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Irrational? Ive spelled it out as to why i should. Ur the one eing irrational because ur just going by how u were raised. Give me a reason as to why i shouldnt and then we can talk. Ive said it multiple times and im getting tired of it: Its not about feelings, its about making sure he doesnt do it again and bringing justice. Id respect her wishes if she could give a reason. I dont respect random shit only stupid people do stuff without reason. Besides i dont even love her that much ive only known her for a month.

She wont even know. And if my life gets fucked up then so be it. Ill find a way just like ive always done. Hunting down the guy will stop him from raping, not doing anything is what wont fix anything. By the way i do understand rape, and everything you said about it is true, excapt i dont need therapy but i was not emotionally effected by it.

It clearly IS about your feelings; You don't know he's going to do it again, you just want your personal retribution because you're having difficulty coping with the fact that your girlfriend doesn't need or want your help. You don't have any control over the situation and that's causing your hero complex.

To say that you're not emotionally affected by the rape is fucking hilarious, because everyone reading this thread can see that you are. If you weren't, you would be concerned with your girlfriend's feelings and not your own sense of "justice".

Furthermore, she doesn't have to justify herself to you. That's the point of therapy; she is being taught and helped to gain control of her life and mind again. She could have any number of reasons for not doing anything about it, and many of them are so obvious that they have been mentioned multiple times in this very thread; most importantly that IT'S NOT GOING TO ACHIEVE ANYTHING AFTER TWO YEARS.

All you are going to do by pushing on this is make HER life worse. You're going to introduce chaos and stress into her life and make it harder for her to put this behind her and move on. How do you even know who did it? And if you do know (for sure; there's always the possibility your girlfriend hasn't given you some crucial details), why don't YOU go to the police about it?

In regards to your so-called "doing justice"... YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE JUSTICE.

That is why we have courts, and a legal system. This situation is not about you, and you don't have a right to do what you want just because you think you should.

This whole thing is about satisfying your ego. You clearly don't have any understanding about rape, as evidenced by your comments above. You clearly don't care about this girl, as evidenced by your comments above. You should seek psychiatric aid as soon as possible, but of course you won't, because your ego is too inflated. This thread isn't about getting advice, it's about seeking justification for what you've already decided is the right course of action.

You're an ignorant, callous fool, and to be perfectly honest I wouldn't be at all surprised if you have a sociopathic personality disorder, given how you're acting here.
So i feel its my job to teach him a lesson. To stop him from hurting others and to make sure he realized what he did was wrong.
And the way you do that is by supporting your girlfriend in pressing charges. You have no right to take the law into your own hands. What if you go and beat up the wrong person?

Id be a hero. An unrecognized hero. I would dedicate my life to crime fighting, but id be thrown in jail for a looooong time
No, you'd be a villain, a criminal, and someone with no respect for the judicial system. Being such a person, you would nonetheless still expect the protection of the police and the courts if you yourself were a victim of crime.

If anything it should make her feel better knowing that justice has been served.
It is not your position to deal 'justice'.

I need a reason not to beat his ass.
Vigilante revenge has no place in a modern civilised society.
First you say you love her, then you say that you don't love her that much because you've only known her a month.

Get over yourself, for fuck's sake. We've given you plenty of reasons why you shouldn't do it, but you're not listening because you're a self-interested emotionally unstable psychopath, apparently.
It clearly IS about your feelings; You don't know he's going to do it again, you just want your personal retribution because you're having difficulty coping with the fact that your girlfriend doesn't need or want your help. You don't have any control over the situation and that's causing your hero complex.

To say that you're not emotionally affected by the rape is fucking hilarious, because everyone reading this thread can see that you are. If you weren't, you would be concerned with your girlfriend's feelings and not your own sense of "justice".

Furthermore, she doesn't have to justify herself to you. That's the point of therapy; she is being taught and helped to gain control of her life and mind again. She could have any number of reasons for not doing anything about it, and many of them are so obvious that they have been mentioned multiple times in this very thread; most importantly that IT'S NOT GOING TO ACHIEVE ANYTHING AFTER TWO YEARS.

