CAP 5 CAP 5 - Complete Movepool Submissions

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Sentret, Mawile, Gulpin, Swablu, Altaria, Baltoy, Claydol, Deoxys, Buneary, and Cresselia also learn Ice Beam but not Blizzard. [Edit: I only read the bottom part where you mentioned Swalot, Latios, and Latias, and checked to see if I could find more..]
Admittedly Sentret and Buneary can get both when fully evolved, but there is most certainly precident for having Ice Beam but no Blizzard.

X-Act where did you check? And will you now add Ice Beam into your movepool?

GT I hope you keep Ice Beam, its something that could see a bit of use and can hit some switchins harder (Like hitting Hippo and Celebi at the same time) but will probably end up quite rare without Chompy around.
Ok, My latest Up Dates:


I have, due to obvious popular demand at the moment, added Weather Ball as a 3rd Heart Scale move. While it would be an interesting move to have, I'm still not entirely convinced that it's suitable. But really I'm kinda indifferent to it. People want it, it stays. If not, it goes.

Also have taken out Agility (since it already gets Rock Polish) and replaced it with Fake Out. Which is raising in popularity as well because of it utility and flavor applications. Glare is also on there.

Bolding and Omissions added.

Level Up:
H. Weather Ball
H. Magnet Rise
H. Tri Attack
-- Defensive Curl
-- Rollout
06. Glare
[b]10. Mud Shot[/b]
16. Disable
21. Power Gem
26. Air Slash
32. Fake Out
[b]39. Discharge[/b]
[b]43. Lava Plume[/b]
[b]49. Ancient Beam[/b]
[b]55. Metal Sound[/b]
61. Head Smash
Moves ordered and leveled in what seemed to me the most likely way for this Mon to mature.


Magnet Rise/Tri Attack - Felt both were most appropriate as "indirect" level up moves, thus Heat Scale moves.
Defensive Curl/Rollout - For similar reasons as X-act's. Just imagine RockMon behaving this way at an early level.
Mud Shot/Power Gem - Obligatory Power Gem, but coupled with Mud Shot, awesome early "adolescent" type coverage.
Air Slash - Of all the "slash" moves, this seems the most appropriate and useful to me. No other way to it other then Level Up.
Discharge/Lave Plume - Both highly necessary and key moves in my mind. And both very flavorsome. Nothing quite like being an electromagnetic molten rock monster to let off a bit of pent of energy or vapor!! Also between Lava Plume and Ancient Beam, it is highly reminiscent of the controversial "Brimstone" for those that were fans. Note also that Discharge and Lava Plume or the highest base power moves of their type, outside of Technicianed Hidden Power, that I'm proposing.
Head Smash - Truly is the big "final" yet some what novelty last move so often granted to pokemon as some kind of ironic twist. Most appropriate imo.

Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Icy Wind
Signal Beam
Vacuum Wave
Air Cutter
Knock Off[/b]
Magnet Rise
Zen Headbutt
Iron Head
Iron Defense
Fury Cutter
Ordered in accordance to general relevance.

Trick is gone now as it just doesn't really fit. Besides this thing needs some limitations. A few more minor cuts as well.

Notable omissions include:
Ominous Wind, Synthesis, Super Power, Aqua Tail, Seed Bomb and Heatwave

[b]TM03 - Water Pulse[/b]
[b]TM04 - Calm Mind[/b]
TM05 - Roar
[b]TM06 - Toxic[/b]
[b]TM10 - Hidden Power[/b]
[b]TM11 - Sunny Day[/b]
TM15 - Hyper Beam
[b]TM17 - Protect[/b]
[b]TM18 - Rain Dance[/b]
[b]TM19 - Giga Drain[/b]
TM20 - Safeguard
TM21 - Frustration
[b]TM22 - SolarBeam[/b]
[b]TM26 - Earthquake[/b]
TM27 - Return
[b]TM29 - Psychic[/b]
[b]TM30 - Shadow Ball[/b]
TM32 - Double Team
[b]TM33 - Reflect[/b]
[b]TM34 - Shock Wave[/b]
TM36 - Sludge Bomb
[b]TM37 - Sandstorm[/b]
TM39 - Rock Tomb
TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM41 - Torment
TM42 - Facade
TM43 - Secret Power
TM44 - Rest
TM46 - Thief
TM48 - Skill Swap
TM49 - Snatch
[b]TM53 - Energy Ball[/b]
TM54 - False Swipe
[b]TM57 - Charge Beam[/b]
[b]TM58 - Endure[/b]
TM59 - Dragon Pulse
[b]TM64 - Explosion[/b]
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM67 - Recycle
TM68 - Giga Impact
[b]TM69 - Rock Polish[/b]
TM70 - Flash
[b]TM71 - Stone Edge[/b]
[b]TM73 - Thunder Wave[/b]
TM74 - Gyro Ball
[b]TM75 - Swords Dance[/b]
[b]TM76 - Stealth Rock[/b]
TM77 - Psych Up
[b]TM79 - Dark Pulse[/b]
TM80 - Rock Slide
TM81 - X-scissor
TM82 - Sleep Talk
TM87 - Swagger
[b]TM89 - U-turn[/b]
[b]TM90 - Substitute[/b]
TM91 - Flash Cannon
HM01 - Cut
HM05 - Defog
HM06 - Rock Smash
Please take careful note of "Tutor List" and "Level Up" list when considering TM omission.

