risks for the first 10 or so, is that what you do, or do you play it really safe?
I'm extremely conservative too but somehow my chains keep breaking in the 20's; Aron: 29, Magnemite:24:( Swarm today's spoink will try after Ponyta, chain at 2:)
Swellow-Soul - It really depends. I'd say the variables are catch rate, difficulty of area, experience, and how you're feeling (lol). The higher the catch rate, the less conservative you need to be. The harder the area (Sandstorm, Trophy Garden, etc.) the less conservative you want to be early in the chain because your chains are likely to be broken more frequently, so being conservative the whole time could result in a long time spent on relatively short chains. The more experienced you are the more conservative you should be because you have the ability to be conservative successfully, whereas rookies might not know exactly how to be conservative well. If you're feeling impatient, I'd be less conservative at the beginning, just because =/ .

I personally just say fuck it for the first 10 or so. Typically most "decent" squares won't fail you, and if they do, so be it. But after 10 or 15, if you're careless, it really costs you time. There's no real reason to not be somewhat conservative after that time. One example is Beldum, I was completely loose for the first 20 or so, because they have an incredibly high catch rate, and a very difficult area. After that, though, i was as conservative as possible pretty much. I actually started reseting for shinies at 38, because I was terrified of breaking the chain. I actually entered my "perfect patch" at 39 though, because I was getting a little impatient.

Maybe i overdid this explanation a little, but those are the factors I base it on.

Corbin is exactly right btw. To that list I'd add that in the Sandstorm you want to do it in the morning (in terms of game time). In the snow I don't recall there being too big of a difference, and I've had success in both night and day IIRC. In the rain I can almost guarantee the morning is better, although I've never tried.
i'd like some more research as to when the best time of day is for the rain storm.

no chaining lately, just got mario kart wii and have still been smashing it up, as well as participating in that wifi tourney. i did some EVing and levelling and trading the other day though, so i'm still somewhat active in-game.
Haven't you done Grimer, KB? It seems like you would be the one to ask, my friend. Also what more would you want there? *doesn't check KB's to-chain list*
drowzee :)

but yea i had the worst time at night with the rain, and the best midday, but i can't remember exactly what the difference is between my in-game clock and real clock. i know they're close but i'm not sure exactly how close, and exactly what time i had the most luck with. i think it was morning because it felt like such a short amount of time before it got difficult again; so difficult that the point when i was resetting the radar only for shinies was back to pouring rain and tough to see. i was fortunate to make it long enough to get the two i got (i think i only managed 8, which is a small number for me).
Geez, are you kidding me? 8 is a small number for you, it would be a big number for me because I haven't managed to capture any shinies lately:( I've been SR'ing for the best Azelf on smogon.
SR'ing for the best Azelf on Smogon is an endless task. Good luck though.

Nice call on Drowzee KB, I shoulda figured that out.
yea i'm looking forward to it when i eventually get the time/will to do it lol

too bad no egg moves though.

and i usually go for around 20 shinies before i "break it". sometimes i just end up walking away from the patch because i'm sick of sitting there and i don't know the IVs for all the ones in the boxes lol
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