Serious Uber Help (uber team!)


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This is my uber team, that I am having trouble perfecting. Basically I wanted Palkia to pack a punch with Kyogre's rain, while still have most of the uber threats covered.


@ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 240 HP/244 Def/24 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Surf
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Calm Mind

Get the rain up right off the bat. Not the best lead in the world, because people would know in a few turns that it's neither specced or scarfed, and the element of surprise fades quickly. It's good for Darkrai leads though. The only other apt opener would be Bronzong, but it gets walled easily, and it's really hard to use Bronzong without knowing the opposing team better. I used to have CSpecs for raw power, but right now the defense against Groudon and Pursuiters are welcome (as well as sleep absorbing)!

@ Choice Scarf
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 16 HP/148 Atk/220 Spd/120 SDef
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Blast
- Brick Break
- Outrage

My dragon revenge killer, which isn't the best because even Rayquaza, the slower of the dragons, has a chance of outrunning this after a DD (with Jolly and max Spd). I had Weavile over this, but I wanted something that could deal with Palkia and not get walled by Skarmory / Forretress (although, Ray gets walled by Lugia, but Kyogre / Palkia can take advantage of that) HP and SDef EVs are there to supposedly beat my type of Kyogre one on one (Outrage 3HKOs, while a Modest +1 Surf does 35% on average). Brick Break is there, because I need to rely on Latias for Wish and Special Defense, and Ttar is an annoying pest that needs to gtfo asap.

@ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/44 Atk/212 SDef
Sassy nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Hypnosis
- Reflect
- Gyro Ball
- Grass Knot

Gah, pretty sure it was Arin who used this Bronzong and won last week's Uber Tour. Well, not this exact Bronzong, but it is his that inspired me. I had Light Screen, Reflect, Roost, and Whirlwind Lugia before this, but it was too much of a set up bait for my liking. This thing provides extra dragon support that I really need, since I have lost considerable dragon coverage after losing Weavile and Blissey for Rayquaza and Latias.

Grass Knot does 25% to even the bulkiest Kyogre, so it's a great move against Groudon, aptly taking over Lugia's role as a Groudon counter. Reflect is there primarily because this team lacks good Defense of Groudon, Giratina, and Lugia (although Kyogre's pretty good), and because Latias is Pursuit bait. Light Clay hopefully to make Reflect more useful to this fragile team, and hoping that Latias fulfills its role as the replenisher of HP. Hypnosis is to put something that it can't dent (such as Dialga or Lugia) to sleep.

(F) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 224 HP/176 Spd/108 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dragon Pulse
- Wish
- Calm Mind
- Protect

Replaced former Blissey for Latias, because my team was weak to CSpecs Kyogre's Water Spout. Lol, I've initially added Rayquaza in hopes of it having the ability to absorb such Water Spouts for >50% (thanks to Air Lock) and roost it off, but damn, Rayquaza has sucky SDef for that and it can't learn Roost x_x. Latias has the worst typing to be a special tank, though - Dragon / Psychic is a typing that is preyed upon in ubers =[ However, this lady is the only monster that can stop Water Spouts without using Shedinja, Ludicolo, Quagsire, or other random Water Absorbers, so this will have to do. It also is the best counter for Palkia (although supposedly Ray was added in to stop Water Spout CSpecs Kyogre and Palkia (switching into Aqua Tail aimed for Blissey, haha)).

The second reason I added her was for her Wish support. Protect is actually pretty useful other than self-healing, because it lets me scout Ttar's / Meta / Scizor's moves.

@ Choice Band
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 208 HP/140 Atk/160 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Meteor Mash
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Punch

Bronzong and Meta are here to boost this team's special defense, since Latias can hardly cover it all as Blissey used to do it. Metagross mainly counters Mewtwo, Dialga, and Latias out of the other special attackers (Bronzong can't handle these).