Notable omissions include:
Focus Punch, Taunt, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Light Screen, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Flamethower, Fire Blast, Over Heat, Roost, Focus Blast, Will-o-Wisp, Silver Wind, Grass Knot, Trick Room, and Surf

Still open to last minute changes upon suggestion or request.
I'm going to end this tomorrow, just post in here linking to your final submission, or put it in bold if you post it tomorrow. To be clear: 3:00 PM EST submissions will end, the poll will go up around 5ish.
Moveset...of DOOM!!! Version 2.0.

Version 2.0

I thought I'd clean this up after my many edits, so here is the most updated version..

 Level Up Moves:

[U]Heart Scale: Weather Ball[/U]
Lv --: Scratch
Lv 05: Leer
Lv 07: Harden
[U]Lv 10: Mirror Shot[/U]
Lv 15: Disable
Lv 20: Fake Out
Lv 26: Slash
Lv 26: Night Slash
Lv 32: Power Gem
Lv 39: Glare
[U]Lv 46: Metal Sound
[/U] Lv 46: Screech
[U][B]Lv 55: "Ancient Beam" [/B][/U]
Lv 65: Head Smash
[U]Lv 75: Explosion[/U]
EDITS: Cut became Fake Out. Disable added.

TM02: Dragon Claw
[U]TM03: Water Pulse
TM04: Calm Mind
[/U] TM06: Toxic
TM07: Hail
[B][U]TM10: Hidden Power[/U][/B]
TM11: Sunny Day
TM15: Hyper Beam
TM17: Protect
TM18: Rain Dance  
[U]TM19: Giga Drain[/U]
TM21: Frustration
TM22: Solarbeam
[U][B]TM24: Thunderbolt[/B][/U]
[U]TM25: Thunder[/U]
TM26: Earthquake
TM27: Return
[U]TM29: Psychic
TM30: Shadow Ball
[/U] TM31: Brick Break
TM32: Double Team
[U]TM34: Shock Wave[/U]
[U]TM37: Sandstorm[/U]
TM39: Rock Tomb
TM40: Aerial Ace
TM41: Torment
TM42: Facade
TM43: Secret Power
TM44: Rest
TM46: Thief
TM49: Snatch
[B][U]TM50: Overheat
TM52: Focus Blast[/U][/B]
TM54: False Swipe
TM56: Fling
[U]TM57: Charge Beam[/U]
TM58: Endure
[U][B]TM64: Explosion[/B][/U]
TM65: Shadow Claw
TM66: Payback
TM68: Giga Impact
TM69: Rock Polish
TM70: Flash
TM71: Stone Edge
TM72: Avalanche 
[U]TM73: Thunder Wave[/U]
TM75: Swords Dance
[B][U]TM76: Stealth Rock[/U][/B]
TM80: Rock Slide
TM81: X-Scissor
TM82: Sleep Talk
TM83: Natural Gift
TM84: Poison Jab
TM87: Swagger
TM90: Substitute
[U]TM91: Flash Cannon[/U]
HM01: Cut
HM04: Strength
HM06: Rock Smash
HM08: Rock Climb
EDITS: Removed Embargo, I didn't feel that it fit.

