CAP 9 CAP 9 - Sprite Submissions

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Stop asking about deadlines for sprite submissions.

There is no firm deadline for any CAP submission thread -- and there never has been. Ever.

If you want a general idea of when the sprite poll will open, then lift your head up from the art threads and take a look at the competitive threads for this CAP. The entire CAP process is driven by those threads; that's why they are numbered. The order of events is clearly posted on the website and in the stickies. You can see where the sprite poll occurs in relation to other threads. Based on the pace and progress of the CAP project, it's not too hard to get an idea of how much longer you have.

If you cannot be bothered to follow, you know -- the actual CAP project -- then we won't bother to spoon-feed progress timelines to you.

Well I've NEVER even looked into spriting before, and I had no idea where to start, so I decided to give it the best go I could :)
Done using only MS Paint, so I'm relatively happy, I apologise that it's not exactly up to scratch with some of the sprites being posted.
C+C welcome, or any ideas for better programs to use to do it in the future.
Originally Posted by Fat pkmn-taicho321

there were some complaints about my palette so I tried to mess around with it.
This is certainly one of the most original sprites out there right now. The personality of the sprite is amazing. It looks like either the horn is slightly off-center to our left or the shading is off on the left side of its head; I can't tell. If you could make a slight alteration there, it would look perfect.
This is certainly one of the most original sprites out there right now. The personality of the sprite is amazing. It looks like either the horn is slightly off-center to our left or the shading is off on the left side of its head; I can't tell. If you could make a slight alteration there, it would look perfect.

Adjusting that thing is the bane of my existence. Thanks for the props, I've got some beta back sprite here for peoples viewing pleasure.



Is it ready for final submission?
does this follow the unbroken line rule?

Several people have asked about the applicability of the "outline rule", as it pertains to the CAP9 sprites. As you can see, MANY sprites in this thread are not observing the letter of the outline rule, as it is stated in the OP and the Process Guide.

Currently, we are allowing CAP9 sprites to break the outline rule on ground effects -- on the premise of an unstated "Dugtrio/Hippowdon Loophole". Those two ingame sprites have unbordered ground and sand elements in them, and therefore we are allowing them in these sprites. As long as the unbordered elements are rendered in plain color (no gradient shading in the unbordered effects), then it is OK.

During the next Policy Review period after CAP9, I plan to revisit all the little loopholes that have come up over the past few CAPs. But, for now, we are letting it go. So far, all the sprites in this thread are OK. If anyone crosses the line excessively, I will notify them via PM and give them an opportunity to fix it.

Let's not continue discussing the issue in this thread. I just wanted to point out the interpretation of the rules, since several people have questioned it over the past few days.
Okay, Cartoons!, I have tried to fiddle with it to make it look more Dugtrio. Added some dappling where it hits the ground, and fused the rocks to the main mound. I also added another rock in the back to make it look less like a bar and more natural (I'm lookin' at you, Canti. :)).

Then, I also thought of another way to make it even more natural: Make the dirt wrap around the entire thing. Duh. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

Currently I think I'm looking at my final Front, unless anyone else has any sugestions. So yeah, "Speak now or forever shut your piehole," or something like that. :)

EDIT: Just remembered a crit about the shading on the top wrinkle and fixed it.
Okay, Cartoons!, I have tried to fiddle with it to make it look more Dugtrio. Added some dappling where it hits the ground, and fused the rocks to the main mound. I also added another rock in the back to make it look less like a bar and more natural (I'm lookin' at you, Canti. :)).

Then, I also thought of another way to make it even more natural: Make the dirt wrap around the entire thing. Duh. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

Currently I think I'm looking at my final Front, unless anyone else has any sugestions. So yeah, "Speak now or forever shut your piehole," or something like that. :)

Everything is still on a odd angle... you should at least make the bottom level.
Okay, Cartoons!, I have tried to fiddle with it to make it look more Dugtrio. Added some dappling where it hits the ground, and fused the rocks to the main mound. I also added another rock in the back to make it look less like a bar and more natural (I'm lookin' at you, Canti. :)).

Then, I also thought of another way to make it even more natural: Make the dirt wrap around the entire thing. Duh. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

Currently I think I'm looking at my final Front, unless anyone else has any sugestions. So yeah, "Speak now or forever shut your piehole," or something like that. :)

EDIT: Just remembered a crit about the shading on the top wrinkle and fixed it.

