Nuzlocke Challenge

After looking through my games, I decided to try out a nuzlocke on my Ruby. It's sort of barren so why not.

After thinking on it, I decided the rules to be:
-One Pokemon per route (duh) & town (my last bastion for a water type), first one I see
--No repeats, but if the second Pokemon isn't new, the route is "dead"
--The period at the start with no Pokeballs is a grace period. I can go back to those routes to try and catch the first one I ran into (eg I can go and catch a Poochyena if I so choose on route 201).
--If I kill the Pokemon, that's it. Route's dead.
-If a Pokemon dies, it goes directly to Box 14 forever (no need to let a perfectly good Pokemon go to waste when I can pal park it to HG or maybe White when it comes out)
-Healing by items (sans Revives) is allowed because screw you the E4 will be a pain on its own.
-Gift Pokemon will count against the area
--If I somehow get to the fossils without running into a Pokemon they will count for the Desert.
-I can catch, but not use, Groudon & the Regi (again, no need to let them go to waste...I doubt I will even be able to get the Regi anyway since Relicanth is so rare).
--In the event of losing every single other Pokemon to the E4, I may use them once. If I still fail, the challenge is over for real.
-nickname all Pokemon

Uh...think that covers all the bases? If I remember more restrictions I'll add them.

Adventure: >Begin

I name the boy R N (because there's no underscore for some reason), set the clock, meet the neighbors, and head up to Route 101.

After thinking on it, I decide to go with Mudkip. He is super effective against Roxanne, Flannery, Wallace, will be immune to some of Wattson after evolving, Team Magma, and his bulk should help with resisting things.
Also surfing, earthquakes, and maybe Ice Beams! Exciting.

The Poochyena battle starts, level 2 female.
And then some tackles exchange and come on no one cares.

Rescue Complete!
I decide to nickname my male Mudkip...Prof. Psi.

Onwards, to Oldale!
Took the tour and then I decide to train up the good Professor up to level 6 on Route 101. Thankfully it gets Mud Slap at level 6, so that'll be useful later on. Oddly not one Poochyena in three battles.

On route 103....I run into a male level 2 MALE Poochyena XD. Then I ran into a level 2 Male Zigzagoon. So if I come back to this route, I'll grab that.
Growled it, tackled it, crit tackled it. EXCITEMENT. I got to 6 hp though. Also level 7

Back to Birch, got my dex and Pokeballs, back to 101. (Also run shoes!)
After running and running I find no Poochyena. I'll skip this route for later, then.
103 was far nicer, giving me my male level 2 zigzagzoon (PCH0000). Leveled it up to Level 5, and gave another level to Psi.
PCH0000 already proving his worth by picking up a full heal and a FULL RESTORE :D

Route 102: The crux of my plan is to have PCH0000 take on things before bringing in Prof. Anything can be a threat. You never know.
I run into a level 3 male Wurmple. I catch it and name it Spike
I continue through the route picking berries, PCH0000 finds an Ultra Ball & Full Restore, Spike gets to level 7 and becomes...he becomes....! Cascoon!
That's..okay? I guess. If it lasts long enough, Dustox's Psybeam and Gust should be useful against Brawly.

Then I called I saved it called it a night. Will post team later when I have more then three.
Don't forget, you still have Kanto and Red to go through.

And please do, your playthrough is kind of entertaining. :D
Not if I want to do my Scramble anytime soon, unfortunately.

Not to mention it would take a ginormous amount of time to rebuild my team after three catastrophic losses at the Elite 4. Already had enough of that bullshit!

--No repeats, but if the second Pokemon isn't new, the route is "dead"
-Gift Pokemon will count against the area

--In the event of losing every single other Pokemon to the E4, I may use them once. If I still fail, the challenge is over for real.
Those two rules I approve of. I'll incorporate them in any future Nuzlockes I do (it was very easy to exploit the no-repeats any other way).

I don't understand that last one. Are you saying if you lose every Pokemon to the Elite Four, you basically give yourself another go?
Not if I want to do my Scramble anytime soon, unfortunately.

Not to mention it would take a ginormous amount of time to rebuild my team after three catastrophic losses at the Elite 4. Already had enough of that bullshit!

Those two rules I approve of. I'll incorporate them in any future Nuzlockes I do (it was very easy to exploit the no-repeats any other way).

