CAP 11 CAP 11 - Secondary Typing Discussion

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Fighting has been chosen as Togekiss's Perfect Mate's main typing. Discuss possible secondary typings here.

DougJustDoug said:
Name: Perfect Mate

General Description: Pick a good-but-not-great OU pokemon, and design the perfect teammate for it, similar to the way Celebi & Heatran, or Blissey & Skarmory complement each other so well on competitive teams.

This would allow us to explore in detail how synergy between two pokemon can be achieved, because currently there are only a few perfect teammates in OU. And depending on the base pokemon we choose to give a "perfect mate", we can open a new niche in the metagame based around the efficient pairing.
The niche we create will be inherently tied to an existing pokemon in the metagame, which should provide a natural limitation to prevent this concept from being broken or "too different" from standard OU.

Questions To Be Answered:
  • Is the base pokemon's usefulness (and usage) in the metagame increased as a result of having a "perfect mate"?
  • What strategies are more effective for the base pokemon, as a result of having a perfect teammate?
  • What are the most effective aspects of the new pokemon, for purposes of making a great teammate with the base pokemon?
  • Is the new pokemon viable in the metagame without the base pokemon as a teammate
Main type: Fighting

Please don't go off-topic in this thread. I don't want this to turn into the same awful discussion thread the main typing thread was. Also, don't threadhog, let everyone have a chance to speak up.
We have already had a Fighting and Ghost CAP, and also, I don't think this Duo needs any more Problems with Rotom then it has as is.
Now that we have Fighting as a base type, we really need to actually support CAP11 by giving it a secondary typing that can beat some of Togekiss's counters. There are only two adequate choices for this.
This is my personal choice for a few reasons.

  1. Can immediately beat Rotom-A and threaten Zapdos with STAB Dark-type attacks.
  2. Fighting/Dark gets some of the best type coverage in the game, resisted only by Heracross and Toxicroak. (Both of which Togekiss maims!)
  3. Balances extremely well with Fighting-type, leaving weaknesses only to the Flying-type and Fighting-type. 4x resists Dark and 2x resists Rock, neutral to Bug and immune to Psychic.
The next typing I like is:
This is my second choice, but it's good enough that I'd like to mention it anyway.

  1. Can immediately beat Zapdos with STAB and threaten Rotom-A with it as well.
  2. Gains a HUGE special defense boost in sandstorm, which can be used to boost the bulk of an otherwise less-bulky Pokemon.
  3. Doesn't balance its resistances and weaknesses very well with the Fighting-type. Has weaknesses to Water, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Psychic. Resists Normal, Rock, Dark, Fire, and Bug. These massive weaknesses will inevitably give it and Togekiss similar issues with Scizor and even more-so with bulky waters, since you are weak to their STAB.
This is actually a very interesting choice, and one that I think deserves consideration.

  1. Immediately threatens Zapdos and a crapton of other things with STAB Ice-type attacks.
  2. Fighting/Ice gets amazing type coverage.
  3. Gains an actually very useful resistance to Ice-type attacks
  4. Loses the resistance to Rock (Sucks), and picks up a lot of other kind of lame resistances.
  5. Has serious issues with Zapdos and Rotom-H that typically carry Fire-type moves.
The big seller of Ice is the Ice-type resistance while simultaneously beating Zapdos and hitting Rotom-A neutral. That alone makes this worth considering, but point #4 above really kind of kills the idea.

Those are my thoughts.
Electric gives it an important electric resistance, makes volt absorb more feasible, and draws ground type moves, giving Kiss a free switch in and possibly a turn of set up. Plus any pokemon enjoys electric stab.

Also, as was the achilles heel for steel (IMO anyway) the second type should not make CaP11 fighting weak, as Kiss can't really take any of the myriad of popular fighting moves.

EDIT: Also, Zapdos is rarely beaten by STAB SE attacks (but for Stone Edge), and while rotom's defenses are decent, even non-STAB SE/neutral attacks leave a dent. Particularly bulky builds lack in the Special attack department, and it's pretty clear CaP11 will have at the very least decent special defense, so Fighting/Electric doesn't particularly fear these two.
My analysis of a good secondary typing rests on three points.

