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Two scoops of DEATH
E.v. ????

-Ice Beam/Breath
-Hp ground/electric/fire
-Mirror coat

As we all know, game(troll)freak hates cool pokemon first farfetched then delibird then castform and now Baibanira.Seriously even this guys egg group sux! But onto the set;these are the only good moves this guy gets. Taunt and mirror coat is a....ok....combination(it's easy to get around) and ice + ground/electric gives good coverage. Oh gamefreak, couldn't you just put some chocolate syrup on it's head and make it ice/ground and give it earth power*sigh*
Two scoops of DEATH
E.v. ????

-Ice Beam/Breath
-Hp ground/electric/fire
-Mirror coat

As we all know, game(troll)freak hates cool pokemon first farfetched then delibird then castform and now Baibanira.Seriously even this guys egg group sux! But onto the set;these are the only good moves this guy gets. Taunt and mirror coat is a....ok....combination(it's easy to get around) and ice + ground/electric gives good coverage. Oh gamefreak, couldn't you just put some chocolate syrup on it's head and make it ice/ground and give it earth power*sigh*

naive for a fast taunt and more damage from special moves. focus sash to survive. 252 speed for a fast taunt. 252 sp. atk, more power (leftovers)
This pokemon is epic...

However, his stats combined with typing mean he might end up UU, or at least have a niche on a hail team. Steel moves are cool though
. Its looking real NU in my opinion at best UU has solid stats.

It can only dream of uu. It really sucks.

Movepool is just the beginning of its problems.

Ice is the worst defensive type in the game, together with a suckish bulk means any SE hit will take it down. Its speed is incredibly mediocre, a whole 11 base points from the benchmark (which seems to have increased this gen, what with archaeos and hihidaruma, to mention a few). Sure, breakable armor remedies it a bit, but it still sucks.

Oh right, can't switch in on anything. You gonna spend your precious free switch-ins on this thing?
It can only dream of uu. It really sucks.

Movepool is just the beginning of its problems.

Ice is the worst defensive type in the game, together with a suckish bulk means any SE hit will take it down. Its speed is incredibly mediocre, a whole 11 base points from the benchmark (which seems to have increased this gen, what with archaeos and hihidaruma, to mention a few). Sure, breakable armor remedies it a bit, but it still sucks.

Oh right, can't switch in on anything. You gonna spend your precious free switch-ins on this thing?

It can switch in on Ice Beam ofc. And weak hits without SR. 71/85/95 is above the Phione standard, so it's not terrible.

There are a lot of new pokemon weak to Ice that prolly won't make OU. Doredia, Waruvial (the croc), Kurimugan...110 SpA is pretty good. More than Infernape. Hp Electric gives coverage, Body Purge gives speed. It makes for a good pokemon let down by bad typing, but useable.

Plus, it's a fucking ice cream cone. Everyone here loves pokemon, everyone cool (pun not intended but it works) here likes ice cream. It's like a match made in heaven.

i don't no y gamefreak would make a stupid pokemon like this it looks like ice cream. but it has okay stats but is not fast enough to be ice so i think it will be nu.

WOOOOW I had no idea this pokemon looked like ice cream, can you tell me what muk is supposed to be!!!!!???? I don't care what tier this guy goes to, I'm using him. And can someone please tell me what's so wrong wth a I e cream pokemon because if piles o' sludge and roobushins ugly asses are considered"cool" then....ugh.
baibanira isn't that bad under hailstorm. C'mon, he got nice defenses (special mention to that 300+ special defense), decent speed and ACID ARMOR. with protect and substitute, this thing is a thing.
This poke reminds me of arcanine. High BST, (Arcanine has the highest BST besides legends, psuedo-legends, and pokemon with terrible abilities.) his highest base stat is 110, and overall his stats are just kind of average.

That said, Arcanine is a solid choice in UU thanks to extremespeed and useful abilities, while this pokemon... just seems kind of mediocre.
I really thought the name Chillachino would have applied better to this Pokemon. But seriously, something based off of ice cream? I demand that there's a candy-based one.
i don't see too much of a difference between this guy and furijio, only that furijio can play a more specific role as a special wall + rapid spinner because of its high (135) special defense and it gets recover and dual screens. Furijios levitate also adds to its survivability.

Baibanira gets taunt, mirror coat, explosion, and a better mixed attacking stats, but such a crappy movepool (bonus points for water pulse!).
Sorry for the bump, but I think our chilly friend here shouldn't be limited to Hail teams only:
Bainbanira@Petaya Berry (Life Orb is probably better, maybe even Wise Glasses)
Broken Armour
-Body Purge
-Hidden Power Grass/Electric
-Ice Beam
-Weather Ball

When I saw Weather Ball in its movepool, I just needed to make it a Rain Dance/Sunny Day sweeper. Yes, a lot of things are probably better (Ludicolo, Charizard, just to name a few), but come on, this is an ice cream Pokemon, we can't ignore that, can we?
Anyways, Body Purge is to raise its Speed, I gave it Broken Armour because it may survive a weak physical attack and raise its Speed even higher, and Ice Body is useless in the sun or rain anyways. Ice Beam and Weather Ball are its main moves, and HP is there for coverage...and the lack of anything better. It's only such a shame Weather Ball doesn't turn into another type in sandstorm, but oh well...
Actually Weather Ball does turn into a Rock-type 100 BP attack in Sandstorm.

