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Not want to be racist but i think they shoul'd do a dark type gym, i mean, is the only type that hasn't yet got a gym, and who knows, it can give new evolutions or pre evolutions to some pokemon like absol or sharpedo

Your post become racist the instant you said you didn't to be racist. It doesn't even make sense.

on topic though, this gen's caterpie will be awesome.
So according to Pokebeach, the museum in the 2nd town in attached to the Gym (Aloe's gym). Oh look everyone, the potential Rock-type gym you keep fucking asking for...

Also, I hope not all gyms are quiz puzzles... Seems odd the first two are, I hope that doesn't mean all of them are. That would be kinda suck.

could be something like the hearthome gym in D/P, where if you answer wrong you have to fight someone.

The TM thing is cool, but also means that you still probably can't delete HM moves without going to the move deleter, otherwise there would be no difference between HMs and TMs like Dig. Though I guess they could still do that, and have no fundamental difference between the two, just call them different things. Assuming there still are HMs.
Nope. Lucario (I think, I may be thinking of a different Pokemon), Roselia/Roserade, the starters of course, Kricketot.
mmmm I want to say starly?

But no Electivire.

Well, then I guess the battle picture I have in mind was from Corocoro. Meh.

And lol Roserade, I remember when somebody posted a blurry picture of her. My first reaction was "christ isn't that Glenn Close in 101 Dalmatians". Oh boy.
I honestly don't know why it was so hard to concieve Pachirisu could have evolved into Emonga. Besides the natural progression into a flying squirrel, they share the main color white (paired with yellow cheeks) which is more of a similarity than Pikachu and Raichu can claim to share. Abilities changing wasn't a worthy argument since Gamefreak isn't exactly consistent in that regard. For the record, the only different color on Emonga and Pachirisu was the blue changing to black which isn't exactly a huge change. The only solid argument against it really is that A) it was shown to be pre-E4 anyway and B) it was shown to have any connection to Pachirisu in the pamphlet it was shown in, albeit even that isn't a solid argument at this point since Mamabou, who is clearly a Luvdisc evo, isn't shown to evolve from Luvdisc.

Just to be clear, I'm more or less convinced it isn't evolving from Pachirisu, as it is shown to appear pre-E4 at least in the demo. But just because people call evolution at everything with no reasonable basis doesn't mean everyone calls evolution has no reasonable basis for the claim.

Ariados to Dentula was inconcievable. There was literally no similarity besides being an arachnid.

How can you say that [bolded], and then claim Pachirisu could evolve into Emonga based on "natural progression"? Using some of your logic there Pichu -> Minun/Plusle should have been a perfectly viable evolutionary change considering there are only minor changes such as color swaps. They share the same main color, after all, except the accents change from black -> blue/red. "Natural progression" is also an extremely weak argument talking about Pokemon... And why would they get rid of Pachirisu's tail? It's one of it's distinct features, and there is no logic in "hurr durr lose tail gain skin flaps".

There really is no valid argument for Pachirisu -> Emonga evolution. At all. Except "they are Squirrels, they are mainly white, they have round yellow cheeks".
Well, then I guess the battle picture I have in mind was from Corocoro. Meh.

And lol Roserade, I remember when somebody posted a blurry picture of her. My first reaction was "christ isn't that Glenn Close in 101 Dalmatians". Oh boy.
It was probably from the commercial, actually. That was his very first appearance, a brief clip of him in battle in some commercial.

I think he used Thunder Punch.
Not want to be racist but i think they shoul'd do a dark type gym, i mean, is the only type that hasn't yet got a gym, and who knows, it can give new evolutions or pre evolutions to some pokemon like absol or sharpedo
Lol, that's not racist, only if you say: I don't want to be racist. But I know you're not trying to, and I want one too, with pokemon such as Umbreon and a new pokemon. @The Cicada- I actually thought it could be an evo to Armaldo, but I thought people would call me crazy, so I didn't give much thuoght to it...
How can you say that [bolded], and then claim Pachirisu could evolve into Emonga based on "natural progression"? Using some of your logic there Pichu -> Minun/Plusle should have been a perfectly viable evolutionary change considering there are only minor changes such as color swaps. They share the same main color, after all, except the accents change from black -> blue/red. "Natural progression" is also an extremely weak argument talking about Pokemon... And why would they get rid of Pachirisu's tail? It's one of it's distinct features, and there is no logic in "hurr durr lose tail gain skin flaps".

There really is no valid argument for Pachirisu -> Emonga evolution. At all. Except "they are Squirrels, they are mainly white, they have round yellow cheeks".

It wouldn't have been "natural progression" because why would Pichu, who has no apparent theme, evolve into Plusle/Minun, who have a Plus/Minus theme? Pokemon tend not to totally switch up like that. Hence why Ariados, who has a sort of ant/face-mimicing spider theme, wouldn't evolve into an electric tarantula, which is a totally unique and self-contained theme. Whereas evolution from a squirrel into a flying squirrel just makes sense, regardless of whether or not it's the case, which is unlikely at this point. I will admit "natural progression" is a weak argument, but only on the basis that it is highly subjective.