I don't understand that last one. Are you saying if you lose every Pokemon to the Elite Four, you basically give yourself another go?
Hm? No no. If I go through the E4, lose allll of my Pokemon and reserves except for Groudon (ahahaha like I'll get the Regi), for giggles I'll try soloing it with Groudon.
He's slow, slow to level, I doubt he'd make it past Phoebe, and Glacia would murder him. More just to see how far I get. Consider it a "bonus round"; I might just try it even if I do beat them.
Otherwise he just sits in the box, looking pretty and 100% unused.

But this is all waaay in the future, and assumes I'll make it that far. the Twins, Maxie, Wallace, and Wally can very well be huge hurdles. If I lose before the E4, I'll just stop the challenge. Maybe try again from scratch, maybe do a scramble.
Worst Pokemon, Ever

Need I say more?

QFT. Wobbuffet kills Nuzlocke challenges :(
i just keep getting fucking tuned by critical hits and bullshit luck. I got raped over and over in pearl, so I went to ruby where I'm left with swampert, trupius and numel. Hopefully I can heeb myself a bagon, otherwise I'm pretty much fucked.
Ah ok. Good luck if it comes to that :P
Yeah that interesting.

Anyway, quick update:

I go to the gym in Petalberg, and Wally comes in to get our catch on.
Blha blah blah
Did you notice that the level 7 Zigzagzoon he's lent only has Tackle?
I buy some Pokeballs, chat people up, and go on my way.

Route 104:
I step into the grass and wurmple >:(
I cross my fingers and...Tailow! Awesome. Level 4 male. It puts up quite the fight, annoyingly enough. Three Pokeballs. I forgot RS didn't have the little "click" animation like later games. Kind of weird to get used to, heh.
Call him Birdy :T
I decide to level up a bit on the route before heading towards the forest.
And then the Youngerster Billy showed up. His level 8 tailow almost criticled Birdy and Psi. Thankfully I took it out before things got worrisome.
And then a Wurmple poisoned PCH0000 and almost killed him on the way to the Pokemon center :T :T
After everyone's up at level 8/9, I made my way into the forest.

Petalberg Forest:
By a remarkable bit of luck, I run into Shroomish (level 6, female), After Spike Poisons it, a single Pokeball does the job. Her name is Trish

And I decided to really call it a night there. It's getting late.
Current Team:

Prof. Sci/Mudkip (Male)
Level 9
-Mud Slap

PCH0000/Zigzagoon (Male)
Pick Up
Level 8
-Tail Whip

Spike/Cascoon (Male)
Shed Skin
Level 8
blah blah stats no cares about seriously it's a cascoon

Birdy/Tailow (Male)
Level 8
-Focus Energy
-Quick Attack

Trish/Shroomish (Female)
Effect Spore
Level 6
I have a powerful hate of all Ghost-type gym leaders. Morty destroyed my Golbat in SS, and now my entire team just died to Fantina's Mismagius (curse you Confusion hax!). My reserve box consists of an entire Lvl 20 Eevee, Shellos, and 1 or 2 Lvl 15 pieces of crap. I haven't released any of my Pokes yet. D'ya think I should do it and royally screw up my chances of completing the game, or give myself just one more shot before getting rid of my Turtwig, Staravia, Psyduck, Togepi (+Sp. Atk nature, first Togepi I've ever gotten with Serene Grace) and Bronzor?
If I were you I'd probably start over, I just don't see the challenge being that fun with what you have. Although, an Umbreon is a powerful ally.
If I were you I'd probably start over, I just don't see the challenge being that fun with what you have. Although, an Umbreon is a powerful ally.

I don't really feel like restarting, now that I've spent so much time on the game. I'll probably just give myself one more shot at Fantina, and if that doesn't work out I'll restart for good.

Also, grats on the victory! Morty gave me some kind of hell when I fought him, since I didn't have a viable Normal-type in my party. Chuck also gave me hell when I faced him, even though I managed to grab a Heracross from the route east of Ecruteak. He completely decimated my team with Body Slam/Surf, and I ended up restarting, like, 3 times before beating him. Then I went back to Olivine, and having not a single trained Water-type in my party, ended up getting owned Jasmine. Had to restart another 2 times. Now the guilt's starting to sink in; I'm wondering if I should just do the right thing and restart...
Ok, may as well update my Scramblocke Challenge.