First, the second type should maintain a rock resistance. I think that much of the reason the last poll came down to fighting and ground is because both resist that type, and given Togekiss's weakness to it, its partner needs better durability in that respect. Much has been said about what "synergy" is, but surely a big part of it is that Togekiss and CAP11 will be switching between each other a good deal, responding to threats as needed and to back each other up. They can't do that without frequent switches. Stealth rock is especially troublesome with this type of play. Thus, bug, ice, flying, and fire cannot be secondary types.

Second, the secondary type should not be weak to fighting. Some have likened Togekiss's relationship with fighting as a "pseudo-weakness," with close combat putting a severe dent in it for example. At a minimum, the partner should not be weak to moves like this, otherwise the duo will have real trouble with powerful fighting types. To meet this requirement, the types of rock, steel, normal, and dark are out.

The third aspect is more subjective, and in my view this is where some thorough discussion is needed. It seems clear that we want an offensive core, and fighting certainly helps with that. But Rotom and Zapdos, most notably, must be dealt with somehow. Thus, the type must have good offensive use and should at least be able to prevent those two from ruining Togekiss and CAP11. Poison is clearly out. I had earlier advocated the type from a defensive standpoint, but because it has no offensive uses, it should be passed over. Immunity to toxic spikes and toxic is nice but not enough. I also think that grass should be eliminated from my analysis because so many things resist it. It just doesn't handle many OU Pokemon well.

This all leaves electric, dragon, water, ghost, and psychic as secondary types, based on the above analysis. I don't want to suggest that these are the only things we should consider, this is just one angle to approach this. CAP has already made fighting/water and fighting/ghost types, so my impression is that alone will disqualify those pairings.

Fighting/electric was mentioned a good amount in the last thread. It's a very solid offensive combination, and can hit Zapdos for neutral damage, but Rotom is still a problem. Electivire often functions like this typing. Fighting/psychic resists fighting, which is very handy, but is weak to ghosts. Gallade and Medicham already have this, but they are almost never seen in OU so that shouldn't matter much. The most intriguing possibility in my opinion is fighting/dragon. It does add an ice weakness, and is weak to outrage, but otherwise brings some nice resistances to the table and is also a very strong offensive typing.

These are my initial thoughts for now.
Electric to me seems like the obvious secondary typing here.

Electric will only tack on a weakness to Ground, which Togekiss laughs at, while it also provides the nifty resistance(or immunity based on ability) to Electric attacks everyone wanted from Ground, gives a resistance to Steel (Bullet Punch resistance is nice) and brings Flying down to normal damage. Electric/physical would also put more pressure on Special Bulky water Pokemon that Togekiss doesn't preticularly smile at.

All it needs is a reliable attack to hit Rotom with, as its stabs miss Grass Pokemon (Also discouraging Gyarados partnering, as it won't be anymore fit to deal with Celebi or Roserade) Rotom, the latis (doesn't matter) and Gliscor.
We have the primary type for Togekiss' partner, CaP11. Before I discuss the suitable secondary types, I'll list its counters to give us some common ground in this discussion.

Counter List

Togekiss' go-to strategy is to outspeed its opponent - either naturally or with a Thunder Wave - and then use Serene Grace to get flinches. The normal ways to stop that are to (i) resist Thunder Wave, (ii) paralyse Togekiss, or (iii) resist Togekiss' attacks.

Electivire and Jolteon are immune to Thunder Wave and outspeed Togekiss
Blissey, Cresselia, Lanturn(!) and Zapdos can easily paralyse it
Bronzong, Rotom-A, Zapdos and bulky waters can resist or otherwise withstand its typical attacks
Finally, Dragonite is immune to flinching

While constructing CaP11 we should aim to handle a majority of the counters Blissey, Bronzong, Cresselia, Dragonite, Electivire, Gyrados, Jolteon, Lanturn, Rotom-A, Starmie, Suicine, Swampert, Vaporeon and Zapdos. If you think I have missed any, make your argument and I shall update this post.


Flying and Water share an Electric weakness with Togekiss. This is relevant against Electivire, Jolteon, Lanturn, Rotom-A, Starmie and Zapdos - all of which typically carry Electric attacks. These types have few redeeming qualities, and must be ruled out.

