New and 'creative' moveset/EV spread thread - UU Edition

Leman, if Toxic gets Synchronised then the poke it gets reflected onto is only regularly poisoned. So it's not a huge problem for many walls packing recovery, such as Milotic.
plus if it looks like its going to sweep, alot of ppl wouldnt mind sacking someone to get poison on it.
how about rest over yawn and chesto berry?
I've just thought of a set which I would really like to test, but alas, shoddy hasn't registered that Umbreon gets Heal Bell, so I can atm. The Basic Strategy is to use the Combination of Flame orb + Synchronize + Heal Bell to Burn foes with 100% accuracy while simultaneously curing all status on the team. Another advantage is that when switched in for the first time this Umbreon Automatically burns the opponent - an excellent way to cripple a Physical attacker because the only requirement is that Umbreon can survive a single hit, and considering it's great defenses, that isn't really too much to ask. Another advantage is that many pokemon flee if they know the opponent can burn them, but this set gives people no time to react, burning them purely by switching in.
The set:
Umbreon @ Flame Orb | Synchronize
Relaxed Nature
- Heal Bell
- Dark Pulse
- Wish
- Protect
Dark Pulse was chosen because the burning means payback isn't a good idea. Wish + protect Can be used to scout, wishpass or recover some burn damage, which I figured would be pretty useful. You could go with Moonlight if you want another moveslot for Meanlook or something. The Ev's were chosen to allow Umbreon to take powerful hits, while still hitting hard enough to mean walls without recovery won't want to stay in there to long, epecially in conjunction with burn damage.
Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I haven't been able to test this, so I'd like any feedback you have on it.
Edit: Scratch that, I was using the wrong servers moves (I have a Pokemonexperte account from when smogons server went down). I'll get back to everyone with testing info asap.
Whoops, those attack Ev's were menat to be Hp. But it doesn't matter, because as flashbolt said, Synchronize only works if the opponent statuses you.
Pokemon: Mightyena

Moveset Name: Super Fang
Move 1: Super Fang
Move 2: Crunch
Move 3: Ice Fang/Rock Smash
Move 4: Return/Thunder Fang
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Although Mightyena is a bad Pokemon, this set can cause some damage. Super Fang on the normal Steel and Rock switch-ins to halve their HP, and Ghosts types immune to Super Fang get a taste of a STAB Crunch. Ice Fang may be used for Dragon types like Altaria and do a bit more damage to Grass types. Rock Smash to be used on Rock and Steels, but not much use due to low base power. Return is just a filler move since Mightyena has such a poor movepool, and Thunder Fang can be used on bulky waters although it will do rather pathetic damage.

Despite being creative and somewhat effective Mightyena is still not very good, I am sorry.
Pokemon: Camerupt

Moveset Name: Camelead
Move 1: Rock Polish
Move 2: Earth Power
Move 3: Lava Plume
Move 4: Hidden Power Bug / Hidden Power Fighting
Item: Lum Berry
Ability: Rock Armor
Nature: Mild
EVs: 112 HP / 252 SpAtk / 150 Spe

I love using this guy as a lead. He nullifies any status effect and forces some switches. Using Rock Polish first turn gives you a pretty sweet advantage.
Hey. Just wanted an Anti-Lead rated here before I posted my full UU team. Don't worry, this analysis is only big because it will eventually go into my UU RMT later.


Machoke @ Focus Sash
Adamant Natured / No Guard Ability
164 HP | 252 Atk | 92 Spe
--Payback/Rock Slide--
--Bullet Punch--

