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What are the chances of a Pokemon's ability changing when it evolves if it has 2 abilities throughout its evolutionary line? I'm asking because I had a Magnemite that evolved into Magnezone and its ability changed to Sturdy from Magnet Pull.

Alsop, does anybody know if there are any official Pokemon tournaments besides the ones that Nintendo runs?
You actually miss speed-tying with opposing lead Azelfs and either Taunting them or speed-tying and setting up Stealth Rock. Also, if it doesn't have a 31 IV in Speed, that's even less of an incentive to use it as a lead.

Heh, thanks, i can't believe i've forgot this. And the metagame is filled with lead azelfs, so it isn't a good idea.

Any Idea for an 29/X/X/28/28/31 modest azelf, then?
anyone know where that thread is that laid out all the pokemon and their usefulness ingame with star ratings?

it was for d/p/p..uhm. i can't seem to find it. if anyone could be of any assistance it would be greatly appreciated. thanks again!!
Choice Scarf is only thing that wouldn't necessarily need a +Speed Nature.

NP Azelf wouldn't exactly need one either. You'd just need to go the extra step and add Infernape, Base 110s and 115s to the list of Pokemon you need to make sure your team can handle before Azelf attempts a sweep.
Can I use my friends Gamestop Pikachu colored Pichu Event Pokemon?

Can I use my friends Gamestop Pikachu colored Pichu Event Pokemon on my Soul Silver or Heart Gold DS Game when it comes out to unlock the event pichu, or does it only work for one person?
Can I use my friends Gamestop Pikachu colored Pichu Event Pokemon on my Soul Silver or Heart Gold DS Game when it comes out to unlock the event pichu, or does it only work for one person?

Not sure, but my guess it that it will work for both of you. Even if it doesn't, there's no harm in at least trying.
If I'm going to use Pal Park, does Fire Red/Pearl need to be original? or it would'nt work if Fire Red/Pearl is original and Pearl/Fire Red? Cause I tried to use Pal Park and I can't migrate, the "Migrate pokemon from Kanto/Hoenn" does not appear. What's my problem?
If I'm going to use Pal Park, does Fire Red/Pearl need to be original? or it would'nt work if Fire Red/Pearl is original and Pearl/Fire Red? Cause I tried to use Pal Park and I can't migrate, the "Migrate pokemon from Kanto/Hoenn" does not appear. What's my problem?

I don't quite understand what you're trying to describe here. What do you mean by "original"?
If I'm going to use Pal Park, does Fire Red/Pearl need to be original? or it would'nt work if Fire Red/Pearl is original and Pearl/Fire Red? Cause I tried to use Pal Park and I can't migrate, the "Migrate pokemon from Kanto/Hoenn" does not appear. What's my problem?
Check your fire red game. If the save file is still there, try readjusting it or something. If your save file is gone, then your game fire red is fake and you cant migrate.

edit: post 100!
Yes, it's possible and it wouldn't be considered hacking; but before you ask, no AR codes requests in this thread ;)
I'm running a DPP tournament a couple days before HGSS at my Gamestop store and I want to post the information - Is this ok? Which forum would I put this in? Thanks in advance.
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