Dragon, Flying (again), Grass and Ground share an Ice weakness with Togekiss. Ice attacks are commonly carried by Cressselia, Starmie, Suicine, Swampert and Vaporeon. On the other hand, Dragon, Grass and Ground are all resistant to Electric, so they are still worth considering.

Bug, Fire, Flying and Ice are neutral to Rock. With Stealth Rock so common, this is a major problem.

Working the other way 'round, a Ghost or Psychic pokemon might draw Ghost attacks for Togekiss to switch on. I'm sceptical, though - it would just as likely be hit by Dark or Electric, and then we wouldn't have got anywhere. There are several typings which might lure ground attacks: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock and Steel.

STAB Attacks

Raikaria wrote an excellent post explaining why CaP11's role cannot be solely offensive. There need to be some supporting elements as well. As a result, CaP11 will probably only have two attacks most of the time, and that makes are choice of STAB potentially important - especially against Togekiss' counters.

Fighting, Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Steel and Water are all rubbish against Togekiss' counters. Fighting hits x2 against Blissey and Fire hits x2 against (some) Bronzong, but that's it - 2/112 match-ups. Bug and Ghost are strictly inferior to Dark.

Dark is the best choice for all-round coverage. It hits everything on the list for neutral damage or better, and is super-effective against Cresselia, Rotom-A and Starmie. Grass, Electric and Ground have the most super-effective targets, although there are also several immunities to Electric and Ground. Finally Rock would combine excellently with any of Dark, Grass and Ground (but not Electric).


Fighting/Grass is a novel combination (always fun) which resists Rock and Electric, but is weak to Ice. Don't despair! Grass gives it a super-effective, STAB attack against Lanturn, Starmie, Suicine, Swampert and Vaporeon. In other words, if we fight the pokemon with Ice Beam, we'll probably win. This surely deserves to reach the polling.

Fighting/Electric is one of the most obvious combos here. Also resistant to Rock and Electric, weak to Ground (for luring) and still neutral to Ice, this has great defensive syngergy. In offense it hits Gyrados, Starmie, Suicine and Vaporeon with super-effective STAB so again, it handles the bulky water brigade well.

Fighting/Dark would have no shared weaknesses and strong STAB attack potential. The same goes for Fighting/Rock which might also lure in Ground and Grass attacks. However they are both weak to Fighting attacks, and Togekiss has trouble handling those already.

Finally Fighting/Ghost is immune to Fighting, and also gives a STAB attack resisted by almost none of Togekiss' counters (just Blissey). Resistance to Rock and no shared weaknesses come as standard.

Any of those five combinations would work well. My ranking is
1. /Grass
2. /Ghost
3. /Electric
4. /Dark
5. /Rock.
I do not see how Electric has any form of support here. Fighting/Electric is walled to death by Zapdos and Rotom, the two biggest counters for Togekiss. Why do we want that?

Instead, I'm going to agree with RD (partially), and say Fighting/Dark is probably our best option. Dark hits Rotom hard (Payback and Pursuit), while it gives CAP11 a much better STAB to whack away at Zapdos with. I think RD said in IRC, that Aura Sphere (correct me if I'm wrong) is only a 2HKO at +4 at around 110 Sp. Att base stat against Zapdos. We need a good neutral/strong STAB to hit Zapdos with, and Dark does that, unlike Electric.
If we want a completely NEW typing combo to the party [which frankly, I do], Electric, Dark, Ice, Dragon, Normal, Rock, Ground, or Flying are up for grabs.

I would niqs Flying, because it doesn't complement Togekiss well. Dark would gain no further resists to what has be on the table, but you do get an Immunity. The same goes for Normal. Both are, however, weak to Fighting.
Grass would be an interesting type, resist Rock with Fighting and Electric with the Grass. However the two would shard an ice weakness. The same goes for Dragon, including the ice weakness, but you would gain more useful resists.
Ice/Fighting would gather resists from Ice, and would have neutrally from Rock and Electric.
Ground, besides the Electric immunity, gets owned by most of Toge's "checks."
Electric grants a resist to Electric and is neutral from Ice. Commonality of ground is alittle wiry.

