All Pokemon caught in 72 hours - 2009 a Success. $17,000+ raised


Let the music play!
is a Community Leader Alumnus
Firestorm Edit:

We are back! Its been a year since our last attempt, but we are at it again. We start tomorrow Friday December 18th at 6pm cst and will be trying to catch all 493 Pokemon in 72 hours. I can guarantee you guys that we will pull it off this year. We caught 429 last year, but we have practiced hard since then and with the additions of Heart Gold and Soul Silver, it is very doable.

We will be raising money for Ally's House. Their website is

You can watch our attempt at

Any promotion would be much appreciated.

Hope to see you guys there!


End FirestormEdit
The Speed Gamers, a group of video game enthusiasts who play for marathon hours to raise money for charities, have announced they will attempt to capture every Pokémon available in North America during 72 straight hours beginning 5 p.m. CST Dec. 19.

The Marathon will begin Friday December 19th @5pm cst and last 72 hours. We will attempt to catch every Pokemon that is legitimately possible (491) while raising money for ACT Today. 100% of all donations will go to ACT Today (Autism Care and Treatment).

Rules: All games will be started from a new file, and all pokemon must be attained within our house, no trades will be made from outsiders. All the Pokemon will be transferred to one cart to complete the Pokedex.

Setup: We will be playing multiple games at a time, but we will only be broadcasting 2 “feature games” along with a view of a commentator via webcam. We will switch out the 2 “feature games” being played around every 6 hours so that our viewers can see a litte bit of each game. The commentator will also be giving updates of progress and catchings in games that aren’t being featured at that time There will be a checklist to show the pokemon we’ve caught so that everyone can be up to date on our progress .

You will be able to view and chat with us and other viewers here on our website.

The games we will be playing to achieve this task is:
Pokemon Versions- Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl,
Pokemon Gale of Darkness, Pokemon Colliseum + American and Japanese Bonus Discs, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Ranch.

Prizes: Pokemon Edition Nintendo 64, Pokemon Edition Gameboy Color, Pokemon Diamond with completed Pokedex that we gathered from the marathon.

The Pokemon marathon marks our 8th marathon. We have raised over $10,000 in total for various charities.

Also, we are partnering up with for this marathon. They are currently holding a contest in which you send in your fan made papercraft, and you could possibly win some awesome prizes!
Wow this is awesome. Can they really do that? Also, this might be a noob question, but how many are they (I mean the participants)?

Will, I really wanna see the outcome of this!
Wow this is awesome. Can they really do that? Also, this might be a noob question, but how many are they (I mean the participants)?

Probably one person running through the game for each cart. I wonder if some people at Smogon could do this!

They could potentially never catch Lati@s.
I'd like to see a Stark Mountain thread about this to discuss the ways of capturing certain Pokemons (events) and what kind of strategy the players would have to use.

Anyway, it's kinda hard to believe they're going to capture all of them in 72 hours. I've got around 236 Pokemon legitely in Gold and Silver and it took me hundreds of hours to get there. Though I have over 300 Pokemon caught in Diamond and Pearl I doubt half of them are even legit by now with all the PokeSAV trading.
It's possible. Key will be rushing to the end then going back to fill out all needed pokemon. As long as they get all of the version exclusives and know where it's easier to find certain pokemon they'll easily get the majority of them. IMO it'd be easiest to just rush through using the "all of the xp goes to my starter so it's always 25 levels higher than my enemies" strategy with a bunch of HM slaves.

Training can be an entirely different story. Some things, like Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence, ect. will need a lot of time devoted to them to be achieved within 3 days of play.
This seems possible, although it might be close (the runaways and the GSC starters might be troublesome)

Training can be done with rare candies, and catching legends with masterballs...
Even if they plan to do it legitly, Master Balls can still be cloned in Emerald. I was able to catch Cresselia and Mesprit in the span of about 30 minutes, but I've never tried to catch the Latis in 3rd gen.

I see the biggest problem as Ho-oh, as winning 100 battles consecutively in Colosseum will probably take at least a day by itself. More if they lose one. I assume they won't just take the easy way out and hack the Navel Rock ticket. Also, Ihow do they intend to catch Deoxys without hacking an event of some kind.
Well they're capturing "every Pokémon available", which provides a clear loophole to avoid capturing Event Pokes.
But hey, if they're not catching the events, how can they possibly get 491 pokemon? I mean, there is no event for shaymin right now, right? Also, is there a Darkrai event now? They didn't mention pokemon ranger shadows of Almia, meaning they're going to use the original ranger game, right?

