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Honey + Berry Circuit

Hello. I'm not quite sure where this goes, so if it needs to be moved, please let me know. :3

Anyways, I was wondering if there was a circuit that people use for visiting all the honey trees and the most effective berry circuit.

I'm looking to visit all of the honey trees, I want to max out my chances of getting Heracross and Munchlax. The reason why I am using all of the honey trees is because I do not use AR and I don't have a caught shiny pokemon yet so I can't figure out my secret ID, I do have 2 of the trees though, but I want to max out my chances, which is why I want to visit all of the trees.

I'm just looking for the most effective berry route, I am not looking into planting berries in every single patch, I am just looking for the most effective circuit that does not take a long time.

Here is the honey tree circuit I'm currently using, any suggestions?

I'm not so sure about berries.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this, any suggestions would be really helpful.
Can Rock Blast hit multiple times if the foe has Focus Sash?

i does but in the game even if multiple hits would ko them they still hang on e.g
rock blast oppenent on one hit point
rock blast still on one hit point
rock blast still on one hit point.
however in shoddy the focus sash don't save them
Growlithe learns Flare Blitz at 48 and Arcanine learns Extremespeed at 39. If I evolve Growlithe at 48 with the Fire Stone, can I use a Heart Scale to teach Arcanine Extremespeed?
Yes, Growlithe has to have Flare Blitz first. If after it has learned it, you can evolve it to Arcanine and use the Move-relearner. Extremespeed will the last option.
What hidden power can be most useful for a Ludicolo?
I'm also thinking on a hatch location for her.
Hidden Power Electric is the most useful, allowing Ludicolo to OHKO Gyarados. However, with Surf/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Energy Ball/Grass Knot, there's not much walling Ludicolo besides special walls like Blissey and Snorlax. You're better off just trying to get one with generally good IVs.

As for Hatch Location, no idea.

But Scizor gets stopped by Magnezone or Heatran; unless you use Agility, of course.

In my mind, Dragonite is the best one by far. I mean, Extremespeed is all you need. Dragon Claw KO every defensive poke out there, and other move is just to hit steels.
Yeah, it is :-( I though the raw power of a +6 banded Bullet Punch would OHKO everything, but checking the calcs it doesn't, only does about 50% to Tran.
sub, Focuspunch, Aqua jet, ice punch azumarill

After a bellypass it has 1720 atack

Dragonite's Extremespeed has 23.2% more power than Azumarill's Aqua Jet; Rayquaza's is 33.9% stronger. (BTW, Rayquaza outclasses Dragonite if we're counting Ubers.) Besides, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fire Punch (Flamethrower), and Extremespeed offers perfect coverage, while that set doesn't and has a weaker STAB attack.

Edit: Rayquaza also has 2 more attack before the Belly Drum anyway, even after Huge Power.
If one uses Choice Specs Starmie (<3)
Surf/Hydro Pump (which one?)
Thunderbolt (Thunder in Rain)
Ice Beam (Blizzard in Hail)
Which move, by your opinions would be best here? I personally use Psychic, even without any crucial coverage, as it gets STAB, but what other options are viable?
Personally, I usually only use offensive moves with 100% accuracy when I can so I'd choose Surf over Hydro Pump. I don't think Hydro Pump gets any specific 2HKO's either. Don't use Thunder unless your using a Rain Team and don't use Blizzard unless you're using a Hail team, they're just too inaccurate. (And if you do have a Hail Team, you should probably use the Spinner set since Hail teams greatly apriciate Stealth Rocks being removed.)
If one uses Choice Specs Starmie (<3)
Surf/Hydro Pump (which one?)
Thunderbolt (Thunder in Rain)
Ice Beam (Blizzard in Hail)
Which move, by your opinions would be best here? I personally use Psychic, even without any crucial coverage, as it gets STAB, but what other options are viable?
Life Orb Starmie is better because despite the recoil damage, the ability to change moves is a lot better than the additional boost that Specs gives. This coupled with Starmie's speed and wide coverage makes it a menace to any team not carrying Blissey, Snorlax, or Scarftar.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Timid | 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hydro Pump / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Recover (to heal off Life Orb damage)

Other than that, Grass Knot and Trick are both viable moves for a Choice Specs moveset. Grass Knot easily OHKOes Swampert and deals more to Suicune than Thunderbolt would, while Trick handles stall and can be used to get rid of Specs.
Are Choice items really beeing dropped lately for Life Orb?
Also, does the loss of Psychic on the LO set hurt?

1) Depends on the team.

2) How many times do you have to be told? PSYCHIC SUCKS ASS! It is one of the worst types in the game, second only to Normal. The Starmie set Marth gave you is the standard set.
What IS good in Psychic-typing? And this Starmie set isn't for Ubers...

Coldeye, I've told you before. The only good thing about Psychic is that its pokemon are usually fast, and the fighting resistance. That's it. It's Pursuit weak, Bug weak, usually frail, redundant coverage.... yeah, Psychic sucks.
In like all tiers?
I'm really starting to hate this matagame...D/P started so well, but the tiers just got completely messed up...I mean, Alakazam to UU, Deoxys-D getting an OU suspect OU, almost all Dragons going Uber (even Salamences gets a suspect!), Pokemon who were OUs in Advance like Medicham are now complete NUs...thank God by the end of the year the new generation starts...
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