All Pokemon caught in 72 hours - 2009 a Success. $17,000+ raised

This task will be futile, because a friend is required to obtain Alakazam, Gengar, Machamp, Golem, etc, and I doubt these people have any.
Well that is a little harsh.
Are they only alowed to trade with people involved in the project or can anyone on smogon trade with them to evolve the pokemon needing to be traded to evolve? Also, if you are going after HO-oh on col, be sure to use only pokemon you got in col to battle all the way up to the 100th trainer. If you use pokemon you did not get in the game and traded over you will not get ho-oh. my brother spent the time when the game came out and beat all 100 trainers with the pokemon from his ruby game and when he beat the 100th trainer...... Where the fuck is Ho-oh!!!!
hey guys,

I saw from our website that we had received a lot of redirects from your forums, just wanted to thank everyone personally (if you can call this personally) I'll make sure to thank you guys and mention smogon during the marathon.

I'll answer any questions you have, so shoot away.

As far as the event pokemon we have received them already, and since they're only attainable though event we've put them on a designated event cart. Ho-oh is going to be caught from 100 consecutive wins in Colosseum,
jirachi is from the American bonus disc of Colosseum and celebi is from the japanese bonus disc. We have a swap disc and have already tested getting celebi. I can go on about the rest, but don't worry we have accounted for all 491 in all legitimate ways.

We will be playing 8 games at a time, there will be around 20 of us at my house. There will be 2 "feature games" that will be swapped out every 6 hours. Feature game means it will be shown being played live. We are going to have a detailed checklist that will be updated as soon as each pokemon is caught , as well as a counter that will tell you just the amount we have.

and as far as being loser, lol, I understand it does seem pretty hardcore nerdy, but this is our 8th marathon we've done, and we all love pokemon sooooo...yeahhh...ok, not gonna lie, it's nerdy. If you watch the marathon though you'll see were all just avg guys.

We're giving away a pokemon edition N64, pokemon Gb color, the completed cart we are transferring everything to, a bonus disc that was released in 2004 to fix a rub and sapphire glitch, that gives you a shiny zigzagoon, and much much more. All the prizes will be free to win, all that will be required is that you email us at a certain time during the marathon that we will specify. It's a raffle type system, we number the emails and then use a random number generator to pick the winner. We hold the contests about once every 12 hours. Usually our grand prize though (the final cart) is limited to the donators list, just to give an extra incentive.

Here's us on ACT Today's website, just for legitimacy purposes

and our website is

Thanks again!
This is pretty awesome, and it actually has a goal too. Sounds like a lot of fun to do, and with plenty of time.
I know, but I meant legitly.

Someone once died because they played a game for 22 hours straight.
I heard about it a few years ago.

Anyway, good luck, speed gamers. Have fun!

We're going to have around 20 people for the marathon, so you won't have to worry about us. :)

We've got commentating schedules, and playing schedules set up.

This is our 8th marathon, some which have lasted over 80 hours.

Its gonna be great, never been more excited for one of our marathons before.
I've heard of marathons like this before, but I just love the idea. It's obviously going to be tough for them but anyone taking on a challenge like this and all for charity is just amazing.
Hold up. I'm confused; I thought there were only 490 obtainable pokemon with events. Deoxys, Shaymin, and Arceus all require events. Am I missing something? If so, I would like to know because I always tell people there are only 3 "true" events.

Also, can you explain obtaining Celebi using the American Colosseum? I haven't heard of that before and I'm intrigued. If it works, I wanna know how! (if you don't mind sharing)

Sounds fun, and good luck!
Hold up. I'm confused; I thought there were only 490 obtainable pokemon with events. Deoxys, Shaymin, and Arceus all require events. Am I missing something? If so, I would like to know because I always tell people there are only 3 "true" events.

Also, can you explain obtaining Celebi using the American Colosseum? I haven't heard of that before and I'm intrigued. If it works, I wanna know how! (if you don't mind sharing)

Sounds fun, and good luck!

