Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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it does look quite interesting actually, i wonder what gamefreak is keeping from us? 90 days, but still look like 9000 hours.....
At least it's not OVER 9000 hours.

Also, is it just me or does Dr. Aragi look kind of like Scarlet Johansson?

On a more relevant note...did anyone notice that she's called "Doctor" when all the other Professors have been, well, Professors? Is that an actual change, or can the Japanese kanji for "professor" also mean "doctor"?

Random battle system. Yum.
Yum indeed, but unless they put in some restrictions, it's going to be just like the random battle feature for PBR. The only difference is that noobs will be able to put 6 Roar of Time Dialgas on their teams instead of 3.

E3 is starting. It would be nice if they released more info about Black and White but.....
I thought it was confirmed they were going to release something. Only trouble is, it might just be stuff we already know from the leaked CoroCoro scans. Well, at least that's some confirmation.
I've been thinking about this Tera Voltage of Zekrom's and about how some think it'll allow you to hit ground types with electricity. Well, if Z has decent bulk, wouldn't that make him a fantastic utility player since he'll be able to thunder wave EVERYTHING? I don't play ubers, so I don't know who the utility players are there, but to be able to fearlessly throw up a t-wave since Groudon can't wall you would be pretty cool. Jolteon and Elecitivire would definitely see a lot more use in that tier.
Even if Pokemon is not mentioned at the press conference there might be some info during the actual expo.

BTW, I'm liking the STAB boost (1.5x) idea for Turbo Blaze and Teravoltage.
From the names it just seems like their Electric and Fire attacks hit harder than normal.
Flavour-wise, it might make sense too since they each appear to represent the very essence of their type.
It might even be that Zekrom and Reshiram are in some way responsible for the existence of all other Electric and Fire type Pokemon.
I've been thinking about this Tera Voltage of Zekrom's and about how some think it'll allow you to hit ground types with electricity. Well, if Z has decent bulk, wouldn't that make him a fantastic utility player since he'll be able to thunder wave EVERYTHING? I don't play ubers, so I don't know who the utility players are there, but to be able to fearlessly throw up a t-wave since Groudon can't wall you would be pretty cool. Jolteon and Elecitivire would definitely see a lot more use in that tier.
People thought that Tera Voltage might allow Zek to hit Ground types with Electric moves back when the CoroCoro scans were first released. Many sites mistranslated the Japanese kanji, claiming the ability was "Terra" Voltage. Since "terra" is Latin for earth or ground, speculation ran wild until the mistake was corrected. Tera is actually a metric prefix that means "a trillion", so maybe what GameFreak's trying to say is that Zekrom can produce a trillion volts. But as one poster (I forget who) pointed out, you can pump more Electricity into the ground and it still won't have any effect. Being able to paralyze Groudon and Garchomp would definitely be nice, but I think Tera Voltage will end up causing a new field condition or being a STAB multiplier like Adaptability.

Nice first post, by the way. Welcome to Smogon!

15mins till E3 Nintendo confrence.
Man, I hope they reveal something cool. Are you at the event itself?

It might even be that Zekrom and Reshiram are in some way responsible for the existence of all other Electric and Fire type Pokemon.
Cool idea, but isn't Mew supposed to be the ancestor of all Pokemon? Then again, the mythology of the Pokemon games is pretty vague, so they could probably get away with it.