 Move Tutors:

[U]MT: Air Cutter[/U]
MT: Fury Cutter
MT: Knock Off
MT: Sucker Punch
[B][U]MT: Vacuum Wave[/U][/B]
MT: Zen Headbutt
[U]MT: Magnet Rise[/U]
[U]MT: Swift[/U]
[U][B]MT: Ancient Power[/B][/U]
[U][B]MT: Earth Power[/B][/U]
[U]MT: Endeavour[/U]
[U]MT: Iron Defence[/U]
MT: Iron Head
MT: Mud Slap
MT: Rollout
[U]MT: Signal Beam
MT: Icy Wind
EDITS: Rollout added.Icy Wind tacked on, I realised it has a place in the movepool, after all, possibiity wise.
This is what I came up with, after a lot of consideration:

Level Up:

H. Weather Ball
H. Tri Attack
H. Rock Tomb
-- Sharpen
-- Defense Curl
-- Rollout
3. Sharpen
5. Defense Curl
13. Rollout
16. Disable
17. Ancientpower
20. Sand Tomb
22. Night Slash
25. Hidden Power
32. Fake Out
39. Power Gem
44. Metal Sound
50. Head Smash
55. Ancient Beam
TM03 - Water Pulse
TM04 - Calm Mind
TM06 - Toxic
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM13 - Ice Beam
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Light Screen
TM17 - Protect
TM18 - Rain Dance
TM19 - Giga Drain
TM21 - Frustration
TM22 - SolarBeam
TM24 - Thunderbolt
TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake
TM27 - Return
TM28 - Dig
TM29 - Psychic
TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM32 - Double Team
TM33 - Reflect
TM34 - Shock Wave
TM35 - Flamethrower
TM37 - Sandstorm
TM38 - Fire Blast
TM39 - Rock Tomb
TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM43 - Secret Power
TM44 - Rest
TM46 - Thief
TM48 - Skill Swap
TM49 - Snatch
TM50 - Overheat
TM53 - Energy Ball
TM54 - False Swipe
TM57 - Charge Beam
TM58 - Endure
TM64 - Explosion
TM67 - Recycle
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM69 - Rock Polish
TM70 - Flash
TM71 - Stone Edge
TM72 - Avalanche
TM74 - Gyro Ball
TM76 - Stealth Rock
TM79 - Dark Pulse
TM80 - Rock Slide
TM81 - X-scissor
TM82 - Sleep Talk
TM83 - Natural Gift
TM84 - Poison Jab
TM89 - U-turn
TM90 - Substitute
TM91 - Flash Cannon
HM06 - Rock Smash
HM07 - Waterfall
HM08 - Rock Climb
Earth Power
Icy Wind
Air Cutter
Ominous Wind
Mud Slap
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Vacuum Wave
Signal Beam
Zen Headbutt
Magnet Rise
While making this movepool, I tried to give people what they want. Most of the big special moves are there, including Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, and I've got some pretty neat support options for you including Trick and the screens. I've personally got a vendetta against Stealth Rock, but I kept it in there because it's what the people want.

I'm trying to give this Pokemon as many options as possible, as you can see. I honestly don't think this is going to very easily become broken, and being broken is arguably not even that bad, thanks to the advent of the revision process. If anything, becoming subpar is hundreds of times worse, as it will not be revised and will suffer for eternity.

This is my final entry.
OK, this is my Final Moveset Submission

Level Moves
H: Ancientpower*
H: Ancient Beam*
H: Weather Ball*
1: Leech Life
1: Scratch
4: Sharpen
7: Absorb
11: Disable
16: Metal Claw
22: Mega Drain
28: Slash
35: Power Gem
40: Iron Head
45: Metal Sound*
51: Acupressure
60: Head Smash

The focus here is on the claws, then the head. Leeching moves are based off the claws, and Disable seems to fit in flavorwise with a leeching pokemon. Power Gem and Metal Sound are the only hints to the pokemon's special nature. AP, AB, and WB seemed best as Heart Scale moves, as they don't quite fit in to the set as level up moves, but it still seems like it should learn them.

TM moves
TM02 - Dragon Claw
TM03 - Water Pulse
TM04 - Calm Mind
[B]TM06 - Toxic[/B]
TM09 - Bullet Seed
[B]TM10 - Hidden Power[/B]
[B]TM11 - Sunny Day[/B]
[B]TM15 - Hyper Beam[/B]
[B]TM17 - Protect[/B]
[B]TM18 - Rain Dance[/B]
TM19 - Giga Drain
[B]TM21 - Frustration[/B]
TM22 - SolarBeam
TM24 - Thunderbolt
TM25 - Thunder
[B]TM27 - Return[/B]
TM28 - Dig
TM30 - Shadow Ball
[B]TM32 - Double Team[/B]
TM34 - Shock Wave
TM36 - Sludge Bomb
TM37 - Sandstorm
TM39 - Rock Tomb
TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM41 - Torment
[B]TM42 - Facade[/B]
[B]TM43 - Secret Power[/B]
[B]TM44 - Rest[/B]
TM46 - Thief
TM49 - Snatch
TM50 - Overheat
TM52 - Focus Blast
TM53 - Energy Ball
TM54 - False Swipe
TM56 - Fling
TM57 - Charge Beam
[B]TM58 - Endure[/B]
TM60 - Drain Punch
TM63 - Embargo
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM66 - Payback
TM67 - Recycle
[B]TM68 - Giga Impact[/B]
TM69 - Rock Polish
TM70 - Flash
TM71 - Stone Edge
TM73 - Thunder Wave
TM74 - Gyro Ball
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM76 - Stealth Rock
TM77 - Psych Up
TM80 - Rock Slide
TM81 - X-scissor
[B]TM82 - Sleep Talk[/B]
[B]TM83 - Natural Gift[/B]
TM84 - Poison Jab
TM87 - Swagger
TM89 - U-turn
[B]TM90 - Substitute[/B]
TM91 - Flash Cannon
HM01 - Cut
HM04 - Strength
HM06 - Rock Smash
HM08 - Rock Climb

