
I think a specially defensive heavy set could with intimidate would allow for good support/walling.

evs: 252 hp / 252 sdef / 4 def or atk
-Dragon tail/roar
-High jump kick/drain punch
-bulk up/counter

Basically somewhat of a wall/support. Bulk up allows for some offense and boosting its un-ev'd defense. Dragon tail or roar for phazing. Depends if you want to be stopped by substitute, or taunt/soundproof. Counter could surprise opponents, and the low defense evs could work in your favor. High jump kick is a great offensive move, drain punch can heal. Crunch is STAB and coverage. Im thinking this set would be more suited to walling special attackers, but it can take a physical hit or two.

seems, ok.
So barring the fact that it gets a bunch of great boosting moves and DD to help with it's low speed, do you think this guy could be effective on a trick room team?
Well, you can substitute Bulk Up over DD for Trick Room, but he really doesn't hit that hard, and doesn't set up TR himself to be that good a sweeper.
65 115 is superior to the rotom forms, which means that switching in on rock, dark, ghost, and unstabbed bug moves let him switch in with impunity. I think a bulk up rest drain punch and crunch set would be very useful. He can switch in on obvious doryuzuu set ups, and he can crunch away at shandeera. He can really only be forced out by a strong choice attacker or something that packs fighting/flying moves, and those are obvious.
Here's a SubDancing build that I'd like to try soon:

-Dragon Dance
-Drain Punch

A good mix of offense and defense. Can switch in on some physical hits with Intimidate and good defenses. DD up while forcing a switch, then throw up a sub to scout/block. Leftovers and Drain Punch keep you healthy, the latter being boosted by Dragon Dance. Together with Crunch, you have perfect neutral coverage.
I didn't want to share this but this is the set for my Mono team. Personally, I still think this thing looks ugly, but it's a great addition for my team.

@ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Shed Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Nature: Careful
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Bulk Up
- Dragon Tail
Drain Punch for healing and STAB with Crunch as secondary STAB.

Bulk up for more Atk/def and Dragon tail to hit dragons SE or force switches when you dont want to deal with a heavily defensive pokemon that Drain Punch/Crunch can't kill right away without a few Bulk Ups first.
I didn't want to share this but this is the set for my Mono team. Personally, I still think this thing looks ugly, but it's a great addition for my team.

@ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Shed Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Nature: Careful
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Bulk Up
- Dragon Tail
Drain Punch for healing and STAB with Crunch as secondary STAB.

Bulk up for more Atk/def and Dragon tail to hit dragons SE or force switches when you dont want to deal with a heavily defensive pokemon that Drain Punch/Crunch can't kill right away without a few Bulk Ups first.

Lol I have the exact same set a couple posts above, except with intimidate. I figure it would be easier to set up with it, than worry about burns.
Lol I have the exact same set a couple posts above, except with intimidate. I figure it would be easier to set up with it, than worry about burns.

Oic. But I don't want to be put to sleep/poisoned or get haxed by para. I dont really care about burns because 2 Bulk Up's negates it anyway.
no point in making an argument for either ability, its all theorymoning, but the set looks like a decent set-up
no point in making an argument for either ability, its all theorymoning, but the set looks like a decent set-up

Wasn't really arguing. This set, and shed Skin, "absorbs" status, which my mono team needs. It can become a bulky sweeper if the opponent can't take it down quick enough, and it wont be stopped by toxic because of ability. That's about it, that I was worried about anyway. It's replacing my bulky custom Ev'ed support Umbreon, so it has to fill a status role of some sort.
I really can't make up my mind between Overconfidence and intimidate. I don't feel comfortable with shed shell, so for me it's a toss up between those other two. Intimidate would definately let him switch in on more things, but Overconfidence will help with dragon dance sweeping...

In fact, is he the only pokemon who gets DD and overconfidence?
He may be the only mon that gets DD + overconfidence w/o the DW, but since afaik DW abilities are tradeable, stuff like gyara and mence gets the aforementioned combo as well.
I think everyone here is grossly underestimating Zuruzukin's Tanking potential:

Zuruzukin @ Leftovers
Impish Nature
Shed Skin Ability
212 Atk / 220 Def / 76 SpD
-Bulk Up
-Hi Jump Kick / Drain Punch
-Stone Edge / Ice Punch / Dragon Tail

The plan would be to switch in on a Dark-type Attack since he 4x resists, then when they switch in another Poke either Bulk Up and use one of Zuruzukin's MANY excellent coverage moves to tank them. Stone Edge would be for Flying Types since he's weak to them, Ice Punch for Dragons, and you could even surprise your enemies with Dragon Tail. The last move would be great if you laid down SR and Spikes with Nattorei, racking up GREAT residual damage on top of 60BP Dragon Tail switch out :D

The EV spread is to live from a +1 LO Outrage from Ononokusu, or a LO Draco Meteor from Sazandora, while giving enough attack EVs to 1HKO them if SR are present.
Wouldn't intimidate be better on a tanking set? Shed skin just seems so iffy to me. It's a good ability but it's so much left to chance per turn, and I just feel the other two abilities are better.
I don't know if this has been suggested before, but a bulky set with:
- Shed Skin
- Rest
- DD
- 2 Attack moves (Crunch/Drain Punch)

Could be pretty effective I think. He has rather good defenses although a fairly low HP stat.

I think he could pull it off to DD, rest, wake up and repeat if needed...
I like the idea of dragon dance on this thing, as its speed and attack are just below useful levels, and it has natural bulk and great STAB coverage. I would definitely run dd/crunch/hi jump kick/sub...well, that's what i'd run if this wasn't the most poorly designed thing in the history of our species, that is. "Monkey with crayons" doesn't even begin to describe this atrocity, but its horrible design does seem to give it charm.

I'd go bulky, too. If it learns taunt, you could have a bulkydos thing going on with better coverage. HJK over drain punch...with stab crunch, you don't have to worry about ghosts.
TbH I thought it's design sucked at first, but now I've come to really like it. If you look at him a certain way his design stops sucking and nothing seems wrong with it.

I think it helps if you imagine him swearing and storming about complaining about how his mother was never high-class enough to marry a man who knew Dragon Dance, and being followed by a bunch of his pre-evos all trying to hold their pants up, with him whining about how useless they all are.
According to Bulbapedia, Zuruzukin is designed after "street youth sporting mohawks and wearing hoodies".

I dont think its that bad. Its bad looks are made uup for by its great stats, I would go with the DD set, running Drain Punch, Crunch,Ice Punch.

With Drain Punch, I also get recovery, thats why I am not using HJ Kick.
I bet its design is based on some rebellious japanese youths.

More or less based on thug culture/rebellious youths judging from his 'dex entries.

I've been running a super-tanky variant of him and it seems to work great when he gets to set up, but he keeps KOing himself with HJK.

Such a pain.
More or less based on thug culture/rebellious youths judging from his 'dex entries.

I've been running a super-tanky variant of him and it seems to work great when he gets to set up, but he keeps KOing himself with HJK.

Such a pain.
Equipping him with Wide Lens would be a good idea.
Equipping him with Wide Lens would be a good idea.

I've been keeping him with Leftovers since I run Bulk Up/HJK/Crunch/Dragon Tail.

It would be nice. I have a mxied blaziken with Wide Lens that has Stone Edge/Fire Blast/HJK/Cheer Up and he's been doing well too.

Cheer Up is a really hoss move, in that regard
bulk up kinda implies defending, so hjk may not be the best idea. I mean, it can smash things faster, but zuruzukin might appreciate drain punch's healing more.