Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Well, they stretch them for the DSiXL, so I would imagine they will do the same on the 3DS. I don't own a DSiXL, but from looking at them on display at Gamestop, the resolution still looks pretty good for being enlarged.

The DSi XL's screen is almost exactly twice as big as the DS Lite and it's the same shape. The 3DS's top screen is widescreen so it would esentially be the same as playing RBY/GSC on a GBA in widescreen.
Ooh I see. I was under the impression the top screen was just larger, I didn't know it was widescreen. In that case, I see them handling it similarly to GBC game on a GBA as well.
Ooh I see. I was under the impression the top screen was just larger, I didn't know it was widescreen. In that case, I see them handling it similarly to GBC game on a GBA as well.

I would think it would be like playing a GBA game on the DS because there aren't any extra buttons on the 3DS to stretch the screen like the LR buttons on the GBA. Besides, it was annoying when I accidentally hit LR while playing them.
I am sure we are going to have bonus shit to be downloaded for the games on 3DS. Either them or the third game will have it.

Just imagine, downloading new islands to visit with new interesting shit, or even new items.

This was way back, but I'd like to clarify something for everyone regarding TeraVoltage. It does indeed seem to be referring to Tera as in the prefix for a trillion (or just a lot, just like Mega (thousand) is used in a dozen ways).

People say that you could up the amount of electricity as much as you want and the Earth (ground) would still neutralize it. This is not true. The Earth functions just like any other resistor. The thing is that it's resistance is absurdly high, so it neutralizes the shock by sucking all the current to itself.

Why all the physics talk? Just to clarify that if enough electricity was indeed generated (probably way more than a TeraVolt) the Earth would in fact not be able to neutralize all of it.

So, to sum up, if we look at TeraVoltage as a way of saying "a ginormous bucketload of electricity" there is in fact credence to the hipothesys it could be an ability that lets Zekrom hit Ground types, because he can produce THAT much electricity
I bet it makes the appropriate move types up one on the SE scale. Immunity = 4* resist, 4*resist=2*resist etc till 8* effective = 1 hit kill. So broken, yet so horribly epic.
@above: I don't think GameFreak cares about physics that much and they won't make a detail like that that most of their target audience would even think of that; most people would be confused. That' probably not what the ability does (although it could be a side-effect, but not their main effect, also because Turbo Flame wouldn't have an equivalent.

The DSi XL has the same resolution, so the pixels are just bigger. With the 3DS, there is a higher resolution. I think it should be like THIS, but it could also be like THIS or THIS if Nintendo decides to be dumb or lame respectively. Actually, hopefully we can change between the first and the third ones (the second is too weird).

EDIT: Jimbo, you ninjaed me so sorry.

EDIT2: @below: That joke's (well, similar jokes at least @_@) been done a gazillion times and isn't at all funny anymore (not that it was funny earlier).
I took a random look at my skin colour and was motivated to choose White.

Huh. That's strange. I considered the different cover legendaries, decided that I preferred Zekrom for his sleek appearance and cool typing, resisted the urge to make any unfunny jokes about the subject, and then chose White. I guess everyone makes decisions in different ways.

@Wolfen11: I guess you're right, but like R S E FR LG said, many of the children GameFreak is targeting with this game wouldn't understand the concept and would be confused. Then they would hurt themselves in their confusion :naughty:

Also, Legendary duos and trios tend to either have the same ability or abilities that compliment each other thematically. Groudon is causing harsh sunlight with Drought? Well, Kyogre is going to ruin that with rain from his Drizzle. Oh no, wait a sec, here comes Rayquaza, master of the sky, to shut them both down with Air Lock. Now try and apply that idea to Zek and Reshi given the ability you proposed. Woohoo! Zek can hit Ground Pokemon with Electric-typed attacks which they are normally immune too. Reshi can...hit Flash Fire Pokemon with Fire moves? That doesn't seem like equality to me.
I'm not sure if I've already mentioned this, but the abilities could act like Adaptability. Reshiram gets a boost in its Fire/Dragon moves, Zekrom Electric/Dragon, and the possible third a boost in whatever typing it is.
I am sure we are going to have bonus shit to be downloaded for the games on 3DS. Either them or the third game will have it.

Just imagine, downloading new islands to visit with new interesting shit, or even new items.


Oh god please no. DLC is the WORST thing about modern gaming. I should NOT have to pay 100 dollars a fuckin game to complete it. DLC is horrible when not free.
Huh. That's strange. I considered the different cover legendaries, decided that I preferred Zekrom for his sleek appearance and cool typing, resisted the urge to make any unfunny jokes about the subject, and then chose White. I guess everyone makes decisions in different ways.