Mostly things that make sense, ie, claws, sharp things, and rocky things got a free pass. It's long, so feel free to tl;dr and skip to the Tutors. Notable things about it include...
--Stealth Rock is impossible to justify leaving out. The pokemon is made of levitating rocks. Taunt is out specifically to prevent it being a suicide lead, and Explosion is out since it seems to be a standard way for special things to take out Blissey (in addition to the suicide lead thing). LO Head Smash does a ton of damage to Bliss even without atk EVs, so that seems like a more interesting suicide option.
--Giga Drain is obviously in given the draining theme, lots of things get Energy Ball, and I decided to throw in Solarbeam for good measure.
--With Blizzard out, I thought Ice Beam should go, too, as it seems odd to have one without the other. Competitively, I'd like it to have no Ice moves stronger than HP Ice.
--All electric moves I kept in, in an attempt to justify its levitation.
--I kept Overheat since it was in the concept art, but otherwise I cut Flamethrower and Fire Blast. Heat Wave is still in the tutors, though, so it shouldn't be a problem. I just had difficulty seeing this thing breathing fire or something, but getting extremely hot makes more sense for a rocky sort of thing.
--Calm Mind is in, as it doesn't seem broken just yet.
--Other special moves were a bit arbitrary. Dragon and Dark Pulse didn't seem to fit or be that useful, anyways. Same goes for Psychic. Shadow Ball and Focus Blast were useful enough to warrant inclusion, and they somehow seemed more flavorfully fitting.
--Since everything sharp or claw like got left in, there's quite a bit of material for a SD sweeper set, though it would be little more than a novelty. Earthquake was out because it didn't seem big enough to cause an earthquake.
--Most of the Support moves were pretty arbitrary, but they're mostly novelties/low usefulness things anyways.

Move Tutors
Air Cutter
Fury Cutter
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave
Zen Headbutt
Helping Hand
Magnet Rise
Earth power
Heat Wave
Iron Head
Mud Slap
Signal Beam

--Icy Wind gives tech a less powerful option to HP Ice.
--Most of the special stuff was thrown in, and the physical stuff continues the head/claws thing. Gives tech some neat stuff, and Earth Power, Heat Wave, and Vacuum Wave could find their way onto the levitate set.
--I changed my mind on Trick. I think it could be a very interesting option for the pokemon.
With Blizzard out, I thought Ice Beam should go, too, as it seems odd to have one without the other.
Cresseila, Swalot, Latios, Latias, Claydol, Mawile, Altaria, Deoxys(All forms) learn Ice Beam but not Blizzard. Now if the only reason for not adding Ice Beam was because of that then they're enough precident for it to get it. If you have a good competitively reason onto why it doesn't have Ice Beam then that's good.

Earthquake was out because it didn't seem big enough to cause an earthquake.
Funny, Pyroak is the reverse. Big and heavy enough to create an earthquake or two, but doesn't get it for some arbitrary reason(s). Surprisingly enough, the smallest Pokemon that isn't a Rock/Ground type is probably Pineco, thought I not sure. Size and weight seem to not be a factor when giving out Earthquake. I think it has to do with a Pokemon's design. Rockmon's design does seem like something that would prevent it for learning the move.

LO Head Smash does a ton of damage to Bliss even without atk EVs, so that seems like a more interesting suicide option.
Head Smash would give that gimmick Suicidal Sword Dance set some major bite, but at the cost of nearly killing itself most of the time. Blissey is surprisingly study beside it's weak defense, so an Head Smash isn't going to scare it that much.