I vote Electric for good, Dark for interesting, Normal for some new color in the CAP world, and Dragon because a fighting dragon would be BA.
I would like to suggest steel, It gets that crucial(spelling) ice resist as well as sponging rock attacks even better. Meteor mash is a descent stab move but Ill admit steel is a pretty bad attacking type. Stell will lure earthquakes giving tokekiss a free switch in. A big problem i see with steel is the fighting/fire weekness. Immunity to toxic is nice as well. Ill do a pro(slash)con list because those are helpful a lot of the time

Resists 2 out of three of kiss's weaknesses
Lures earthqukes
Is not weak to any of kiss's weaknesses
Toxic immunity
4x resist to tyranatars STAB

Weak to fire
Shares togekisses pseudo fighting weakness
We have to avoid a Lucario replica
Fighting steel is boring
Bad offensive STAB

Im torn...
I do not see how Electric has any form of support here. Fighting/Electric is walled to death by Zapdos and Rotom, the two biggest counters for Togekiss. Why do we want that?
That's treading into the movepool department, which we don't know yet.

I've said this about a million times before, but Electric attacks need to be taken care of because we're not making a Fighting type Blissey. Ground and Electric stand out to me in that department, though Electric can attract EQ, which Togekiss will love.

As for suggestions of Dark and Steel...let's not, okay? If you give it something weak to Fighting, it will inevitably attract Fighting types. Togekiss can't switch in on any of them without either dying right away or the very next turn. Any and everything weak to Fighting needs to stay out of the running because it will easily rip the duo apart.
OK so, so far the ones I think would be good are /Dark, /Electric and /Steel.


1. SE STAB on Rotom
2. Phychic Immunity

1. Fighting weakness


1. Electric Resistance
2. Strong STAB moves.
3. Strong Netural hit on Zaptos

1. x0.5 hit on Rotom.


1. Lots of resistances
2. Toxic Immunity

1. Fighting Weakness
2. No very strong STAB moves

I rank:

1. Dark
2. Steel
3. Electric

I would be happy with any of them though
I'd like to support two types as a secondary typing, as I see both working to a good extent.


  • Resists Fighting and Rock, two good resists that help Togekiss. Neutral to Electric and Ice.
  • Fighting + Psychic STAB is only resisted by pure Psychic resist Pokemon, which is limited to about *EDIT* Cresselia, Azelf, Celebi, and Uxie in OU. All of whom Togekiss doesn't mind setting up on.
  • Is weak to only Flying and Ghost, one of which Togekiss is immune to, making it a "good" weakness.
  • Psychic hits Rotom-A, Zapdos, and others for neutral damage alongside Fighting, something the Electric typing and others cannot do well enough.
  • Is neutral to Dark, making it not Pursuit weak. Is neutral to Bug, which Togekiss resists. Is neutral to Psychic.

  • Resists Normal, Fire, Poison, Bug, Rock (good), and Dark. Weak to Water, Grass (good), Fighting, Ground (good), Psychic, and Steel. Neutral to Ice.
  • Fighting + Rock STAB hits just about as hard as EdgeQuake coverage-wise, making it an awesome choice for an offensive partner.
  • Like R_D mentioned, the Sandstorm boost is awesome, as it allows CAP11 to switch into possible Electric and Ice attacks thrown at Togekiss fairly easily.
  • Weaknesses are somewhat crippling, especially the weakness to Steel and Fighting.
I am giving weak support to Dark, as I find Fighting / Dark to be very similar to Fighting / Psychic with a few, albeit important, differences. Dark is weak to Flying and Fighting, while Psychic would be weak to Flying and Ghost. Psychic arguably has the advantage there, as a weakness and a neutrality to Fighting is worse than a weakness and an immunity to Ghost, something that would give CAP11 and Kiss synergy. Secondly, Fighting / Psychic trades a 4x resistance to Dark, a resistance to Ghost (meaningless in the 'Kiss synergy), and an immunity to Psychic for a resistance to Fighing, a neutrality to Dark, and a neutrality to Psychic. In terms of what Togekiss would benefit from, I find the 2x resistance to Fighting more beneficial than 4x resistance to Dark. Plus, Fighting / Psychic is neutral to Dark, which isn't bad at all.
I would like to crush all these hopes and dreams. Starting with:

Electric - God what a horrible choice. For one, Zapdos and Rotom-A are the things that fuck up Togekiss the most. Rotom-A resists it, and Zapdos wouldn't care about it because Electric is neutrality and its Defenses make it pitifully weak.

