New and "creative" moveset/EV spread thread "Mark 2"

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Edited for you Tucker ;)



Name: I want to be Gallade
Move 1: Bulk Up
Move 2: Drain Punch
Move 3: Mach Punch / Bullet Punch
Move 4: Fire Punch / Ice Punch
Nature: Careful
Ability: Iron Fist
Item: Leftovers
EVs: 248 Sp.D / 198 Hp / 64 Atk

[Set Comments]
<p>First off, I would like to mention that this was originally meant and used for the older UU tier (before the BL merge). This set is obviously out-classed by Gallade (who is simply better at it), but this worked best before Gallade took the spot light. </p>

<p>Hitmonchan is easily overlooked as a frail, fast, and offensively focused pokemon. But what people don't see is his massive Sp. Defense. 248 Sp. Defense EVs puts Hitmonchan at a rediculous 349. 198 Hp EVs coupled with 248 Sp. Defense EVs make him an excellent choice to bring into special sweepers like Menectric, Claydol (who cannot do anything to Hitmonchan unless they use Trick or decide to Explode), Choice Specs Altaria, Choice Specs Froslass, and so on. </p>

Here's some damage calcs for all you wondering:
(all based on attacking a Careful Hitmonchan with 291 Hp / 349 Sp. Defense)

Altaria: Modest 252 Sp. Attack Choice Specs Draco Meteor -
Damage: 173 - 203
Damage: 59.45% - 69.76% (3HKO factoring in Leftovers)

Froslass: Timid 252 Sp. Attack Choice Specs Ice Beam -
Damage: 117 - 138
Damage: 40.21% - 47.42% (3HKO)

Claydol: Bold 114 Sp. Attack (standard Utility set) Psychic -
Damage: 118 - 139
Damage: 40.55% - 47.77% (3HKO)

Manectric: Timid 252 Sp. Attack Thunderbolt -
Damage: 93 - 109
Damage: 31.96% - 37.46% (Possible 4HKO factoring in Leftovers)

Lapras: Modest 252 Sp. Attack Choice Specs Hydro Pump -
Damage: 111 - 131
Damage: 38.14% - 45.02% (3HKO)

<p>But Hitmonchan can not only be a suprising special wall, but it can set up as your opponent is learning how to take it down. Bulk Up to increase your mediocre defense and increase your attacking power, and then fire away with your choice of Priority (Mach Punch packs (78*) base power when factoring STAB and Iron Fist, while Bullet Punch only has (48*), but lets you hit Froslass and Rotom). </p>
* Need Confirmation

<p>But what really differenciates Hitmonchan from the other pokemon that think they can do this set better is Drain Punch. STAB + Iron Fist pushes Drain Punche's Base power through the roof (117*) and also lets you regain your HP so it can keep taking attacks. </p>
*Needs Confirmation

<p>Fire Punch and Ice Punch or the only real options for the last slot. In the old UU, Fire + Fighting type combination hit everything neutral in UU except Mantine and Grumpig. Ice Punch simply hits more things for super effective damage, but I'd run Fire Punch anyway (so you can hit Froslass for super effective damage instead of the opposite, which is a common switch in to Hitmonchan). </p>

So I hope this set makes sense. You come in, wall a ton of different pokemon thinking they can hit you while you Bulk Up, then Drain Punch on the switch or Drain Punch to regain HP. Finally, Bullet Punch or Mach Punch to pick off the rest of what's left of the opponent. Very simple strategy, and it has worked many times than not.

Comments and suggestions are welcome to help improve this set. I know my writing and analysis is terrible, but I would really like to see this set in the Analysis page since it lacks a Careful Hitmonchan analaysis.

Still looking for comments and suggestions.. Last page syndrome >.<
*sorry for the double post, but I really wanted to add a new analysis without cramming it into one post

About time Magneton gets a UU analysis. Edited my last analysis of it, but it still needs help, especially in the EV spread.