-Nature LO Rockmon using Head Smash against 0/252 Calm Blissey: [B]37.94% - 44.85%[/B]
Neutral Nature LO Rockmon using Head Smash: [B]42.4% - 49.92%[/B]
+Nature LO Rockmon using Head Smash: [B]46.24% - 54.53%[/B]
+Nature 252 Atk LO Rockmon using Head Smash: [B]58.99% - 69.59%
[/B]Sword Dance Adamant LO Rockmon using Head Smash:[B] 118.13% - 139.17%

Taunt is out specifically to prevent it being a suicide lead, and Explosion is out since it seems to be a standard way for special things to take out Blissey (in addition to the suicide lead thing).
Only quoting this because it seem the vast amount of people are really against this creature having Explosion and Taunt. This make me more wanting to remove them from my movepool to appeal to all those people.
Haha, I didn't actually know that there are this many Pokemon having Ice Beam but not Blizzard!

In that case, I'll add it to the movepool, and add Icy Wind as well in the Move Tutor section.


H. Weather Ball
- Tackle
- Defense Curl
- Rollout
5. Defense Curl
8. Rollout
13. Quick Attack
17. Disable
20. Acupressure
25. Mud Shot
29. Power Gem
32. Headbutt
37. Metal Sound
42. "Ancient Beam"
50. Head Smash
Basically these are moves that this Pokemon is capable of learning. It's capable of learning Defense Curl and Rollout from looking at the Pokemon's art. Quick Attack is obvious due to this Pokemon's high Speed. Disable is interesting, as DougJustDoug said, as is Acupressure. Power Gem is obviously due to its gems adorning its body, while Headbutt and Head Smash are, again, very possible with this Pokemon's art. The only moves that are competitive are Ancient Beam and maybe Metal Sound and Weather Ball.

TM list:

TM04 - Calm Mind
TM06 - Toxic
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM13 - Ice Beam
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM17 - Protect
TM18 - Rain Dance
TM19 - Giga Drain
TM21 - Frustration
TM24 - Thunderbolt
TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake
TM27 - Return
TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Brick Break
TM32 - Double Team
TM34 - Shock Wave
TM35 - Flamethrower
TM37 - Sandstorm
TM38 - Fire Blast
TM39 - Rock Tomb
TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM42 - Facade
TM43 - Secret Power
TM44 - Rest
TM52 - Focus Blast
TM53 - Energy Ball
TM54 - False Swipe
TM56 - Fling
TM57 - Charge Beam
TM58 - Endure
TM63 - Embargo
TM64 - Explosion
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM69 - Rock Polish
TM71 - Stone Edge
TM73 - Thunder Wave
TM74 - Gyro Ball
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM76 - Stealth Rock
TM80 - Rock Slide
TM81 - X-scissor
TM82 - Sleep Talk
TM83 - Natural Gift
TM89 - U-turn
TM90 - Substitute
HM01 - Cut
HM04 - Strength
HM06 - Rock Smash
HM08 - Rock Climb

Basically this Pokemon gets most Special moves that lets it have a wide spectrum of type coverage to choose from... without rendering it broken. For example, Rock/Fire/Ground or Rock/Fire/Electric is walled by Flygon, Rock/Fire/Ice or Rock/Fire/Grass are walled by Heatran, etc. As I see it, Flygon and Heatran together wall practically most of the sets that this Pokemon would have, and hence Calm Mind is worth a try.

Move Tutor moves:
- Ancientpower
- Earth Power
- Heat Wave
- Icy Wind
- Iron Head
- Magnet Rise
- Mud-slap
- Ominous Wind
- Rollout
- Signal Beam
- Snore
- Swift
- Vacuum Wave
- Zen Headbutt
Again these moves make a lot of sense on this Pokemon. Some of them are flavour moves, like Magnet Rise (it gets Levitate), Rollout (learns it also from level-up), Zem Headbutt (learns Headbutt from Level-up), Iron Head (ditto), Mud-slap (physically capable of learning it) and Swift (it's a fast Pokemon, hence Swift). The others are moves that gives it additional type coverage or help a hypothetical Technician set, like Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Ancientpower and Vacuum Wave.

