Tipping the Scales - Round 2

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The Costs are arranged as such:

OU's: -3 Points
BL's: -2 Points
UU's: -1 Point
NFE's : +1

Note: Pikachu, Cubone, Clamperl, Trapinch, Vigoroth, Hippopotas and Snover will cost one point regardless of held item.
Phione, Scyther and Porygon2 are not considered NFE.

You cannot purchase NFEs after round 1.

Official Tournament Rules thread
Round 1 Thread

Other Rules:
  • Sleep Clause
  • Freeze Clause
  • Evasion Clause
  • OHKO Clause
  • Species Clause
  • Self-KO Clause
  • No Scouting. I realize this is less relevant since teams will likely be changed each round, but If a player asks you to leave their match, you must do so.
  • Battle Timeout must be on and will be enforced.
  • Battles must be played on Shoddybattle.
  • This Tournament is DOUBLE ELIMINATION.
  • If you win, you earn points equal to the number of Pokemon you have remaining.
  • If you lose, you earn zero points.
  • Any Pokemon Purchases must be sent to Olie.
Any queries should be forwarded to Articanus or Olie.

Read This:
***Also please note for this round: You will be unable to purchase OU Pokemon. If you purchased OU Pokemon in the previous round, you will only be able to use one. No Exceptions.
**If you have 2 or more OUs in your current pool of Pokemon, you may purchase NFEs free of charge (limit of 2), which are useable for THIS ROUND ONLY. I have your teams on file so dont be a dick, and try to trick me into getting free Pokes.
*And I refunded all Shaymin-s Purchases, so if this is the case for you, you may replace it with another Pokemon of your choosing from the OU tier, useable for the remainder of the tournament.

Rules for Purchasing Pokemon this round:
-No NFEs or OUs (unless you meet the special requirements)
-Unlimited purchases
-No Purchases after 21 December.

Here Are the Current Point totals: (Just Ctrl+F your name, they are listed in order of # of points obtained)
Rag - 17
Earthworm - 12
Ace Matador. - 11
Goldfan - 11
darkie - 10
FBABY - 10
OGBaLLiN - 10
Andeby - 9
Sikh Assassin - 9
Limitless - 8
Giant Enemy Crab-7
Kevin Garrett - 7
LonelyNess - 7
Bass - 6
Blame Game - 6
Mien. - 6
Sonuis - 6
Xenogears - 6
DawnBringer - 5
MS - 5
Twash - 5
Aeroblacktyl - 4
Hexon (TGN) - 4
k.k.2 - 4
snorlax - 4
Caelum - 3
Rampardos101 - 3
SkarmBlissCounter - 3
Valantaro - 3
alive - 2
Atticus - 2
Brawley - 2
Fabbles - 2
Jolteonn - 2
KD24 - 2
stone_cold22 - 2
tuskate - 2
Amelia - 1
FiveKRunner - 1
Kankuro  - 1
moi - 1
RB Golbat - 1
Sapientia - 1
SilentEcho - 1
SuperAlan - 1
TAY - 1
chaos 9 - 0
Diploman - 0
Havak - 0
MetaNite - 0
Mizuno - 0
Mysterio713 - 0
Oxygen - 0
PostHC_Cat - 0
reachzero - 0
SilentMartyr - 0
Twist of Fate - 0

Winners Bracket:

TAY vs Screen (coin flip)
Earthworm vs Hexon (TGN) (5-0)
Twash vs Rag (2-0)
Atticus vs Ace Matador. (coin flip)
darkie vs stone_cold22 (2-0)
Mien. vs Aeroblacktyl (1-0)
Kankuro vs TUskate (1-0)
MS vs RB Golbat (2-0)
Andeby vs Snorlax (3-0)
KD24 vs Bass (2-0)
Valantaro vs Blame Game (1-0)
k.k.2 vs Silent Echo (4-0)
Xenogears vs Giant Enemy Crab (2-0)
SkarmBlissCounter vs Goldfan (1-0)
LonelyNess vs Brawley (coin flip)

Losers Bracket:

Mysterio713 vs Mizuno (coin flip)
SilentMartyr vs Moi (coin flip)
DawnBringer vs darknessmalice (3-0)
Oxygen vs Diploman (1-0)
Havak vs Sonuis (3-0)
Twist of Fate vs FiveKRunner (2-0)
Sikh Assassin vs alive (1-0)
Limitless vs Kevin Garrett (coin flip)
Fabbles vs reachzero (5-0)
Mind vs Rampardos101 (coin flip)
chaos9 vs Sapientia (2-0)
SuperAlan vs PostHC_Cat (coin flip)
Caelum vs OGBallin (coin flip)
Amelia vs Metanite (1-0)

(Please notify Articanus or myself immediately if your opponent is unresponsive)

You have until 10 January, 7:00am (GMT-7)
Good Luck to All!
screw losers im doing the winners

TAY vs Mizuno
Earthworm vs Hexon (TGN)
Twash vs Rag
Atticus vs Ace Matador.
darkie vs stone_cold22
Mien. vs Aeroblacktyl
Kankuro vs TUskate
MS vs RB Golbat
Andeby vs Snorlax
KD24 vs Bass
FBABY vs Jolteonn
Valantaro vs Blame Game
k.k.2 vs Silent Echo
Xenogears vs Giant Enemy Crab
SkarmBlissCounter vs Goldfan
LonelyNess vs Brawley

edit: umm... jolteonn is on winners and loser bracket
Winners Bracket:

TAY vs Mizuno
Earthworm vs Hexon (TGN)
Twash vs Rag
Atticus vs Ace Matador.
darkie vs stone_cold22
Mien. vs Aeroblacktyl
Kankuro vs TUskate
MS vs RB Golbat
Andeby vs Snorlax
KD24 vs Bass
FBABY vs Mind
Valantaro vs Blame Game
k.k.2 vs Silent Echo
Xenogears vs Giant Enemy Crab
SkarmBlissCounter vs Goldfan
LonelyNess vs Brawley

Losers Bracket:

Mysterio713 vs Mizuno
SilentMartyr vs Moi
DawnBringer vs darknessmalice
Oxygen vs Diploman
Havak vs Sonuis
Twist of Fate vs FiveKRunner
Sikh Assassin vs alive
Limitless vs Kevin Garrett
Fabbles vs reachzero
Jolteonn vs Rampardos101 - gl
chaos9 vs Sapientia
SuperAlan vs PostHC_Cat
Caelum vs OGBallin
Amelia vs Metanite

Mizuno is in the winners and losers bracket too.
Okay, TAY is now playing Screen and FBABY is now Playing against Mind.
Jolteonn and Mizuno are still in the losers bracket.
I should probably tell you now, Olie and Articanus, that I won't have access to a computer from 4th-17th January. Will I able to work around this?
Well We were planning next round from the 1st to the 15th ish, so you may need to arrange a match with your opponent ahead of time. Or we could just extend your match until round 4, we'll see when it comes by.
i've never seen Aeroblacktyl on shoddy in my life
Maybe it's just a black spot in my eyes

I've only seen him here insulting people for fun
OK If I bought more than one OU pokemon last round, I'm only allowed to use one of them?

Am I only allowed to replace the excess OU pokemon with NFEs or can I purchase UUs and BLs instead?
OK If I bought more than one OU pokemon last round, I'm only allowed to use one of them?

Am I only allowed to replace the excess OU pokemon with NFEs or can I purchase UUs and BLs instead?
You may purchase UUS/BLs to regain your team, but the NFEs are free though. You keep the OUs in your pool, but only one can be used for this round. This doesn't affect your points at all. but we're going to be checking logs to ensure that this rule is enforced.
TAY vs Screen
Earthworm vs Hexon (TGN)
Twash vs Rag
Atticus vs Ace Matador.
Mien. vs Aeroblacktyl
MS vs RB Golbat
Andeby vs Snorlax
KD24 vs Bass
Valantaro vs Blame Game
Xenogears vs Giant Enemy Crab
SkarmBlissCounter vs Goldfan
LonelyNess vs Brawley
Mysterio713 vs Mizuno
SilentMartyr vs Moi
DawnBringer vs darknessmalice
Havak vs Sonuis
Twist of Fate vs FiveKRunner
Sikh Assassin vs alive
Limitless vs Kevin Garrett
Fabbles vs reachzero
Jolteonn vs Rampardos101
chaos9 vs Sapientia
Caelum vs OGBallin
why have points if you cant purchase good pokemon? and whats the deal with only using one OU even if you've bought more than one? that could really screw up some people if they made a really solid team round one.
Not purchasing any pokemon this round.
GEC I am ready whenever you have time. PM if you want to set up a specific time or day.
yeah i purchased something because all i really want is to feel special

so yeah pmed olie with my selection

kind of agreeing with alive, when do we actually get to buy more ou pokemon? it kind of sucks for guys like rag or sonuis who have all those extra points but than it turns out they cant do anything big with em.

but anyway, this is your tourney and i dont want to be a pooper so i wont continue talking x]
Winners Bracket:

TAY vs Screen
Earthworm vs Hexon (TGN)
Twash vs Rag
Atticus vs Ace Matador.
darkie vs stone_cold22
Mien. vs Aeroblacktyl
Kankuro vs TUskate
MS vs RB Golbat
Andeby vs Snorlax
KD24 vs Bass
Valantaro vs Blame Game
k.k.2 vs Silent Echo
Xenogears vs Giant Enemy Crab
SkarmBlissCounter vs Goldfan
LonelyNess vs Brawley

Losers Bracket:

Mysterio713 vs Mizuno
SilentMartyr vs Moi
DawnBringer vs darknessmalice
Oxygen vs Diploman
Havak vs Sonuis
Twist of Fate vs FiveKRunner
Sikh Assassin vs alive
Fabbles vs reachzero
Jolteonn vs Rampardos101
chaos9 vs Sapientia
SuperAlan vs PostHC_Cat
Caelum vs OGBallin
Amelia vs Metanite
TAY vs Screen
Earthworm vs Hexon (TGN)
Twash vs Rag
Atticus vs Ace Matador.
darkie vs stone_cold22
Mien. vs Aeroblacktyl
Kankuro vs TUskate
MS vs RB Golbat
Andeby vs Snorlax
KD24 vs Bass
Valantaro vs Blame Game
k.k.2 vs Silent Echo
Xenogears vs Giant Enemy Crab
SkarmBlissCounter vs Goldfan
LonelyNess vs Brawley
Mysterio713 vs Mizuno
SilentMartyr vs Moi
DawnBringer vs darknessmalice
Oxygen vs Diploman
Havak vs Sonuis
Twist of Fate vs FiveKRunner
Sikh Assassin vs alive - good luck
Limitless vs Kevin Garrett
Fabbles vs reachzero
Jolteonn vs Rampardos101
chaos9 vs Sapientia
SuperAlan vs PostHC_Cat
Caelum vs OGBallin
Amelia vs Metanite
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