Super Spriting/Trainer Card/other art nonsense thread

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Finally done. A bland pose doomed this sprite from the start (it looked cooler in my head!), so I tried to make it passable with a lot of shading. I think I scratched out that stupid head crest ten friggin times before it finally looked right. And that mist cape too. Here's what I started with...

I'll uh... critique everyone's scratches tomorrow. I'm a bit busy tonight. Keep em coming!
Finally done. A bland pose doomed this sprite from the start (it looked cooler in my head!), so I tried to make it passable with a lot of shading. I think I scratched out that stupid head crest ten friggin times before it finally looked right. And that mist cape too.

Putting your scratch beside the official art, I managed to pinpoint the problems here. First, the shading contrasts too much; the differences between shades should not be so large. Second, the tip of the mist cape just looks plain odd; you should trim it down a bit, and it is also bent at a weird angle. And third, (hard to explain) in the part of the mit cape most away from you, one of the flods is too steeply bent, you should round it a bit. Hope that helps!
NikLink said:
Putting your scratch beside the official art, I managed to pinpoint the problems here. First, the shading contrasts too much; the differences between shades should not be so large.
Sorry, dude, but the palette is nearly identical to the original (right down to the RGB values if you couldn't tell what I meant). The only difference is that the neutral blue on his scratch is a bit darker than the neutral blue on the original.

Xeorr, I'm hurt. I had no idea you thought so little of my scratching.
I just tried (for the first time) recoloring a shiny Typhlosion with shiny Metagross colors, and the result is my avatar. What do you guys think?

I didn't get rid of the red on Typh's back because shiny metagross has 2 color sets, silver and gold. Is that bad?
lol sorry headpunch your name just never came to mind. However feel free to rate it anyhow!

Rate this one =D Just for you!
Xeorr said:
lol sorry headpunch your name just never came to mind. However feel free to rate it anyhow!

Rate this one =D Just for you!
Oh don't worry - I just enjoy giving people a hard time.

Alright, I'm going to rate this based on its (dis)similarities to official art and in-game sprites, so if any of the proportion-related criticisms don't really have any bearing because this scratch was stylized in some way, then feel free to disregard.
  • First of all, the arch between its feet extends a bit too far upwards. Smoothing it out wouldn't hurt.
  • The connection between its body and its front right leg is too abrupt. Try smoothing that out as well.
  • One trend that I see with your diagonal lines in particular is that sometimes the lines are composed of one-pixel units with a single two-pixel unit thrown in occasionally, then again followed by a few more one pixel units. I personally find such lines to be distracting and to appear inorganic; try to avoid these occurrences as often as possible.
  • Its eyes are simply too large, as is its mouth.
  • The "layers" of shading on its body are noticeably mishapen. I would advise you to go back and make them look more like curves
  • Try moving Wobuffet's tail a few pixels down so that it appears to connect at a lower point on the body.
That's all the patience I have to point out right now. Good luck if you decide to make changes. Oh, and obviously other people are allowed to critique it if they so choose. Hogging's not my style.

And now, I would like to present my latest scratch...

... Leslie, a trainer made for a Ruby Version hack. Wow, it's kind of difficult to work with a 64x64 canvas when you've gotten used to 80x80. I was pleased with it, though; it was worth the trouble. Enjoy.
Nice Scratch :D But since I'm brand new to this spriting thing my opinion isn't very good. Anyways, are there any nice and easy recolors I could try?


Banned deucer.

Headpunch could you please tell me which one of the two is better/give me some constructive criticism, thanks!

Anyone can criticize it (if you want)
I like the second one better. The tusks look better placed.

This is my first fusion :P I took the blue from Mew and the gold from Shiny Metagross. I know it's too tall for a pokemon sprite, but I couldn't think of a better way to fuse Mewtwo and Metagross together using Mewtwo as a base.

Dang, I just noticed I have a 2 pixel border on the bottom of Mewtwo's tail >.< Oh well, I'll just have to pay more attention next time.

EDIT: Would someone make a Deoxys/Blastoise fusion? I couldn't make one.
Still working here and there on the MJ trainer sprites. I decided to take a break from that and ruin my little brother's confidence though.

He's a novice spriter, and today he made a pretty horrific Luxray/Absol fusion. He's one of know, the kind of little kid who throws Charizard wings on everything and calls it an amazing fusion. Well, I just shook my head at his "work of art"...

And proceeded to make my own Luxsol.

Horn's a little iffy. But either way, the delusional child took one look at this and nearly jumped off the closest bridge.

