Pokemon Platinum - The definitive thread: Mach 3 (Competitive Discussion)

checked a few more

Bronzong: Rollout, Iron Head, Ancientpower, Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Trick
Machamp: Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, Vacuum Wave, Mud-slap, Superpower
Magmortar: Mud-slap, Heat Wave, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch
Tyranitar: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, Fury Cutter, Mud-slap, Superpower, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Outrage, Ancientpower, Earth Power
Walrein: Mud-slap, Rollout, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Signal Beam, Dive, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind
Masquerain: Mud-slap, Signal Beam, Twister, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Air Cutter
Weavile: Mud-slap, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Ice Punch, Knock Off
Hariyama: Mud-slap, Superpower, Iron Head, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, Vacuum Wave, Knock Off
Exeggutor: Rollout, Ancientpower, Seed Bomb, Zen Headbutt
Salamence: Mud-slap, Rollout, Aqua Tail, Outrage, Twister, Heat Wave, Fury Cutter, Ominous Wind, Air Cutter, Zen Headbutt
Ludicolo: Mud-slap, Seed Bomb, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, ThunderPunch, Dive, Icy Wind, Zen Headbutt
Skarmory: Mud-slap, Twister, Iron Defense, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Air Cutter
Shedinja: Mud-slap, Fury Cutter, Trick, Sucker Punch
Ok, Divecolo's confirmed.

I was hoping Skarm got Knock Off, but Iron Defense might be usable... And Sucker Punch Shedinja! Whoo! Trick Shedinja might have some viability too.

Holy crap, I just thought of someone we need to check.

Dunsparce. ^.^
Ok, Divecolo's confirmed.

I was hoping Skarm got Knock Off, but Iron Defense might be usable... And Sucker Punch Shedinja! Whoo! Trick Shedinja might have some viability too.

Holy crap, I just thought of someone we need to check.

Dunsparce. ^.^
Skarm gets Curse, which is better than Iron Defence.
Illegal with some moves though =[

Can't wait for a full list of all the Pokemon that learn all the tutor moves...should be exciting.

Sadly, I think Stall and SS teams are going to be a major problem now Ludicolo gets Dive (Rain Dish + Sub + Rain Dance + Dive + Filler) and Stallrein also (standard with Dive over Substitute). The former because of their Stalling prowess, the latter to muck about with the weather.
Could either Stellar or dbolt check if Rotom, Swellow, Cresselia learn any new moves via Tutor? Please and thank you.

On-Topic~ Looks like Colo has a viable phyiscal movepool now lol.
Could either Stellar or dbolt check if Rotom, Swellow, Cresselia learn any new moves via Tutor? Please and thank you.

On-Topic~ Looks like Colo has a viable phyiscal movepool now lol.
I was thinking that too.

Elepunches, Zen Headbutt, Seed Bomb, Dive....

If only he had swords dance or something.
a useless niche though. superpower doesn't really hit anything that fire punch+earthquake+outrage can't. but I guess it could be useful on specsnite to hit blissey whereas specsmence can't hurt blissey.

I guess my favorite dragon is relegated to support now, which isn't bad, but I would've preferred something more offensive.

Heal Bell (Hard for ingame though)
Light Screen
Thunder Wave

Lots of options there
Super Power is still a powerful hit, much better than Fire Punch could afford. It could spell the difference between an OHKO & a 2HKO. People keep regarding coverage as the end-beat-all way to define pokemon, but coverage AND power is much better.
Super Power is still a powerful hit, much better than Fire Punch could afford. It could spell the difference between an OHKO & a 2HKO. People keep regarding coverage as the end-beat-all way to define pokemon, but coverage AND power is much better.

superpower hits harder on what? please give examples.
Weavile and Hariyama were mostly devised as Superpower = 110+ Base Attack move. Guess that didn't entirely pan out. Exeggutor no longer has to go through breeding hell for Ancientpower.

Iron Defense Skarmory is begging for crits but it just neuters so many attacks.

Dive for Stalrein huzzah.

Masquerain still gets no love.

Next up on wish list:

Steelix, Dodrio, Tyrogue, Kingler, Octillery (so random I know, sorry >_>)
Masquerain still gets no love.

Next up on wish list:

what extra moveswould you have wanted on him? is air slash, energy ball, hydro pump, ice beam, bug buzz, baton pass, stun spore not a nice enough selection? i certainly thinks so :P. i suppose heatwave could've been an amusing extra, everything else with wings got it....

anyway, my wish list:
jumpluff, cherrim, dunsparce, spiritomb, vaporeon, kecleon

also agreeing it would be sweet if ditto got some new moves....any new moves :(
I still wish Vileplume got a little more love. Gastro helped him out a bit, but something more offensive would have been great.
what extra moveswould you have wanted on him? is air slash, energy ball, hydro pump, ice beam, bug buzz, baton pass, stun spore not a nice enough selection? i certainly thinks so :P. i suppose heatwave could've been an amusing extra, everything else with wings got it....
A good movepool can only take poor stats so far. =[
Weavile and Hariyama were mostly devised as Superpower = 110+ Base Attack move. Guess that didn't entirely pan out. Exeggutor no longer has to go through breeding hell for Ancientpower.

Iron Defense Skarmory is begging for crits but it just neuters so many attacks.

Dive for Stalrein huzzah.

Masquerain still gets no love.

Next up on wish list:

Steelix, Dodrio, Tyrogue, Kingler, Octillery (so random I know, sorry >_>)

Well here are some of the moves Octillery can learn:

Remoraid = Dive, Icy Wind, Snore, Swift, Mud Slap, Signal Beam, Gunk Shot, Seed Bomb, Bounce

EDIT: This was from around page 33.
Well here are some of the moves Octillery can learn:

Remoraid = Dive, Icy Wind, Snore, Swift, Mud Slap, Signal Beam, Gunk Shot, Seed Bomb, Bounce

EDIT: This was from around page 33.
I'd think Octillery can gets some things that Remoraid can't. >_>

I can't see Octillery NOT getting Iron Head and Zen Headbutt.
Wishlist: Mewtwo and Vespiquen D:, please check guys.

Glad to see Shedinja got some awesome moves. Sucker Punch is going to be kickass against opposing Ghost types, and fragile Psychics, that don't carry WoW.

......offensive Gengar just took a hit. :'D Deoxys-A also dies, even though Shadow Sneak also did the job....
Sceptile doesn't require additional set-up, though.

The introduction of Skymin is even more reason to use physical Sceptile. It at least utilizes SD better.