All Pokemon caught in 72 hours - 2009 a Success. $17,000+ raised

Nah Veedrock, it's a loophole. Nobody could honestly say that Pokemon Ranch is a game.

From the site itself.

The games we will be playing to achieve this task is:
Pokemon Versions- Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl,
Pokemon Gale of Darkness, Pokemon Colliseum + American and Japanese Bonus Discs, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Ranch.

Listed as a game.

Yeah, I should probably send them an email on this matter since I doubt they check this out and take it seriously before Friday.

EDIT: I just sent them an email and will post what they will do on the matter if anybody is interested.
Yeah, I should probably send them an email on this matter since I doubt they check this out and take it seriously before Friday.

EDIT: I just sent them an email and will post what they will do on the matter if anybody is interested.

Yes, please post their response (had it arrived yet). This marathon looks to be great, good luck guys!
These guys seem to know what they are doing, im sure these guys had all the same questions you all had. They probably have plans for all of these things, and also, i dont think these guys will glitch or clone or anything, i think they will do it legit. That, of course, is an opinion, and i wont be as surprised if they do it through glitching. I'm gonna enjoy whatching this!
Sorry that I have been gone for awhile. Some changes that I made to the main page was removing Pokemon Emerald since it wont be necessary for us to play, changing pokemon ranger to pokemon ranger shadows of Almia and.. also sorry for Misspelling Colosseum , I can't believe I missed that.

Concerning Darkrai
Darkrai is attainable through Shadows of Almia mission that is available now till January 1st.

Concerning Mew
It's up to you guys and the rest of the viewers on if you want us to upload the 999 pokemon to ranch during the marathon, or pre load them to get Mew.
i generally thought most people wouldn't want to see that, but if we get enough of a demand we will.

Lastly, JesusFreak is right, we won't be using any glitches besides the system time change exploit in order to be able to trade more than 6 pokemon a day to a cart, and also to upload 999 pokemon to ranch we will have to change the wii's dates.
I say comply to your rules and start a fresh new Pokemon Ranch file, unless the calendar switch trick does not work. Either that or drop Mew ;s
We are only about 24 hours away until the marathon starts, This Friday @ 5pm central time.

I Hope to see you guys there.

We will go ahead and transfer all 999 during the marathon :)

the website has exceeded its bandwith or something. I get an error "this account has exceeded its CPU quota". I was in the chat on the homepage just fine, but I accidently closed the window and now can't get back on.

There was over 1500 viewers on and in the chat before I left.

EDIT: back up:

it's going up and down all over the place. I guess >1000-1200 causes it to go down. They are asking some people to watch it on ustream now
Sorry, I totally forgot that I said I'd post the replies.

I'm not going to post everything. I brought up the points about Darkrai (and Manaphy), and about Mew. Britt already clarified on it, but still:

Darkrai: Gotten through Pokemon Ranger 2, so no need to transfer it from another game; playing only Pokemon Ranger 2 instead of just 1 (because 2 was ignored) or both (because Manaphy can also be obtained in 2 as well and they didn't consider that after considering 2).

Mew: I mentioned the rules standard. He (?) brought up that nobody would want to see them deposit 999 pokemon (and that's true), so I brought up that they were letting the viewers vote on what to watch and nobody was going to vote for that game anyways, so it would be of no consequence.

So yay, we made an impact on the marathon. :D

I'm going to throw it out there, and no offense, but they aren't real pokemon players. :P Sorry. I wish them the best of luck though (and I'd donate if I still had my debit card, but alas, that's not the case).
They're on 38 right now, according to the counter on ustream.

The guy playing either leaf green or fire red lost a couple of times against the rival on the way to bill's. I hope they don't rush it too much so that they'll lose constantly later...
Good luck guys!, if you considerer trading for certain pokemon i'm on, i have that stupid Mew from ranch in case you feel lazy to deposit 999 pokemon, and willing to give it away of course.
Gee, Rayquaza really doesn't support autistic children.

Of course, they're doing a horrible job of catching it. He threw at least one ultra ball when it was in the GREEN with no status effect.
Sorry, I totally forgot that I said I'd post the replies.

I'm not going to post everything. I brought up the points about Darkrai (and Manaphy), and about Mew. Britt already clarified on it, but still:

Darkrai: Gotten through Pokemon Ranger 2, so no need to transfer it from another game; playing only Pokemon Ranger 2 instead of just 1 (because 2 was ignored) or both (because Manaphy can also be obtained in 2 as well and they didn't consider that after considering 2).

Mew: I mentioned the rules standard. He (?) brought up that nobody would want to see them deposit 999 pokemon (and that's true), so I brought up that they were letting the viewers vote on what to watch and nobody was going to vote for that game anyways, so it would be of no consequence.

So yay, we made an impact on the marathon. :D

I'm going to throw it out there, and no offense, but they aren't real pokemon players. :P Sorry. I wish them the best of luck though (and I'd donate if I still had my debit card, but alas, that's not the case).

What makes you decide on how people decide to play the game? They are playing pokemon thus are pokemon players, stop thinking because you can play competitively that you are superior then them.

Anyway they are doing fantastically and I wish them all the best, donated 20 dollars.
So about the internal battery of Ruby died and they lost about thirty hours of play and the clock has been thicking for about 60:25 now :(
What they get for using a fake copy (I'm pretty sure when they started it up, it said "Save file was loaded" and "The game can be played").

EDIT: Not being mean or anything, but they could have checked whether it was genuine... And also, you can't migrate from fake games to real games. If the battery dies in a real game, the save file stays intact.
Yeah, that was pretty dissapointing to see.

EDIT: No, hahaha, how can you save if the game doesn't have a battery
The save on the GBA/DS games uses flash memory, which doesn't need a battery. It uses the GBA's or DS's power to save.
I'm 99% sure that game is fake. When they try to migrate the Pokémon from it to D/P, the Ruby save will be corrupted.

Oh, and can someone who has a ustream account notify them that it's a fake? I tried, but you need an account...
Ten Hours to Go

Ten hours to go and they have NOTHING on the main game and only 393 pokes total. Does anyone else think that they might not make it?

They are going to have to exploit the pal park trick a lot or migrate over all of their evolved started, make an egg and power level them up to evolve which wouldn't be the worse thing . . . . I wish them the best of luck and have enjoyed catching the updates but question whether or not they'll make the cut of 491 pokemon on one cart.
Did we decide if the Ruby was real?
Someone tell them to show the Ruby cart in front of the camera, so we can see if it's fake or not... It's possible to get a fake second-hand copy from a shop accidentally.
A real version has a transparent red cartridge and a shiny label; fake ones tend to have grey or opaque red cartridges (like FR), and a non-shiny label.
Does anyone know what happened? I'm on the site right now and they're still doing it. I guess they couldn't finish? Someone's asking them how long they'll be going for but he's not answering.