All you are going to do by pushing on this is make HER life worse. You're going to introduce chaos and stress into her life and make it harder for her to put this behind her and move on. How do you even know who did it? And if you do know (for sure; there's always the possibility your girlfriend hasn't given you some crucial details), why don't YOU go to the police about it?

In regards to your so-called "doing justice"... YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE JUSTICE.

That is why we have courts, and a legal system. This situation is not about you, and you don't have a right to do what you want just because you think you should.

This whole thing is about satisfying your ego. You clearly don't have any understanding about rape, as evidenced by your comments above. You clearly don't care about this girl, as evidenced by your comments above. You should seek psychiatric aid as soon as possible, but of course you won't, because your ego is too inflated. This thread isn't about getting advice, it's about seeking justification for what you've already decided is the right course of action.

You're an ignorant, callous fool, and to be perfectly honest I wouldn't be at all surprised if you have a sociopathic personality disorder, given how you're acting here.

Ur right, but im forced to assume he will. You dont know that he wont do it again do u? Bullshit if she didnt need my help she wouldnt of got raped. Whats causing my hero complex is the fact that someone raped an innocent girl and its up to me to do something about it. Obviously no one else will. Cops wont. Therapy wont stop him from doing it again

I dont care about her feelings to be honest. As far as im concerned this is just something she cant understand, and if she cant understand her hate for the decision is invalid


No im not she wont even know. And she told me who did it. If shes lying then i dont want her. She needs to respect my decisions because i have solid reasoning behind it. She does not. If she wants to have a say she should speak up, if not then she cant bitch when i kick his ass. I cant prove anything so i doubt the cops will do anything.

Thats your oppinion. When it comes to me and the people i care about, i decide justice.

Shit like this is starting to piss me off. I DO want advice. I want someone to give me a good reason as to why i shoudnt do it. Im tired of hearing "it wont solve anything" because it will. It will stop him from doing it again. And i think thats the only arguement you guys have provided. Whats wrong with the way im acting? Ur the one flaming for no reason

First you say you love her, then you say that you don't love her that much because you've only known her a month.

Get over yourself, for fuck's sake. We've given you plenty of reasons why you shouldn't do it, but you're not listening because you're a self-interested emotionally unstable psychopath, apparently.

List them right now. You have given 1 and i gave a counter arguement. And it shouldnt matter if i love her or not this is not about feelings

Does a craving to go eye for eye when someone I love gets hurt makes me a psychopath? Because we might be quite a lot in that boat.
And the way you do that is by supporting your girlfriend in pressing charges. You have no right to take the law into your own hands. What if you go and beat up the wrong person?

No, you'd be a villain, a criminal, and someone with no respect for the judicial system. Being such a person, you would nonetheless still expect the protection of the police and the courts if you yourself were a victim of crime.

It is not your position to deal 'justice'.

Vigilante revenge has no place in a modern civilised society.

I wont, ill be able to tell. First ima talk to him about it. My girl knows who did it so ima put my trust in her.

Nope i have no respect for the judicial system. I know he did something wrong but i cant prove it. I would expect the protection of the police if i was a victim. But he doesnt care about abusing victims, so ill gladly create a victim out of him. If the cops come and get me, then so be it

And sure it does, if it'll stop him from doing it again.
If this is not about feelings, then why are you so adamant about fighting him?

I dont care about her feelings to be honest. As far as im concerned this is just something she cant understand, and if she cant understand her hate for the decision is invalid

She needs to respect my decisions

Being a hypocrite is cool also.
You're beyond help. I'm leaving this thread. You're a psychopath, you don't understand rape beyond the concept of sexual intercourse. We've already explained to you that your motivations here are not of protection, but of self-centred violence and ego stroking; and yet you keep saying that it's justified.

Hurting him will not stop him raping again. Moreover, you don't have any moral or legal right to take justice into your own hands; you don't even know what justice is.

To be perfectly honest, I hope you either get yourself psychiatrically committed, get yourself injured badly or get yourself arrested, because at least then your poor girlfriend will only have one fucked up part of her life to deal with.
"Ladies Man", you're up yourself. You're young and you think you're everything. But it's pretty clear you're not. So I will say my last thing.

If you go and assault this person, you will screw up your own life for good. You will end up in jail like so many other young black men, and all your hopes, dreams, and aspirations for your future will be beyond reach.