As being primarily white is one of Pachirisu's notable features as a Pikachu clone (whereas other Pikachu clones have boasted yellow as their primary coloration), as well as being a squirrel, whereas other Pikachu clones were nothing but generic rodents who don't seem to based on any particular variety of rodents, I would consider that a relatively solid connection for the archetype of Pokemon it's situated under. And more to the point, far more of a similarity than Ariados -> Dentula. I hate being grouped under that variety of idiots purely because I believed Emonga could evolve to Pachirisu for totally valid comparisons.

For the record, I'll bring up the evolution of Pikachu to Raichu again-- their tails are very different. Perhaps not to the extent Pachirisu and Emonga's tails are different, but they are still notably different. As are their ears. Which is why I don't consider details like those to be evidence against an evolution from Pachirisu to Emonga.

We should probably stop this argument now since neither of us is likely to convince the other of anything and it's sort of pointless anyway since you and I both know it is highly unlikely Emonga is a Pachirisu evolution. So get your last word in and let's be done with it.

EDIT: @ R_N: OHHH, yes, I remember that about Electivire...
How can you say that [bolded], and then claim Pachirisu could evolve into Emonga based on "natural progression"? Using some of your logic there Pichu -> Minun/Plusle should have been a perfectly viable evolutionary change considering there are only minor changes such as color swaps. They share the same main color, after all, except the accents change from black -> blue/red. "Natural progression" is also an extremely weak argument talking about Pokemon... And why would they get rid of Pachirisu's tail? It's one of it's distinct features, and there is no logic in "hurr durr lose tail gain skin flaps".

There really is no valid argument for Pachirisu -> Emonga evolution. At all. Except "they are Squirrels, they are mainly white, they have round yellow cheeks".
Actually, that's the thing--Pichu and Plusle/Minun don't share the same main body coloration, which is part of the reason I supported the idea of Pachirisu evolving into Emonga at first:
As you can see, while they have kind of similar colorations, Pichu is yellow, whereas Plusle/Minun are both more a cream color. Pachirisu and Emonga do both have the same main body color of white though (and they both also don't have any sort of markings or anything on their stomachs--hey're just pure white), in addition to having the same color cheeks and Emonga having two triangular stripes on its forehead just like Pachirisu's singular one. Of course, due to stuff like Emonga being in the demo, I don't actually think it'll turn out to be a Pachirisu evolution, but were that not the case, it's definitely quite easy to link the two, as they do share enough similarities (moreso than the non-related Electric rodents, and are more similar than Pikachu and Raichu are in terms of coloration and such and interestingly, Pikachu's tail is also one of the things that really changes about it when it evolves) to suggest some sort of relationship.
Nope. Lucario (I think, I may be thinking of a different Pokemon), Roselia/Roserade, the starters of course, Kricketot.
mmmm I want to say starly?

But no Electivire.


Pre-released pictures of Electrivire before DPPT even came out. The archived news on Serebii make no mentioning of Vire in any commercial before those pictures were leaked.
Actually, that's the thing--Pichu and Plusle/Minun don't share the same main body coloration, which is part of the reason I supported the idea of Pachirisu evolving into Emonga at first:
As you can see, while they have kind of similar colorations, Pichu is yellow, whereas Plusle/Minun are both more a cream color. Pachirisu and Emonga do both have the same main body color of white though (and they both also don't have any sort of markings or anything on their stomachs--hey're just pure white), in addition to having the same color cheeks and Emonga having two triangular stripes on its forehead just like Pachirisu's singular one. Of course, due to stuff like Emonga being in the demo, I don't actually think it'll turn out to be a Pachirisu evolution, but were that not the case, it's definitely quite easy to link the two, as they do share enough similarities (moreso than other non-related Pokemon, and are more similar than Pikachu and Raichu are in terms of coloration and such and interestingly, Pikachu's tail is also one of the things that really changes about it when it evolves) to suggest some sort of relationship.
Are we still talking about this? Ok. I can really see Pachi evolving into Emonga, I can't see why people (not you) say it will never happen. Like you stated above, Pikachu and Raichu don't share many features, and the ones they do can be linked to Pachi sharing features with Emonga. I didn't expect Plusle/Minun to evolve into Pichu, it's just not like it. Raichu and Pikachu less alike than Pachi and Emonga, so I don't see why not? (Again, not at you, at the people saying it won't happen)
Did anyone else see on Serebii's home page that Sturdy will basically act as a Focus Sash in Gen 5? If they're correct (lol we'll see) that could be incredible?! It would be like having a Focus Sash AND getting to have another item on it?!