What do you think?
They plan to beat 11 games in 72 hours...If they have enough guys to man all 11 games continuously, that's nearly 800 hours to catch the 491.

With the bonus discs, ranger, and ranch, they get most of the event pokemon. The only one I can't account for is Celebi. I don't think Skymin, Darkrai, or Arceus are involved.

Also, a ton of the ones that are hard to level can be gotten as final forms from XD and Colosseum.

This may be a huge grind, but with enough people going around the clock it's not difficult at all.

I would have volunteered to play a game if I could...
Why would they need to train if they can just mass clone Rare Candies in Emerald?

Also, the only two Pokemon they can't get are Deoxys and Arceus. Darkrai and Shaymin is catchable with the E4 Glitch. Actually, they can get 492 - after catching 491, they can use the E4 Glitch to fight Arceus and "get stuck there".

Celebi is JP Pokemon Colosseum - I think that's what they were referring to as "Bonus Disk". If not, then they have to literally get stuck at Arceus after it's all done to get 491
The 24-hour limit on Pal Park could be a bit troublesome, but with just one Diamond and one Pearl you still get to transfer a maximum of 36 Pokémon during 72 hours, that should be enough, considering most can be caught in Diamond and Pearl anyway. This does cause some problems when it comes to using the glitch in Emerald to level using Rare Candies though, which otherwise would speed things up quite a bit.

But this is most likely possible, I've collected everyone but Arceus on my copy of Diamond, by using the E4-glitch transferring from my older games of course, and the total time I put in to all those games is far less than 800 hours. It would be more interesting to see if they could pull it off without glitches though, but that would of course limit the maximum number they can catch further.
There are only a handful of exclusives to the versions, using the insertion method lets you get a lot of them without palparking. Only the legendary birds, dogs, and RBY/GSC/RSE starters along with a couple of true version exclusives absolutely need to be palparked.

As to the emerald glitch,it won't help with leveling Garchomp but you can level up a dragonite/metagross/tyranitar/salamence and transfer them, breed them, and just level the eggs up into dragonaire/metang/pupitar/shelgon.
My best times for first hall of fames:

Ruby: 1:40
Emerald: 2:20
Leaf Green: 2:40 (includes unlocking national dex)
Pearl: 3:40 (includes unlocking national dex except for unhatched Riolu egg)

However, the first three were achieved using roms/save state/VBA trading (Alakazam/teleport abuse). My best time for Emerald cart is 3:20. Times are rounded to the nearest 10 minutes because I can't remember the exact numbers.

72 Hours? That's plenty of time :toast:
The 24-hour limit on Pal Park could be a bit troublesome, but with just one Diamond and one Pearl you still get to transfer a maximum of 36 Pokémon during 72 hours, that should be enough, considering most can be caught in Diamond and Pearl anyway. This does cause some problems when it comes to using the glitch in Emerald to level using Rare Candies though, which otherwise would speed things up quite a bit.

But this is most likely possible, I've collected everyone but Arceus on my copy of Diamond, by using the E4-glitch transferring from my older games of course, and the total time I put in to all those games is far less than 800 hours. It would be more interesting to see if they could pull it off without glitches though, but that would of course limit the maximum number they can catch further.

There is a glitch to allow for repeated transferring.
@Nicar: Will, when you have done that, you didn't do it in a straight 800 hours, it took you weeks, or perhaps months. They are human you know, and they can't keep playing for a straight 72 hours without taking any rest. Will, all we can do now is wait and see!

Of course, my point was just that the task might not take as long to complete as one might think, hopefully they will have enough people to keep the games up and running all the time, while still giving them a bit of rest. Playing effectively for 72 hours straight is of course not possible. For me it took more like years ;P

And I didn't know about all the tricks for Pal Park, that should help quite a bit.
If they have both Diamond and Pearl, and 2 DSes, it shouldn't be hard to trade those to make them evolve.
If they have both Diamond and Pearl, and 2 DSes, it shouldn't be hard to trade those to make them evolve.

It was a joke, saying that they are lame enough to do this etc...

Anyway it does sound like a bit of a feat, I hope they actually manage to stay awake, and thank god it's for charity, it would be a bloody waste of everyones time if it wasn't. Eith way I wish them the best of luck.