Name: Magneton
Moveset name: UU Magnezone
Move 1: Thunderbolt / Charge Beam
Move 2: HP Ground
Move 3: Substitute (for Leftovers) / Flash Cannon (for Choice Specs)
Move 4: Magnet Rise (for Leftovers) / Signal Beam (for Choice Specs)
Ability: Magnet Pull
Item: Leftovers / Choice Specs
Nature(s): Modest
EVs: 252 Sp. Attack, 188 Hp, 70 Speed

<p>Magneton can actually be quiet usefull in UU battles with all the wierd Steels getting some action in this Tier. HP Ground is essential for nailing all those Steel/Rock (Bastiodon, Probopass, Aggron) and Steel types in general (Mawile, Steelix, and now the infamous Registeel). Of all those, Choice Specs Magneton OHKO's: All versions of Bastiodon, Aggron, and Mawile. </p>

<p>Neutral-natured Probopass is OHKO'ed 64.8% of the time If you're running the Relaxed nature with the standard Calm EV spread (252 Hp, 68 Sp. defense), but it has trouble with Calm natured Probos, as they can fire back an Earth Power for a OHKO. On the other hand, All standard sets for Offensive natured Probos are all OHKO'ed (assuming 252 Hp, 6 Sp. Defense). </p>

<p>Steelix can be a problem as well, assuming they're running the standard 252 Hp, 136, as it will at best only be a 2HKO (factoring leftovers in also). If for some reason they don't give it any Sp. Defense EVs, then you have a 78.35% chance of OHKO'ing it. </p>

<p>But here's the kicker: Magneton with his 70 base speed outspeeds ALL of those steel types (assuming they're running they're standard spreads and not dumping wierd amounts in Speed for some reason). Magneton traps them, and then can use Magnet Rise to resist the Earth Powers and Earthquakes that are to be expected. After that, you're completetly ready to OHKO or 2HKO safely with HP Ground. </p>

<p>Now that Registeel is the most overused UU steel type (and wall for that matter), Magneton's useage should rise. Registeel is completely powerless to combat Magneton, who can Sub to scout the Earthquake and Magnet Rise to resist Earthquake. From there Magneton can simply fire away with HP Ground or Thunderbolt until he's down. </p>

<p>Charge Beam is worth mentioning also. If you've locked up a Steel type such as Aggron or Registeel who can't touch you, you can try to sweep by building up your Charge Beams to further increase Magneton's amazing Sp. Attack stat.

<p>But now onto the other stuff. I'm not too sure how many EVs to drop into speed and how many to dump into HP, as I know it's base HP is 50 (aka horrible) and its speed is actually kinda respectable at 70, tieing it with Mightyena, Poliwrath, Politoad, Hitmontop, Delcatty, and Butterfree (to name off some of them that may run 252 Speed EVs). For now, I put 188 EVs into Hp for max leftovers recovery, which can help Magneton put up more subs. </p>

Please help me expand on this, as I want to make this sound better than I put it. I know Magneton could function in UU, but I would very much like some help in proving it to others. Thanks in advance :)
Bulk Up/Drain Punch Hitmonchan doesn't really work...I should know, I've tried it a while back. It can't hit anything hard even if it has a couple of Bulk Ups, while the opponent can just pound you to submission. Drain Punch is not a reliable means to recovery, and you're still screwed over by status.

Anyways, as a suggestion, you probably want 252 HP EVs before anything else. 'Chan has a decent SpD, but has a crummy 50 base want to maximize that before anything else.
Bulk Up/Drain Punch Hitmonchan doesn't really work...I should know, I've tried it a while back. It can't hit anything hard even if it has a couple of Bulk Ups, while the opponent can just pound you to submission. Drain Punch is not a reliable means to recovery, and you're still screwed over by status.

Anyways, as a suggestion, you probably want 252 HP EVs before anything else. 'Chan has a decent SpD, but has a crummy 50 base want to maximize that before anything else.

Mmm... I disagree on the first part, as 2-3 Bulk Ups has always been enough to sweep for me. Drain Punch is something you'll want to use over you elemental punch for neutral damage anyway. Drain Punch isn't a direct mean of recovery, but as to deal a lot a damage after a Bulk Up or two and restore what you've lost in the process.

Obviously, even with 2 Bulk Ups you're still not going to survive a Swellow Brave Bird or LO Scyther Aerial Ace, but you would be stupid to leave it in anyway.

The only fatal kind of status is WOW, although Toxic hurts it's longevity too, but a T-wave isn't a big deal. It can still come in and absorb a special hit, so there's no point deeming it a lost cause right away.

