Introduction to Competitive Pokemon

Alright, those who want to help, can you guys be a bit more specific now - meaning

1) I would like to help by writing the initial draft of the article, particularly section X
2) I would like to help by commenting on it after the rough/second/etc drafts and help rewrite/reword certain things as needed
3) "Grammar Check"

I will be assigning everything by tonight or tomorrow morning so it'd be swell if everyone could tell me what they would like to do =]

Arseus: It's far too in-depth than it needs to be for the purposes of the article, but I think we will link to it for "more information" =] Glad to see you were finally badged

Okay, I had a feeling it wasn't exactly in line with what was in mind for the project, but glad to know you had a look at it!

Now, as for anything I can do, I have a much easier semester coming up, after I finish my Math exam on Wednesday. However, I see there are a lot of people who are already eager to help, so I'd like to put my self down for #3 at the very least, and a tentative #2 as well. I'm not 100% sure on the amount of time I'll have on my hands though, so if you need absolute commitment, I can only guarantee enough time for "Grammar Check".

I'd love to help out though, even if it is just a small part!

EDIT: Just one last note, I can only give creative input on D/P stuff, and possibly some rudimentary ADV. I don't have any experience with the other generations! I can still reword/grammar check all generations that need it though.
2. I can definitely give editorial and perspective comments / lend my advice/word suggestions to anyone in the process of 1.

3. Grammar is obviously what I do so of course I'll grammar check

Oh, and re. tiering, I know chaos said he didn't want this to be trends, that this should be the timeless principles, but with explaining NU, should we just mention we don't have NU yet, explain it, and edit it later? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but a lot of people do ask...
I'm still looking to hear back from the other people who have agreed to help but has not specified how they can help out - they should alert me unless they want me to assume they would like to write sections and assign arbitrarily!
Since I just started playing competitively during D/P, I'd be able to help out with DP and Platinum sections, but it seems others have also expressed interest in helping out with those areas.
I'll write or contribute to some of the more general ideas of competitive battling i.e. Mechanics Change or Common Terminology sections.
I can help too I guess. I'm not a grammar guy unfortunately, but I can help with addressing misconceptions in a beginner (like ubers are bad, creativity is everything, etc). I "could" help with Advance stuff since I played through it since Emerald came out, but then again that's when I started playing competetively and I probably won't be any help anyways.

Well I'll just say "I can help" as it's pretty universal and it helps to add in missing stuff in several sections rather than completely focused on one section

Shouldn't we mention NetBattle if we're mentioning previous generations? Unless there's some other simulator I'm not aware of.
My specialty is peer reviews, so handling an editor position to make things flow and sound better would fit like a glove for me. I'm best at regular ol DP, not Platinum. I'd be more than willing to write articles on it.

Man I miss D/P.
ive finally gotten a good grip of platinum, would be willing to help with that if you need an extra (although seems like you have a lot of people ready)
Heh, I wonder how good of an idea will it be to delegate each section to a different user but I think given the interest we will see.

Okay! Here are your assignments for the initial draft.

Section 1 will be drafted by Sarenji
Section 2 will be drafted by aragornbird, I saw most of what you have written already and I think we can reuse most of it.
Section 3,4 will be drafted by Tangerine
Section 5 will be drafted by Imran
Section 6 I think should be a group effort - I think aragornbird and Imran can do a good job writing the first initial draft for it though
Section 7 will be drafted by darkie
Section 8 will be drafted by Jibaku
Section 9 will be drafted by Blue Kirby

The reason I have little qualms worrying about the potential stylistic rifts is that I think we can keep everything very simple for the purposes of this guide - the points we are trying to get past is very mechanics oriented. Basically - Keep it as simple and concise as possible. (except for Intro - I chose Sarenji for a reason ^_^)

Please note that everything we are writing is to be generation neutral, so please don't make it anything too specific for a given generation.

PM me the drafts when you guys finish and I'll post them as they come. PM me if you have any questions on what to write, or bring it up in this thread.
Tang, exactly how long do you want this to be (for a section anyways)? I've started working on it, but due to my strange urge to describe everything I end up with slightly over a page in Word just describing gimmicks and overreliance on prediction with simple language. Is that too long?
Tang, exactly how long do you want this to be (for a section anyways)? I've started working on it, but due to my strange urge to describe everything I end up with slightly over a page in Word just describing gimmicks and overreliance on prediction with simple language. Is that too long?

It should be short and concise - no more than a few sentences for each "bullet point" so to speak.
Well, I've already done Section my head. I just have to type it out, but I won't have it done until next Wednesday due to an assignment I'm working on.
Hey guys

I'm just going to ask everyone to finish their sections by this Sunday, the 15th, at the very least.
It has gone on long enough. Whoever doesn't finish their sections by then I'll make sure to note to never trust them again regarding a contribution (at least those who doesn't have a good excuse). If you know you can't do it by then let me know in advance so I can start on it.

Regarding Terminology, I'll create a stark thread tomorrow so we can get some terms together. I think that's a more effective way of collecting terms. So aragornbird and imran, you guys dont have to worry about section 6.