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Armaldo --> Ononokusu makes just about as much sense as Wartortle --> Torterra. Seriously.

Well the kid has a fair say to what he wants.
And I could see how they look similar in the armor/ body stance, but the color scheme just strikes me as incompatible. I'm aware of evolutions not having to look like their prevos (see: Octillery), so it is a possibility, nothing more.
I doubt that had much to do with it. If they cared about the grind needed to make competitive level Pokemon that much they would make IV and EV breeding a lot easier.

Umm.. they did. Gen 4 made it a lot easier to breed for IVs as well to train EVs. They even gave you berries in case you messed up EV training at all way back in Gen 3. Add that to the ribbon for knowing when you've hit max, the guy to tell you what Hidden Power you've got.. the characteristic in the stat page, etc.

Just because they don't show you the direct number on the stat page doesn't mean they haven't made it easier.
Umm.. they did. Gen 4 made it a lot easier to breed for IVs as well to train EVs. They even gave you berries in case you messed up EV training at all way back in Gen 3. Add that to the ribbon for knowing when you've hit max, the guy to tell you what Hidden Power you've got.. the characteristic in the stat page, etc.

Just because they don't show you the direct number on the stat page doesn't mean they haven't made it easier.

It's not that they've made it easier, just more obvious about the existance of EV's in general.
Well the kid has a fair say to what he wants.
And I could see how they look similar in the armor/ body stance, but the color scheme just strikes me as incompatible. I'm aware of evolutions not having to look like their prevos (see: Octillery), so it is a possibility, nothing more.

But Armaldo has crab-like pincers, while Ononokusu has actual claws. I know Remoraid --> Octillery, but this would be even more ridiculous.
but there both turtles!

I think he was trying to make a subtle yet obvious hint in comparison to the whole Armaldo ---> Ononokusu (sorry for spelling) thing. lol, xD

And @ Blasphemy, well I guess. I'm not saying it's impossible though. I'm on the "It could happen" side as of now.
I hate it when people bring up Remoraid -> Octillery to justify an evolution. Regardless of not being related animal-wise, they both have the Water-type weapon theme going on, with Remoraid being a revolver and Octillery being a tank. There's really no justification for Armaldo evolving into Ononokusu.

@Tytus: I am really surprised how similar it looks to the Chi Roh christogram. It shows Gamefreak really did some research.
Umm.. they did. Gen 4 made it a lot easier to breed for IVs as well to train EVs. They even gave you berries in case you messed up EV training at all way back in Gen 3. Add that to the ribbon for knowing when you've hit max, the guy to tell you what Hidden Power you've got.. the characteristic in the stat page, etc.

I mean far far easier. A ton of grind is still needed. If they made TM's infinite all for the sake of cutting grind when making a competitive Pokemon, they would logically do the same for the IV/EV system. Making it 1000x less time consuming than it currently is.

Besides there are more reasons to think that they didn't just change the entire TM system because of the Game Corner. What is less noticeable, and changes the overall gameplay less? Making coins easier to get and items cheaper, or making TM's infinite like HM's?
I think he was trying to make a subtle yet obvious hint in comparison to the whole Armaldo ---> Ononokusu (sorry for spelling) thing. lol, xD

And @ Blasphemy, well I guess. I'm not saying it's impossible though. I'm on the "It could happen" side as of now.

sarcasm fails over the internet
If i would of knew people were going to try and hurt me for entioning how similat Ononokusu and Armaldo look in battle armor i would of kept it to myself.
I hate it when people bring up Remoraid -> Octillery to justify an evolution. Regardless of not being related animal-wise, they both have the Water-type weapon theme going on, with Remoraid being a revolver and Octillery being a tank. There's really no justification for Armaldo evolving into Ononokusu.

@Tytus: I am really surprised how similar it looks to the Chi Roh christogram. It shows Gamefreak really did some research.
They even superimposed the Rho correctly haha. I guess the "chi" is supposed to be a "Z" though (I don't know why), but yeah, it's very similar.
AHA! I did some searching and found an extremely blurry picture XD


from http://pldh.net/home/index

speculate away .-.


They also had this. Emonga prevo?
They even superimposed the Rho correctly haha. I guess the "chi" is supposed to be a "Z" though (I don't know why), but yeah, it's very similar.

Hmmm, maybe. Maybe all combined you can take it as similar to Chi Rho, the "rho" is also a P for Plasma, combined with the "z" shape in the background with P in the front resembles an "R" for Reshiram and the "z" shape could be "Z" for Zekrom... or maybe I'm just overthinking it. But I'd like to think Gamefreak really thought that much about Team Plasma's logo.

@Emperor: Oh, no one's posted that yet. If I had to bet I'd say it was the "Tabunne" Pokemon we were told about.
So according to Pokebeach, the museum in the 2nd town in attached to the Gym (Aloe's gym). Oh look everyone, the potential Rock-type gym you keep fucking asking for...

Also, I hope not all gyms are quiz puzzles... Seems odd the first two are, I hope that doesn't mean all of them are. That would be kinda suck.
So according to Pokebeach, the museum in the 2nd town in attached to the Gym (Aloe's gym). Oh look everyone, the potential Rock-type gym you keep fucking asking for...

Also, I hope not all gyms are quiz puzzles... Seems odd the first two are, I hope that doesn't mean all of them are. That would be kinda suck.

Doesn't matter if it's Rock-type if it's not the first gym... :P

Anyway, I have a gut feeling the Gyms are actually typeless, since Corocoro neglected to mention their types and their themes honestly don't seem to strongly suggest any type.

I'm sort of bothered there's two similar puzzles that early too...

@Emperor: And a punch to the gut. Not only does Emonga have a prevo, it's NOT Pachirisu, LOL... I'll be sorely pissed if it's supposed to be a squirrel.
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