This is a UU lead that was designed by myself, DrkSlay, as an attempt to counter the current UU metagame's trend of fast, popular leads. Machoke is really a forced to be reckoned with as a UU lead. Note that there's going to be a ton of calculations coming up so that I can validate Machoke's usefulness as a lead, so get your popcorn ready! Now, at first glance at the fact that we're using Machoke, many people will assume this is simply a miniature version of LeadChamp in OU play. However, this Machoke plays much differently. Rather than score 2HKO's on Bulky Pokes, this is designed to OHKO (or 2HKO FS'ers with Priority) a lot of opposing leads in the UU metagame with ease. DynamicPunch is a huge benefit right out of the bat, as no one besides Slowbro and Ghosts will like it and its 100% confusion rate. Even as Machoke, this STAB move hits like a nuke. The next move is really a toss-up, as both have their benefits (although both effectively deal with Froslass leads well). Payback nails Froslass leads and can actually hurt opposing Uxie leads for 3HKO's (possibly a 4HKO, but BP saves the day there). It is also the most useful against the inevitable Rotom/Mismagius switch-ins, which hit for massive damage (OHKO'ing almost all variants of Mismagius and 2HKO'ing the RestTalk variants of Rotom). Rock Slide, on the other hand, allows you to OHKO Moltres leads thanks to Focus Sash, providing yet another Lead you can beat. This still also nails Froslass for enough damage to 2HKO with Bullet Punch, which is important to know. While Bullet Punch may seem frivolous and unneeded as compared to a Payback/Rock Slide combo, it is actually the most important move on Machoke, making him the ultimate Froslass and Ambipom counter, along with any other Focus Sash lead. Without it, Froslass is guaranteed at least two layers of Spikes OR one layer and a Destiny Bond for a KO on Machoke, and Return Ambipom would 2HKO Machoke before Machoke can do anything. Protect is definitely the oddball on the set, but it's pretty much mandatory to beat common Fake Out leads, like Ambipom, Persian, and Kangaskhan. Without it, Ambipom can successfully 2HKO with Fake Out + Return. However, if one does not worry about these threats, then a combination of DPunch/Payback/Rock Slide/Bullet Punch will beat Alakazam AND Moltres. The Focus Sash allows it to beat many common leads with ease, including Alakazam, Moltres, and various other leads. Note, however, that if you do not fear these leads, Lum Berry helps against Uxie to an extent, as well as against incoming Rotom who wish to Will O' Wisp you or other Lead status inducers, like ScarfSaur. A Type Resist berry is also a decent choice to keep some HP left against Alakazam or Moltres, but note that Focus Sash beats both leads anyway instead of one or the other. Note that Lead Machoke and Lead Hariyama play different roles as well. Lead Hariyama is generally an Offensive lead designed to cause as much damage as possible through Close Combat and Payback, and cannot stop Stealth Rock from being set up. Machoke can stop SR from going up in all cases except Uxie and Kabutops, who the first is a bad match up anyway, and the latter is just faster.

EV's: The EV's are specifically made to give Machamp as much punch as possible, while giving it enough Speed and HP to beat Bulky leads to the punch AND take neutral hits well. Adamant nature and 252 Attack EV's makes an Attack stat of 328, which is not too shabby at all. 92 Speed EV's is enough to outspeed all Rhyperior leads by one point, which also means you outspeed Regirock, Omastar, and Donphan leads. The rest of the EV's are dumped into HP for maximum bulk outside of Super Effective hits.

Against the Top Leads of the UU Tier

Green means beaten.
Yellow means a tie, needs a certain move, or can be dealt with through switching.
Red is a threat.


Payback: 328 Atk vs 394 Def & 354 HP (100 Base Power): 120 - 142 (33.90% - 40.11%)

Unfortunately, the most popular lead in UU is a 3-4HKO, and if it has access to a Psychic-based move, Machoke is not the greatest choice. On another note, though: if Uxie doesn't carry a Psychic-based move, there is little to no worry here for Machoke, as not even Thunderwave really cripples it. Also, our particular team doesn't mind Uxie a whole lot, so almost any of our Defensive Pokes can switch into it. Don't worry: it gets better from here for Machamp.


DynamicPunch: 328 Atk vs 168 Def & 292 HP (100 Base Power): 422 - 498 (144.52% - 170.55%)

Through Protect, Ambipom is easily dealt with. DynamicPunch nails all Ambipom silly, and if they're Sashed, Bullet Punch cleans it out. Ambipom isn't a threat to Machoke at all.


Payback: 328 Atk vs 177 Def & 281 HP (100 Base Power): 266 - 314 (94.66% - 111.74%)
Rock Slide: 328 Atk vs 177 Def & 281 HP (75 Base Power): 200 - 236 (71.17% - 83.99%)
Bullet Punch: 328 Atk vs 177 Def & 281 HP (40 Base Power): 108 - 128 (38.43% - 45.55%)

By far, the easiest for Machoke to counter. Machoke is designed to allow all Lead Froslass one layer of Spikes total. Nothing more, and only less if one decides to Taunt or attack me first for some reason. Bullet Punch finishes off FS'ed or weakened versions. Froslass is essentially why I created Machoke in the first place.


