Red Card

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This item suddenly makes Recycle seem viable.

If it's not "One-hit use", then I really think it'll be a little broken. Skarmory can just Roost and stall the s*** out of you. Ditto Blissey, with Wish/Protect making it even worse.

Although I don't think it'll work with Protect, since that nullifies any contact. Otherwise Rough Skin would activate through it, which it doesn't.
Don't know how it works, but... what about Ditto? You switch in on the setup, you get their boost, they attack you, and they switch out, then you're ready set up.
New moves\items\abilites:
Confirmed Red Card: one-time use item that forces the Pokemon attacking the holder to immediately switch out, unless holder is KO'd by the attack. Ingrain and Suction Cups prevent its effect. The other player is not allowed to decide what Pokemon is switched in next. (Sixonesix)
Don't know how it works, but... what about Ditto? You switch in on the setup, you get their boost, they attack you, and they switch out, then you're ready set up.
If you do that, you have to take a hit, and you can't use a Choice Scarf. Better to just use it as a revenge killer.
Don't know how it works, but... what about Ditto? You switch in on the setup, you get their boost, they attack you, and they switch out, then you're ready set up.
That's iffy. It's ~0% success when switching into and only 50% chance of success when revenging against SD/NP/DD/CU boosters (except non-Stone Edge Gyara, 100% success there), but it's definitely a solid way to get a beastly Ditto with a full moveset against Bulk Up/Calm Mind/Butterfly Dance and not have to take more than 1 boosted hit.

Basically, when any two of Bulk Roopushin, CMCune, and B Dance Ulgamoth become common OUs, this set would devastate the team running them.
I just tested red card out on my lvl 60 jaroda in the elite 4 and red card is a "one-time use item that forces the Pokemon attacking the holder to immediately switch out, unless holder is KO'd by the attack. Ingrain and Suction Cups prevent its effect. The other player is not allowed to decide what Pokemon is switched in next" ALSO does NOT work if you use protect OR substitute AND the move doesn't need to make physical contact, it just has to be a successful attack.
I've been using this item to some interesting success on a Forretress recently.

Forretress @ Red Card
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Toxic Spikes/Spikes/Stealth Rock
- Volt Change
- Gyro Ball
- Explosion

Rapid Spin could go on there too instead of Gyro Ball or Explosion, but I don't really need it on my team. Pain Split is also an interesting option I guess. The EVs are copied from the 5th gen analysis. Anyway, the interesting thing about Red Card + Volt Change is that when the opponent hits, unless they get lucky and switch to a ground type you get to switch whatever you want in. This can easily let you get in a sweeper to set up if what they get is easily forced out. Explosion has the same result, except it does a lot more damage unless the opponent gets a ghost (and obviously always works on ground types unlike Volt Change). Gyro Ball is reliable damage, and entry hazards because, I mean, that's the whole point of using Forry isn't it?

PS: It's funny switching this into U-Turns, because then they end up switching twice (U-Turn first, Red Card second). Mostly just saying this because I'm not sure if it is actually supposed to work like that, and was curious if anyone else knew.
It could certainly be used to rack up entry hazard damage. This will work especially well on choiced pokemon locked into a ghost type attack. Send in a normal type like snorlax to absorb the hit, and they'll have no choice but to switch.
It could certainly be used to rack up entry hazard damage. This will work especially well on choiced pokemon locked into a ghost type attack. Send in a normal type like snorlax to absorb the hit, and they'll have no choice but to switch.
it only works on successful attacks apparently
and in that case, why would you want to red card on your normal type when they are locked into a ghost move anyway, they will voluntarily switch every time
I see here is already suggested Curseset with this item, but it could work with Abagoora:

Solid Rock (your Abagoora should survive without sturdy)
Red Card

EV: 250 Attack, 250 Defense and rest Hp
Aqua Jet


Abagoora starts to use curse and if enemy change his pokémon to counter Abagoora just use Aqua Jet and get rid of it. U get free turn if enemy try it again.
This works really well with all walls. In a metagame with hard hitters like shanderaa and roopushin, leftovers aren't as important as redcard. Suicide entry hazard leads work really well on redcard teams, especially ones with T-Spikes. T-Spikes help you effectively badly poison every pokemon on their team. Then you can use a super powerful Evil Eye (try redcard burungeru, redcard desukan, or life orb gengar with evil eye)
I'm pretty sure red card activates when they hit a sub, so sub -> shuffle. Also, this shuffles any set up sweeper in the game when combined with sturdy (watch out for mold breaker though).
I'm pretty sure red card activates when they hit a sub, so sub -> shuffle. Also, this shuffles any set up sweeper in the game when combined with sturdy (watch out for mold breaker though).

Nope, it doesn't, iirc. I'm pretty sure you must be hit directly, not by proxy. Also, Sturdy gives me an idea.
Not what I was going for, but sounds witty.

Also, I'm not sure, I just could swear something like that has happened in one of our matches.
I'm pretty sure red card activates when they hit a sub, so sub -> shuffle. Also, this shuffles any set up sweeper in the game when combined with sturdy (watch out for mold breaker though).

I've tested that in game. The red card does not active when the holder is behind a sub.
Can't you just give this to a sweeper, switch them in on a predicted attack they resist, then set up on the forced switch. Or is it like roar where your opponent doesn't get to choose which pokemon they bring in, making the switch instantaneous?
I really only see one use for this item:

Bulky Poke@ red card
Rapid spin

take that spinblockers.

Since it's only 1 use, I would expect leftovers to be better on walls.
^Isn't that a little narrow?

The best use I see is on bulky Pokemon, getting rid of stat boosters while getting a good hit or a stat boost. Red Card Stockpile Hippowdon maybe? That should be annoying.
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