
Grass/Steel is one of the best typings in the game and probably the best in terms of switching into (bulky) waters and beating them. That said I really love Nuttre and there are very obvious sets.

Laying down Spikes:
Fantastic bulk on both sides (74/131/116) with amazing resists and it can still keep offensive momentum (94 base attack, Gyro Ball coming from something with 20 base speed = 150 base power, Explosion and Power Whip). You can switch on next to every water type and lay down your Spikes. Amazing. Leech Seed can cripple the switch-in.

Curse set:
While being walled by Heatran and the new Ghost/Fire it is a force in rain (poli). Weaker HP Fire coming from the likes of Celebi doesn't bother and Gyro Ball gets extreme levels of power (150bp). Too bad it doesn't get EQ. PS: Blaziken and Ghost/Fire won't enjoy Gyro Ball, Heatran and Skarmory wall this set.

Shed Shell is a must-have. You don't want to give the new Ghost/Fire 6CM boosts and Magnezone (w/ HP Fire) is also quite annoying. I'm quite sure Ghost/Fire is going to be very popular with Shadow Tag, not like Magnezone who is seen only casually.

It seems like Nuttre is best friends with bulky Gyarados, Tentacruel, new Water/Ghost and Fire/Ghost. They cover their weaknesses quite well. The latter two can RS block the Spikes.

Thunder Wave is meh. You won't outspeed lots of Pokémon even when they are paralyzed (hello 20 base speed). Crippling switch-ins like Blaziken, Heatran and Ghost/Fire is still nice.

Its ability is called Steel Thorns, not Iron Barbs and does damage to the opponent when hit by a physical attack (similar to Rough Skin). Anyway this is a great pokemon to set up the entry hazards with, dominating over Forretress with its greater special bulk. I am looking forward to seeing it in BL at least.
This is going to be an awesome addition to offensive and defensive teams alike. Defensive teams will appreciate Leech Seed and Thunder Wave support as well as Nuttre's higher damage output and (arguably) more useful resistances than Forretress, not to mention Nuttre's great Special Defence. Offensive teams on the other hand always love paralysis support as well as Spikes stacking, and Nuttre's typing makes it the perfect counter to Bulky Waters with Leech Seed and Power Whip to thoroughly muck them up. Thunder Wave is an absolute godsend on Nuttre. Its most common switch-ins will be Fire-types, namely Blaziken, Heatran (if it's still popular) and Shanderaa. All of these need to be hit on the switch of course, especially Shanderaa who will otherwise trap Nuttre, but throwing out Thunder Wave left and right seems like an excellent strategy for Nuttre. Blaziken in particular is crippled by Thunder Wave as it cancels out its snazzy new Speed Boost ability until Turn 5, by which time your Shanderaa is at +4 SpA/SpD behind a sub and ready to rape. Shed Shell will be a necessity for Nuttre, otherwise it's just Shanderaa bait. Whether or not Magnezone will see any play is arguable, but Nuttre is HP Fire Magnezone bait nonetheless.
New foretress anyone?? almost same def and hp base, higher spdef and attack, good typing, better ability, steel thorns ( if nuttre is touched, the opponent will receive damage) kind of like rough skin i think....
He also gets notable moves like curse, iron defense, spikes, gyro ball, leech seed, explosion, stealth rock, payback, toxic, thunderwave.
Definetly one of the best utility pokes out there. He could also work as a curser... with a couple of curses up and a -speed nature, gyro ball is going to hit pretty hard and hes gonna be able to take a few fighting attacks with its massive defense.
I think 4-moveslot syndrome is a pretty good way of saying "this pokemon is fucking versatile".

So many tricks up his sleeve it's going to be hard to predict.

And to people who say he's 'walled by fire types'.

Well, yeah, maybe special ones, but physical one's still have to suffer 37.5% damage from seeds/helmet/thorns, not to mention the fact that most of them are taking at least 12.5 from Stealth Rocks, a set with

Rugged Helmet
-Leech Seed
-Stealth Rocks

is going to be absolutely killer. Don't even try to joke around with this guy, if a bug/flying or fire/flying switched in, they'd be down to 12.5% health within seconds!

Of course he's doomed to special fire attacks but that hasn't stopped Scizor or Forretress.
I think 4-moveslot syndrome is a pretty good way of saying "this pokemon is fucking versatile".

So many tricks up his sleeve it's going to be hard to predict.

And to people who say he's 'walled by fire types'.

Well, yeah, maybe special ones, but physical one's still have to suffer 37.5% damage from seeds/helmet/thorns, not to mention the fact that most of them are taking at least 12.5 from Stealth Rocks, a set with

Rugged Helmet
-Leech Seed
-Stealth Rocks

is going to be absolutely killer. Don't even try to joke around with this guy, if a bug/flying or fire/flying switched in, they'd be down to 12.5% health within seconds!

Of course he's doomed to special fire attacks but that hasn't stopped Scizor or Forretress.
Problem is, running Rugged Helmet means you're asking to be trapped by Shanderaa and Magnezone.
Aren't you anyway?

It's not like you can escape, or counter, whether you're running rugged helmet or not. The only option is shed shell, and that's really ONLY good against those two.

I'd be willing to risk being destroyed by Magnezone and Shanderaa because either of them can easily be revenge killed, and running rugged helmet allows me a surefire way to deal 25% damage to nearly any physical force in the game, and likely force a switch, allowing me to either set up a substitute, a layer of spikes, rocks or leech seed, depending on my set. Then next time the pokemon switches in, not only has it taken 25% already, but it has to fear rocks.