The EV spread though, could use some work. I'll take a look and check the differences with a 252 HP spread with less Sp. Defense.
I wanted to know how Crobat learned Hypnosis earlier today, so I went online and saw something... interesting. Crobat gets Heat Wave. I thought Sunny Day Crobat! So, here it is:

Crobat @ Heat Rock/Focus Sash
Timid/Modest nature
Sunny Day
Air Slash
Heat Wave/Mean Look
Nasty Plot/Mean Look/Hypnosis
Ability: Inner Focus
<p>This set is designed to beat down those annoying Toxicroak and strike fear into the hearts of Scizor and Steelix. Setting up Sunny Day should be your first priority, but if running Mean Look, doesn't have to be. Next. play it out to your benefit. This is the only way Crobat has to damage bulky Steels aside from HP Ground or Fighting, and may be more useful. Hidden Power Fire may be used over Heat Wave if the lower accuracy worries you.</p>
I wanted to know how Crobat learned Hypnosis earlier today, so I went online and saw something... interesting. Crobat gets Heat Wave. I thought Sunny Day Crobat! So, here it is:

Crobat @ Heat Rock/Focus Sash
Timid/Modest nature
Sunny Day
Air Slash
Heat Wave/Mean Look
Nasty Plot/Mean Look/Hypnosis
Ability: Inner Focus
<p>This set is designed to beat down those annoying Toxicroak and strike fear into the hearts of Scizor and Steelix. Setting up Sunny Day should be your first priority, but if running Mean Look, doesn't have to be. Next. play it out to your benefit. This is the only way Crobat has to damage bulky Steels aside from HP Ground or Fighting, and may be more useful. Hidden Power Fire may be used over Heat Wave if the lower accuracy worries you.</p>

I tried it out actully long before you posted this it'd help if you put a an EV spread though I'm sure it's 252 SAtk|252 Spe.

Nothing really innovative Hot Rock/Timid don't waste time trying to survive a hit and boosted special attack.

Nasty is a no no the only way Crobat is getting anything done is as a Lead so Hypnosis though 60% accuracy, and Heat Wave are you best options.

Crobat's going to be netting 2-3HKOs so need to wase time trying to trap with Mean Look especially w/o Roost or Toxic.

I think your trying to use Crobat as a stand-alone sweeper, which it's not especially since it can't take a hit, I'd go so far as to scrap Air Slash for U-Turn which gives you a safe switch to real Sunny Day sweeper like Charizard, Tangrowth, or Exxegutor.

~Sunny Day
~Heat Wave

Lets you play with Bronzong though be wary of Gyro Ball as it's an OHKO, Hippowdon once again be wary of Ice Fang, through Taunt or just Hypnotize>Sunny Day> U-Turn. Heat Wave is a psuedo STAB with Sunny Day up as well as OHKOing Scizor, but what fire attack doesnt?

Sorry for the wall of text ^.^.

I'm touched Scruffy ;).
UU Anti-Lead

@ Focus Sash
Ability : Pure Power
Adamant Nature
EV: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 6 Hp​

-Zen Headbutt
-Bullet Punch
-High Jump Kick
-Thunder Punch​

I've been using this quite alot now. And it is safe to say this thing is effective. The fact is, everyone expects the typical ScarfCham, but this thing makes leads in UU double think. Bullet Punch is a great move on fragile pokemon and prevents Destiny Bond Froslass. It's too bad you can't have Psycho Cut and Bullet Punch in the same moveset. Zen Headbutt is still great with the flinch, but both of its STAB moves are innacurate. Thunder Punch is my filler to handle Staraptor leads.​
I used this and it worked well for the most part.
What warrants using Hi Jump Kick over Brick Break? What does Brick Break fail to OHKO? Give us some calculations? Also, any priority user can be an 'anti-lead'.
Brick Break beats Double Screen leads like Uxie and Magneton.
Why not give it Fake Out? Doesn't team too bad for UU, but it's not that creative honestly.
Fake Out doesn't hit Froslass.
Tbh, that lead is successful and "new". I wouldn't call it creative, but it's new and I don't know anyone that uses it. It is designated to take out the most "common leads". It's biggest problem is taking down the likes of Bulky Ghosts and Psychic types. Still, it is still good and at times it gives me funny switch ins.
*sorry for the double post, but I really wanted to add a new analysis without cramming it into one post

About time Magneton gets a UU analysis. Edited my last analysis of it, but it still needs help, especially in the EV spread.