I've survived alot, my Flaaffy survived a critical hit that left it on one HP, my Onix managed to beat Bugsy while at level 13 which was the requirement that it had to do to evolve, so i now have a Steelix.

I have four badges, and can verse Jasmine and Chuck but need to do more training and get my final Pokemon. Here's my party and their added requirements (i don't have my DS atm so these are general):

Pineco (X.Plode): Lv.28 With Protect, Spikes, Take Down, Bug Bite. No added stuff
Pineco has practically been stuck with exp share until it got to lv.22ish when i started using it in battles. Thought it evolved at lv.26, but alas, i have to wait a bit longer.

Flaaffy (Can't remember...): Lv.29 With Charge, ThunderShock, Thunder Wave, Tackle. Must learn thunder and fire punch. Was my first Poke and has been handy although lacks the ability to do decent amounts of damage. Can't wait for it to evolve.

Steelix (Mr.Bone): Lv.26 with Payback, Rock Throw, Sandstorm, Headbutt. Allowed to evolve after soloing Bugsy at level 13, must be caught, not traded. Evolved it straight after beating Bugsy and has pwned everything. Out speeds some things that i wouldn't expect it to outspeed.

Eevee (Kitty): Lv.19 with Sand Attack, Tackle, Helping Hand, Leer. Can evolve to what ever type it's Hidden Power is.... which was Flying.... sooo sad.... am going to exp share it up last.

Tentacool (Bandit): Lv.20 with Acid, Surf, Constrict, ???. Can evolve after using constrict in two gym leader battles. Currently got exp share.... will wait to find out how handy it is, but they have been in the past.

About to catch my Diglett.

Long update.... all well, i think i forgot something but will probably edit it later....

Last thing, no deaths so far and if someone does die, it will be replaced by a Gengar.
If I were you I'd probably start over, I just don't see the challenge being that fun with what you have. Although, an Umbreon is a powerful ally.

I agree! An Umbreon is really useful to have. I still remember my one in Pokemon Silver. It helped my a lot!

I have a problem and I need help with my challenge. I'm currently on the third gym in Pokemon Emerald, Watson. I'm not too sure how to tackle it.

Here are my current pokemon:

Link the Grovyle + Miracle Seed
Level 20
Sassy Nature
-Quick Attack

DynamoJoe the Makuhita
Level 21
Rash Nature
-Vital Throw
-Fake Out
-Arm Thrust

Beelzafly the Beautifly
Level 20
Hardy Nature
-Morning Sun
-Poison Sting

Sombrero the Lombre
Level 20
Rash Nature
-Nature Power
-Bullet Seed

Megaphone the Whismur
Level 21
Lonely Nature
-Rock Smash

Howling the Mightyena
Level 20
Impish Nature

Freya the Taillow
Level 20
Brave Nature
-Wing Attack
-Focus Energy
-Quick Attack

Leviathan the Gyarados
Level 20
Careful Nature

Squidgy the Gulpin
Level 20
Quiet Nature
-Poison Gas

Raibolt the Electrike
Level 20
Impish Nature
-Quick Attack
-Thunder Wave
-Spark (Finally!)

Midnight the Illumise
Level 20
Docile Nature
-Quick Attack

The most thing I'm worried about, is the Voltorb. My two more powerful pokemon will probably have little effect on it (Damn you Soundproof!). I also know that it will suicide attack, taking out one of my pokemon with it. That means the pokemon I send in with it, is pretty much a sacrifice. If anyone has any advice, I'm willing to take it.
addiethunder: If you're willing you try your luck, I'd recommend you keep your Gyarados on the sidelines until Voltorb appears. Once it does, immediately switch Gyarados in. Intimidate + Gyarados' natural bulk might allow it to survive Selfdestruct. Of course, if the Voltorb uses Shock Wave you're pretty much screwed, so if you wanna play it safe just sacrifice a Pokemon you haven't trained at all yet.

