Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!

Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name is the 2009 UK Christmas Number 1. The internet has stuck its collective two fingers up at Simon Cowell :-D
I am so glad I put some money on them becoming Christmas number one. This has made my Christmas literally, Joe McFaggotry and Simon Cowell can go wail in their sorrows while we can rest in piece knowing that this year the Christmas number one is not some washed up ballad recycled over and over again.
I bought the song just to fuck over simon cowell, which probably wasn't RATM's idea of their own appeal.
Christmas number one was between some random ass ballad and some random ass ragefest, neither of which have anything whatsoever to do with Christmas.

This is why I don't give a shit about the charts.
I bought RAtM but I would rather have liked Journey to get to No.1.

Also, The reason that this campaign was started, was in order to break the consistent No.1's produced by the winner of a Reality TV Show. Repeating the same thing next year, would be against the whole spirit of this campaign. I won't be taking part in any of these campaign's to get this song to No.1 unless in 5 years time X Factor has got the same song to No.1 for the fifth year running.

and one last thing. Simon Cowell didn't really mind the fact that X Factor was beaten, in the end, he got more money and publicity via this. More people would have bought the single in order to spite Rage and let's not forget the record label in which Killing in the Name of, is realeased under is a subsidairy of Sony BMG, which Simon Cowell has shares in, and it's also the same parent company that released the X factor song.
Lets be honest, there is no spirit to this campaign. It's just dumb kids wasting money for dumb reasons.

I really have nothing nice to say about this at all.

Have a nice day.
thread title makes no sense, nobody told you or even asked you to buy joe mctwatfaces single, but the same cant be said for this equally terrible song

honestly i like the idea of this but all it says is that terrible vaguely metal hardcore music is the new cool which i honestly think is worse
Isn't doing something someone told you exactly what you did if you purchased this anti-establishment CD or whatever it is that happened? It was just someone else telling you to do it.
I really don't see what the point of this is. STICK IT TO THE MAN... by buying bad music you don't actually want?
So, let's weigh things up.

Rage Against The Machine, with Killing in the Name of, a well-established band with a heavy following, and a song even by my musically-fascist standards that is great, against the (likely fixed) winner of some yearly cash cow doing a song sung by Miley Cyrus.

It would never have been a contest. It's like pitting a Farfetch'd against Rayquaza in a battle of the flying types.
I really don't see what the point of this is. STICK IT TO THE MAN... by buying bad music you don't actually want?
Well personally I like Killing In The Name. A lot more than The Climb, which I find boring. I might buy the whole Rage Against The Machine album (although not yet, cos I'm kind of broke what with Christmas and all)
because they have to listen to bad manufactured music no one wants if you dont stop it going to #1.. all x-factor winners songs are depressinly boring rubbish and i wish the program would just go away.
I just find it pathetic that this is what RATM, a once very relevant and thought-provoking band, has been reduced to

yay consumerism
not a big fan of RATM but the fact that their campaign worked is probably a sign that they're very successful trolls
RATM had nothing to do with this, the band has been broken up for a decade. This is just a way to flex the muscles of the internet anonymous.

so who would you put at 1 Doomus Mullettus

Whoever the public wants, I really don't care. I have never put any stock in a publicly-decided popularity contest, and the fact that a long-demised band won this #1 spot shows this list is garbage, regardless of who holds the top.
yeah you shouldn't really put any stock at all into things like this, not since 4chan-moot got voted person of the year or whatever forever ago
dear yanks who dont get it,

Christmas number one was between some random ass ballad and some random ass ragefest, neither of which have anything whatsoever to do with Christmas.

This is why I don't give a shit about the charts.
the christmas #1 is a "prestigious" achievement in the british charts. it's a bit of a joke, but it's a joke we're all fond of and we're sick of the x-factory (heh) exploiting it. it hasn't had anything to do with christmas since some time in the mid 90s but its heritage has lived on.

and one last thing. Simon Cowell didn't really mind the fact that X Factor was beaten, in the end, he got more money and publicity via this. More people would have bought the single in order to spite Rage and let's not forget the record label in which Killing in the Name of, is realeased under is a subsidairy of Sony BMG, which Simon Cowell has shares in, and it's also the same parent company that released the X factor song.
a lot of people think this campaign was targetted at cowell but that wasn't really the idea - obviously it would only bring him more publicity and money. it was more to do with proving a point.

Lets be honest, there is no spirit to this campaign. It's just dumb kids wasting money for dumb reasons.

I really have nothing nice to say about this at all.

Have a nice day.
no spirit? i honestly don't know how you can say that. a lot of people spent a lot of time promoting the campaign because it was something they wanted to happen. if you think supporting a band you like is "dumb" then that's your prerogative. oh, and the guy who started the campaign is 35 so your condescending remark about "dumb kids" doesn't really work there.

thread title makes no sense, nobody told you or even asked you to buy joe mctwatfaces single, but the same cant be said for this equally terrible song

honestly i like the idea of this but all it says is that terrible vaguely metal hardcore music is the new cool which i honestly think is worse
it's not the "new cool". it's the old cool. it's what fans of real music have been enjoying for decades. as i have said, it's a campaign against the manufactured music we've put up with for so long. a rage against the machine that's churning out this horrible manure.

Isn't doing something someone told you exactly what you did if you purchased this anti-establishment CD or whatever it is that happened? It was just someone else telling you to do it.
yeah, you don't really get it. if someone makes a suggestion and you think "hey that's a good idea", that isn't "doing what you're told". the lyrics to the song are merely fitting, not important or relevant.

I really don't see what the point of this is. STICK IT TO THE MAN... by buying bad music you don't actually want?
wow i thought you were smart but perhaps you have some growing up to do. bad music? hi, music taste is subjective. i thought that was Internet Renaissance 101 but apparently not.

I just find it pathetic that this is what RATM, a once very relevant and thought-provoking band, has been reduced to

yay consumerism
right - because people like this record and decide to contribute money towards it (money that's going to a charity for the homeless) that somehow negates its relevance and ability to provoke rumination.

RATM had nothing to do with this, the band has been broken up for a decade. This is just a way to flex the muscles of the internet anonymous.

Whoever the public wants, I really don't care. I have never put any stock in a publicly-decided popularity contest, and the fact that a long-demised band won this #1 spot shows this list is garbage, regardless of who holds the top.
RATM had a lot to do with this. the band members openly welcomed and promoted the campaign, and promised to a) give the money gained from the sales to Shelter and b) play a free gig in the UK if they got the #1 spot

flexing the muscles of the internet anonymous? hardly. facebook is pretty much the least anonymous facility the internet has to offer, and it was there that the campaign was started and maintained.

if you think the charts are "garbage" then perhaps you are trying to treat them as a list of "music that is good" rather than "music that is popular". this campaign was entirely about trying to instill a sense of the former over the latter

yeah you shouldn't really put any stock at all into things like this, not since 4chan-moot got voted person of the year or whatever forever ago
abusing a poorly coded internet poll =/= influencing music industry sales by purchasing up to 3 copies of one song

anyway i believe i have now cleared matters up. im off for some mince pies. merry christmas
sheesh, it's not like I actually researched anything about this before I ranted about it, you're acting like I actually knew what I was talking about

if I wasn't such a music elitist I'd feel ashamed