Man, I love tearing down a tweenager's ego. that cruel?
Still working here and there on the MJ trainer sprites. I decided to take a break from that and ruin my little brother's confidence though.

He's a novice spriter, and today he made a pretty horrific Luxray/Absol fusion. He's one of know, the kind of little kid who throws Charizard wings on everything and calls it an amazing fusion. Well, I just shook my head at his "work of art"...

And proceeded to make my own Luxsol.

Horn's a little iffy. But either way, the delusional child took one look at this and nearly jumped off the closest bridge.

Man, I love tearing down a tweenager's ego. that cruel?
A: Yes. It is.

Also if you try taking out the hair below the horn it might look better. Can we see his Luxsol?
A: Yes. It is.

Also if you try taking out the hair below the horn it might look better. Can we see his Luxsol?
Um, true. Good point. I did want to keep the mane intact, though.

And...haha. If he finds out about me posting this, the waterworks will come.

I just uploaded it straight from his files. o_o He even saved it as a JPG. Forgot to remove the "transparancy" from between the front and back legs. Overused the black. Randomly threw Absol's tails on its shoulders.

Um. Yeah. I think he deserved to be knocked off of his high horse.

EDIT: I am a horrible person, aren't I? XD
Um, true. Good point. I did want to keep the mane intact, though.

And...haha. If he finds out about me posting this, the waterworks will come.

I just uploaded it straight from his files. o_o He even saved it as a JPG. Forgot to remove the "transparancy" from between the front and back legs. Overused the black. Randomly threw Absol's tails on its shoulders.

Um. Yeah. I think he deserved to be knocked off of his high horse.
That's not as bad as I thought it would be. Though he did lamely overuse the black, and his head looks like he has a helmet and he saved it as a JPG. (o_0)

I mean, a JPG? HAH.

EDIT: Go to the hilarious comics thread in firebot, then look at the first post. You are that bear.
That's not as bad as I thought it would be. Though he did lamely overuse the black, and his head looks like he has a helmet and he saved it as a JPG. (o_0)

I mean, a JPG? HAH.

EDIT: Go to the hilarious comics thread in firebot, then look at the first post. You are that bear.
I see. I am a child-eating, jinx-invoking bear. world has sudden, startling clarity now.

In other brief comments-
@Mountain Dewgong- Glad you like them.

@Canti- Other than the awkwardly sharp angle on the top fold of the mist cloak, that Suicune scratch is ah-mazing.

Scratch of poryz, i chose an easy pokemon but it turned out pretty good. If you dont mind, could TVboycanti please rate this and give in depth comments, along with fuzzberry and X&Z. Thanks guys (and fuzz) if you decide to comment.
I'll say that this is a solid attempt. I'll ignore the major scale problem this sprite has, and I'll attack the two things that give all new spriters problems in the beginning; lining and shading.

Headpunch touched on this somewhat, but I'll try to go a bit more in depth. When your making lines, especially curves, you need to keep the pixel length in the adjacent line increasing or decreasing by a consistent amount. For example, if you have a horizontal line that is 3 pixels, and a connected horizontal line below that that is 2 pixels, then the next connecting line needs to be either 2 pixels or 1 pixel to continue the curve. If you go from 3 to 2 and back to 3 when trying to make a curve, you will ruin the curve and create a bump. Here's an example:

The top line is a smooth curve, while the bottom two have inconsistent pixel ratios. The bottom two are present several times in your sprite and it makes those lines look bumpy and choppy. An easy way to fix these is to just to just move the 2 pixel line up the chain until it connects with the other 2 pixel line. Even if you are trying to create a foreshortening effect, you have to keep your lines consistent.

As for shading, the interior of your sprite has too many colors. Pokemon sprites have 3 shades per color (and a small area of white highlight for shiny surfaces). Your sprite would look a lot better if you took the darkest color out of the interior if your sprite. Instead, use it as your mid-shade outline color. Also, you forgot to shade the eye.

Here I cirlced where I saw outline mistakes.

Finally done. A bland pose doomed this sprite from the start (it looked cooler in my head!), so I tried to make it passable with a lot of shading. I think I scratched out that stupid head crest ten friggin times before it finally looked right. And that mist cape too. Here's what I started with...

I'll uh... critique everyone's scratches tomorrow. I'm a bit busy tonight. Keep em coming!
I think this sprite turned out quite nice! The pose isn't stiff; rather, I get the impression that it conveys assurance and strength. It suits Suicune very well, in my opinion.
I just tried (for the first time) recoloring a shiny Typhlosion with shiny Metagross colors, and the result is my avatar. What do you guys think?