Is that what you want?
You're beyond help. I'm leaving this thread. You're a psychopath, you don't understand rape beyond the concept of sexual intercourse. We've already explained to you that your motivations here are not of protection, but of self-centred violence and ego stroking; and yet you keep saying that it's justified.

Hurting him will not stop him raping again. Moreover, you don't have any moral or legal right to take justice into your own hands; you don't even know what justice is.

To be perfectly honest, I hope you either get yourself psychiatrically committed, get yourself injured badly or get yourself arrested, because at least then your poor girlfriend will only have one fucked up part of her life to deal with.

Come on dude, i do understand it. Its about power blah blah blah. My motivations come from me not wanting him to do it again, and to add some excitement to my life. For the last time.

Cutting his dick off will

I am hardly fucked up. She should be glad im willing to put my life on the line to protect her.

If this is not about feelings, then why are you so adamant about fighting him?

Hopefully it'll teach him a lesson. And if i cut his dick off he cant do it again.

Here's to someone else that might want to seek 'therapy'.

Why are you seeking justification on a Pokemon forum for this?

Why here? What do you want to hear from us?

I'll post something more substantial if you explain yourself in this way. I don't really want to waste my time if you're just here to drum up support for kicking some scumbag's ass. Or worse, you're just trolling.
So Ladies Man, you think that it will be much better for your girlfriend if you get involved, physically assault the man who raped her, and spend years in jail. During this time, she will not have you to comfort her (maybe a good thing looking at the way you seem to act) and instead will dwell on what brought upon this chain of events instead.

Wow. You sound like a stand up boyfriend there.

If your girlfriend will not go to the authorities, then you do not act. Either convince her to report the man, or let it go.
Ugh. A guy I know did what you're trying now. He went out on his own to look for the guy that raped(such an ugly word) his Ex(now Ex for reasons you will understand). The guy who raped her was her friend. Did that Date Rape shit and so on. Ok so anyways, this guy wanted "revenge". He went and talked to the guy for about 3 minutes. Then he started fighting him. I'm not going to go into details. Anyway the guy who raped her is now unable to perform in a normal life. Sounds good right? Wrong. The guy who beat him up went to jail for a "certain" amount of time. (I don't feel at liberty to say). He is still there. His Girlfriend(the one he was Trying to protect) broke up with him, his mother is, well, yeah. Anyway the point is, you may be doing this to help your girl, but if you are as important to her as you claim, you wouldn't be doing this. I think you would be more of a hero helping her forget, because then you will have done something that actually mattered. I didn't want to call you an idiot or stop you from doing something. This is YOUR life not mine. I just thought I'd throw a little example of what WILL happen.
Why are you seeking justification on a Pokemon forum for this?

Why here? What do you want to hear from us?

I'll post something more substantial if you explain yourself in this way. I don't really want to waste my time if you're just here to drum up support for kicking some scumbag's ass. Or worse, you're just trolling.

Because i have no one else to go to. I wanna hear why i shouldnt fuck him up or cut his dick off. I am not trolling, this is very serious.
Hopefully it'll teach him a lesson.
As you said, this isn't about feelings, so why do you care about teaching him a lesson? It doesn't really make sense.. I also like how you assume that you will be able to instantly win. I'm also not sure who you're doing this for. If it's for yourself, you could possibly lose. And even if you do win, you're sent off to jail where you're basically fucked.

If it's for your girlfriend, by bashing him you go to jail, so your girlfriend will be alone and "without her hero". If it's for all the other women out there, so they don't experience it, it still doesn't necessarily stop him. He could win, or you could go to jail, which doesn't really prevent anything.
Ugh. A guy I know did what you're trying now. He went out on his own to look for the guy that raped(such an ugly word) his Ex(now Ex for reasons you will understand). The guy who raped her was her friend. Did that Date Rape shit and so on. Ok so anyways, this guy wanted "revenge". He went and talked to the guy for about 3 minutes. Then he started fighting him. I'm not going to go into details. Anyway the guy who raped her is now unable to perform in a normal life. Sounds good right? Wrong. The guy who beat him up went to jail for a "certain" amoount of time. (I don't feel at liberty to say). He is still there. His Girlfriend(the one he was Trying to protect) broke up with him, his mother is, well, yeah. Anyway the point is, you may be doing this to help your girl, but if you are as important ot her as you claim, you wouldn't be doing this. I think you would be more of a hero helping her forget, because then you will have done something that actually mattered. I didn't want to call you an idiot or stop you from doing something. This is YOUR lifee not mine. I just thought I'd throw a little example of what WILL happen.