As for the rest of Wattson's Pokes, I think Makuhita can take down his Magnemite/Magneton, but you'll probably need a bit of luck for his Manectric. This thing is surprisingly powerful! I recommend you level your Grovyle up to about Level 25 at least before the battle. Also, bring lots of Paralyze Heals, and maybe give all your main fighters a Cheri Berry.
@above: that's what i did. also, aron ftw, selfdestruct takes about 5-10% tops? mud slap is s/e on everything else, acc drops didn't help thanks to shock wave. overall aron/grovyle should be enough, especially if you screech a few times to let others take care of the magneton with rock smash.
Well, after recuping from the numerous crithax deaths right at the start of the game, I tried again.

Route 1: Rattata, named Chomp... Modest X_X [Lv 4]
Route 22: Rattata, named Chew [Lv 3]
Route 2: Rattata [Lv 2]: Named COME ON! [Enough Rattata]
Veridian Forest: Weedle, named STING. [Lv 5]

Well, at least I can spam Hyper Fang and Priority...

Began to train them all to lv 7 for the Rival Battle. Then noticed when they got to lv 5, somehow, COME ON!, who had a Quiet Nature, had 12 Attack, while Chew, who was Lonely, had 11. Must have a decent IV... true enough, in the IV Calc, it says it's at LEAST a 28.

After hitting lv 5, I got bored of Tackle wars, and saved.
addiethunder: If you're willing you try your luck, I'd recommend you keep your Gyarados on the sidelines until Voltorb appears. Once it does, immediately switch Gyarados in. Intimidate + Gyarados' natural bulk might allow it to survive Selfdestruct. Of course, if the Voltorb uses Shock Wave you're pretty much screwed, so if you wanna play it safe just sacrifice a Pokemon you haven't trained at all yet.

As for the rest of Wattson's Pokes, I think Makuhita can take down his Magnemite/Magneton, but you'll probably need a bit of luck for his Manectric. This thing is surprisingly powerful! I recommend you level your Grovyle up to about Level 25 at least before the battle. Also, bring lots of Paralyze Heals, and maybe give all your main fighters a Cheri Berry.

@above: that's what i did. also, aron ftw, selfdestruct takes about 5-10% tops? mud slap is s/e on everything else, acc drops didn't help thanks to shock wave. overall aron/grovyle should be enough, especially if you screech a few times to let others take care of the magneton with rock smash.

Thanks for the advice. I'm going to train up DynamoJoe and Link a couple more levels. I don't think I can actually catch an Aron now unfortunately. I'm not entirely sure on the rules regarding caves. Does each level count as a separate area or does it count as one area? Anyway, I'll see how it goes.
@Addiethunder, the whole cave counts as the same area. So if a cave has two floors, and you want a Pokemon on the second floor, you're screwed if you encounter one on the first.

This'll be a rather short part as I need to grind before continueing....
Anyways, After Dawn and the looney-detective nag me for a bit I head to the Pokemon trainers school to get my map from Flapjak.
After laughing at his name, I continue on to the two trainers to the right of me. An easy fight and I stole their potion at a reward :D

Next up is the Clown/Poketch part. I hate this little bit, Its short but bothers me...
Done. Man..That was fun...Talking to clowns...
Anyway, Up to route 204 for grinding!
No pokemon found on the way to that Paralyze heal....
No pokemon found on the way back....
TRAINER! Easily done.
TRAINER! Easily done. (LAWL. His dad gave him a Magikarp...What an ass. :D)
No pokemon found on the way to final trainer...
TRAINER! Easily done.

Just as I begin to leave the worlds most barren route a Wild female Starly jumps at me with a knife! I proceeded to tackle it to the floor and throw my balls at it!.....Er?....

Anyway! I caught it! And named it Aria.
And since I have a decent new addition to the team...its time for...


End of mini-part.

The Team:

- Male, Level 10
- Tackle
- Withdraw
- Absorb
- N/A

- Female, Level 10
- Tackle
- Leer
- Charge
- N/A

- Female, Level 4.
- Tackle
- Growl
- N/A
- N/A
Well, the Colosseum nuzlocke I did ended with a bang. But not in the way I was hoping.

Did some serious grinding before Ein, cos I figured I'd need it. Before Skrub I taught Hitmontop Toxic, in order to deal with his Wobbuffet. After all that, I thought I was as prepared as I could be.

Ein leads with Golbat and Huntail. I start with Umbreon and Feraligatr. Gatr starts the battle with Blizzard, bringing Golbat down to 1/3 health, while Umbreon finishes it off. Huntail sets up the rain.