Name: Magneton
Moveset name: UU Magnezone
Move 1: Thunderbolt / Charge Beam
Move 2: HP Ground
Move 3: Substitute (for Leftovers) / Flash Cannon (for Choice Specs)
Move 4: Magnet Rise (for Leftovers) / Signal Beam (for Choice Specs)
Ability: Magnet Pull
Item: Leftovers / Choice Specs
Nature(s): Modest
EVs: 252 Sp. Attack, 188 Hp, 70 Speed

<p>Magneton can actually be quiet usefull in UU battles with all the wierd Steels getting some action in this Tier. HP Ground is essential for nailing all those Steel/Rock (Bastiodon, Probopass, Aggron) and Steel types in general (Mawile, Steelix, and now the infamous Registeel). Of all those, Choice Specs Magneton OHKO's: All versions of Bastiodon, Aggron, and Mawile. </p>

<p>Neutral-natured Probopass is OHKO'ed 64.8% of the time If you're running the Relaxed nature with the standard Calm EV spread (252 Hp, 68 Sp. defense), but it has trouble with Calm natured Probos, as they can fire back an Earth Power for a OHKO. On the other hand, All standard sets for Offensive natured Probos are all OHKO'ed (assuming 252 Hp, 6 Sp. Defense). </p>

<p>Steelix can be a problem as well, assuming they're running the standard 252 Hp, 136, as it will at best only be a 2HKO (factoring leftovers in also). If for some reason they don't give it any Sp. Defense EVs, then you have a 78.35% chance of OHKO'ing it. </p>

<p>But here's the kicker: Magneton with his 70 base speed outspeeds ALL of those steel types (assuming they're running they're standard spreads and not dumping wierd amounts in Speed for some reason). Magneton traps them, and then can use Magnet Rise to resist the Earth Powers and Earthquakes that are to be expected. After that, you're completetly ready to OHKO or 2HKO safely with HP Ground. </p>

<p>Now that Registeel is the most overused UU steel type (and wall for that matter), Magneton's useage should rise. Registeel is completely powerless to combat Magneton, who can Sub to scout the Earthquake and Magnet Rise to resist Earthquake. From there Magneton can simply fire away with HP Ground or Thunderbolt until he's down. </p>

<p>Charge Beam is worth mentioning also. If you've locked up a Steel type such as Aggron or Registeel who can't touch you, you can try to sweep by building up your Charge Beams to further increase Magneton's amazing Sp. Attack stat.

<p>But now onto the other stuff. I'm not too sure how many EVs to drop into speed and how many to dump into HP, as I know it's base HP is 50 (aka horrible) and its speed is actually kinda respectable at 70, tieing it with Mightyena, Poliwrath, Politoad, Hitmontop, Delcatty, and Butterfree (to name off some of them that may run 252 Speed EVs). For now, I put 188 EVs into Hp for max leftovers recovery, which can help Magneton put up more subs. </p>

Please help me expand on this, as I want to make this sound better than I put it. I know Magneton could function in UU, but I would very much like some help in proving it to others. Thanks in advance :)
What I hate about specs is it can't ohko max Probopass. Damage: 81.79% - 96.30% with hidden power ground so I suggest don't even think about specs and go with leftovers. Magnet rise is really nice so even if you are a 2hko Probopass can't touch you. You should be able to handle the rest but what you need is to outspeed Probopass. Why aren't you good at spreads =/. Since standard Probopass is 138 I suggest go 2 stats further just incase of anything else or a smart guy. But wait..Magnezone already has packed a 176. Might as well go to 180 to stop anything below it. Since you're not scarfing it there is no real need for a rapid magnezone. You need to rely on it's bulkiness and substitute to overcome foes. I suggest this moveset and spread.
SpA - 252, HP -244 , Speed - 16
HP Ground, Thunder-Bolt, Substitute, Magnet Rise

If you want a more detailed anaylisis and different variations tell me.

Magneton @ Light Clay
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP/166 Atk/92 Def
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Light Screen
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

I use this set, btw, while we're talking about Magneton. Works like a charm to set up Swords Dance Rhydon. It "beats" almost all common leads by setting up and exploding, this not including Froslass (for ghost reasons).