Rock Slide: 328 Atk vs 216 Def & 321 HP (75 Base Power): 328 - 388 (102.18% - 120.87%)

In short: Machoke wins if it carries Rock Slide. Period. If it does not carry Rock Slide, it can only hit for Payback, which does not OHKO in the slightest. Moltres can be dealt with through the team itself if one chooses to use Payback (like I do), so it's not a total threat to a team. Plus, one can Protect scout in case of Scarf or Toxic leads if Machoke has Payback.


Payback: 328 Atk vs 126 Def & 257 HP (100 Base Power): 374 - 440 (145.53% - 171.21%)

Note that Rock Slide + Bullet Punch does not 2HKO Alakazam. Payback + Bullet Punch is the only option here, albeit it's a really nice one. Machamp has no trouble against Alakazam thanks to Focus Sash!


DynamicPunch: 328 Atk vs 363 Def & 334 HP (100 Base Power): 194 - 230 (58.08% - 68.86%)

A guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers, and Machoke outspeeds. This also means that Confusion can prevent Stealth Rock, which is a huge plus. If not, well, at least you kept your Sash intact after the 2HKO. Omastar leads are getting pretty common, it seems, so Machoke couldn't have been chosen at a better time.


This is the only lead where Machamp can't do diddly squat to. The best it can do is scout a move with Protect and either switch to another Pokemon, or receive a Choice Band for Machoke and hit with a boosted Payback. Spiritombs are a pain to any team, though, and while a lead Spiritomb virtually guarantees that I won't be facing CroTomb (the ultimate evil), it's still a pain.


328 Atk vs 446 Def & 364 HP (100 Base Power): 158 - 188 (43.41% - 51.65%)

I outspeed this big fella. Two DynamicPunches and a Bullet Punch OR DPunch+Confusion hit+DPunch is technically a 2HKO. Pretty much a bulkier, yet less threatening offensively, version of Omastar. Rarely sets SR up. Nothing to fear here.


328 Atk vs 361 Def & 279 HP (100 Base Power): 198 - 234 (70.97% - 83.87%)

Admittedly, this one's trickier than Regirock/Omastar, but one of three things happens: it sets up Rocks and I kill it before it kills me, it 2HKO's me without getting Rocks up, or Confusion hax kicks in and neither happens. All three are pretty positive, so Machoke wins here.
I don't really see what does this have over pokés like Hairyama, who hit harder and have Guts to absorb status, added to much more bulk; while all Machoke has going for him is 100% confusion move that he'll rarely be able to use more than once.
The confusion is actually pretty key here, in that against Pokemon like Omastar it makes whether or not they get Stealth Rock / Spikes up a 50/50 chance. Chances like that generally will force a switch-out on Omastar's part, which means that more often than not you won't have to worry about entry hazards.
If that lead can stop entry hazards, and that's what you want, then it's excellent. Without any calcs or anything I'm also assuming it would beat a Hariyama lead with massive damage + confusion. Beware of Counterzam, though sash + priority should make you come out ahead.
I don't know if it's 'new' or 'original but I've been using this set for a while and it works like a charm. Alteast it's creative.

Beastly Feraligatr Set
Crickey! (Feraligatr) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP/12 Def/244 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Outrage / Return
- Earthquake / Ice Punch
- Aqua Jet

This Feraligatr is so bulky he is able to literally pull off one Swords Dance with ease - maybe more. Aqua Jet for priority, once boosted with Swords Dance it becomes quite the threat. Earthquake for coverage, Outrage on the other hand is to rip through the UU metagame because either you x4 resist it or you are simply OHKO'd by it - once boosted of course. But Outrage is there for the sheer gimmick and lol's, feel free to replace it with Return or Ice Punch for additional coverage.
I've actually been using a similar set for a while now. Except it looked a little more like this:

Speed Gator
Feraligator @ Leftovers (or Life Orb)
EVs: 240HP/244attack/26speed
Adamant Nature (+Attack -SPAttack)
-Swords Dance

I've been wanting to post this for a while, but wasn't sure if it was creative enough to actually be considered.