Ice Punch is needed clearly because I have no reliable way to stop a max Spd Jolly DD/Salac Rayquaza after Bronzong goes down. It's also useful for saving MMash's PP while hitting equally hard when IPunch hits Lugia, Groudon, Dialga, and Giratina on the switch; not to mention it won't give me a heart attack that a MMash would give me when I'm trying to dispatch Lati@s. Originally Meta had Hammer Arm over Ice Punch to make it harder for Magnezone and Skarmory (if they're used in ubers) to take advantage of Metagross, to hit many things for neutral or resist (rather than being simply immune like Ray on Meta's EQ) and to efficiently OHKO Blissey (so I wouldn't have to be bothered getting hit by Thunder / TWave / Stoss before she bites the dust)

SR for Focus Sashers, Shedinja, and for its brokenness / sweetness. I only put it up when the opponent is obviously switching. Specific EV spread taken from the Uber guide's sample team, and it works =]

@ Lustrous Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Spd/252 SAtk/4 SDef
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Surf
- Spacial Rend
- Aqua Tail
- Thunder

The Uber Guide said Palkia is uncounterable, so I took it for a spin. Having a mixed Sweeper really does help to break Blisseys and Lugias, so I really appreciate it. It's rather useless without Rain, however (which is why Kyogre is here so Palkia can spam Surfs rather than resorting to stupid Fire Blast).

Lol I beat Item Clause =].

Main Concerns:
Mew: As I was typing this up, I realized that Taunt Mew could beat me (can't sleep it with Bronzong). My former Lugia also lost to this, but I had Weavile rather than Rayquaza to hit it hard with, and Blissey and Lugia to usually deal with any special or physical sweepers coming my way. I may have to lose Ice Punch on Metagross for Explosion, to at least bring down whatever is coming in. Or lose Bronzong's Reflect for SR to open a slot in Meta's moveset for Explosion (but Latias really wants Reflect..)

Darkrai: Always had problems with this guy after taking off Sleep Talk on Metagross. I put Kyogre to sleep, but bringing in other pokemon was always hard for me. I shouldn't be having this problem with the addition of Bronzong, though, since it is 4HKOed by Dark Pulse without Life Orb. Metagross, in the other hand, loses 38% on average (without LO), so it is a potential 2HKO after residual damage. Rayquaza's inability to OHKO Darkrai with any of its moves really hurts, too (ironic how I added Rayquaza in hopes of being able to revenge kill this problematic pokemon only for it to not to). Actually putting Draco Meteor over Outrage would solve this problem, but now it has no chance of defeating those CM RestTalking Kyogres (is Thunder-less Latias enough for this Kyogre?) Hmm, with extra 84 SAtk EVs, Latias can aim for an average 3HKO on 401 HP / min SDef Kyogre, but its tanking abilities suffer.

Scizor / Tyranitar / Metagross: Seeing how I rely Latias to sponge powerful hits from Kyogre and Palkia, any of these pokemon can ruin my team via taking down Latias with Pursuit. Bronzong's Reflect and Latias' Protect are my only protections, but even then, Latias without Thunder / Grass Knot is an easy switch-in for the Pursuiters.

Thanks in Advance!

EDIT: Just realized that even Latias takes 54% from Kyogre's Water Spout (wtf!); I think it was husk, but somebody suggested a bulky palkia, but does anyone know a bulky palkia set? (is it the same just with speed EVs replaced into HP / SDef?)
Just something I'd like to say about Specs Kyogre.

You should focus on having everyone capable of hitting it for at least decent damage so it can't simply spam Water Spouts instead of wanting to 'counter' it. Nothing can switch on full powered Specs Kyogre more then once. Stealth Rock helps too.

I'm not an uber expert so I'd rather let other ppl give you more usefull suggestions. However, try to avoid giving free switches to Kyogre the most you can and you should be fine against it.
hes right. specs kyogre is the most ridiculous thing in the game. the problem with using a bulky palkia is that it has horrible typing to be bulky. a weakness to dragon is not good and even with a lot of defense and HP a palkia wont stay in for too long
I'd replace Latias' Calm Mind with Thunder to help with your Specs Kyogre problem. Calm Mind + Wish is not a practical choice anyways.