Thanks for your questions.

There are 491 pokemon available in North America. Celebi is available on the Japanese bonus disc of Colosseum, and we have a swap disc for the gamecube so we are able to attain it.
Wait... What about the pokemon only attainable on some days? Like the ones you hear about from Dawn's sister.

The only one that will be a problem is Drifloon, but they are starting on a Friday so it is of little importance. The other swarm pokemon are all 3rd gen or lower I believe, which can be obtained in the other games.

Thanks for your questions.

There are 491 pokemon available in North America. Celebi is available on the Japanese bonus disc of Colosseum, and we have a swap disc for the gamecube so we are able to attain it.

Yeah, I'm playing North America too, but I still don't see a way to obtain either Deoxys, Shaymin, or Arceus. Maybe I'll just have to watch and find out, huh? I hope my dial up cooperates for this.

So, the Celebi bonus disc is compatible with NA Colosseum? I'm going to have to get me one of them there bonus discs then!
I hope they show the footage of the collection of the event legendaries such as Mew, Celebi, and Deoxys. Those should definitely be posted alongside the main live play-thrus during the event.
Shaymin, or Arceus are not available in North in North America, that is why we are only catching the 491 available in North America. For pokemon only attained from events like Deoxys, they are going to be already loaded on a separate cart from the ones we are playing, seeing as we need an event to catch them.

Mew can be caught on ranch by loading 999 pokemon onto it. Celebi is caught by using both the japanese bonus disc and game. Like I said we will be using a SWap disc. A swap disc enables you to play japanese games on an ntsc gamecube.

You guys don't have to worry about any of that, we have tested all the means to catch 491, and they're all accounted for.

This marathon has been in the works for around 6 months
Shaymin, or Arceus are not available in North in North America, that is why we are only catching the 491 available in North America. For pokemon only attained from events like Deoxys, they are going to be already loaded on a separate cart from the ones we are playing, seeing as we need an event to catch them.

Mew can be caught on ranch by loading 999 pokemon onto it. Celebi is caught by using both the japanese bonus disc and game. Like I said we will be using a SWap disc. A swap disc enables you to play japanese games on an ntsc gamecube.

You guys don't have to worry about any of that, we have tested all the means to catch 491, and they're all accounted for.

This marathon has been in the works for around 6 months

The underlined part is what I was looking for. Only Deoxys is going to need that.

Anyways, yes, a swap disc (or a freeloader as some call it) will let you bypass region barriers. I just didn't know the Japanese bonus disc would work with an American Colosseum savefile (and thus an American 3rd gen handheld).

And 6 months? That seems a bit excessive IMO but it's understandable if you've been waiting for the last of the pokemon (namely Darkrai) to become available. Good luck and I'll be tuning in if I can.
The underlined part is what I was looking for. Only Deoxys is going to need that.

Anyways, yes, a swap disc (or a freeloader as some call it) will let you bypass region barriers. I just didn't know the Japanese bonus disc would work with an American Colosseum savefile (and thus an American 3rd gen handheld).

And 6 months? That seems a bit excessive IMO but it's understandable if you've been waiting for the last of the pokemon (namely Darkrai) to become available. Good luck and I'll be tuning in if I can.

Kool Man,

Well we haven't been hardcore planning it, just we've known we were going to do it over Christmas break since this summer. We've had time to plan out the little things, and to make our goal attainable. This is our 8th marathon, and I think we will be able to put on a good show. We're gonna have contests to give a way prizes. For example, were gonna put our own spin on "who's that pokemon" , the first person to email us will win a prize. Not sure which prize we will assign to which games yet. Chances to win a prize will be evenly spread out through the marathon.
Just wondering how you are getting Darkrai? Are you using an event? or are you going to use Pokemon Ranger: Shadow of Almia?
Shaymin, or Arceus are not available in North in North America, that is why we are only catching the 491 available in North America. For pokemon only attained from events like Deoxys, they are going to be already loaded on a separate cart from the ones we are playing, seeing as we need an event to catch them.