This set is similar to the analysis in terms of moves and type coverage, but the way it's played is somewhat different. With aqua jet, speed isn't that much of an issue as it used to be, so the speed EV's were shifted into HP (Leaving enough to outpace neutral natured, 4 speed Base 80's, mainly support Venusaur). With the help of the HP EV's and leftovers, it can withstand enough punishment to get a swords dance, possibly two. The idea behind this is to use the extra bulk to get those 2 swords Dances, then sweep with aqua jet. Even if you can only pull off one, you'll still pack plenty of power. Against faster, frailer revenge killers, Aqua jet takes them out easily. Against slower bulkier opponents, Earthquake will actually hit with more power.

This set is is still walled by the usual counters like Milotic and Weezing unfortunately. But it can at least set up with a bit more ease. and doesen't fear paralysis quite as much (although, getting fully paralyzed still hurts it a lot, iirc, water and flying types have a higher chance of getting fully paralyzed)
It's not completely innovative but stay with me:

Hitmonlee (M) @ Black Belt
Ability: Limber
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Sucker Punch
- Substitute

Substitute is a very deadly move, and here it serves a variety of purposes. First, it guards against status. Now you already have Limber but I'm talking about Will-o-Wisp from slower, bulkier pokes. 2nd, it helps ease prediction. If you're still unsure whether your opponent has a Ghost, you can Substitute as they switch out to Rotom from their Clefable (for example). From here, you can fire off whatever attack you think is best. Another purpose of Substitute is that it helps against revenge killing + priority. This Hitmonlee absolutely loves Chansey/Clefable, and Umbreon (which has been on a ton of teams lately). Black Belt seems weird, but with Sub and LO recoil Hitmonlee would die way too fast, and Black Belt lets it score the necessary KO's it needs too. Here are some cals:

Close Combat vs. 248/252 Bold Milotic = 51.9% - 61.3% ~ So even the most defensive Milotic will be 2HKO'd, and it's guaranteed with rocks. Additionally, many Milotic are running Calm now for Moltres so she is simple to defeat. Milotic can't OHKO a -1 Hitmonlee with Surf either, if you don't have a Sub up yet.
Close Combat vs. 52/204 Adamant Donphan = 53.0% - 62.3% ~ Guaranteed 2HKO with SR, but you most likely won't need it.
Close Combat vs. 252/0 Registeel = 94.0% - 111.0% ~ Guaranteed OHKO with SR.
Close Combat vs. 252/176 Bold Omastar = 101.7% - 120.3% ~ OHKO
Close Combat vs. 252/252 Bold Tangrowth = 37.4% - 44.1% ~ Now this ones a bit disappointing, but you're still looking at a 3HKOhere. Lucky for us not all Tangrowth run Synthesis. Meh.
Close Combat vs. 252/252 Bold Blastoise = 48.9% - 57.5% ~ Guaranteed 2HKO with rocks. Blastoises Surf can't OHKO back after -1 if you aren't behind your sub.
Close Combat vs. 184/252 Impish Torterra = 44.8% - 53.3% ~ You have a chance at a 2HKO with rocks if you feel risky.
Stone Edge vs. 252/40 Calm Altaria = 67.2% - 79.1% ~ Chance to OHKO with rocks, but CC 2HKO's it with rocks if it decides to switch in on that, or if rocks aren't up a CC followed by Stone Edge KO's.

Other pokemon like Steelix/Rhyperior are 2HKO'd, Umbreon and fragile sweepers like Sceptile and Blaziken are OHKO'd, and Sucker Punch OHKO's offensive Rotom and Missy.

The reason for these calcs is to show how this Hitmonlee can garner KO's that the Scarf version can't, while still having utility in Subtitute and the ability to switch moves. I recommend people test it out and see how it works for them, it makes a good teammate for Pokemon that like bulky waters or grounds out of the way.

Politoed (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 58 Def / 200 SDef
Calm nature
- Seismic Toss
- Perish Song
- Toxic
- Protect

This is a stall Politoed. His main purpose is to force switches, and damage what comes in. Being a Water Type Politoed has some useful resistances in UU and with Water Absorb he can gain back health from an opponents mispredictions/surprise. This set could also be used in the OU metagame, Politoed is naturally Special Defensive bulky and with the 58 Def Evs given he can take a LO Thunderpunch from Electivire which is extremely impressive as it is the weaker of his defenses!