A rock resistance and leech seed means he won't mind switching in and out continuously either. I'm still betting that a Burunkeru/Nuttre combo will be insanely hard to stop. Switch Nuttre in on a dragon for the 25% damage and then switch to Burunkeru to soak up fire blast/do whatever.
Oh, my, yes. I've always wanted a Grass/Steel Type, GameFreak delivered.

With those Defenses, a good support movepool, and a ton of resists, he seems Pretty good.
Power Whip could be used over the recommended Seed Bomb for those power vs accuracy people.

Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to using Nuttre. It seems too awesome.
This one seems very nice.

It's one of those pokes i love: it's a very good supporter with SR, Spikes, Thunder Wave and whatever; but it also probably does well as a offensive poke with Curse (with STAB Gyro Ball on something with base 20 speed), good attack and high defenses with lots of resists.

Also, a grass poke without Synthesis >_____>

That's new to me. Oh it would be nearly perfect with Toxic immunity... and unreliability.
I'm lovin the way it looks, lovin its resistances, lovin its movepool, not lovin free switch-ins from shandera, but that's fine. Can't believe I found a set up pokemon I like more than forry. It learning stealth rocks is also a plus.
The new Water/Ghost type Burunkeru, with 100/70/105 defenses seems like it'd make a great partner too, it's immune to fighting and it can CLEARLY laugh off special based fire attacks (probably physical too), as well as only having weaknesses in electric, dark, grass and ghost, all of which are... well nothing to Nuttre.

Now THIS I like! Perhaps the first true synergy of Gen V Pokemon so far. Given the presupposed power of weather teams this generation, having a duo that can effectively neuter Drizzle/Drought teams is huge. Of course, Sandstorm teams still pose a bit of a threat, but perhaps Altaria and its Cloud Nine ability could be thrown in the mix for a three-way anti-weather-fest.
gotta love this things support movepool. Heck it can run a gimicky Rock Polish/SD set (though likely a waste of its talents). Iron Barb/thorns is a nice bonus. Personaly I cannot wait to give him a test run.
will try this set out
Nutter@Leftovers/FIRE RESIST BERRY
Barbed Wire
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
-Leech Seed
-Stealth Rock
-Spikes/Thunder Wave
-Gyro Ball/Thunder Wave

Ideally you'd Leech Seed first, that almost guarantees a switch. Setup SR or Spikes on the switch, and switch out yourself if you're up against something you're weak against. If it's Magnezone, you can either Leech Seed or set up another layer of Spikes before going down, in either case you win since it's either 'Zone switches out to remove Leech Seed (which will damage the switch-in because of the hazards) or stays in and gets damaged by it some more.

The alternative hold item, the fire-resist berry, MIGHT actually do something in case you want to stay in an additional turn against a Fire-type. If you're using no-attack Nutter, Thunder Wave that Infernape after surviving Fire Blast.
Spikes/Leach Seed/Gyro Ball/Explosion with stealth rock support is going to be sexy.

is shoddy going to implement this stuff?
With all of these new nerfed effects such as T Wave passing through Volt Absorb, I often wonder when they will allow moves such as special based earth moves to hit fliers. You would think if the earth type attack is ground based such as Earthquake, it could hit stuff like Skarmory, or Gengar.

Then again Earthquake not hitting Gyara is questionable, but I guess things might get too complicated and specific.
I'm really loving the type-combination of Nuttre, this pokemon is ought to be a great supportive pokemon in both sandstorm stall and rain dance teams. The main idea is that his amazing walling abilities & leech seed will force a lot of switches, which will cause a lot of damage to the opponent when hazards like SR, spikes and sandstorm are up.

Nuttre @ Leftovers/Rugged Helmet/Shed Shell
Sassy / Careful Nature
- Leech Seed
- Substitute / Spikes / Stealth rock
- Spikes / Stealth Rock / Thunderwave / Toxic
- Gyro Ball / Power Whip / Explosion

He should work great in combination with top tier pokemon like Gyarados, Heatran, the new fire/ghost, Hippowdon/T-Tar, Swampert, Vaporeon and the dragons. Moveslot syndrome much though.
Woo! Now that we know Aiming Mark (or whatever it's called) doesn't work the way we thought, this guy will be a lot more useful. Let's take a moment to look at the (Gen IV) OU Pokemon he can easily combat: Aerodactyl, Bronzong, Celebi (w/out HP Fire), Empoleon, Flygon, Gliscor, Gyarados, Hippowdon, Jolteon (one of the best counters), Kingdra, Roserade (w/out HP Fire), Rotom-C, Rotom-W, Skarmory, Snorlax, Starmie, Suicune, Swampert, Tentacruel, Tyranitar, Vaporeon, Weavile, Zapdos (Lightning Rod). That's quite an impressive list.

My favorite set will probably be Leech Seed / Spikes / Power Whip / Gyro Ball. grrr @ no spikes + stealth rock parent. There are very few good Spikes users, and considering it has a very similar typing to Forretress, I wouldn't want the redundant weaknesses. In the current metagame (I know it'll be different; but just as an example) it would pair extremely well with Stealth Rock Heatran + Resttalk Roar Gyarados. Oh yeah, and how cool is this guy. Best subtyping a Grass-type could ask for, amazing support movepool, good enough attack to use Power Whip and actually counter Crocune, along with low speed for Gyro Ball abuse. Not to mention its design is pretty sweet =P.