On Rayquaza, I'd replace Dragon Claw with Draco Meteor, which is significantly more powerful. Draco Meteor makes you a much larger threat to physical tanks such as Groudon, and Dragon Claw is not going to be doing a large amount of damage to the likes of Mewtwo and Darkrai. Dragon Claw is only for Latias, who isn't a huge threat to this team (Bronzong and Metagross are decent enough counters).
Bulk Up Dialga really screws with this team, as well as SpecsOgre like previously stated, but you shouldn't worry about the ladder as there is nothing you can do about it. Not only does Dialga wall most of your team, it can set up Bulk Up and absorb Bronzong's Hypnosis. Dragon Claw will rip through this team, and after a bulk up CB EQ from Metagross won't suffice. Magnezone can beat it up pretty badly, or Groudon. It is tough to rate teams with Palkia on them because that eliminates a spot for Groudon, since Palkia isn't good in the sun. You could even use something with Roar, like Steelix. He can switch into Rayquaza's Outrage, and set up Stealth Rock or Phaze.

Thunder or Grass Knot on Latias, tho the former is preferred because you hit Metagross and Scizor for neutral, but Grass Knot might be nice for Groudon.
Roar on Kyogre could help with the massive Bulk Up Dialga weakness. Rest/Sleep Talk/Roar/Surf is actually a pretty viable set, though you lose a lot of firepower by dropping Calm Mind.
Yea, a bulky Palkia doesn't appeal to me, either, but that's because I've never really seen or thought of using one. Sure, it may not have the best typing out there, but look at Latias''s horrible. Palkia's sole weakness to Dragon, neutrality to Thunder+Ice Beam, PLUS being 4x resistant to water spout is a pretty good deal, especially combined with Palkia's 120 SDef.

Umbarsc, wouldn't the lack of CM make it more vulnerable to special moves, though? I mean, without CMs, even unboosted Ice Beams can become a pest to deal with.. but the more important issue is this - can it stop a CMKyogre? Well, with no Rest, CMKyogre seems to be countered by Thunder, but if it is going RestTalk, it can easily outpace Latias' damage after 2 CMs and heal off Lati's efforts..

I've actually made a dramatic change to Rayquaza. I decided to give Latias the necessary amount of SAtk to 3HKO bulky Kyogre with Dragon Pulse, so Rayquaza is not burdened with any specific defensive role and can focus more on revenge kill. I have given it max Speed, 8 SAtk EVs, 44 Def EVs, and rest in Atk; Naive Nature. I decided to take out Outrage for Draco Meteor, since I'm not a fan of being stuck at Outrage (especially with 0 boosts...), and Dragon Claw does fine in dispatching Latias (with SR damage / residual damage)

It currently looks like this:
Rayquaza @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 204 Atk/44 Def/252 Spd/8 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Blast
- Brick Break
- Draco Meteor


Latias (F) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 128 HP/176 Spd/204 SAtk (much less HP...)
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dragon Pulse
- Wish
- Calm Mind
- Protect

However, Scarfchomp sweeps with Outrage, and it has similar Atk, so I guess it's not a bad idea. However, I would want to invest on more SAtk EVs, because I do not want to rely on Outrage to revenge kill Latias (Bronzong and Meta takes shit load from Lati's Thunder, they are barely counters imo)

EDIT: yea, Bulk Up Dialga is pretty annoying, and since I don't have Lugia anymore, it's not as easy to deal with. However, Bronzong can put it to sleep, so it halts Dialga's chance of recovery, as well as forcing the Steel Dragon to rely on luck while it's asleep. My best bet then is to probably switch to Kyogre, which after 2 CM would do a hefty 42%, so Dialga can't rest off damages even if it wakes up. If Kyogre dies in this arm's race, Palkia and Rayquaza can revenge kill it with its special dragon move for another 42%, so Dialga should only get a net kill of 1 pkmn if I don't get screwed by Dialga's Sleep Talk. Ironically, Dialga does 42% to CMKyogre after 2 Bulk Ups, so I need to be wary of its progress in set up. However, if Dialga doesn't have Speed EVs invested in it, Kyogre would have an edge.
This is my uber team, that I am having trouble perfecting. Basically I wanted Palkia to pack a punch with Kyogre's rain, while still have most of the uber threats covered.