Perish Song is his main phasing move, allowing him to block set up pokemon, and force switches from the opponent. Use the knowledge that they will have to switch in a few turns to give yourself an advantage. You can obtain free switch-ins or free setup for your team.

With Seismic Toss you will not need to invest any Evs in special attack and so this will make him even more bulky, but still offer an offensive threat. Toxic and Seismic toss can rack up quite a bit of damage also catching people on the switch!

Toxic and Protect has always been a favourite in stalling the opponent, It can also be used to scout out moves that benefit your team, i.e. Fire move to activate Houndoom's Flash Fire Ability.

Overall this Politoed is a masterpiece and cool to use.
Back from the past:


Thunder Dancing Raichu

Raichu has distinction of being the only electric type with surf. lanturn doesn't exist with this factoid, Raichu can summon up a rain dance and start launching Thunder's left and right and boosted surfs to deal with pests.

Item: Damp Rock / Life Orb
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
~Rain Dance/Teeter Dance

Raichu can even be used in Rain Dance teams and doesn't need to setup rain all by it's lonesome. I threw in Teeter dance in there for the hell of it. It can screw up potential switch in's and it's pretty interesting how Raichu (an offensive pokemon) learns a 100% accurate confusion type attack.

It's a shame Raikou exists, as he is more reliable. (I'll be singing if it gets banned) But I tried to differentiate between the 2 as much as possible.
Has anyone tried this set out??

Wish SD Leafeon
Leafeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 HP/28 Atk/228 Spe
Nature: Jolly
-Swords Dance
-Leaf Blade

So basically, the idea behind this Leafeon is to go on a slower but more steady sweep. Steels must be destroyed first obviously, so pairing him up Dugtrio or Magneton is a good idea. This Leafeon can be pulled out whenever you like. In the early game, start off by Wishing and scouting out the opponent's team while giving the impression that Leafeon is using a defensive Wishing set. Locate your opponent's Steel type and dispatch it, then bring Leafeon in for an SD and potentially sweep. The EVs provided allow you to outspeed all non-Scarfed versions of Rotom. Wish is also great for pulling off multiple SDs if you are up against a weaker physical attacker that doesn't pack status.
Hey ya'll this is Ian, and I just wanted to see what people think of this set i made up for Houndoom. It's kind of like the regular Nasty Plot Houndoom set, because it uses Nasty Plot and two STAB Special moves, but it's still different and is very effective if it can come in and set up. Anyways, here it is:

Nasty Plot Mixdoom

Houndoom@ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
EV's: 100 Atk, 156 Sp.A, 252 Speed
Nature: Hasty/Naive
~Nasty Plot
~Fire Blast
~Dark Pulse
~Sucker Punch

Okay, so I decided to change up the current Nasty Plot set to get it more up to date as well as to utilize STAB Sucker Punch on Houndoom. The old NP Houndoom set has become to predictable as well as being easily revenge killed by faster sweepers. This set aims to not only boost Houndoom's Sp.A to amazing levels, but also to give it a way of taking out the faster frailer sweepers that like to come in and revenge kill. Fire Blast is for STAB and reaches a very potent level after a NP. Dark Pulse is a secondary STAB that gives Houndoom great type coverage as well as a nice 20% chance to flinch pokes which could come in handy. And now for the twist on the set; STAB Sucker Punch. Backed with Houndoom's pretty good Base Atk stat (90) and STAB, Houndoom now has a very strong priority attack for taking out the faster, frailer pokemon that might try and revenge kill it. Priority is always a plus on any pokemon, especially Houndoom and his not-so-great speed for a sweeper. Here are some calcs illustrating what Houndoom's Sucker Punch with 96 Atk EV's do against the faster sweepers in the UU tier:

Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Dugtrio: 94.33-110.84% (Always OHKO's with SR)
Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Sceptile: 58.51-68.43%
Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Swellow: 67.04-78.54% (Small chance to OHKO with SR)
Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Raikou: 45.34-53.41%
Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP Scyther: 49.82-58.00% (Very high chance to OHKO with SR)
(Didn't list Mismagius or Alakazam because it is automatic OHKO, and you should use Dark Pulse on Froslass because it's a supporter pokemon)

The main number I aimed to reach with it's Atk EV's was 241 to get the OHKO on Dugtrio after SR, because that is probably the most popular one that would try and revenge kill Houndoom. 252 Speed to utilize Houndoom's base 95 speed to it's fullest potenial to outpace everything slower than it, and the rest is put into Houndoom's Sp.A to boost the power of it's Special Attacks. In choice of nature there is not really a big difference between Hasty or Naive, it just depends if you want to keep Houndoom's special defense at an okay level, or to help take other priority attacks better (Though you should not stay in on these with Houndoom anyway).