@Wolfen11: I guess you're right, but like R S E FR LG said, many of the children GameFreak is targeting with this game wouldn't understand the concept and would be confused. Then they would hurt themselves in their confusion :naughty:

Also, Legendary duos and trios tend to either have the same ability or abilities that compliment each other thematically. Groudon is causing harsh sunlight with Drought? Well, Kyogre is going to ruin that with rain from his Drizzle. Oh no, wait a sec, here comes Rayquaza, master of the sky, to shut them both down with Air Lock. Now try and apply that idea to Zek and Reshi given the ability you proposed. Woohoo! Zek can hit Ground Pokemon with Electric-typed attacks which they are normally immune too. Reshi can...hit Flash Fire Pokemon with Fire moves? That doesn't seem like equality to me.

You're right, it's not like much of the logic behind pokemon (especially typing) is very well founded.
Yeah, it doesn't seem very fair. You look at both names, you see they basically mean Very Strong Fire/Electricity. So I guess it's probably something that boosts the respective attack.
This was way back, but I'd like to clarify something for everyone regarding TeraVoltage. It does indeed seem to be referring to Tera as in the prefix for a trillion (or just a lot, just like Mega (thousand) is used in a dozen ways).

People say that you could up the amount of electricity as much as you want and the Earth (ground) would still neutralize it. This is not true. The Earth functions just like any other resistor. The thing is that it's resistance is absurdly high, so it neutralizes the shock by sucking all the current to itself.

Why all the physics talk? Just to clarify that if enough electricity was indeed generated (probably way more than a TeraVolt) the Earth would in fact not be able to neutralize all of it.

So, to sum up, if we look at TeraVoltage as a way of saying "a ginormous bucketload of electricity" there is in fact credence to the hipothesys it could be an ability that lets Zekrom hit Ground types, because he can produce THAT much electricity

I don't care what anyone says, but I like this idea. But what would TurboBlaze do? Hit Water- and Rock-types for neutral damage?
if that is true then i am gonna enjoy spamming specs thunder in ubers with kyogre support when he show up, since ground and eletric are opose to each other, i take turbo blaze would hit water for neutral.
I'm going to speak up again and suggest that both legendary moves are similar to Flash fire, except they boost all stats instead of allowing the ability to hit neutrally.
You're right, it's not like much of the logic behind pokemon (especially typing) is very well founded.
Yeah, it doesn't seem very fair. You look at both names, you see they basically mean Very Strong Fire/Electricity. So I guess it's probably something that boosts the respective attack.
When you put it this way, it makes me wonder if we've been way over-thinking this. TurboBlaze might just be a constant variation of Blaze, simply boosting Fire-type moves x1.5, and TeraVoltage might just be the Electric variation of the same ability. And if they boost Dragon moves as well, then they are pretty much built-in Adamant/Lustrous Orbs for the cover legends.
Simply boosting powers seem very boring and cliche. How about whenever they use a Fire/Electric-type attack, the chance of Burning/Paralyzing increases or doubles or something.
When you put it this way, it makes me wonder if we've been way over-thinking this. TurboBlaze might just be a constant variation of Blaze, simply boosting Fire-type moves x1.5, and TeraVoltage might just be the Electric variation of the same ability. And if they boost Dragon moves as well, then they are pretty much built-in Adamant/Lustrous Orbs for the cover legends.

Sounds like what I've mentioned before.
Can someone tell me where the English names for the abilities came from? Did someone translate them at Serebii?

I just know that I wanted to look up encourage, but in Japanese it reads more like "Do it by FORCE!" or maybe, "Force it." Sounds like a bad ass ability anyway.
Well until more is revealed. im just gonna go ahead with the assumption that its a x1.5 boost. The 3rd legend is gonna be Ice/Dragon with an ability *Absoloute Zero that does the same thing.
Simply boosting powers seem very boring and cliche. How about whenever they use a Fire/Electric-type attack, the chance of Burning/Paralyzing increases or doubles or something.
It's not cliche when you consider that pretty much every other uber legendary Pokemon's ability is Pressure.

And as far as I know, aside from Adaptability, there is no other ability that constantly boosts a specific type of move.
Hmm, Turbo Blaze... there has to be an association with speed in my opinion. Perhaps it let's all Resh's fire attacks have priority?

Although that doesn't sound like the case for Tera Voltage... but just a guess.
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