First of all, the level up moves:

H  - [URL=""]Teeter Dance[/URL]
H  - [URL=""]Copycat[/URL]
1  - [URL=""]Sharpen[/URL]
1  - [URL=""]Tackle[/URL]
6  - [URL=""]Astonish[/URL]
11 - [URL=""]Rock Throw[/URL]
17 - [URL=""]Mirror Shot[/URL]
23 - [URL=""]Confusion[/URL]
28 - [URL=""]Discharge[/URL]
34 - [URL=""]Metal Sound[/URL]*
39 - [URL=""]Weather Ball[/URL]*
46 - [COLOR="Red"][U]Ancient Beam[/U][/COLOR]*

* = competitively viable move
Originally Posted by Fat [B]Deck Knight
[I][COLOR="Red"]Ancient Beam[/COLOR][/I][/B]
Type: Rock
BP: 85
PP: 15
Acc: 100%
Damage: Special
Effect: 20% chance to reduce opponent's attack by 1.[/QUOTE]
^ I think "Paleo Laser/Wave/Blast" might sound better, but this is left for the name discussion.

Metal Sound will allow it to do its job much better, and also force switched.
When use in Sandstorm, Weather Ball becomes his most powerful special STAB attack at 100 BP. Also, when used in Sun and Rain, it becomes its most reliable Fire and Water attack respectively.
This will increase its viability by allowing it to be very effective in Sandstorm or Sunny Day teams.

e.g. Sunny Day Sweeper -- Levitate -- Weather Ball (Fire), Solarbeam, Ancient Beam, Filler.

Another interesting option that I have given Rockmon is Copycat. This is never seen in competitive play, even though things like Blissey and Lucario can learn it. What it does, for those of you who can't guess, is repeat the last move used successfully. A bit like the Mirror Moves those annoying Spearow used to do all those years ago. But Copycat does open up great options for this pokemon. For example, this new Tricking trend that is going around - Rockmon can use that to its advantage. Say your opponent has Gengar out, and you predict a Trick. You can switch in Rockmon and have Gengar trick Specs/Scarf/Black Sludge onto you. Then Gengar will infallibly switch, allowing you to use Copycat and Trick your item right back onto the incoming Blissey or Snorlax. Copycat can also be used with Lum Berry to make a great anti-status poke - come in on Gengar(lol) while it uses Hypnosis, take the sleep, recover the sleep, and then put your opponent's incoming poke straight to sleep. Can also be used to steal Stat Boosts - Nasty Plot Togekiss for example. This shows that Copycat can have endless options that can be used to seriously surprise an opponent.

*It can learn Ancientpower and Earth Power as tutor moves, so don't think I've missed them out.

Next, the TMs and HMs:

[SIZE="1"]TM01 - Focus Punch
TM02 - Dragon Claw
TM03 - Water Pulse
TM04 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Calm Mind[/URL][/B]*[SIZE="1"]
TM05 - Roar
TM06 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Toxic[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM07 - Hail
TM08 - Bulk Up
TM09 - Bullet Seed
TM10 - [/SIZE][B][URL="http://"]Hidden Power[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM11 - [/SIZE][B][URL="http://"]Sunny Day[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM12 - Taunt
TM13 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Ice Beam[/URL][/B]*[SIZE="1"]
TM14 - Blizzard
TM15 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Hyper Beam[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM16 - Light Screen
TM17 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Protect[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM18 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Rain Dance[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM19 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Giga Drain[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM20 - Safeguard
TM21 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Frustration[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM22 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]SolarBeam[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM23 - Iron Tail
TM24 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Thunderbolt[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM25 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Thunder[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM26 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Earthquake[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM27 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Return[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM28 - Dig
TM29 - Psychic
TM30 -[/SIZE] [B][URL=""]Shadow Ball[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM31 - Brick Break
TM32 -[/SIZE] [B][URL=""]Double Team[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM33 - Reflect
TM34 -[/SIZE] [B][URL=""]Shock Wave[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM35 - Flamethrower
TM36 - Sludge Bomb
TM37 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Sandstorm[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM38 - Fire Blast[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM39 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Rock Tomb[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM41 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Torment[/URL][/B][SIZE="1"]
TM42 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Facade[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM43 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Secret Power[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM44 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Rest[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM45 - Attract
TM46 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Thief[/URL][/B][SIZE="1"]
TM47 - Steel Wing
TM48 - Skill Swap
TM49 - Snatch
TM50 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Overheat[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM51 - Roost
TM52 - [/SIZE][B][URL="""]Focus Blast[/URL][/B]*[SIZE="1"]
TM53 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Energy Ball[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM54 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]False Swipe[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM55 - Brine
TM56 - [/SIZE][B][URL="""]Fling[/URL][/B][SIZE="1"]
TM57 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Charge Beam[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM58 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Endure[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM59 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Dragon Pulse[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM60 - Drain Punch
TM61 - Will-o-wisp
TM62 - Silver Wind[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM63 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Embargo[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM64 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Explosion[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM66 - Payback
TM67 - Recycle[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM68 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Giga Impact[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM69 -[/SIZE] [B][URL=""]Rock Polish[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM70 - Flash[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM71 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Stone Edge[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM72 - Avalanche
TM73 - Thunder Wave[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM74 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Gyro Ball[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM75 - Swords Dance[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM76 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Stealth Rock[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM77 - Psych Up
TM78 - Captivate[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM79 - Dark Pulse
TM80 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Rock Slide[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM81 - X-scissor[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM82 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Sleep Talk[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM83 -[/SIZE] [B][URL=""]Natural Gift[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM84 - Poison Jab
TM85 - Dream Eater
TM86 - Grass Knot
TM87 - Swagger
TM88 - Pluck[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]TM89 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]U-turn[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM90 - [/SIZE][B][URL=""]Substitute[/URL][/B]*
[SIZE="1"]TM91 -[/SIZE] [B][URL=""]Flash Cannon[/URL][/B]
[SIZE="1"]TM92 - Trick Room
HM01 - Cut
HM02 - Fly
HM03 - Surf
HM04 - Strength
HM05 - Defog
HM06 - Rock Smash
HM07 - Waterfall[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]HM08 -[/SIZE] [B][URL=""]Rock Climb[/URL][/B]