Dear God!
Are we still talking about this? Ok. I can really see Pachi evolving into Emonga, I can't see why people (not you) say it will never happen. Like you stated above, Pikachu and Raichu don't share many features, and the ones they do can be linked to Pachi sharing features with Emonga. I didn't expect Plusle/Minun to evolve into Pichu, it's just not like it. Raichu and Pikachu less alike than Pachi and Emonga, so I don't see why not? (Again, not at you, at the people saying it won't happen)

It won't happen because Emonga was shown in the BW demo on the tour bus, and seeing as the demo is surely pre-E4, then obviously there would be no post-E4 Pokemon available (i.e. all evolutions of older Pokemon such as, logically, Mamambou, as it was in DP) except under the unlikely circumstances they decided to put them in there for some odd reason.
Are we still talking about this? Ok. I can really see Pachi evolving into Emonga, I can't see why people (not you) say it will never happen. Like you stated above, Pikachu and Raichu don't share many features, and the ones they do can be linked to Pachi sharing features with Emonga. I didn't expect Plusle/Minun to evolve into Pichu, it's just not like it. Raichu and Pikachu less alike than Pachi and Emonga, so I don't see why not? (Again, not at you, at the people saying it won't happen)

Pachirisu is a squirrel.
Emonga is a flying squirrel.
They look similar.
It may happen :D

And woah, I never noticed how UNsimilar Pikachu was from Raichu 0.o
Did anyone else see on Serebii's home page that Sturdy will basically act as a Focus Sash in Gen 5? If they're correct (lol we'll see) that could be incredible?! It would be like having a Focus Sash AND getting to have another item on it?!

Dear God!
The cool things is, several really great pokemon already get Strudy, like Skarmory, Magnezone, Forretress, Donphan, Steelix... etc.

Of course, this'll only come in handy in situations where Stealth Rock isn't in play.

Pachirisu is a squirrel.
Emonga is a flying squirrel.
They look similar.
It may happen :D

Problem is, Pachirisu has two abilities... and Emonga has just one. That isn't unprecedented for an evolution (Eevee & Sneasel come to mind), but this alone makes me believe that the likelihood for Emonga being related to Pachirisu is slim.
How can you say that [bolded], and then claim Pachirisu could evolve into Emonga based on "natural progression"? Using some of your logic there Pichu -> Minun/Plusle should have been a perfectly viable evolutionary change considering there are only minor changes such as color swaps. They share the same main color, after all, except the accents change from black -> blue/red. "Natural progression" is also an extremely weak argument talking about Pokemon... And why would they get rid of Pachirisu's tail? It's one of it's distinct features, and there is no logic in "hurr durr lose tail gain skin flaps".

There really is no valid argument for Pachirisu -> Emonga evolution. At all. Except "they are Squirrels, they are mainly white, they have round yellow cheeks".

Every time I read one of your posts you seem very worked up over someone's opinion. . . dude, this is Pokemon. Also you always enhance your arguments by quoting someone with "hurr durr" attached to the beginning or end. Just an observation.

Anyway, it's totally logical to think it's possible that Pachirisu->Emonga. I've seen a lot of fanart where Pachirisu evolves into a flying squirrel, and it makes a lot of sense. No one's pounding there fist and declaring that they know something for a fact about Emonga, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Pachirisu evo.
Pachirisu is a squirrel.
Emonga is a flying squirrel.
They look similar.
It may happen :D

And woah, I never noticed how UNsimilar Pikachu was from Raichu 0.o
That's the exact thing I'm saying xD
@PkmnTrainerMansion- Stop being negative and saying it won't happen, you never know, it's not like you're creating the game anyways. A lot of evos don't look alike, so it might happen.
I still say an evolution of Pachirisu would at least keep his fang and blue highlights.

Blue is very distinctive among electric Pokemon, and to not keep it upon evolution would be weird.
That's the exact thing I'm saying xD
@PkmnTrainerMansion- Stop being negative and saying it won't happen, you never know, it's not like you're creating the game anyways. A lot of evos don't look alike, so it might happen.

I'm not being negative, just being logical. I don't need to "create the game" to make educated guesses about what may or may not happen. And my point doesn't even revolve around not looking alike (in fact, my argument with Wishy pretty much revolved around how similar I feel Pachirisu and Emonga are among the "Electric-type rodent Pikachu clone" archetype), so I don't know why you brought that up.

@R_N: I will admit I think if they do end up being related, it would be weird that it doesn't have its fang anymore.
I keep checking the old news of any demo and I don't see any. Either way they appeared before said demo so they had to come from somewhere.
Right, presumably from CoroCoro, the official site, etc.

I'm not denying the existence of pre-release photos of Electivire. I'm just saying he wasn't in the demo since Mario with Lasers said he was. And when he replied that he had seen a battle screen with it, I figure he meant something blurry that could be confused with a demo shot, such as a commercial clip.
I keep checking the old news of any demo and I don't see any. Pokebeach doesn't keep an archive of their old news and Serebii makes no mentioned of any demo for DP so those picture had to come from somewhere.
Bulbanews mentions a demo for it:

All those pics you're posted are definitely from the official site or CoroCoro magazine, as they're much too high quality, as if they were scanned or something. Any pics from a demo would have been poor quality camera-phone pics (similar to the pictures of Wakoishi and Basurao on Serebii's front page right now), as that's the best people would have had available to take pictues with at such an event.
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