Psychic - Psychic isn't that atrocious, but it doesn't provide anything important. In fact, it adds a neutrality to Bug from the resist Fighting alone has. Also, it makes Dark types a neutrality, letting ScarTar fuck with it. Psychic doesn't provide much coverage either, except for hitting other Fighting-types, who are hit harder with Close Combat/Aura Sphere anyway.

Dragon - I heavily dislike this typing, simply because it is rather overpowered. We already know that Dragon's are fucking powerful, and giving it a Fighting STAB to fuck over Steel-types is a pretty fucking bad idea.

Grass - As much as I am THE Breloom V2 guy on #cap, Grass does NOT help Togekiss. Zapdos and Rotom-A resist Grass heavily, making it a poor choice. Hitting Water-types isn't that important, since Togekiss already does that with Air Slash. Also, it makes this CaP weak to Togekiss.

Ghost - This isn't that bad of a suggestion. Provides an immunity to Fighting, which is Togekiss psuedo-weakness. Ghost also hits Rotom-A super effectively and hits Zapdos neutrally. However, like Psychic, it makes it have an annoying Dark neutrality.

Steel - Ehhhhh, bad. Provides a nice little Fighting, Fire, and Ground weak. While a Ground weak may be favorable, most Pokemon that carry Ground-type moves also carry Stone Edge/Rock Slide, making it a bad choice.

In all, I support Rock. Fighting/Rock hits Zapdos super-effectively, and Rotom neutrally. Also, Fighting/Rock provides an Ice resist to compliment the Rock resist Fighting already provides. Rock also lets Sandstorm to provide it with a Special Defense boost to tank Ice moves. Fighting/Dark is also a nice typing for hitting Togekiss' counters.
I dont think that Cap 11's secondary typing should be dark as some people have suggested as it gives it a fighting weakness and togekiss struggles at taking strong fighting moves. This is the same case with steel and rock.
I think that the secondary typing should be Electric as it resists electric moves which are super effective against togekiss (and if later on it gets volt absorb it would give immunity to electric moves including thunder wave). It also gives a strong STAB moves which aren't resisted by many pokemons (although it is resisted by rotom which is bad) and it can also invite ground attacks which togekiss can get a free switch in on.
DrkSlay, Fighting/Psychic is an interesting one, well worth bringing up. Defensively it's very strong. In attack, though, I'm not sure it's as good as you think. Sure, Fighting/Psychic is great for neutral coverage. But between them they get just one super-effective hit on Togekiss' counters. That's hardly going to make them quake in fear! Fighting/Dark, which as you mentioned is similar to the Psychic pairing, would add SE hits against Cressalia, Rotom and Starmie.
I'm siding on the "Dark" side of the Force on this one. Yes Dark has a fighting weakness, and Electric does not, but nothing is going to satisfy every single demand of it. I know this is a "Partner" with Togekiss operation, but really if you look at it purely as you have two pokemon and the opponent has 6, then you are sorely mistaken. If the two "Partners" shard ONE contingent "weakness", there are plenty of Psychic or Ghost pokemon that love coming in on THAT fighting move to set up. As far as I can see, Dark wins out over Electric, unless you are just wanting to bait a Ground attack, which can be accomplished by any Electric type that isn't a washing-machine or a spiky bird.

Dark has a harder hitting STAB, usually greater move pool, and a couple NATURAL immunities, freeing a slot for an ability. The Light side [Electric] of the force see no besting of most of the counters that cause the biggest problems.

So which will it be: the Light side or the Dark side?
I'm throwing my support behind Fighting/Electric. Resists rock and electric, and neutral to ice. But more importantly, it has electric STAB to take care of the rampant bulky waters Togekiss hates since they are usually packing ice beam or ice fang. Electric typing helps take down the flying types that our fighting primary would rather avoid, and offers neutral damage on Zapdos. As to Rotom and Gengar, I don't think it would be a stretch for CAP11 to come packed with say... Payback, Pursuit, or Sucker Punch.