The ground, the whole thing, or what? Please, define exactly what you mean by "everything is at an odd angle".

Just look at the ground, and you'll see that the distance between the left end and the bottom is bigger than the one between the right end and the bottom. However, the CAP9 (or should I say Colossoil?^^) itself seems fine to me, it has a good deal of dynamism which some other sprites lack.

EDIT: Pkmn taicho summed it up better than me
Okay, not quite sure if I know what you guys mean, but... well... I can guess!

Do you mean change this:

To this?

I wonder if I actually fixed it or made it worse. Oh well, that's why I've been keeping each step saved seperately.
And here's the latest set of comments for all of you busy spriters out there.

@ Chaoscrippler: I am totally digging that back sprite. You've done an excellent job on it so far. Also, the frontal horn on his face looks a lot better than it did before.

I assume that already know what gripes I have on the front sprites, so I won't reiterate them here. I just have one curious question regarding the front sprites, however. How can you tell between the male sprite and the female one? Or is there a difference?

@ KoA: My god, the sand is beautifully done on both your frontal sprites and your back sprites. The brown and black color scheme for the shiney is a good choice in my opinion.

My only issue with the sprite is that the sand makes the sprite even more dynamic than it already was. As I have said before, the high level of dynamicism makes the sprite look inconssistant with the official sprites. As I previously suggested, I really think you should have this be part of an animated sprite.

@ pkmn-taicho321: I must say that your pallete this time around is much improved. It looking a lot better already.

Personally, though, I think that the sand on the back sprite needs some more work to make it look a little... well, nicer.

@ XandZero2: I am torn between yours and Wyverii's as my favorite sprite and have been for some time. The editting on the ground makes it look even more like he is bursting out from the ground than before. I am anxious to see the back sprite of this guy.

At first, I didn't notice anything wrong with your sprite, but upon closer inspection, I found that pkmn-taicho321 and zarator were right: that ground is a little crooked and needs to be straightened out.

Keep on working hard, you guys! The progress looks wonderful and I am very happy to see what you guys are churning out here.
Okay, not quite sure if I know what you guys mean, but... well... I can guess!


To something along the lines of this:

But I don't really know what I'm doing. Basically, the bottom of your pile of dirt is like 10 degrees skewed. I've basically filled in (terribly) the bottom, so that it looks like the ground is parallel to the bottom of the screen.
Almost done, I think...

6 pixels separate each sprite. Can anybody make the background on these transparent? I'm not sure if this is the place to be asking, but I don't have the technology necessary to do it myself.
Thank you for the visual, Scepticallistic; it helped a lot.

So this is something more along what you guys mean, right?

Still at a bit of a slant, but I feel a small slant is good, as the mound gets less thick.

So, yeah, any more C+C? If you guys are still unhappy with the slant, speak out before I get home in thirty minutes.
Thank you for the visual, Scepticallistic; it helped a lot.

So this is something more along what you guys mean, right?

Still at a bit of a slant, but I feel a small slant is good, as the mound gets less thick.

So, yeah, any more C+C? If you guys are still unhappy with the slant, speak out before I get home in thirty minutes.

The slant makes the pose look less dynamic.

Still at a bit of a slant, but I feel a small slant is good, as the mound gets less thick.

Haha, here I am again.

I understand if you can't make it perfectly level since you run out of room to extend the left of the mound all the way, so perhaps you can do something like this (again, done horribly):

So that the bottom is more curved. Both the left and right bottom outlines are a bit higher than the middle. It gives the mound a more rounded look.

Your reason for the slant is flawed because the top outline of the mound is already lowering drastically to indicate the decreasing thickness. You don't need to raise the bottom outline to do that. :)
My effort to make everyone happy astounds even me. Hopefully this will fix the problem.


And Scepticallistic, I like the way you think.
Go cartoons! now all you need is a pimpin shiny, is see alot of good ones (koa, pkm taicho and xandzero) but cartoons takes the cake
Quick question: Do you guys like my Shiny better with Red or Orange scars&eyes?


Or should I even just try for a different color scheme? Thaks in advance.
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