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Actually, looking at it again, the one on the left looks like a Numel/ Slugma/ Psyduck d:

The one on the right... Well I can't make it out but I see a beak (if that even is a beak)


If those are legit...looks pretty different to me >.>
Hmm, yeah it's either an emonga evo or just a different gender. It almost doesn't look different enough to be a prevo
Well, the marking on its head is different, and there's a triangular shape on its chest that isn't on Emonga, ignoring the fact that it appears to be totally lacking wings which is what makes me think it's a prevo. But who knows, maybe it's some Emonga gimmick we don't know about. What's weird is besides that it doesn't seem to change much at all upon evolution to Emonga, if it really is a prevo.


If those are legit...looks pretty different to me >.>

Similar ear coloring and coloring in general although Emonga looks rather brownish compared to the "prevo". Tail shape is somewhat similar.
That thing on the "prevo"'s neck seems to disappear when it evolves into Emonga, but this is minor
Similar ear coloring and coloring in general although Emonga looks rather brownish compared to the "prevo". Tail shape is somewhat similar.
That thing on the "prevo"'s neck seems to disappear when it evolves into Emonga, but this is minor

also the head is in 2 triangles on emonga while it's only one on the "prevo"

but that's pretty minor as well
Lamest prevo ever. Srsly. This is like the only slightly negative thing I gotta say about this gen. I do love emonga though, just wich they put a bit more work into lilmonga
Lamest prevo ever. Srsly. This is like the only slightly negative thing I gotta say about this gen. I do love emonga though, just wich they put a bit more work into lilmonga

I still think it should have evolved from Pachirisu, but I suppose it's not worth whining about it now. Since Emonga is probably an evolving Pokemon based on that, though, perhaps it has a chance at some okay stats.

@Scicky: Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it's fake. I believe PLDH said it was from deviantArt... so.
AHA! I did some searching and found an extremely blurry picture XD


from http://pldh.net/home/index

speculate away .-.


They also had this. Emonga prevo?

First pic: That's from awhile ago actually, so it's definitely real. To me, it looks like an obese rabbit. >_> it's really hard to tell...

2nd pic: I feel like I've seen that pic of Mijumaru before... And that pre-evo just looks so fake. Like... The head hasn't even changed, it just grew skip flaps and furry tail. I dunno...

I still think it should have evolved from Pachirisu, but I suppose it's not worth whining about it now. Since Emonga is probably an evolving Pokemon now, though, perhaps it has a chance at some okay stats.

That wouldn't have made any sense anyway. Can people stop with the "omg similar species!? they must evolve into each other!" bullshit? First it was with Ariados and the new spider, now with Pachirisu and Emonga... Srsly. It's tail isn't going to suddenly shrink, it's ears grow huge, change color palettes, and grow skin flaps out of no where. All of that just because it's a squirrel with Electric typing.
yeah I added the "emonga prevo" to the original post but here it is

This we can conclusively prove fake, actually.
It's an edited version of a previously released pic Shimama using something against Mijumaru. Same frame of animation, same exact electric effect.
This we can conclusively prove fake, actually.
It's an edited version of a previously released pic Shimama using something against Mijumaru. Same frame of animation, same exact electric effect.

I thought I saw it somewhere before! Thank God it's not real. Emonga will probably end up a single stager like Pachirisu and Plusle/Minun.
That wouldn't have made any sense anyway. Can people stop with the "omg similar species!? they must evolve into each other!" bullshit? First it was with Ariados and the new spider, now with Pachirisu and Emonga... Srsly. It's tail isn't going to suddenly shrink, it's ears grow huge, change color palettes, and grow skin flaps out of no where. Just because it's a squirrel with Electric typing.

I honestly don't know why it was so hard to concieve Pachirisu could have evolved into Emonga. Besides the natural progression into a flying squirrel, they share the main color white (paired with yellow cheeks) which is more of a similarity than Pikachu and Raichu can claim to share. Abilities changing wasn't a worthy argument since Gamefreak isn't exactly consistent in that regard. For the record, the only different color on Emonga and Pachirisu was the blue changing to black which isn't exactly a huge change even when accounting for the aesthetic changes such as different ears and tail and no fang (which really are the only noteworthy changes in design). The only solid argument against it really is that A) it was shown to be pre-E4 anyway and B) it was not shown to have any connection to Pachirisu in the pamphlet it was shown in, albeit even that isn't a solid argument at this point since Mamabou, who is clearly a Luvdisc evo, isn't shown to evolve from Luvdisc.

Just to be clear, I'm more or less convinced it isn't evolving from Pachirisu, as it is shown to appear pre-E4 at least in the demo. But just because people call evolution at everything with no reasonable basis doesn't mean everyone calls evolution has no reasonable basis for the claim.

Ariados to Dentula was inconcievable. There was literally no similarity besides being an arachnid.
A helpful reminder to everyone in the thread. Most of the new Pokemon designs will seem ugly/stupid to you because you have developed rose colored classes.

The first gen designs weren't that great. Most of them were incredibly generic. Nostalgia will make you think they were better than they actually were.

Needless to say I like a lot of the new Pokemon.

This is kind of silly, sorry to say. I never bashed last gen's pokes as a whole because there were many released at this time that looked cool, just like every generation. Gen 1 was beautiful in its simplicity and many of my favescame from that gen.

There are exactly two pokemon that i like so far in V, zekrom and meguroko, and meguroko is a prevo that could evolve into something stupid. Every other pokemon released so far is incredibly stupid looking. Every single one. There are so many worthless rodents. Even the base 100 legend looks like a worthless rodent.

Don't get me wrong, i'm still buying this game, but I can't wait for the full release. Hopefully they are saving the good for last.
To add credibility to the blurry picture of something or other, it vaugely looks like those two Pokemon shown on a screen during one of the pre-screenings for the demo. The event that revealed hatoopoo & minezumi
2nd pic: I feel like I've seen that pic of Mijumaru before... And that pre-evo just looks so fake. Like... The head hasn't even changed, it just grew skip flaps and furry tail. I dunno...
Good point. I mean, a lot of the people over at BMGf seemed convinced that it was fake, but I didn't consider that until now. Now that you mention it though, I remembered a picture of Shimama attacking something a while ago in a very similar way. Checking it out, turns out Serebii does have a picture of Shimama attacking Mijumaru in the exact same frame from a while ago:

Check out "Mijumaru v. Shimama", under the ""11/06/10-14/06/10" heading--it's the exact same thing. So yeah, it's fake.
I am glad that emonga prevo is fake cuz that means there is still hope that pachirisu evoles into emonga! ^^

I wouldn't get too hopeful. If it's available pre-E4 then that means it isn't evolving from an old Pokemon, and I doubt they would have placed a post-National Dex Pokemon in the demo just for the sake of doing it.

@EeveeSkitty: I doubt EVERY Pokemon will have different abilities in the Dream World. It will probably only be a select group of Pokemon, especially since the way we're hearing of the feature is through event Eevee evolutions.
I wouldn't get too hopeful. If it's available pre-E4 then that means it isn't evolving from an old Pokemon, and I doubt they would have placed a post-National Dex Pokemon in the demo just for the sake of doing it.

@EeveeSkitty: I doubt EVERY Pokemon will have different abilities in the Dream World. It will probably only be a select group of Pokemon, especially since the way we're hearing of the feature is through event Eevee evolutions.

IIRC, Electivire was a demo pokémon for D/P.
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