@ Leftovers

Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 240 HP/244 Def/24 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Surf
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Calm Mind

Get the rain up right off the bat. Not the best lead in the world, because people would know in a few turns that it's neither specced or scarfed, and the element of surprise fades quickly. It's good for Darkrai leads though. The only other apt opener would be Bronzong, but it gets walled easily, and it's really hard to use Bronzong without knowing the opposing team better. I used to have CSpecs for raw power, but right now the defense against Groudon and Pursuiters are welcome (as well as sleep absorbing)!
This set is quite common, but Lead Darkrais/Special Dialgas/Latias can be trouble for this. To help, I would wfirst off Move the defence EVs into Sp.def to easier handle common leads. Go for Timid nature too. While I normally run a pure CM set, Removing rest in place of Roar or thunder/Ice beam is a viable option indeed. Sleep Talk should be kept to come inon Darkrai's dark void. (It usually does not have thunder)

@ Choice Scarf

Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 16 HP/148 Atk/220 Spd/120 SDef
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Blast
- Brick Break
- Outrage

My dragon revenge killer, which isn't the best because even Rayquaza, the slower of the dragons, has a chance of outrunning this after a DD (with Jolly and max Spd). I had Weavile over this, but I wanted something that could deal with Palkia and not get walled by Skarmory / Forretress (although, Ray gets walled by Lugia, but Kyogre / Palkia can take advantage of that) HP and SDef EVs are there to supposedly beat my type of Kyogre one on one (Outrage 3HKOs, while a Modest +1 Surf does 35% on average). Brick Break is there, because I need to rely on Latias for Wish and Special Defense, and Ttar is an annoying pest that needs to gtfo asap. If it's a revenge killer you're looking for, Deoxys-A actually holds this role quite well. One that is particularly surprising and devistating is the countercoat set in which both Counter and /mirror coat are utilized. Combined with focus sash, you are almost certain to get a KO as long as you don't mispredict (which is not really hard in ubers) The remaining 2 moves are usually Ice Beam and Thunder, but this can be changed at your discretion.

@ Light Clay

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/44 Atk/212 SDef
Sassy nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Hypnosis
- Reflect
- Gyro Ball
- Grass Knot

Gah, pretty sure it was Arin who used this Bronzong and won last week's Uber Tour. Well, not this exact Bronzong, but it is his that inspired me. I had Light Screen, Reflect, Roost, and Whirlwind Lugia before this, but it was too much of a set up bait for my liking. This thing provides extra dragon support that I really need, since I have lost considerable dragon coverage after losing Weavile and Blissey for Rayquaza and Latias.

Grass Knot does 25% to even the bulkiest Kyogre, so it's a great move against Groudon, aptly taking over Lugia's role as a Groudon counter. Reflect is there primarily because this team lacks good Defense of Groudon, Giratina, and Lugia (although Kyogre's pretty good), and because Latias is Pursuit bait. Light Clay hopefully to make Reflect more useful to this fragile team, and hoping that Latias fulfills its role as the replenisher of HP. Hypnosis is to put something that it can't dent (such as Dialga or Lugia) to sleep.
If groudon is causing you trouble, then Palkia can deal with it efficiently, regardless of Dragon Claw, it's a 2HKO with Spacial Rend, let alone surf. This set does look like it has some use to it, so keep it. Alternately, CM Mewtwo would work well in this team and can provided much needed sweeping power.

(F) @ Soul Dew

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 224 HP/176 Spd/108 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dragon Pulse
- Wish
- Calm Mind
- Protect

Replaced former Blissey for Latias, because my team was weak to CSpecs Kyogre's Water Spout. Lol, I've initially added Rayquaza in hopes of it having the ability to absorb such Water Spouts for >50% (thanks to Air Lock) and roost it off, but damn, Rayquaza has sucky SDef for that and it can't learn Roost x_x. Latias has the worst typing to be a special tank, though - Dragon / Psychic is a typing that is preyed upon in ubers =[ However, this lady is the only monster that can stop Water Spouts without using Shedinja, Ludicolo, Quagsire, or other random Water Absorbers, so this will have to do. It also is the best counter for Palkia (although supposedly Ray was added in to stop Water Spout CSpecs Kyogre and Palkia (switching into Aqua Tail aimed for Blissey, haha)).