Turn 2 sees the entry of Lanturn, and here's where all the problems began. I chose Hydro Pump to get as much damage on Lanturn as it can - and it misses. Meanwhile Huntail Confuse Ray's Umbreon, and Lanturn does the same to Feraligatr. I had no Persim/Lum berries to equip, so I just had to grin and bear it.

Turn 3, I give the Hydro Pump another go, but I hit myself in confusion instead. I figure a L60 Feraligatr could survive a Lanturn Thunder, which it could - but it decided to crit instead, taking it out in one shot. Umbreon manages to hit himself in confusion as well.

Turn 4, I throw in Espeon to help wear down the Lanturn, Psychic deals a fair amount of damage, and Umbreon manages to Bite this time, bringing it down to low health. Both of Ein's mons decide to Confuse Ray Espeon.

Turn 5, and I turn my attention to wearing down Huntail. Espeon hits and almost KOs it, and Umbreon manages to finish off Lanturn before it can attack again. Altaria is the replacement. Rain ends, giving me a bit of respite.

Turn 6, and here's where a new problem starts. Altaria can outspeed Umbreon but not Espeon. I decide to finish off Huntail before the rain could start, and out comes Raikou. Now, since Altaria is faster it uses Fly and evades Umbreon's attack.

Turn 7, and I use my Ledian to take the hit for Espeon. Unfortunately, Raikou Thunders it instead and OHKOs it, forcing me to bring out Hitmontop (to hopefully lower its attack). Top barely survives.

Turn 8, and Raikou shows its prowess by outspeeding my Hasty Hitmontop to finish the job Altaria started. Altaria uses Fly again, and Umbreon does a modest amount to Raikou. Aipom steps up to replace Hitmontop

Turn 9, and Raikou once again does a number on Aipom, and it means Espeon has no other choice than to take the Fly. Umbreon changes to damage Altaria some.

Turn 10, and finally, Altaria is taken out by an Espeon Psychic, but Raikou gets its revenge and takes out Espeon. Finally, after all that, Umbreon does the final blow to Raikou and it is all over.

This defeat came as a combination of bad luck with confusion and having bad luck with who I chose to attack. Raikou hitting Thunders without the rain certainly didnt help matters.

Final stats:
Jumpman 16 the Umbreon
Mild nature
Bite / Secret Power / Taunt / Confuse Ray

Mekkah the Espeon
Gentle nature
Psychic / Return / Reflect / Helping Hand

Havak the Feraligatr
Bold nature
Surf / Bite / Blizzard / Hydro Pump

Hipmonlee the Hitmontop
Hasty nature
Agility / Triple Kick / Toxic / Detect

Aipom, unpurified

Ledian, unpurified

Aeolus the Ampharos
Modest nature
Thundershock / Thunder Wave / Cotton Spore / Thunderbolt

Makuhita, unpurified

Gift Pokemon
Plusle, unused
Well, I'm quitting Firered Nuzlock.

I've tried about 10 times [Counting the attempts I made in the past, way back], and each time, get put in a position where I won't be able to proceed further, be it Bulbasaur getting critted early on, leaving you with no pokemon to take on the Poision-types, or Brock, or the rest of my team getting posioned by the literal army of Poision types you fight, leaving nothing but Poision types in your possession, causing your defeat when you get to Sabrina.

Stupid Poision...
@ Raikaria. I think I can go 1 better. I have a Modest Magmorter with 31 IVs in SpA (I think.....). This is pretty funny because it has highier Special Attack attack than my Porygon-Z.

Anyway I am getting hammered in HG. My totadile got KO'ed by a Crit Vine Whip on the sprout Tower..... so I started again and the SAME pokemon HAXED me again with a crit Vine Whip. I guess its time I got haxed in these Nuzlocks but still....what are the odds?

Am now seriously debating if I should just start with Cinda since but I am not sure. Anyway update time on Platinum. It my final update before I try HG again.

After getting a good nights sleep I entered Sunyshore Gym looking to finish in time for Lunch. I was wrong. after just a few minutes the Entire gym was wrecked. Temest had had a fireld day with his powerfull Earthquakes. Volker was no match either. Anyway after crushing the trainers at Victory Road it was time for my final challenge of the Best trainers in Sinnoh. The Elite 4.