I am inspired by the creation of the Agility SubPetaya Empoleon. I have found a physical version of this (not really but just take it please), and it worked pretty well in most games.


name: Agility SubLiechi Sweeper
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Agility / Rock Polish
move 3: Meteor Mash
move 4: Earthquake
item: Liechi Berry
nature: Adamant
evs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe

<p>This set takes advantage of Metagross natural sky-high attack and the above average defenses. It may function as a late game sweeper. Can you remember how Empoleon has sweep your whole team in your previous matches? Here is the physical counterpart.</p>

<p>Likewise, bring in this four-brain metal crab into attack that it resists, and then raise its medicore speed to 434, making it faster than Timid Choice Scarf Heatran and just about everything. From there Subustitue until your berry has activated, then unleash the two powerful 100 BP attacks. You do not have the benefits of torrent like Empoleon, but remember that the Liechi Berry makes up a fantastic 607 attack for you. After the boosts, you have the same speed same as the Agiligross, as well as the immense power of CBgross. Notice that Metagross takes any resisted priority attacks less than 25% barring LO Lucario's Extremespeed and any crritical hits.</p>

<p>One of the major problems this Metagross would face are Pokemon that have an immunity of Ground and a resistance of Steel, such as Gyarados, Zapdos (the "dos"s), Skarmory, and Bronzong (Levitate versions), etc., so make sure you keep your Stealth Rock on your opponent, as well as a counter to these annoying mosters. Bare in mind that the boosted Meteor Mash can do about 29%-34% to the standard physically defensive Zapdos, so it would be useful to pack a electric pokemon like Magnezone or Jolteon, which helps at taking out the listed annoyers for this Metagross as well.</p>

<p>Other attacking options would be Thunderpunch, which takes out Gyarados and Skarmory, but it is useless against any other Electric types; Ice Punch, which takes out dragons and Gliscor more effectively, as well as Zapdos, but will look like a piece of litter in front of Steel types; rock slide might be useful as well, because all flyers hate it; Explosion may work as a last resort, taking out any of the annoyers that are not Steel type. However, sticking to the recomendded type coverage is usually the best option.</p>

<p>The EV spread works like this: 164 speed EVs yields 434, which outspeeds every Scarved Pokemon that has less than 289 speed (neutral base 95's and positive base 80's with max speed EVs); 92 HP EVs makes your max HP divisible by 4, allowing the third sub to activate the berry; max attack to give the crab a full offensive power.</p>

I am not too sure whether I should give the gross 12 or 92 HP EVs, and put the rest to defense.

Do you think it is usable and ca anyone give me suggestions on the EV spread?
agility+lo+3 attacks is better imo. this guy does not have one of those torrent-esque abilities that make things like mopcross and subempoleon shine. there is no reason to give up coverage, and besides that, explosion is about the most broken move in this metagame so why not abuse it.
agility+lo+3 attacks is better imo. this guy does not have one of those torrent-esque abilities that make things like mopcross and subempoleon shine. there is no reason to give up coverage, and besides that, explosion is about the most broken move in this metagame so why not abuse it.

You are right, since both Metagross is giving up their defense capicities.
Why are you guys writing in HTML format anyway (just curious ...)?

The problem with your Metagross is the lack of necessary coverage. Steel isn't a particular good offensive type and with just an unSTAB Earthquake to handle Steel-resists it's not going to be particular effective. A simple Agility+3 Attacks @ Life Orb would out damage it (despite being about 13% less powerful) simply because you have greater coverage at your disposal.
Why are you guys writing in HTML format anyway (just curious ...)?

The problem with your Metagross is the lack of necessary coverage. Steel isn't a particular good offensive type and with just an unSTAB Earthquake to handle Steel-resists it's not going to be particular effective. A simple Agility+3 Attacks @ Life Orb would out damage it (despite being about 13% less powerful) simply because you have greater coverage at your disposal.

I post in HTML format because I was writing an analysis for my last set, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't crap so I posted it here first.

(which I just PM'd you about)

do you just post movesets here?