The second reason I added her was for her Wish support. Protect is actually pretty useful other than self-healing, because it lets me scout Ttar's / Meta / Scizor's moves.
Each of my ubers team has Latias in it, and one is a wish supporter like this. This works well, so keep it.

@ Choice Band

Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 208 HP/140 Atk/160 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Meteor Mash
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Punch

Bronzong and Meta are here to boost this team's special defense, since Latias can hardly cover it all as Blissey used to do it. Metagross mainly counters Mewtwo, Dialga, and Latias out of the other special attackers (Bronzong can't handle these).

Ice Punch is needed clearly because I have no reliable way to stop a max Spd Jolly DD/Salac Rayquaza after Bronzong goes down. It's also useful for saving MMash's PP while hitting equally hard when IPunch hits Lugia, Groudon, Dialga, and Giratina on the switch; not to mention it won't give me a heart attack that a MMash would give me when I'm trying to dispatch Lati@s. Originally Meta had Hammer Arm over Ice Punch to make it harder for Magnezone and Skarmory (if they're used in ubers) to take advantage of Metagross, to hit many things for neutral or resist (rather than being simply immune like Ray on Meta's EQ) and to efficiently OHKO Blissey (so I wouldn't have to be bothered getting hit by Thunder / TWave / Stoss before she bites the dust)

SR for Focus Sashers, Shedinja, and for its brokenness / sweetness. I only put it up when the opponent is obviously switching. Specific EV spread taken from the Uber guide's sample team, and it works =]
Tried and True, but since SR is not a large concern in ubers, Explosion could also be used.

@ Lustrous Orb

Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Spd/252 SAtk/4 SDef
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Surf
- Spacial Rend
- Aqua Tail
- Thunder

The Uber Guide said Palkia is uncounterable, so I took it for a spin. Having a mixed Sweeper really does help to break Blisseys and Lugias, so I really appreciate it. It's rather useless without Rain, however (which is why Kyogre is here so Palkia can spam Surfs rather than resorting to stupid Fire Blast).
Good Set, No complaints.

Lol I beat Item Clause =].

Main Concerns:
Mew: As I was typing this up, I realized that Taunt Mew could beat me (can't sleep it with Bronzong). My former Lugia also lost to this, but I had Weavile rather than Rayquaza to hit it hard with, and Blissey and Lugia to usually deal with any special or physical sweepers coming my way. I may have to lose Ice Punch on Metagross for Explosion, to at least bring down whatever is coming in. Or lose Bronzong's Reflect for SR to open a slot in Meta's moveset for Explosion (but Latias really wants Reflect..)

Darkrai: Always had problems with this guy after taking off Sleep Talk on Metagross. I put Kyogre to sleep, but bringing in other pokemon was always hard for me. I shouldn't be having this problem with the addition of Bronzong, though, since it is 4HKOed by Dark Pulse without Life Orb. Metagross, in the other hand, loses 38% on average (without LO), so it is a potential 2HKO after residual damage. Rayquaza's inability to OHKO Darkrai with any of its moves really hurts, too (ironic how I added Rayquaza in hopes of being able to revenge kill this problematic pokemon only for it to not to). Actually putting Draco Meteor over Outrage would solve this problem, but now it has no chance of defeating those CM RestTalking Kyogres (is Thunder-less Latias enough for this Kyogre?) Hmm, with extra 84 SAtk EVs, Latias can aim for an average 3HKO on 401 HP / min SDef Kyogre, but its tanking abilities suffer.

