Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

I'm confused. I just hit my delay on an adamant spread, did the flips correctly (counted perfectly), and then proceeded to sweet scent a wild Pokemon in a cave. Here is where I think I could have gone wrong. When sweet scenting a Pokemon, it advances the RNG by 7, correct? The pokemon I was going for was in a cave, so that is 2, correct? So the total amount that should have come off of my frame before I did the flips was 9, correct? The only place where I think I could have gone wrong would be that it should only be the 7, not that extra two. It doesn't make sense >_>.

No, the 7 is after you battled a pokemon already. Please read better. It is just 2 for the first one.

target -2, then do whatever you need to.
"- Sweet Scenting in the grass / caves advance the RNG by 7 seeds. This is includes the calls to generate the monster and the effects of the battle."

If you want to avoid confusion, you may want to edit it to put the word
"advance" in either another part of the paragraph or change it to past tense to make it clear that the advancement occurs AFTER the battle. Just reading it you could easily take it either way.
The part of the document where that is listed is really for reference and technical, so the wording is OK, as is (well, it really needs to say that there are RNG calls for monster creation, and that they are variable).

There are clearer directions for using sweet scent in the area on capturing wild Pokemon so those are what you want to use.

It's unfortunate that, at present, the technical information and guides live in the same place.

Davy, I think I can answer that. I'm pretty sure zones are defined as when you enter a new area and the indicator on the top left of your screen pops up (i.e. Route 209 to Solaceon Town). So route 210 wouldn't be split into two different zones. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Why is it that when you change the min/max delay, the slot # changes? does that mean that if I change my min/max delay in the DPPt Time Finder... I will have to find a different target frame all over again?
i'm not sure if this is the right thread... but what method does the arceus event use?

is it the same as all of the other events?

can anyone tell me if i used this correctly?

i clicked on IVs to PID, plugged in the IVs and nature of this arceus that i have received and clicked Find.

it gave me Method 4.

does this mean the IVs are incompatible with the event, or did i do something wrong?
The best way to check my current frame when trying to catch something on the grass is to Sweet Scent, correct? So, if the testing pokémon I caught was in frame 1000, will I be on this very frame or a little higher?
Sweet scent advances the RNG by two, 1000-2 if you wanted to advance your RNG to 1000

Also, don't forget to subtract the number of legendary runners (cresselia ext.) from this number as well, as they also advance the rng
No, what I want to know is where will I be once I use Sweet Scent. Will it still be frame 1000, or anywhere higher than that? Is the RNG call made for the Sweet Scent really the last one?
I have finished my frame calibration phase and got 7. I found a suitable spread with a frame of 7. Now do I have to advance the rng by using journal or do I just sr with out worrying about the frame?
Just a small question:
When I was breeding nidoran, I found a female shiny spread on Shinyfinder so I did the taps and flips and everything and sure enough the egg turned up shiny but it was male for some reason. I did it again with the same result. Then I tried a male spread and it turned out female. Any reason for this?
Just a small question:
When I was breeding nidoran, I found a female shiny spread on Shinyfinder so I did the taps and flips and everything and sure enough the egg turned up shiny but it was male for some reason. I did it again with the same result. Then I tried a male spread and it turned out female. Any reason for this?

What was the % that you were looking at?

The percent's are of the Pokemon's female chance.

So if the Female chance is 50%, you look under the 50% column.
I'm speaking for my brother.
Ok, I just calibrated and got 625 as my most popular delay.
I am going for the Adamant 31/31/31/17/31/31 Method J spread on frame 75. So I picked this date: 18/11/2081 14:50:20 with a delay of 625.

I have never done this before so I need help, so I have to hit that time and delay when I press "continue" then check with coin flips? How do I hit the frame of 75 in a cave? I have no wanderers and I'm sweet scenting in a cave so it's 75-2=73, so I have to do 35 flips then 128 steps with 3 pokemon in my party then sweet scent and hope I get the hippotas I'm trying to get.

Am I doing anything wrong?
Well if your common frame is 7 don't worry about advancing the RNG, just make sure all conditions are the same when you SR (same journal pages popping up, etc.)
Yeah, and make sure the Pachy and the two cowgirls do NOT move before you talk with the old man. They will advance the frame if they do.

And yeah, hope you hit your delay and frame!
Yeah, and make sure the Pachy and the two cowgirls do NOT move before you talk with the old man. They will advance the frame if they do.

And yeah, hope you hit your delay and frame!

It doesn't matter if they do or do not move before you take the egg, the RNG already affected their movement and therefore advanced the RNG. That is why you calibrate the frame to see if it stays on a single frame or not.