I didn't get rid of the red on Typh's back because shiny metagross has 2 color sets, silver and gold. Is that bad?
Does anybody have suggestions for an easy recolor/fusion that I could do?
Mordock said:

Headpunch could you please tell me which one of the two is better/give me some constructive criticism, thanks!

Anyone can criticize it (if you want)
I apologize - I didn't notice you asked me to criticize.

In my opinion, the one on the right is better. It has all-around better coloring and lineart. The only thing that really bothers me about it is the connection of its left tusk to its mouth - it simply looks tacked-on. Try scratching that connection.

Fuzzberry said:
Still working here and there on the MJ trainer sprites. I decided to take a break from that and ruin my little brother's confidence though.

He's a novice spriter, and today he made a pretty horrific Luxray/Absol fusion. He's one of know, the kind of little kid who throws Charizard wings on everything and calls it an amazing fusion. Well, I just shook my head at his "work of art"...
That's not cool, Fuzz. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm sure every single spriter here made splices of similar or worse quality when they first started. If I showed you guys my first scratch (which I saved for sentimental reasons), I'm sure you would all be choking with laughter, or at least quietly shaking your head with a smile depending on what type of person you are. Also, yes, I will show it to you guys if you wish.
That's not cool, Fuzz. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm sure every single spriter here made splices of similar or worse quality when they first started. If I showed you guys my first scratch (which I saved for sentimental reasons), I'm sure you would all be choking with laughter, or at least quietly shaking your head with a smile depending on what type of person you are. Also, yes, I will show it to you guys if you wish.
Now I really feel like a monster. ._. Or as Nik said, a bear.

I shall have to apologize now. Meantime, I think I'll have my run-in with karma and try a scratch. Better get the punishment for being such a horrible person over with sooner than later....

EDIT: I do feel the need to defend myself though. I've tried to give him advice here and there, and he doesn't listen. It's always "No, my way's better." That's probably why I felt compelled to crush him like that.... ._.

2nd EDIT: I thought I'd let you all know how the apology went. XD He officially deserves the beating I gave him. I apologized, then pointed out all of the problems in his sprite and suggested fixes. I went through every major flaw and told him how to make it better.

You want to know the response I got?

"My Luxsol's perfect! It doesn't need to be fixed. Yours sucks."

I am now very glad I am a child-eating bear. /sigh
Now I really feel like a monster. ._. Or as Nik said, a bear.

I shall have to apologize now. Meantime, I think I'll have my run-in with karma and try a scratch. Better get the punishment for being such a horrible person over with sooner than later....

EDIT: I do feel the need to defend myself though. I've tried to give him advice here and there, and he doesn't listen. It's always "No, my way's better." That's probably why I felt compelled to crush him like that.... ._.

2nd EDIT: I thought I'd let you all know how the apology went. XD He officially deserves the beating I gave him. I apologized, then pointed out all of the problems in his sprite and suggested fixes. I went through every major flaw and told him how to make it better.

You want to know the response I got?

"My Luxsol's perfect! It doesn't need to be fixed. Yours sucks."

I am now very glad I am a child-eating bear. /sigh
You should take his sprite, shade it, outline it, etc....And then once you're done, show it to him and rub it in his face.
Just a heads up-my next fusion will involve an Ursaring and a Fuzzberry reference. Also why is your brother's sprite taken down from Photobucket?

@Lightning: It looks awesomely awesome. The only gripe I have is with the shading on the gray parts, though I don't know what you can do about it.

@Mordock: In both cases BOTH tusks look tacked on. You should scratch them, or the coneections. They are very good, btw.
This is another fusion I made, got from the random sprite generator, between Dragonite and Blissey.

Since I'm no good at scratching, the tail doesn't look too good. Other than that, I put two version because I had second thoughts about Blissey's egg.
Critique and comment.
This is another fusion I made, got from the random sprite generator, between Dragonite and Blissey.

Look here

Since I'm no good at scratching, the tail doesn't look too good. Other than that, I put two version because I had second thoughts about Blissey's egg.
Critique and comment.

EDIT: Something wrong with the properties....It won't display.
As far as I can see, you only recolored and sticked on the antennas and tail. You have to incorporate more elements into your next fusion. If you want an easy one, try Eevee/Teddiursa. I want to see how it fares against mine. I'm removing mine for a while so you can't cheat. Also, is that a JPG file?
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