About to enter I has stopped by Barry for our last battle together.

Tempest took a Close Combat to the face but managed to take down Barry's Staraptor.

Bipolar and Floatzel faced to to determine who was the greater Water type. Empoleon managed to Survive 2 Brick Breaks before finishing off Floatzel with a Flash Cannon and a Torrent boosted Brine.

Barry called in his Powerhouse to handle Bipolar so I decided to call up my Ace in the hole. Engel came out and killed Torterra with a single Fly. Barry's Hearacross met the same fate, this time from a Brave Bird.

Barry then called out his Rapidash who tryied to Bounce its way to victory. Fire Storm was having none of it and finished it with 2 thunderbolts.

Engel finished Snorlax for good with a Close Combat.

After healing up I began my crusade againt the Elite 4

Aaron started off with his Yanmange which immediatly made clones of itself on confuse my Fire Storm. Magmorter though, was able to concentrate, nailing thr real yanmega without missing.

Vespiquen was blasted with a FlameThrower as was Heracross.

Heracross can in. Magmorter dodged a Stone Edge (man if that hit.....) and killed it with a Flamethrower.

Tempest was able to survive an Ice Fang and KO'ed Drapion with Earthquake before Engel killed Scizor with a Close COmbat.

My next bout was against an old Lady called Bertha

Wishcash and Hippowdon are both killed by my BiPolar' Surf.

Bipolar then does what I believed impossiable and survives a Gliscors Earthquake with 9 health remaining and then kils Glisocr with an Ice Beam. Its Surf then Kills Rhyperior.
Golem is ended by Tempest's Earthquake.

Next up was Flint.
Hope planted herself in Houndooms way as toxic damage gradually built up.
Tempest Brought down Infernape
Bipolar destryed Flareon with a Surf,
Hope faced off against FLints strongest pokemon, taking its various special Attacks with ease while crippling it with Toxic
Bipolar finished off Rapidash with a SUrf.

Lucian was nex up as I interupted him from his book.

Mr Mime was beaten by my Engels U-Turn.
Espeon survived the U-tur and Crited Hope with a psychic. Hope nailed a Fire Blast and Burnt Espeon and my oven Hope (due to syncronise). I had no choice but to go to Empoleon who survived a psychic and a Crit psychic.
Gallade was killed by Straptors FLy.
Alakazam outspead my Engel and nailed it with a psychic. Engel survives with 52 health left and KO's with U-turn.
Bronzong was Crunched to death my Tempest.

I preceed into the next stage and discover that the Champion is.....Cynthia. Well I kinda suspected that but wahtever.

I send out Hope against her Spiritomb. After a Few Fire Blasts and Toxic damage its finally taken down. Hope is on just overhalf Health.

Engel then faces off against her Lucario. We are the same level but I manage to outspeed Lucario and Engel finishs it with a Close Combat.

Hope then comes ou against her Togekiss. Hope survies an Aura sphere and hits it with a Toxic. Togekiss then hits Hope with a second Aura Sphere which takes it down to 32 Health before I softboiled up healng Hope. A few thunders later Togekiss is finally defeated.

Cynthia then sends out her trump card: her Garchomp. I send out the mightly Staraptor to face off agaisnt it. Surprisingly, I am faster than it and U-turn out to my Bi Polar penguin who takes a Dragon Rush with ease. Engel then comes back in and Survives an Earthquake and U-turns out to Cyber. Cynthia looks Confident. She fires off another Dragon Rush which connects taking Cyber down to 25 health before my duck unleashes its most powerfull attack: Hyper Beam. Garchomp is blasted into the middle of next week and Hope comes in to tackle Milotic.

Milotic is toxiced by Hope and then Cyber makes a grand encore appearence surviving a Surf and smashing Milotic into the ground with a second Hyper Beam.

Cynthia then sends out her last pokemon, a Roserade. My Fire Storm makes its first appearence against Cynthia and blasts of a Fire Blast to...miss. It survives a Sludge Bom though and i got to Hope to allow it time to recuperate.
Hope takes 3 Sludge Bombs but gets poisoned and i have to switch out. Bi Polar takes a Sludge Bomb and retaliates with an Ice Beam which Roserade also shrugs off and launchs an Energy Ball. Frustrated I go to Tempest since my Bi Polar cannot take a second Energy Ball. Tempist finally ends Roserades furtile resistance my smashing it with a Dragon Claw.