And explain them. Items, EVs and Natures are good too.
Yeah, Metagross doesn't pull it off too well without Torrent. LO is superior, as it nets you coverage, power, and durability (in the sense you will have more than 75% to sweep with) compared with SubLiechi.

name: UU SpecsKou
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Hidden Power Ground
move 3: Extrasensory
move 4: Signal Beam
item: Choice Specs
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This is simply the most effective combination of moves for UU. Thunderbolt is obvious. Hidden Power Ground hits the would-be Raikou counters such as Steelix, Camerupt, and Lanturn all super effectively. Extrasensory will hit the Grass / Poison hybrids such as Roserade and Venusaur effectively, and Signal Beam hits the pure Grass types such as Shaymin and Meganium. Other than that, this set is only walled by Gastroden and Quagsire, but in the new UU they are pretty rare and the threats this covers will generally be more useful.
You forgot Gligar, Piloswine and Chansey (don't worry, lots of people forget the NFEs), but the former two are also rare whilst Chansey walls pretty much every Raikou set without Rest. I agree that its an effective Raikou set though, given how predictable and easily walled the Calm Mind / Sub set is. Nevertheless it can be risky, particularly against teams that carry Trapinch. Without Sub or a super-effective Hidden Power for protection, Trapinch can defeat you by switching on a predicted Thunderbolt, and will almost always revenge-kill at full health.
Lemmiwinks has a point here, better watch out for those.

Well I didn't intend to discredit the set in any way, and I do agree that it can be very rewarding with good prediction in the hands of a skilled player. My point mainly applies to choice sets in general, but particularly those that are prone to so many immunities like this one.

Which actually brings up another concern that didn't occur to me just before, which is Pursuiters. Extrasensory is obviously the main culprit here as it is walled by the Dark types which carry the strongest Pursuits, but in fact the most likely Pursuit user, Honchkrow, is also immune to HP Ground. Honchkrow obviously wouldn't be the initial switch into Raikou, but once the set is revealed and it gets in on one of those immunities, believe me, a CB Pursuit will not end well for Raikou. Even a scarf hit would leave its mark, and make your choice of move all the more nervewracking later on. They say prediction goes both ways. I'll stop rambling now.
Wouldn't you just use Thunderbolt for Honchkrow, and most other threats?

Also, Gligar and Piloswine will pretty much never be seen. Chansey is no Blissey.

Looks like a good set RL.
Idk if this is new and creative,but has anyone thought of using infernape for a rain dance team? Beside it being totally unexpected in a rain dance team, it still is massivley powerful

Infernape @ naive - lum berry / lefties (really don't know)
252 SA/ Speed
Swords Dance
Mach Punch
Grass knot

So here's my explanation. A big threat to all rain dance teams is hippowdon and tyranitar, due to their auto changing, permanent weathers. This infernape has grass knot for hippowdon, and bulky waters that may take advantage of rain.Mach punch, which hits very hard after a swords dance, gets tyranitar for massive damage as well. U-Turn is great for doing damage after a swords dance, and switching to a counter.

So, you get infernape in on something it scares, and procede to swords dance as your opponent switches out. That gives you 488 attack, 307 special attack, and 346 speed. If your opponent switches in their infernape counter, U-turn out. U-turn will still seriously dent if not OHKO a pokemon, due to infernape's raised 488 attack, and 70 base power. If your opponent doesn't switch in an effective counter, go to town.

About the Ev spread, it's just max special attack to hit anything weak to it for massive damage, and max speed as a must. Lum berry could be useful if you plan to swords dance twice against say, blissey, or are hit with crippling status from other pokemon.

What do you guys think?
Idk if this is new and creative,but has anyone thought of using infernape for a rain dance team? Beside it being totally unexpected in a rain dance team, it still is massivley powerful

Infernape @ naive - lum berry / lefties (really don't know)
252 SA/ Speed
Swords Dance
Mach Punch
Grass knot

So here's my explanation. A big threat to all rain dance teams is hippowdon and tyranitar, due to their auto changing, permanent weathers. This infernape has grass knot for hippowdon, and bulky waters that may take advantage of rain.Mach punch, which hits very hard after a swords dance, gets tyranitar for massive damage as well. U-Turn is great for doing damage after a swords dance, and switching to a counter.

So, you get infernape in on something it scares, and procede to swords dance as your opponent switches out. That gives you 488 attack, 307 special attack, and 346 speed. If your opponent switches in their infernape counter, U-turn out. U-turn will still seriously dent if not OHKO a pokemon, due to infernape's raised 488 attack, and 70 base power. If your opponent doesn't switch in an effective counter, go to town.

About the Ev spread, it's just max special attack to hit anything weak to it for massive damage, and max speed as a must. Lum berry could be useful if you plan to swords dance twice against say, blissey, or are hit with crippling status from other pokemon.

What do you guys think?

Why use Mach Punch? It's not like T-tar is going to be out-speeding you. CC will hit everything a lot harder.
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