Oh, and of course it attracts Earthquakes, which Togekiss would love to switch in on.
Ice is a really sucky defensive type, with only 1 resistance, and making it neutral to rock and weak to fighting, fire, and steel. Given that Togekiss doen's resist any of those weaknesses, ice is a terrible choice for this CAP. As much as I would to see a Fighting/Dragon poke, I have to agree with HD in saying that it might be too overpowered. Steel is pretty cool with all of its resistances, but also gives a few key weaknesses, especially fire, which both Rotom-H and Zapdos carry, not to mention that both would resist its STABs. Ultimately, I think that either Elctric or Dark are the best choices for the secondary type.
I'm going to recomend Ground, again. A Fighting/Ground Type has never been done. If such a typing was selected, these would be CAP11's pros and cons:

1. Resists Bug, Dark and Poison
2. Immune to Electric
3. DOUBLE Rock resistant

1. Weak to Water, Grass, Ice, Psychic, and Flying

Of the cons, Psychic and Flying aren't common competitive attacking types, and the other three are mainly special-based, so Togekiss can wall them.
Psychic - Psychic isn't that atrocious, but it doesn't provide anything important. In fact, it adds a neutrality to Bug from the resist Fighting alone has. Also, it makes Dark types a neutrality, letting ScarTar fuck with it. Psychic doesn't provide much coverage either, except for hitting other Fighting-types, who are hit harder with Close Combat/Aura Sphere anyway.

I hardly expect Scarftar to be a threat to a Psychic/Fighting CaP11. Non-switching Pursuit is going to do laughable damage, and CaP11 has fighting STAB, which is pretty much a guaranteed OHKO. Also, Psychic hits fighting types harder than Aura Sphere and equal to Close Combat, except without the defense drops. Psychic also hits Gengar SE, and also Tentacruel and Roserade.

Its Ghost weak is really the bigger problem, due to Rotom-A.
I'm throwing my support behind Fighting/Electric. Resists rock and electric, and neutral to ice. But more importantly, it has electric STAB to take care of the rampant bulky waters Togekiss hates since they are usually packing ice beam or ice fang. Electric typing helps take down the flying types that our fighting primary would rather avoid, and offers neutral damage on Zapdos. As to Rotom and Gengar, I don't think it would be a stretch for CAP11 to come packed with say... Payback, Pursuit, or Sucker Punch.

Oh, and of course it attracts Earthquakes, which Togekiss would love to switch in on.

If you had listened to the previous discussion you would know Togekiss has no problems what so ever with Bulky Waters, Vaporeons Ice beam not even doing 50% meaning Togekiss can Flinch Hax it and heal as it wants.

Electric doesn't really help as a STAB as Togekiss's main counters ARE electric types (Zapdos and Rotom) so Electric offers no help to the duo, besides an Electric resistances, and as we already established, this is an offensive duo, not a defensive one.

edit: #Mek, Ground doesn't help us at this stage because now we need a STAB that helps deal with Togekiss's counters.
I hardly expect Scarftar to be a threat to a Psychic/Fighting CaP11. Non-switching Pursuit is going to do laughable damage, and CaP11 has fighting STAB, which is pretty much a guaranteed OHKO. Also, Psychic hits fighting types harder than Aura Sphere and equal to Close Combat, except without the defense drops. Psychic also hits Gengar SE, and also Tentacruel and Roserade.

Its Ghost weak is really the bigger problem, due to Rotom-A.
For one, I'm think that Crunch will make a decent dent into the CaP. Also, What does it matter that Psychic hits Tentacruel and Roserade? Togekiss already hits them with Air Slash, so I don't see why that matters. Also, it only matters if Psychic hits Gengar if CaP11 is faster than Gengar, otherwise Shadow Ball will make a decent dent into it as well.
edit: #Mek, Ground doesn't help us at this stage because now we need a STAB that helps deal with Togekiss's counters.

OK, so by your logic that leaves Ghost, Dark, Rock, and Ice. The first three of those types only have ONE RELIABLE SPECIAL STAB EACH, and CAP11 should be able to recive Togekiss' Nasty Plots. Ice has better options, but it is useless defensivly, as previously stated.
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