Is no one even slightly curious about the GARGANTUAN possibilities here? Pokemon MMO, online competition, online event Pokemon. Or even this: online tournaments. Perhaps there will no longer be a need to travel X amount of miles to a tournament anymore. Just think about the realistic possibilities here.
I get my competitive battling fix on Shoddy, so I can't say this would effect me much. Also, I don't really see the point of online event Pokemon...why would that be simpler than handing them out over WiFi? A Pokemon MMO would definitely be awesome, but I don't think Nintendo's ever going to do that. They're always so anal about keeping their games on the consoles they make. Besides, if they ever do get the sense to make a Pokemon MMO, I'd rather they go all the way and just put it on the computer (or even the Wii) then half-ass it on a portable system with mediocre graphics and memory.
People thought that Tera Voltage might allow Zek to hit Ground types with Electric moves back when the CoroCoro scans were first released. Many sites mistranslated the Japanese kanji, claiming the ability was "Terra" Voltage. Since "terra" is Latin for earth or ground, speculation ran wild until the mistake was corrected. Tera is actually a metric prefix that means "a trillion", so maybe what GameFreak's trying to say is that Zekrom can produce a trillion volts. But as one poster (I forget who) pointed out, you can pump more Electricity into the ground and it still won't have any effect. Being able to paralyze Groudon and Garchomp would definitely be nice, but I think Tera Voltage will end up causing a new field condition or being a STAB multiplier like Adaptability.
I actually made that post with the trillion in mind. This is Pokemon, not real life. Do you remember when Pikachu fried Brock's Geodude with a thundershock? Or when he deafeated both Pryce's Piloswine and I forget who's Rhydon with thunderbolt just because he "aimed" it? Just because real life says electricity doesn't affect ground, doesn't mean GF says it doesn't.

Nice first post, by the way. Welcome to Smogon!
Thanks. Long time lurker, first time poster.
Well the E3 Nintendo conference has been going for a half an hour (just started for me since I was eating breakfast, I have it taped). They mentioned HGSS and FRLG before the conference and BW will come out in America before the next E3, so they should give us something.
Cool idea, but isn't Mew supposed to be the ancestor of all Pokemon? Then again, the mythology of the Pokemon games is pretty vague, so they could probably get away with it.
Yeah , sure , Mew is the ancestor of all pokemon , then came Mewtwo who was a robot rival and claimed he was so pr0 and the father of all pokemon too , then came Arcues claiming he was the creator of all pokemon....

I can excpect anything to come at this point.
There might be something about it in the extra on e3.nintendo.com. Or we wll jsut have to wait for the booth.
Hopefully, but Zelda, Donkey Kong from RETRO STUDIOS, Kirby AND kid icarus overhyped me anyway, so it would be just icing on the cake.
I've been off for a bit, and I was thinking...maybe the SD card slot in the DSi will see some actual use? It would be fantastic to be able to transfer Pokemon en masse with a temporary, intermediate save on an SD card. That's the entire reason I built a new Battle Frontier team for HGSS, after all; getting everyone over from Platinum was too much of a hassle.
I actually made that post with the trillion in mind. This is Pokemon, not real life. Do you remember when Pikachu fried Brock's Geodude with a thundershock? Or when he deafeated both Pryce's Piloswine and I forget who's Rhydon with thunderbolt just because he "aimed" it? Just because real life says electricity doesn't affect ground, doesn't mean GF says it doesn't.
The anime has nothing to do with the games. If it did, there would be a move called Thunder Armor and Grotle would be able to heal itself by eating its own Energy Balls.

It's not only real life that says electricity can't affect ground - it's the games too. Talk about not making sense...does it make sense that a Level 100 Raikou using Thunder on a Level 1 Trapinch after 6 Calm Minds can't do a single point of damage to it, just because Trapinch is a creature that lives in the ground? No, but those are the parameters that have been set. Like I said, I would love if Tera Voltage let you hit Ground types with Electric moves, but there's no real reason to believe it would. If I invented an ability called "More Powerful Earthquakes" (yeah, it's a terrible name, just bear with me here) would something about that name imply that it would let a Pokemon hit Flying types with Ground moves? No. They'd still just be able to Fly above the Earthquake, no matter how strong it is.

Yeah , sure , Mew is the ancestor of all pokemon , then came Mewtwo who was a robot rival and claimed he was so pr0 and the father of all pokemon too , then came Arcues claiming he was the creator of all pokemon....
I think you're mixing up the anime and games. Mewtwo never claims to be the father of all Pokemon in the games. If he does so in the anime, we know he's just lying, since we see him being cloned. Animated villains tend to brag a lot. You can't take everything they say seriously.