Vicory is Mine!



My Pokemon Legends

Hope (Blissey)
Lv 56
-Fire Blast

Engel (Staraptor)
Lv 61
-Brave Bird
-Close Combat

Cyber (Porygon-Z)
Lv 57
-Hyper Beam
-Tri Attack
-Signal Beam

Bipolar (Empoleon)
Lv 56
-Ice Beam
-Flash Cannon

Fire Storm (Magmorter)
Lv 56
-Fire Blast
-Focus Blast

Tempest (Garchomp)
Lv 59
Dragon Rush
Dragon Claw

Well thats my Platinum run done. Guess its back to HG. Any ideas on what starter I should do?

Have a Nice Day everyone
@ Raikaria, I remember Red on the old Gameboy being brutally difficult. I imagine FireRed is the same?

@ ginganinja, you can read my SS run with a Cyndaquil starter. There were a lot of trouble spots; anything water, rock, ground, I had to avoid like the plague with it. Chikorita just has too many weaknesses to really be viable; you'll be swapping it out every other battle practically.

Honestly Totodile is probably the best overall; other than Jasmine's and Rival's Magnemite and Magneton, and the occasional grass type, there aren't too many threats out there, at least nothing a ground type couldn't handle. Plus it learns Ice Fang, which is INSANELY useful late in the game against those pesky dragon types (if you survive the electric attacks they usually carry). Not to mention you can teach it Crunch and Waterfall for some psychotic flinching.

You just want to get past Sprout Tower (grab a flying or normal type, or even a Gastly from Sprout Tower, if you can), and you're home free as Totodile.

Can't speak for post-Elite 4 really. Except for Red and Blue though, the Kanto gym leaders have easily exploited weaknesses and don't use any psycho tricks like the Johto leaders do.
Long part is long!

So after grinding up Aria to the mighty level of 8 I challenge my Rival, Flapjak, In the next route.
WOW. Aria . Kicks. Ass. A 2hko on Flapjak's Starly and a 1hko Critical on his Chimchar. Aria hits level 10 and there was much rejoicing.
Considering the next gym is rock, I plan to train Aria and Cheetah on this route.
First pokemon of the route is a second Female starly!...Meh. Nicknamed Eviltwin and shoved in a box.
Fairly easy route. Few levels up here and there too so nothing bad.
Into Oreburgh Gate next ! Get Rock Smash , Beat trainers! Done!
Encountered a wild female Geodude too!...Female...dude?....Lolwut?
Anyway, I caught shoved it in a box with the Nickname Big Gal.
After Looting EVERYTHING possible in Oreburgh I go up to route 207 in the hopes of finding a Ponyta.
Nope. Another Geodude....At least its male this time. I capture it and Shove it in a box with the nickname Balboa. (Creative :D)

I proceed down into the mines!
Wild female geodude.....Not Amused.
Capture, Name Chubbs, Shove in box.
Beat trainers , And Scream at the Gym leader to Quit slacking and get back to the freakin gym!, No interesting things other than Aria learns Double team and Everest Learns Razor leaf (Hell yeah).

To the Gym!
Solo-run with Everest here...
First Trainer is 1HKO'ed
Second Trainer is 1HKO'ed
Gym leader time...
First up! Geodude!...1hko'ed.
Second up , Onix! OH MAH GAWD I'm outspeeded. It wastes its life by using Stealth rock and I 1HKO it.
Cranidos finally, And BOY was I lucky...Both to have survived and to have won.
It outspeeds my and hits with a CRITICAL , FLINCH-INDUCING Headbutt leaving me on 9hp. LOLCRITHAX.
I immediately chug my only super-potion and hope it isnt repeated. I am in luck, Just a feeble Pursuit.
Next turn It uses Leer, Frankly, This scares the shit out of me due to how much damage it was doing already, But I am in luck! Razor Leaf Crithaxed!
Victory! Major Lulz were had!

Leave the gym , To the Pokemon Center we go!....

End of Part 2 : LOLCRITHAX!?

Yeah...I think I may have whimpered when It got that CrithaxFlinch....But I'm glad with how the fight ended.