There is not much that can take down this Houndoom after it sets up. It's dual STAB's, decent speed, and great special attack allow it to take down almost every pokemon slower than it after a Nasty Plot in one hit, besides Chansey and some bulky waters (However, a +2 LO, Flash Fire boosted Fire Blast 2HKO's Chansey). And with the support of Sucker Punch, Houndoom can now deal with the faster frailer pokemon that try to revenge kill it. Stealth Rock is also necessary when using this Houndoom to get those key OHKO's. However, when using this Houndoom it is important to stay away from priority attackers, such as Azumarill, Hitmontop, and others. That's why it's good to pair it up with pokemon that could benefit from coming in on these pokemon, such as Venusaur or Toxicroak.

So that's my Nasty Plot MixDoom set. Please tell me whatcha think of it or ask any questions you have concerning it and I will try to answer.
Hey ya'll this is Ian, and I just wanted to see what people think of this set i made up for Houndoom. It's kind of like the regular Nasty Plot Houndoom set, because it uses Nasty Plot and two STAB Special moves, but it's still different and is very effective if it can come in and set up. Anyways, here it is:

Nasty Plot Mixdoom

Houndoom@ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
EV's: 100 Atk, 156 Sp.A, 252 Speed
Nature: Hasty/Naive
~Nasty Plot
~Fire Blast
~Dark Pulse
~Sucker Punch

Okay, so I decided to change up the current Nasty Plot set to get it more up to date as well as to utilize STAB Sucker Punch on Houndoom. The old NP Houndoom set has become to predictable as well as being easily revenge killed by faster sweepers. This set aims to not only boost Houndoom's Sp.A to amazing levels, but also to give it a way of taking out the faster frailer sweepers that like to come in and revenge kill. Fire Blast is for STAB and reaches a very potent level after a NP. Dark Pulse is a secondary STAB that gives Houndoom great type coverage as well as a nice 20% chance to flinch pokes which could come in handy. And now for the twist on the set; STAB Sucker Punch. Backed with Houndoom's pretty good Base Atk stat (90) and STAB, Houndoom now has a very strong priority attack for taking out the faster, frailer pokemon that might try and revenge kill it. Priority is always a plus on any pokemon, especially Houndoom and his not-so-great speed for a sweeper. Here are some calcs illustrating what Houndoom's Sucker Punch with 96 Atk EV's do against the faster sweepers in the UU tier:

Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Dugtrio: 94.33-110.84% (Always OHKO's with SR)
Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Sceptile: 58.51-68.43%
Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Swellow: 67.04-78.54% (Small chance to OHKO with SR)
Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP Raikou: 45.34-53.41%
Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP Scyther: 49.82-58.00% (Very high chance to OHKO with SR)
(Didn't list Mismagius or Alakazam because it is automatic OHKO, and you should use Dark Pulse on Froslass because it's a supporter pokemon)

The main number I aimed to reach with it's Atk EV's was 241 to get the OHKO on Dugtrio after SR, because that is probably the most popular one that would try and revenge kill Houndoom. 252 Speed to utilize Houndoom's base 95 speed to it's fullest potenial to outpace everything slower than it, and the rest is put into Houndoom's Sp.A to boost the power of it's Special Attacks. In choice of nature there is not really a big difference between Hasty or Naive, it just depends if you want to keep Houndoom's special defense at an okay level, or to help take other priority attacks better (Though you should not stay in on these with Houndoom anyway).