I think Arceus created the world and most of the legendary Pokemon (Palkia, Dialga, Groudon, Kyogre, Darkrai, etc.) but Mew is the ancestor of all the normal Pokemon. It makes sense, since Mew can learn almost every move, including Transform. The Pokemon mythos isn't exactly set in stone though, so like you said, anything could happen. I'm just interested to see how Reshiram and Zekrom fit into things...are they above Arceus in the Poke-pantheon, or below him?
Of course there wouldnt be new moves like that! GF would troll us by making them abilities :naughty:

If Tera Voltage="Trillion Volts" i think its safe to assume its a new field status that induces auto Paralysis, or even worse, it ensures your paralysed if you use a physical attack! lol jkjk. Its probably a x1.5 Stab. Anything else just seems to broken imo
Really, electricity is only dangerous when you're conected to the ground, so Electric should be SE against Ground and not be able to hit Flying. The logic of the type chart was discussed a few hundred pages back and most people realized that it doesn't make any sense and it never will.

I was disapointed when they didn't show anything about BW, which means that we won't get anything but the things we already know and the animated sprites for Reshiram and Zekrom, at most, but the Kid Icarus game looks like it will be a 3D Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

Edit: Double STAB IS broken. Kyogre's Rain boosted Specs Water Spout will 2HKO Blissey, so Reshiram and Zekrom's Fire Blast and Thunder, respectively, would be able to do nearly as much damage. They already have just about the best offensive types in the game, they don't need that much of a boost.
I think you're mixing up the anime and games. Mewtwo never claims to be the father of all Pokemon in the games. If he does so in the anime, we know he's just lying, since we see him being cloned. Animated villains tend to brag a lot. You can't take everything they say seriously.

I think Arceus created the world and most of the legendary Pokemon (Palkia, Dialga, Groudon, Kyogre, Darkrai, etc.) but Mew is the ancestor of all the normal Pokemon. It makes sense, since Mew can learn almost every move, including Transform. The Pokemon mythos isn't exactly set in stone though, so like you said, anything could happen. I'm just interested to see how Reshiram and Zekrom fit into things...are they above Arceus in the Poke-pantheon, or below him?
Umm if you've seen the first movie[I think its the 1st?where mewtwo and mew battle]I do recall him finding himself superior and wanting to take over all the pokemon etc. etc.

Would be nice if Reshiram and Zekrom are the sons of Arcues taking a semi form of two of his types in those specific plates.
Pokemon is all about embodiments when it comes to the legendaries....kind of...sort of.....not really...

Zek and Reshi used to be one being! but then split for some reason? idk.
ot but DAMN that kirby game looks awesome. he's a fucking tank.

on topic: mewtwo claiming he's the ancestor of all pokemon (which he didn't) doesn't make him that.
I cant beleive they didnt mention one fucking thing about pokemon B&W. I mean, WHY not??? It's part of their line up next year, why not mention it at least? Poor gamefreak, gets no hype help.
Really, electricity is only dangerous when you're conected to the ground, so Electric should be SE against Ground and not be able to hit Flying. The logic of the type chart was discussed a few hundred pages back and most people realized that it doesn't make any sense and it never will.
I must say I think the type chart has its logic. It's not always really correct, but it makes sense in its world. For example: A ground type is not meant to be "connected to the earth" (see flygon, gliscor still being ground type) it's meant to "represent the (element of earth) earth". And electricity really does ntohing to the earth , though this has nothing to do with what it is made of, but with how big it is... But yeah, I think "hitting a ground type" should be like "hitting the ground".
I'd think that the 3rd legendary created Zekrom and Reshiram, and the 3rd legendary was in turn created by Arceus.
But if the 3rd legendary was created by Arcues , then there's no point at all for him to create Reshi and Zek , cause Arcues would do that too.
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