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How do I contact the mods about the Smogon Frontier via IRC?

Also, has there been any known teams based on using Doom Desire?
How should I play my new Heart Gold game? Should I take the time and effort to raise an entire team, or should I just train my starter poke?
its personal preference but if i were you i would play the game like this.

play to have fun, raise the pokemons you want and remember:its your adventure.

or if you want a competitive way to play then just sweep the entire thing with your starter, feraligatr make shit easy so you can solo with him.
How should I play my new Heart Gold game? Should I take the time and effort to raise an entire team, or should I just train my starter poke?
Soloing with your starter is entirely possible and not particularly hard, but also not particularly fun. If you just want to have fun ingame, I recommend raising a team of NUs (maybe with a few UUs in there) that you've never used before; they're still easily good enough for the ingame, and will leave you thinking more.
Strange Question? Was there a reset of post count or the server? Im asking cause I dont come here alot but last I knew I had over 30 post. So kinda confused???
Can someone suggest an alternative item for Fake Tears Glaceon (as in, other than Leftovers)? Between its bulk and Wish, it seems like Glaceon really doesn't need the turn-by-turn recovery.
How should I play my new Heart Gold game? Should I take the time and effort to raise an entire team, or should I just train my starter poke?

You could go here if you want other people's opinions. The way I played through HG was to get Cyndaquil, Geodude, and 4 other Pokemon that I had never used in a playthrough before.

Technically, yes, but the chances of this occurring (it's a glitch in RSE) are 1/268435456. So it's pretty unlikely.

I think someone on here proved this was just a hoax by looking at the code, or something. You could RNG your ID and SID so that it's exactly the same as the event Celebi and the game will let you nickname it.
ok I need some clarification on this, it was mentioned in a smogon thread that:

Fast Ball has a capture modifier of *1. When used against Abra, Dragonair, Dratini, Eevee, Entei, Grimer, Latias, Latios, Magnemite, Mr. Mime, Porygon, Quagsire, Raikou, Suicune, or Tangela, this modifier becomes *4.

but then bulbapedia says that *4 modifier will occur when ever the Pokemon has a base speed of 100 or more. Furthermore, why would it have a *4 modifier on something like magnemite, grimer, quagsire, and a few others when none of these pokemon have good Speed. So if anyone can explain this or link a post that discusses this in detail it would be appreciated.
In GSC, Fast Balls were good for catching stuff that could flee, and wherever that first list came from thought that it still worked like that, so they added the Latis to that list.

But it doesn't work like that any more. Bulbapedia's right, it's based on Speed now.
English named Celebis, do they exist without hacks?

Celebi is actually the rarest pokemon, besides Shaymin, having only been given out at 4 events, not including the Japanese Collosseum Bonus Disc. Two of these events were in Japan, one in Taiwan and the final event was in the USA, Pokemon 10th Anniversary Journey Across America iirc. So yes it is possible to obtain an English language Celebi, hopefully you can find someone who cloned theirs.
I read the 40 as well, but given that would make it a ridiculously powerful pokeball, especially against a heavyweight like, oh, say, Groudon, I'm gonna go ahead and guess the "40" on Bulba is a typo.

Actually, it isn't a typo. When you throw a Pokeball, there is a formula which is run to determine whether or not you capture the Pokemon. One part of this formula is the Ball Modifier. When you throw a Pokeball, it is just x1. When you throw an Ultra Ball, it is x2. A heavy ball is +40, not x40. Reference:
I think I already found my Pt team


Is this enough to roll through my remaining 6 gyms and the E4 Nuzlocke style?
What exactly are the benefits of running a Timid Jolteon over a Modest Jolteon? Aside from outspeeding Azelf and Starmie (who would switch out from Jolteon) there doesn't seem to be any reason to use Timid over Modest.
With timid you also outspeed several Pokemon after they get a +1 Spe boost, namely adamant Gyarados, Dragonite, scarf-TTar among the others.
Celebi OT (10 ANIV 00010) [Fully-Redis]
IVs: 29/27/24/14/28/9
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Natural Cure
Migrate Location: Arrived from Hoenn @ Lv. 70
Migrate Date: 5/3/2007
Notes: This is a Celebi I recieved from the GTS. Many people on smogon appearently have it so it is redistributable.
~Lv. 73 EV trained (252 HP/252 Def/4 Atk

What would be a better defensive spread for this?
252 HP and evenly split the rest in defenses?

TR poke btw.
Why can't I bring my Rotom-W over WiFi or the BT? :/ Why did they make this rule? I can still use it over wireless battles...

Who's a good replacement for him for WiFi?
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