Star Wars Mafia - Republic wins!

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It is now Night 4.

polelover44 said:
Dear -Mind-
You are Jabba The Hutt

You are the ultimate crime lord of Tatooine. You have many followers, though most out of fear, not respect. You have bested Jedi before, and you plan to do it again. And again. And again.

Each night, you may send a PM to polelover44 saying "Night X - send spies out upon <user>. <user> will be framed for a crime, and any inspectors who inspected <user> will find <user> to be a member of the mafia.


You are allied with your faction.
I don't know what makes you think I'm Mafia, I even sent you my role pm.
But, for the record:
polelover44 said:
Dear Lord Jesseus
You are Former Chancellor Valorum

You are the former head of the Senate. You have since gone underground into a network of spies.

Each night PM polelover44 with “Night X – send <message> to <user>. <message> will be anonymously sent to <user>.

You are allied with the Republic.
There was a picture but the link appears to be broken.
I think that kakth is more likely to be mafia than west. lord Jessues is a good mafia candidate.

well coming from a member of the empire this means little!

I don't know what makes you think I'm Mafia, I even sent you my role pm.
But, for the record:

There was a picture but the link appears to be broken.

you got sold out.

mmm, no. I'm not with the empire. I just had very limited internet access and missed d3, n3 and d4. I'll get on with your request now.

and you still haven't sent me what i requested and you have 2 confirmed mafia defending you?

how are you not?
i never said you were mafia. i just thought you were since you were acting really dumb.

so to update

lord jessus and nook are the last 2 of jabba's function
purple weezing and west are empire
It is now Day 5.

Tonight, 3 people died. The first was RaRe555.

polelover44 said:
Dear RaRe555
You are Mon Mothma.

You are the final creator of the Rebel Alliance. You keep a low profile, and so you aren't such a huge target for assassins as your counterparts. As such, you have more time to spend on politics.

Every day, your lynch vote will count as two.

You are allied with the Republic.

The second was Purple Wobbuffett.

polelover44 said:
Dear Purple Wobbuffett
You are Darth Tyranus

Once a great Jedi Knight, you have fallen to become the lowest of the low - a dreaded Sith Lord. This allows you to use mind-boggling Dark Powers

Each night, you may PM polelover44 with "Night X - silence <user>". <user> will be unable to speak the next day.

You hold the Lightsaber. On any one of the Mafia's kills, you may PM polelover44 with "Night X - use Lightsaber on <user>". <user>'s kill will not be blocked by a bodyguard.


You are allied with the Empire.

The third and final was Lord Jesseus.

polelover44 said:
Dear Lord Jesseus
You are The Sarlaac.

Another one of the hideous creatures Jabba keeps, you have gained intelligence, and can attempt to break free from your pit.

Each night or day, you may PM polelover44 with "Day/Night X - say <message> to <user>". <message> will be anonymously said to <user>, and they may reply in their action PM for the next night.


You are allied with Jabba The Hutt's faction.

also, Agape has been silenced.
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