I know this. If she leaves me then so be it. Its not even about her its about stoping from doing it again. Im not scared of jail either, if worse comes to worse id just kill myself. Problem solved. And i dont wanna hear any psyco comments about that either. If i got life in jail id either break out or kill myself. end of story. Oh and thanks for not calling me an idiot, im actually alot smarter then most of u seem to believe

As you said, this isn't about feelings, so why do you care about teaching him a lesson? It doesn't really make sense.. I also like how you assume that you will be able to instantly win. I'm also not sure who you're doing this for. If it's for yourself, you could possibly lose. And even if you do win, you're sent off to jail where you're basically fucked.

If it's for your girlfriend, by bashing him you go to jail, so your girlfriend will be alone and "without her hero". If it's for all the other women out there, so they don't experience it, it still doesn't necessarily stop him. He could win, or you could go to jail, which doesn't really prevent anything.

So he wont do it again. If i lose, then so be it. I have confidence in myself i fight bigger people all the time. Besides i can just bring people with me. Im doing it for all the little girls who could possibly be raped by him.
Because i have no one else to go to. I wanna hear why i shouldnt fuck him up or cut his dick off. I am not trolling, this is very serious.
If you can't figure it out for yourself, seek therapy. Actually, if your girlfriend is having a hard time coping and won't go to the authorities, professional help might be an option there too. I think the post Dozer made is the best you'll get from this. If you actually give a damn about your girlfriend and not just "getting one last bit of excitement in life", then spend your time healing her.
If you can't figure it out for yourself, seek therapy. Actually, if your girlfriend is having a hard time coping and won't go to the authorities, professional help might be an option there too. I think the post Dozer made is the best you'll get from this. If you actually give a damn about your girlfriend and not just "getting one last bit of excitement in life", then spend your time healing her.

Will healing her stop him from doing it again? I thought not. Its not even about her
Will healing her stop him from doing it again? I thought not
Prove he will and explain why going to the police will not be a better option. You have one post to do so before I lock this thread and hope that one day you grow up.
Hmm. Killing yourself? Why do this in the first place if you're going to kill yourself anyway? Peer Recognition? A feeling of being special? Those all go away if you're dead, sorry. Trust me, isn't living and feeling ok, better than being dead and feeling nothing? Now I'm a bit confused. Explain yourself. Are you just making this up out of boredom? Because you sure aren't taking anyones advice. And unless you are the most idiotic/mentally handicapped person I've ever heard talk, you would be listening to some of these people. I'm sure they wouldn't be trying to help if they didn't know anything ;)

EDIT: Firestorm beat me to it. As long as you end up understanding what is right and wrong. Unless of course you just don't care.
Hmm. Killing yourself? Why do this in the first place if you're going to kill yourself anyway? Peer Recognition? A feeling of being special? Those all go away if you're dead, sorry. Trust me, isn't living and feeling ok, better than being dead and feeling nothing? Now I'm a bit confused. Explain yourself. Are you just making this up out of boredom? Because you sure aren't taking anyones advice. And unless you are the most idiotic/mentally handicapped person I've ever heard talk, you would be listening to some of these people. I'm sure they wouldn't be trying to help if they didn't know anything ;)

Idk ive never been dead before! But sure being alive might be better, but once im dead i wont care will i? Only reason id do it is if i get life in prison. Im not taking it because all u can say is "its not solving anything" or "ull get hurt or go to jail". Come on people i know this. It is solving something, and those are risks im willing to take. If theres nothing else you guys have to say then i guess this thread is done
Here's some advice for you. Go look up a forum that talks about this sort of situation on a regular basis which would be able to help you and your girlfriend a lot better than say...a pokemon forum. I hope you don't do anything careless and best of luck to you and her recovery process.
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