The Team.

- Male, Level 16.
- Tackle
- Withdraw
- Absorb
- Razor Leaf (Win)

- Female, Level 12
- Tackle
- Leer
- Charge
- N/A

- Female, Level 13
- Tackle
- Double Team
- Quick Attack
- Wing Attack
Yeah, let me list why FireRed is hard:

1: You're forced to use Bulbasaur. Use anything else, and you risk dying to Poision from Weedles. If you use Charmander and avoid Weedles until lv 10, you'll struggle at Misty. Squirtle will probobly die against Weedles. Then there's Nidorans as well.

2: Unless you catch a Pikachu/Geodude, [You're more likly to get a bug/Zubat] Rival's Pigeotto on Nugget Bridge will be an absolute nightmare. His Charmeleon will not be much better either, cosdiering you probobly have Rattata, Pidgey, Bug, Normal, Zubat, Bulbasaur.

3: If you manage to get beyond Misty, there's a mostly clear reach until Erica, due to Diggett's cave handleing Surge. Erica, however, is very likly to be the cause of death for any non-poisions in your team at that point, and maybe a few that are Poision.

4: So, you have this team of almost all posions. Well you sequence break and go to Koga next. He really will kill anything non-poision, although, thankfully, his gym is near the Pokemon center.

5: After all that, you've probobly only got Poisions left. Have fun v Sabrina's Alakazam. Or you can Sequence break again, and try to beat Blane, as well as check the sea routes and Seafoam [Probobly resulting in Tentacools and Zubat/Goldbat]

6: So you've somehow overcame Sabrina's Alakazam. Have fun v Giovanni's Ground Types.

7: Finally, you have what is arguably the hardest E4. The ahrd-hitting Loreli and Bruno will decimate you, especially with a no item rule. Agetha will tank your poision types with hers. Lance... unless you got a Seel/Shellder, leveled the Lapras from Silyph.Co, or, god forbid, were lucky enough to get a Dratini in the Safari Zone, will be an utter nightmare. Than, to top it all off. The Rival with his lv 60 team will decimate anything left standing.

Of course, grinding can handle this. But then there's the ever-present wild poision types which will kill any non-poisions, as well as Crits, and the simple fact the grinding required with what may become Mono-Poision is why more than every other game.

Of course, thank GOD Snorlax has Immunity. That's one non-poison, poision-immune powerhouse.

IMO, the 'crunch times' are:

Right at the start, due to Weedles.
Rival on Nugget Bridge
Erica [Will kill non-posions]
Sabrina [Will kill poisons... wait, that's what reains of your squad!]
E4 [Obviously]
Brief update.

After backtracking to heal up, I continue through the forest, leveing up.
Notable events: Spike "swept" through the first bug catcher's six wurmples.
He gained no levels from it
Team Magma's Poochyena almost killed Trish, but Psi brought it down. Level ups for the both of them. Stun Spore & Water Gun, yeah yeah!

I got Bullet Seed and the wailmer pail after exiting the forest and went on to Rustboro (but not after PCH0000 got Headbutt!!). After healing and checking the map to make sure the part behind the shop was part of route 104, I went on to 116.
I didn't have much hope for this route, Pokemon-wise, honestly. Nincada is fairly rare, so is Skitty, only Emerald has Abra here and Whismur is stupidly common here despite getting an entire cave to itself at the end of the route.

1st encounter was a Nincada (level 6, Female)! After weakening it with Spike to the yellow, a single Pokeball did the job. Her name is Neena.
I'm really excited about this. Both Ninjask & Shedinja can be great help against several Pokemon. If I grind out hard enough, I may be able to get Ninjask by Brawly...

And then my SP died (I saved, thankfully), but that's fine as I plan on grinding to level ~13 or so. Maybe 14. I need to take the utmost care, Roxanne's gym could wipe out half my team, so I need Psi & Trish to be strong enough to deal and take damage. I'll probably make sure to catch a Whismur as a meatshield.

Meanwhile, I decided to look up the natures of my Pokemon.
Mild's not too bad, but I wish it was Quiet.
Docile....well it could be worse. I'll take neutral over being screwed over.
Timid will help beef up Psybeam
Calm is utterly useless in every way for Birdy and every time I get a nature like this I wish I never knew about them.