Scizor / Tyranitar / Metagross: Seeing how I rely Latias to sponge powerful hits from Kyogre and Palkia, any of these pokemon can ruin my team via taking down Latias with Pursuit. Bronzong's Reflect and Latias' Protect are my only protections, but even then, Latias without Thunder / Grass Knot is an easy switch-in for the Pursuiters.

Thanks in Advance!

EDIT: Just realized that even Latias takes 54% from Kyogre's Water Spout (wtf!); I think it was husk, but somebody suggested a bulky palkia, but does anyone know a bulky palkia set? (is it the same just with speed EVs replaced into HP / SDef?)
Hey pocket, I remember battling ya once, it was like the longest uber battle in history. Once Zong is gone, the ever-increasing Rock Polish Groudon also is a huge threat to this team. It tears through practically everything you have here, especially if it also packs swords dance. Your team is quite weak to physical attacks, so maybe consider a Giratina over zong.
im going against what everyone else is saying and telling you that SR is needed in ubers. stealth rock does plenty in ubers and is actually much more important than people make it up to be.

i made a team earlier on that had 4 people with focus sash because less than half of teams used SR. i made it to 2nd on the ladder and that is when the dialga @lum berry set became popular, to fuck up my team.

many deoxys and darkrai carry focus sash, and are a bitch to take down if it always takes 2 hits. it also makes ho-oh and lugia much easier to take down and gives rayquaza only one chance to sweep.

i suggest replacing gyro ball with stealth rock as gyro ball wont be doing much anyways and SR is really valuable
Are you serious? SR is one of the most important things in ubers, its needed to break countersash deo and all sash users like the gay shedinja.
And it really helps a pokemon like ray sweep, now that lugia takes 25 percent dmg when it switches in.
Are you serious? SR is one of the most important things in ubers, its needed to break countersash deo and all sash users like the gay shedinja.
And it really helps a pokemon like ray sweep, now that lugia takes 25 percent dmg when it switches in.
I'm not disagreeing with this, but TS is just awesome in ubers. Since Spinners are really uncommon, Slapping Toxic Spikes on just about any Deoxys (I did this on my counter coat set once) and the results are great. It kills shedinja and ruins sashes. Not to mention the residual damage.
Now, even though it does not hit flying types, it gets the bottom dwellers, and that is, in my opinion, what needs to get killed first.
besides, most teams usually only run 1 maybe 2 of Rayquaza,Lati@s, Lugia,Ho-oh. Maybe Metagross and Scizor too. Not to say you can't fit both into your team. I personally never use SR in Ubers, and My matches turn out fine...
Yeah, I never noticed that not one of your pokes have SR. It really does make such a big difference, that you should bend backwards to get it. The moment I put on SR in my team, I really felt the difference.
well, gross isn't the best stealth rocker, and since they are always banded, that gives your opponent a free turn to set up, which can prove fatal
WTF, why is everyone spamming about ToxiSpikes / SR D8<

Pocket said:
SR for Focus Sashers, Shedinja, and for its brokenness / sweetness. I only put it up when the opponent is obviously switching.

Update: Going to try Stealth Rock on Bronzong > Reflect. Either way, I should probably add Leftovers x_x

Metagross now has an open slot; going with Explosion for now, but are there better alternatives? (Pusuit, Bullet Punch, Sleep Talk...)

MM_Zero, Rock Polish Groudon is the least of my worries. Bronzong should be around to counter it, but if it isn't, I'm pretty sure Kyogre can counter it, especially with no SD boosts. All my other pokemon hits Groudon hard, so it should be difficult for Groudon to set up.
i think you should add pursuit. pursuit is a guaranteed kil on deoxys if he stays in or switches, and most of the time deoxys will not be able to OHKO metagross (sun AND HP fire). maybe also ditch earthquake for explosion as earthquake really only hits dialga and most dialga dont switch into meta in fear of EQ
Are you aware that if Shedninja switches in before you set up rocks or if your opponent has a Forretress, your guaranteed a loss if Rayquaza dies?

I'm pretty sure Light Clay boosts Light Screen, not Reflect. If you were to swap out Reflect for Toxic on Bronzong, Shedninja would be alot easier for you to handle.