* = competitively viable move

Notable exceptions: Flamethrower, Fire Blast.

Flamethrower/Fire Blast - These two are reliable Fire moves which would give it perfect coverage and make it extremely difficult to counter. Instead, I have allowed it to have Overheat. This is not the sort of attack that can just be thrown out predicting a counter, since if you guess wrong you are forced to switch out.

Using Overheat requires considerably greater skill because of this one reason, which in turn makes it a lot less effective for the average player.
Example scenario: You bring in Rockmon on say, Gyarados. You predict the Scizor coming in to absorb your expected Rock move and use Overheat. Instead of the Scizor, a Tyranitar switches in, laughs at your Overheat, and then Pursuits you to hell because your Earth Powers are doing squat.
With Fire Blast, you can still hit Tyranitar with a full powered move even after your mis-prediction. The simple truth is, once you have used Overheat, your sweep is over. Your SpA is slashed and your attacks won't be doing enough. That is why Overheat requires so much more skill to use than FT/FB, and encourages high risk high reward play.

For sweeping moves in general, I have given it Hidden Power, Ice Beam, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Overheat, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, and Charge Beam.

Now for the Platinum Move Tutor moves:

- [B][URL=""]Air Cutter[/URL][/B]*
- [B][URL=""]Fury Cutter[/URL][/B]
- [B][URL=""]Knock Off[/URL][/B]*
- [B][URL=""]Trick[/URL][/B]*
- [B][URL=""]Vacuum Wave[/URL][/B]*
- [B][URL=""]Magnet Rise[/URL][/B]*
- [B][URL=""]Swift[/URL][/B]
- [B][URL=""]Ancientpower[/URL][/B]**
- [B][URL=""]Earth Power[/URL][/B]**
- [B][URL=""]Iron Head[/URL][/B]
- [B][URL=""]Signal Beam[/URL][/B]
- [B][URL=""]Snore[/URL][/B]
- [B][URL=""]Mud Slap[/URL][/B]
- [B][URL="""]Icy Wind[/URL][/B]*

* = competitively viable move
** = very viable move

Air Cutter lets it use a base 82 Special Flying move when using Technician, and Vacuum Wave allows it to use a base 60 Special Fighting priority move.
Knock Off and Trick give it some interesting support options.
Magnet Rise lets it have a temporary Ground immunity while using Technician. Icy Wind makes a decent alternative option to ICe Beam when using Technician.


That's my movepool entry. I'm open to all suggestions and criticism, thank you.
Level Up:
Heart Scale: Weather Ball
Heart Scale: Metal Sound
04: Focus Energy
08: Rock Throw
15: Fury Swipes
18: Mud Shot
29: Rock Slide
38: Slash
44: "Ancient Beam"
49: AncientPower
55: Lock On
67: Stone Edge