There is not much that can take down this Houndoom after it sets up. It's dual STAB's, decent speed, and great special attack allow it to take down almost every pokemon slower than it after a Nasty Plot in one hit, besides Chansey and some bulky waters (However, a +2 LO, Flash Fire boosted Fire Blast 2HKO's Chansey). And with the support of Sucker Punch, Houndoom can now deal with the faster frailer pokemon that try to revenge kill it. Stealth Rock is also necessary when using this Houndoom to get those key OHKO's. However, when using this Houndoom it is important to stay away from priority attackers, such as Azumarill, Hitmontop, and others. That's why it's good to pair it up with pokemon that could benefit from coming in on these pokemon, such as Venusaur or Toxicroak.

So that's my Nasty Plot MixDoom set. Please tell me whatcha think of it or ask any questions you have concerning it and I will try to answer.

I think I saw one of my friend using this and it's just fun to see Duggy getting OHKOed when trying to revenge Houndoom =).Anyway Toxicroak seems like it's a good partner for this Houndoom,It can take on Chansey one on one,Setting-up on Bulky Waters (bar Slowbro,which is taken care by Houndoom).However this two offensive partner lack ground resist,so pokemon that can set-up on ground attack will be a nice partner,for example Altaria.I'll definitely try this set to see how it fares.

Pokemon Name: Umbreon
Moveset Name: S.Def Cleric
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Toxic
Move 3: Wish
Move 4: Heal Bell
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)
EVs: 248 HP / 248 SpD / 12 Spe

In need of a massive special defense wall in UU or even OU? Looking for a cleric that has access to Heal Bell? How about Wish to support your bulky stall team? Would you like all of those in one without being made fun of for resorting to Uber-ass Chansey? Look no further. Umbreon is also fully capable of bringing down an uncalculable number of pokemon with Toxic, while stalling the foe to the end with it's wealthy bulk.

Mean Defense Stat:

Bold 252HP 252Def Chansey = 411.5
Bold 252HP 252Def Umbreon = 372

Differance of 39.5 Defense. A little dissapointing I suppose. I do not have the time to do all of the number crunching, but I would be willing to bet that Umbreon would place a close second to Chansey for title of best wall in UU. Not too bad.

Bold 252 Def Chansey = 380
Bold 252 Def Umbreon = 340.5

Differance of 39.5 in favor of Chansey

Mean Special Defense Stat:

Calm 252HP 252SpD Chansey = 521.5
Calm 252HP 252SpD Umbreon = 394

127.5+ Differance in favor for Chansey is massive sure. But keep in mind that, there are walls in this game that are infact, not named Chansey or Blissey. So, please do not forget that.

Calm 252 SpD Chansey = 490
Calm 252 SpD Umbreon = 362.5

Differance of 127.5 for Chansey (again? How odd, it seems we have encounter a pattern.. this is not to be expected when we fiddle in mathematics)

~It's faster then standard Chansey (with no Speed EVs) by 32 points.

~Chansey is unable to use Aromatherapy with Wish.

~Synchronize with Heal Bell allows Umbreon to come in on T-waves, Will-o-Wisps and heal itself right after, crippling the user in the status inflicter in the process.

~Chansey is even more widely predictable in UU then Blissey is in OU. It's there to stall. Umbreon could be Trapping, Cursing, Passing, Wishing, Taunting ect. It could even scare away a Rotom, Mismagius or Froslass!

~Chansey is also torn between moves other then Toxic, such as T-wave and Seismic Toss, Icebeam / Flamethrower. With Umbreons terrible movepool there will be no back and forth dilemma between the usual (Toxic? Or Twave?, Icebeam? Or Flamethrower? Softboiled? Or Wish?)


Pokemon Name: Blaziken
Moveset Name: BraveScarfer
Move 1: Brave Bird
Move 2: Superpower
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Flare Blitz
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
Nature(s): Adamant (+Atk -SpA)
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe

The real clincher here is the move Brave Bird, which brings surprise factor to the battle. Predicting a Superpower from Ken when you have your Arcanine or Blastoise out as a defending pokemon, leading you to switch in your Venusaur, Claydol or Mismaguis only to be met with a surprisingly fast adamant powered Brave Bird for the 2HKO meets for a nice surprise, while helping to move Ken into position of activating it's ability for a last switch 270 base kamakazi Flare Blitz. Speed hits on par with Timid Skymin at 388. The absense of Steel types in UU combined with the fact that Flying is one of the best offensive types in the game. Wide range of high based moves allows BraveScarfer set much versatility.