Smogon Brawl Tournament #3 - Round 6

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Alright Kuaz, I know you won and all, but "to be expected"? That was a pretty asshole-ish thing to say no matter what the circumstances.

Honestly, I don't see how you made it this far. You're not terrible, but everyone that Esc listed, most likely myself included, would have wrecked you under normal circumstances. Had it not been for the terrible lag, you would've been out the moment you stepped into the ring with HG. It's a well known fact that your lag is extremely disruptive and by far the worst lag we have on Smogon aside from Sonuis, who is a non-factor in this situation. It may not be your fault, but facts are facts.

I wouldn't even care that much if you weren't such a jerk about it. You have displayed this unsportsmanlike conduct not only in this tournament and in casual play, but also during the last tournament as well (even going so far as to cause a huge fuss with zerowing over when he, rightly, DQed your "team" because you were the only member on it, while giving you multiple chances to get your act together). I wouldn't be surprised if this continued onto future tournaments and it's frankly unacceptable behavior on any front.

Though you won, I still consider your lag to be completely gamebreaking (and considering this is WiFi, that's a hell of alot to say) and the only reason you have gotten this far in the tournament, and you have no right to talk down to anyone in that sort of manner you have.

TL;DR: Kuaz's lag is the only reason he's gotten this far. He should just accept whatever victories he can manage with grace and leave it at that. This sort of attitude he displays really grinds my gears.
Alright Kuaz, I know you won and all, but "to be expected"? That was a pretty asshole-ish thing to say no matter what the circumstances.

Honestly, I don't see how you made it this far. You're not terrible, but everyone that Esc listed, most likely myself included, would have wrecked you under normal circumstances. Had it not been for the terrible lag, you would've been out the moment you stepped into the ring with HG. It's a well known fact that your lag is extremely disruptive and by far the worst lag we have on Smogon aside from Sonuis, who is a non-factor in this situation. It may not be your fault, but facts are facts.

I wouldn't even care that much if you weren't such a jerk about it. You have displayed this unsportsmanlike conduct not only in this tournament and in casual play, but also during the last tournament as well (even going so far as to cause a huge fuss with zerowing over when he, rightly, DQed your "team" because you were the only member on it, while giving you multiple chances to get your act together). I wouldn't be surprised if this continued onto future tournaments and it's frankly unacceptable behavior on any front.

Though you won, I still consider your lag to be completely gamebreaking (and considering this is WiFi, that's a hell of alot to say) and the only reason you have gotten this far in the tournament, and you have no right to talk down to anyone in that sort of manner you have.

TL;DR: Kuaz's lag is the only reason he's gotten this far. He should just accept whatever victories he can manage with grace and leave it at that. This sort of attitude he displays really grinds my gears.

My attitude toward esc is a trivial concept, it has nothing to do with the tournament right now since i won.
Now about the lag issue, the only proof i have to defend myself is the match against esc, it was lag less
hotgarbage recorded that match he will post the link tomorrow
K that's enough arguing.

CHOMPY vs Roger

Same rules as before BUT Roger needs to win 2 sets, while CHOMPY only needs 1. I'm not holding you to any deadline but if in about a week and its not done I will start sending PMs and all that.

Good luck to both of you.

New tournament won't start right away, still want to try this site vs site tournament, if that doesn't work I have an idea.
Sorry Kuaz but being a good sport isn't fucking "trivial concept" whatsoever. Why do you think that everyone hear congratulates one another on their victories (and even their losses, as long as it was a good match!) and we all feel so close-knit? Because we respect one another, and your rude treatment of all of us, (not to mention zerowing in the last tournament when he disqualified you) is really unbecoming for yourself and the rest of the competitive Brawl team we've collected here. If you want to be a dick, fine, but take it off of Smogon, because you sure as hell won't be welcome here by anyone anymore.

Also seconding what Thunderhorse said... well, about everything.

Jesus Christ, Brawl drama on MY Smogon? It's more likely than we think.

Edit: yes sorry this was a bit late sorry zerowing but I'm just not gonna let people be rude yadda yadda. I won't be saying any more.
I don't want to bring this back up, so I'm only going to respond specifically to points addressed to me ;).

Chompy, I know you can win, and you will. Kick his ass for all of those who were lagged to death. Dunk, HG, and TH.
Had it not been for the terrible lag, you would've been out the moment you stepped into the ring with HG.
Eh, I don't know. The lag wasn't good, but regardless I probably would have lost anyways because I don't know how to fight a metaknight that knows how to use his strengths. And against a character with so many threats that's baaaaaad.

Now about the lag issue, the only proof i have to defend myself is the match against esc, it was lag less
hotgarbage recorded that match he will post the link tomorrow
I wanted to point this out. We tried to do the match 2 times before the actual match, but delayed it due to borderline sonuis lag. There was a 1 second delay, which may not sound like much, but in smash bros (or any other online game) it's huge. When the actual match was played it was 2:00AM EST, and the connection was much better.
But yeah, my point: you two may want to do your match late at night or something because roger's connection seems to be better at that time. *is glad that CHOMPY can record matches :P*

Now then, to respond to the actual post I quoted :P. Eh, it wasn't lagless (wifi never is :/). There wasn't any (iirc) frame lag though, which was a huge improvement over the other times. There was still noticeable input delay.... though I don't remember how much (because it was 2 freaking AM); esc would have to chip in with that I guess.

And yeah, I'll try and get those videos up today. Good luck to both of you ;).

Nobody loves Sonuis :(
Hey...I fought Roger before any of those guys as well...

Eh whatever, go Chompy and his Diddy rape skills.


But really, I didn't know off the top of my head all the people that fought kuaz, as shown by my addition of dbolt. :O

Also you guys rule, GOT MY BACK!!
Well I just PMed Kuaz and I hope he gets the message back. Lets hope that the lag will get better becuase other wise theres no point of using Diddy Kong >_>. I wish you had AIM so we can talk back and forth instead of PMing each other.
There goes Kuaz again pushing off the match until late at night. Why won't the applet work for you, Chompy? ?__?

I really think you guys should talk in realtime, but if pms work for you between matches then whatever.
Kuaz get an AIM account or something. It's not that hard. And Chompy try using mIrc for the #smash chat purposes.

I won 2-0.

Your Meta does nothing but spam the Up B. Pretty laggy though. Your Olimar isnt bad. But epic games though! Im uploading them on the compuer as we speak.
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