03: Water Pulse
04: Calm Mind
06: Toxic
10: Hidden Power
11: Sunny Day
12: Taunt
13: Ice Beam
15: Hyper Beam
17: Protect
18: Rain Dance
19: Giga Drain
21: Frustration
24: Thunderbolt
26: Earthquake
27: Return
28: Dig
29: Psychic
30: Shadow Ball
31: Brick Break
32: Double Team
34: Shock Wave
35: Flamethrower
37: Sandstorm
39: Rock Tomb
40: Aerial Ace
42: Facade
43: Secret Power
44: Rest
46: Thief
50: Overheat
52: Focus Blast
53: Energy Ball
54: False Swipe
56: Fling
58: Endure
64: Explosion
65: Shadow Claw
68: Giga Impact
69: Rock Polish
71: Stone Edge
73: Thunder Wave
74: Gyro Ball
75: Swords Dance
76: Stealth Rock
80: Rock Slide
81: X-Scissor
82: Sleep Talk
84: Poison Jab
87: Swagger
89: U-turn
90: Substitute
91: Flash Cannon
H1: Cut
H4: Strength
H6: Rock Smash
H8: Rock Climb

-Air Cutter
-Knock Off
-Ominous Wind
-Sucker Punch
-Vacuum Wave
-Magnet Rise
-Earth Power
-Iron Defense
-Mud Slap
-Signal Beam

This is my final submission I guess, since I didn't get any feedback when I first posted it. :/
Also be aware that it is still open to last minute changes upon suggestion and request. Thanks guys.
Don't really have any suggestion towards you're movepool as it looks fine for whatever goal you have in mind. I think you found a balance between Tech and Levitate set which is good. I say change it as it is for now.
Final submission

(Heart Scale) Weather Ball
(Heart Scale) Magnet Rise
1 Scratch
1 Miracle Eye
1 Confusion
6 Miracle Eye
13 Confusion
19 Disable
26 Knock Off
32 Metal Sound
38 Ancient Beam (supposed final evolution level)
40 Agility
46 Metal Sound
52 Psychic

Added Weather Ball to the moveset - since it seems to fit quite well my movepool's flavor. Also cancelled AP from the level up list (still present in the move tutor list) and replaced it with Screech.

TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM13 Ice Beam
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM48 Skill Swap
TM52 Focus Blast
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM64 Explosion
TM67 Recycle
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM73 Thunderwave
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM77 Psych Up
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb

Nothing changed here.


Air Cutter
Earth Power
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Icy Wind
Mud Slap
Signal Beam
Fury Cutter
Knock Off
Vacuum Wave
Zen Headbutt
Magnet Rise

I added Icy Wind and Air Cutter to give more opportunities to the Tech set.

Hope this will get at least 2 votes (including mine ^^ )
Cresseila, Swalot, Latios, Latias, Claydol, Mawile, Altaria, Deoxys(All forms) learn Ice Beam but not Blizzard. Now if the only reason for not adding Ice Beam was because of that then they're enough precident for it to get it. If you have a good competitively reason onto why it doesn't have Ice Beam then that's good.

Funny, Pyroak is the reverse. Big and heavy enough to create an earthquake or two, but doesn't get it for some arbitrary reason(s). Surprisingly enough, the smallest Pokemon that isn't a Rock/Ground type is probably Pineco, thought I not sure. Size and weight seem to not be a factor when giving out Earthquake. I think it has to do with a Pokemon's design. Rockmon's design does seem like something that would prevent it for learning the move.

Head Smash would give that gimmick Suicidal Sword Dance set some major bite, but at the cost of nearly killing itself most of the time. Blissey is surprisingly study beside it's weak defense, so an Head Smash isn't going to scare it that much.

-Nature LO Rockmon using Head Smash against 0/252 Calm Blissey: [B]37.94% - 44.85%[/B]
Neutral Nature LO Rockmon using Head Smash: [B]42.4% - 49.92%[/B]
+Nature LO Rockmon using Head Smash: [B]46.24% - 54.53%[/B]
+Nature 252 Atk LO Rockmon using Head Smash: [B]58.99% - 69.59%
[/B]Sword Dance Adamant LO Rockmon using Head Smash:[B] 118.13% - 139.17%

Only quoting this because it seem the vast amount of people are really against this creature having Explosion and Taunt. This make me more wanting to remove them from my movepool to appeal to all those people.

--I didn't want to give it an Ice move more powerful than HP Ice, which I probably should have mentioned. With the gigantic type coverage this thing can have, it should be able to get by with that. Note that Icy Wind is always less powerful than HP Ice and is less reliable due to 95% accuracy.

--Well, that's basically it. It just doesn't look like it can learn it. Not that it matters much, as physical sweeping sets for this are rather LOL.

--Even without atk EVs, LO Head Smash is a 2HKO unless Bliss is coming in with 100% health and SR/sandstorm are not on the field. Considering how common SR is and that this guy can have weather ball, the latter two conditions are not unreasonable. And it's still a more intriguing option than "Blissey comes in. Go boom."
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