NP: UU - Bye Bye Bye

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While Hariyama and Spiritomb are still good leads, leads like Kabutops and Armaldo will go out of style.

Armaldo was rarely ever used before anyway...but Kabutops is still a nice lead to use. I mean it has excellent options for a typical suicide lead: Good STAB attack, SR, Rapid Spin, and priority.
True, but it is reduced to 1 HP, making it difficult to set up rocks or come back in later to spin.
Then why does it know Rapid Spin if it will never get the chance to use it? Or Stealth Rock for that matter, since it can't beat the opposing lead if it wastes time setting up rocks.
The problem with Kabutops is that it's not a reliable Spinner - it's not the kind of poke you'd want to use on a team with multiple pokes weak to SR, for example. As long as you accept what it can and can't do - it's good on offensive teams that can blitz the opponent before they get their hazards up - it will work nicely for you, because what it does do is make sure SR/Spikes aren't on the field early on in the game.

When is the ladder going to be updated?
Well it seems you guys lost Umbreon.

edit: it'll prob get so little use it'll fall back to UU and then get enough to go back to OU and the cycle will repeat forever
Umbreon is gone. ;_;

Lonewolfnumbers(126 posts)

You suck. I guess I'll just stop posting for a while since it's clear that everyone thinks I'm a bad poster. I'm sure none of you would object to that. In fact, most of you would encourage it.
M Blade(142 Posts)(although he's getting better lately I guess)

Love is in the air:heart:

Anyway, the only one who was always troubling me was Raikou, so i'm glad it's gone.
Time for my Pelipper to sh -gets shot by Synre-.

So, are we going to see Milotic being even more used?
Guess Venusaur is going to stay #1 for a while, i guess...

PS: Umbreon is gone. Nice for me, i always hated Cursebreon...
I am kind of upset about Umbreon going, not that I'd ever use it. I think stall teams relied on it quite a bit and it let me set up mons like SD Absol and Blaziken all day.

I think LO Cloyster should make a comeback, it was imo the best Spiker pre-froslass. I don't know why Qwilfish doesn't seem as appealing....I guess Ice Shard > Aqua Jet and it has a strong Surf.
Lonewolf#### said:
You suck. I guess I'll just stop posting for a while since it's clear that everyone thinks I'm a bad poster. I'm sure none of you would object to that. In fact, most of you would encourage it.

Just rethink your posting style, or something. I used to be far worse than I am now. Just don't post something that is either stupid, irrelevant or unproductive.
I am kind of upset about Umbreon going, not that I'd ever use it. I think stall teams relied on it quite a bit and it let me set up mons like SD Absol and Blaziken all day.

I think LO Cloyster should make a comeback, it was imo the best Spiker pre-froslass.

Even better than Roserade!?!? (lol OK I know what you mean.)

Also I agree on the Umbreon/Blaziken thing. It's so fun to switch Blaziken in on Umbreon and aim a Superpower or something. (Beware of faster Ghosts and Venusaur, obviously.)
Yay, Raikou is gone.

I didn't have problems with Moltres or Dugtrio, so no surprise there.

I really don't care that much about Froslass, I never had problems with it or used it anyway.
You suck. I guess I'll just stop posting for a while since it's clear that everyone thinks I'm a bad poster. I'm sure none of you would object to that. In fact, most of you would encourage it.

Just relax. Like me (and i'm there too hohoho take that good posters).

Anyway, i'll ask once again: is Milotic getting on Feraligatr way?
I mean, i've never seen it so low on usage...
Just relax. Like me (and i'm there too hohoho take that good posters).

Anyway, i'll ask once again: is Milotic getting on Feraligatr way?
I mean, i've never seen it so low on usage...

I see a lot of Milotic and Blastoise on various teams, as bulky waters are so very effective at walling portions of the metagame. I think that's honestly the biggest factor. Azumarill is also a strong competitor for Feraligatr, as it requires no setup and just instantly comes in and beats the hell out of everyone.
Looking at the April Statistics,

26 | Blastoise | 11567 | 8.39 | Move | Rapid Spin | 83.8 |
28 | Claydol | 10675 | 7.74 | Move | Rapid Spin | 80.8 |

Why is Claydol being used almost as much as Blastoise? It attracts Ghosts like crazy, and is weak to them too, forcing it to flee pretty much every time a Ghost comes in, while Blastoise gets to Yawn them away...
Not to mention being Immune to Earthquake, and resisting Fighting and Rock. It has a pretty good typing if you ask me. Also Trick is useful and no one expects it.
PS: Fun fact - Eo and THB voted all the suspects UU. Curious ... I barely recall Eo posting in these threads ...

I hope you are just stating that as a curiosity and not implying that the rationale behind my seemingly "odd" votes was a result of my lack of participation in the thread! I discussed UU mainly in other mediums (namely, IRC and with fellow battlers during ladder matches). At one point or another, I felt that each of the suspects (except Dugtrio) was BL, and I admit that I questioned whether the reason I voted everything UU was because I had become so used to this metagame, but I ultimately felt I was justified in my votes. I felt that Moltres and Raikou both had their fair share of checks/counters, and Froslass's Spiking ability wasn't outstandingly better than other Spikers. And while I did vote them UU, I am glad to see Raikou and Froslass go.

Synre said:
Eo is pretty studly.
This is true.

Really, with some of the crap in these threads(damn you guys for voting it back up to three stars!!) I'm surprised we get as many competent posters as we do.
And yeah, I couldn't keep up with any of the arguments at all, most of which, I felt, were (for lack of a better word) stupid. I can relate, though; I don't think many people enjoyed the exchanges between Heysup/I/jrrrr/various others during Crobat era.

Anyway, I'm also very disappointed that Umbreon jumped back to OU (what good does it do up there anyway?). Eagerly awaiting the ladder reset, but in the meantime, #stark cups are held regularly that conform to the new UU rules if anyone who can't find impromptu matches wants to try and taste the newest phase of UU.
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