Mew can be caught on ranch by loading 999 pokemon onto it. Celebi is caught by using both the japanese bonus disc and game. Like I said we will be using a SWap disc. A swap disc enables you to play japanese games on an ntsc gamecube.

You guys don't have to worry about any of that, we have tested all the means to catch 491, and they're all accounted for.

This marathon has been in the works for around 6 months
I could be wrong, but wouldn't it be easier to catch Mew on Emerald on Faraway Island, I imagine that would take less time then uploading 999 Pokemon on Pokemon Ranch, though I can't say since I don't have a Wii.

Also, I don't mean to be rude, but I want to question how do we know your really the TheSpeedGamers, you could be phonies? XD, No I'm just kidding.
We are going to have 900 pokemon already loaded onto ranch pre marathon, I know that kinda sounds like cheating, but I don't think you all would like to watch us transfer all 999, plus we would have to switch the wii calendar over and over (which I don't even know is possible, I've never tested). We already have the 900 locked and loaded :P But if you guys would prefer that, then we will take it into consideration if we get several requests.

Here's some stuff from marathons past to show we aren't some phonies . This is a scan of us in a german magazine (GEE)

This is a promotion of us on ACT Today's website, the charity we will be donating to.

I know you said you were just joking, but for anybody else that needed any proof, here ya go!

We have some other articles we can digg up if anyone needs.
We are going to have 900 pokemon already loaded onto ranch pre marathon, I know that kinda sounds like cheating, but I don't think you all would like to watch us transfer all 999, plus we would have to switch the wii calendar over and over (which I don't even know is possible, I've never tested). We already have the 900 locked and loaded :P But if you guys would prefer that, then we will take it into consideration if we get several requests.

I honestly think you should start completely fresh on Ranch. Reason (taken from the website itself):

Rules: All games will be started from a new file, and all pokemon must be attained within our house, no trades will be made from outsiders. All the Pokemon will be transferred to one cart to complete the Pokedex.

The games we will be playing to achieve this task is:
Pokemon Versions- Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl,
Pokemon Gale of Darkness, Pokemon Colliseum + American and Japanese Bonus Discs, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Ranch.

You claim to start all games from a new file, listing ranch under the games section. So having a preloaded ranch takes away from the new file stipulation.

(Same could be said for obtaining Deoxys from a save file already containing it, but there's no other way to do that, leaving the only option to drop Deoxys completely)

This will also add to the challenge since you'll need to catch nearly twice the pokemon (or you could just mass breed a thousand eggs XD).

Of course, if the calander warping doesn't work, then you can pretty much just disregard this.

Um, RB Golbat brings up a valid point as well: how will you obtain Darkrai without Pokemon Ranger 2? It is missing from the list (unless you have that implied as Pokemon Ranger 2). It is perfectly obtainable through ingame methods (unlike Deoxys), so an event transfer seems unfair as well.

(Oh, and what Al_Mist was getting at is how do we know that you're actually one of the Speed Gamers and not just another user pulling our leg?)
For Deoxys/Darkai, what they're doing is this, if I'm understanding right:
As far as the event pokemon we have received them already, and since they're only attainable though event we've put them on a designated event cart.
And without Ranger 2/Platinum, which they don't have, Darkrai isn't obtainable legitimately through in-game methods. Thus, the event cart, which I'm guessing has a TRU Darkrai on it.
For Deoxys/Darkai, what they're doing is this, if I'm understanding right:

And without Ranger 2/Platinum, which they don't have, Darkrai isn't obtainable legitimately through in-game methods. Thus, the event cart, which I'm guessing has a TRU Darkrai on it.

I feel that they should get every pokemon possible through ingame methods, and this includes Darkrai. Simply replace Pokemon Ranger with Ranger 2 because 2 has Manaphy, much like the first one, and has Darkrai.

Deoxys should be the only exception from my perspective because it's the only one not obtainable any other way.