Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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I think its more a case of can the ground be electrocuted? You can electrolyse water yes, can kill plants and trees with electricity etc. But you can't affect ground much, if at all with electricity.

Yep, not one fucking thing. Maybe Nintendo are ashamed of Pokemon now?
I don't know. I mean, they mention Kirby didnt they? so it can't be embarrassment.
Yep, not one fucking thing. Maybe Nintendo are ashamed of Pokemon now?
No, E3 has just never been the place where Nintendo has revealed info on main Pokemon games. It wasn't something that was really expected to be there, so them not having any info/demos for it there isn't surprising. Either way though, I'd definitely be hesitant to say Nintendo would be ashamed of what has become their second best-selling IP, right after Mario.
I must say I think the type chart has its logic. It's not always really correct, but it makes sense in its world. For example: A ground type is not meant to be "connected to the earth" (see flygon, gliscor still being ground type) it's meant to "represent the (element of earth) earth". And electricity really does ntohing to the earth , though this has nothing to do with what it is made of, but with how big it is... But yeah, I think "hitting a ground type" should be like "hitting the ground".
Obviously there is some logic (I didn't think a whole lot about the Electric Ground thing actually) but I mainly wanted to shoot down any discussion of things like "Poison should be SE against Water".

Isn't Pokemon Nintendo's largest selling handheld series? And don't they control 70% of the handheld market? There's no way they're ashamed of Pokemon, it's making them money.
Umm if you've seen the first movie[I think its the 1st?where mewtwo and mew battle]I do recall him finding himself superior and wanting to take over all the pokemon etc. etc.
Wanting to be ruler of the world =/= claiming to be penultimate ancestor of Pokemon. Also, at the time he totally was superior to every other Pokemon. No question.

Pokemon is all about embodiments when it comes to the legendaries....kind of...sort of.....not really...

Zek and Reshi used to be one being! but then split for some reason? idk.
I can see something like that. No matter what type they are they will obviously be the embodiments of darkness and the light. Also, the relation makes sense because they both have that enormous screw-tail thing. I kinda hope that they will both make an appearance (i.e. be marked "Seen" in the Pokedex) but you will only be able to catch your version's exclusive.
but I mainly wanted to shoot down any discussion of things like "Poison should be SE against Water".
From a biological point of view Poison being super effective against Water makes sense. It would make the Poison type actually more useable too.

Its a shame Poison isn't SE against more things.
I wonder when they'll aim info at the western world on Black and White?

Exactly, just why not do at E3? You know, where 95% of other game developers reveal and hype their games? And just because of tradition, because they didn't do it before? Well why didn't they do it before, was there ever really a reason?

I guess I'm just mad that I wasted 2 hours watching that crap.
From a biological point of view Poison being super effective against Water makes sense. It would make the Poison type actually more useable too.

Its a shame Poison isn't SE against more things.
Yes but Gamefreak is certainly not going to change the type chart now, since they haven't since GSC, and that was mostly to change oversights and errors in RBY along with nerfing Psychic.
Is E3 over yet? If not, when does it end?
The Nintendo Conference (aka the only chance that we'll see anything we don't already know about BW), is over but the actual event goes until Friday.

Is Pokemon the only thing people on here play? I'm actually really psyched for Kid Icarus and Shaun White Skateboarding.
Instead of whining about no B&W info at E3, we should all be concentrating on one very important thing i've hoped for since the 3DS was announced:

Pokemon battles in 3D!!!
Um, Pokemon info is never revealed at E3. It'd be a waste of time. Pokemon info is released in other ways. We'd know about it before they even reveal it at E3, so who gives a flying fuck?

We'll get the news when it comes. I'm psyched for Kid Icarus and Donkey Kong Country, let's focus on how awesome those games will be.
Pokemon battles in 3D!!!
To be honest, I'm not terribly fond of it. The console games felt gimmicky because of it to me, so I couldn't get into them.

Is Pokemon the only thing people on here play? I'm actually really psyched for Kid Icarus and Shaun White Skateboarding.
Its not so much that, just that there seemed to be nothing decent shown. (in my opinion, anyway)
To add my 2 cents to the cover legendaries' abilities discussion, I am pretty sure that TeraVoltage won't make the electric moves affect ground types, since there's no type that is immune to fire, which would force the two abilities to be different from each other, and with the theme of the legends being yin-yang (and the general trend of cover legendaries being opposites) I doubt it will be the case. Unless they introduce a new ty*gets shot*
To add my 2 cents to the cover legendaries' abilities discussion, I am pretty sure that TeraVoltage won't make the electric moves affect ground types, since there's no type that is immune to fire, which would force the two abilities to be different from each other, and with the theme of the legends being yin-yang (and the general trend of cover legendaries being opposites) I doubt it will be the case. Unless they introduce a new ty*gets shot*
I wonder if its something like...if Zekrom's HP gets below 50% or something, maybe Electric attacks are boosted?

Sounds kinda like it.

I can't see it being Weather or the ability to hurt Ground types.
that would be a better eletric version of the starters ability, what also would not make sense given that there is already a blaze ability and making a better version only for a legendary pokemon would be stupid(for the white one), i have no idea what tera voltage will do, but it surely sounds interesting, also E3 was a waste of my time, nothing interesting and lost my entire morning watching that crap.
PBR is kinda fun actually, but its nothing compared to what i expected to be before the game came out....still, better then nothing.

edit:also agreed, the graphics could have being better.
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