Since Sun, Rain and Sand teams are very common right now, Baibanira with Weather Ball and HP Electric has guaranteed good neutral and SE coverage almost always.
Ice/Electric/Fire, Ice/Electric/Rock and Ice/Electric/Water are all excellent type combos.

With Body Purge its speed isn't bad at all after a boost either so the sweeping potential is there. Its only real drawback is the lack of safe switch-ins.

It does? Sweet! Anyways, I used to run HP Grass, but Shanderaa would come in and ruin its day...oh well, I had Poliwrath for backup.
I just wanted to point this out:
Top 6 BST pokemon of Gen 5(No (psuedo-) legends)

1. Sazandora - 600(follower to Dragonite, T-tar, metagross, salamence and garchomp)
2. Aakeosu - 567 (bad ability)
3. Urugamosu - 550
4. Daruma Hihidaruma - 540
5. Ononokusu - 540
6. BAIBANIRA - 535

you guys didnt expect that, eh?
Anyway, it still doesnt make up for its terrible typing and stat distribution
Hot Licks
Baibabira (female) @ Leftovers
-Hidden Power (Psychic)
-Ice Beam
-Substitute/Water Pulse

STAB Ice Beam usually hits harder than a Weather Ball. And most Pokemon used in Pokemon Online are actually vulnerable to Attract due to male default. Psychic is what I opted for as I tend to be Fighting weak easily.

I'd still rather use a Glaceon. But that face!

First time my friends and I saw this guy, we thought "wtf!? Ice Cream? Really?" Ice is a terrible defensive typing as we all know, and it's movepool is rather poor compared to the other pokes we know, love, and abuse the living hell out of. On a whim, I decided to check him out and learned that while he doesn't have the potential for OU (yet. Idk maybe ove tutors will give him a jump start in gray), it doesn't make him weak. His stats aren't bad and with Weather Ball, he can serve as secondary Weather sweeper with assistance from Body Purge. I guess what I'm saying is that he's not a bad ass, but he does have potential when played right, just like other pokes.
attract = horribly gimmicky.

Also, why Water Pulse/HP Psychic? O_o

If using a Baibanira the opponent will probably not be intimidated. So I added to the "novelty" by using unexpected moves. I'm not saying my previous set is good, but it "helped" a bit with some survival issues. But then I switched to the new bat, though I could have used Cute Charm female Milotic...

Bright Powder has worked decent as a hold item. And Evolution stone on the middle stage.

First time my friends and I saw this guy, we thought "wtf!? Ice Cream? Really?" Ice is a terrible defensive typing as we all know, and it's movepool is rather poor compared to the other pokes we know, love, and abuse the living hell out of. On a whim, I decided to check him out and learned that while he doesn't have the potential for OU (yet. Idk maybe ove tutors will give him a jump start in gray), it doesn't make him weak. His stats aren't bad and with Weather Ball, he can serve as secondary Weather sweeper with assistance from Body Purge. I guess what I'm saying is that he's not a bad ass, but he does have potential when played right, just like other pokes.

I'd rather use Acid Armor than Body Purge. And I agree with the opinion that this guy won't go high tier when tiering is decided as "Ice Cream" can usually take one hit and fall to the second.
But 2HKO's are common enough.

Baibanira. It's a frigid ass Pokemon. (slightly inspired by Seal Clubbers from KoL)
I run a modest Baibanira as a lead with:

Ice Beam
Flash Cannon
Hidden Power Fire

He actually works pretty well against most leads and catches switch in steel pokemon like scizor by surprise. Unfortunately, he's set up bait for shaandera. I wouldn't say he's really any good, but he's a freaking double scoop of ice cream. Of course I'm going to use him.
Due to it's ability and moveset, is it possible to use it in a similar way to Stallrein? Or is it too frail for that?
Due to it's ability and moveset, is it possible to use it in a similar way to Stallrein? Or is it too frail for that?

Too frail. Water/Ice acually has resistance. And Walrein can actually be taught something useful like Earthquake and a Rock move.

Babibanira is weak to Steel and Fighting priority and takes the STAB neutral hits from all other priority, including Ghost.

Walrein gets Stockpile.

Ice Body does not equal "stall" when Leftovers and Rest are the reliable health recovery options.

Toxic, Substitute, and Protect seem about as stall as Baibanira gets.
Walrein's much higher HP stat and some useful move options (Roar, Super Fang) are more important for stalling than any of the few perks Baibanira has to offer (neutrality to Electric and Grass and a stronger Blizzard).
I love the design (the thought of a living bowl of ice cream going into battle is fucking hilarious, like something you'd expect to see while on an acid trip), but its movepool is shit. Decent stats, but no coverage beyond HP, Water Pulse, Flash Cannon/Mirror Shot, and the sadly nerfed Explosion. Easily one of the shittiest offensive movepools I've ever seen. Has a decent array of support moves, though.
Wow, I agree with everything posted here. On my birthday too. 0_o

I tried really hard to make this do something useful on a mono Ice team, like a Body Purge sweeping set or something, but it never made it past team builder. It has no unique stat or movepool distribution and no way at all of getting past its counters. I know it doesn't even look like it can do much, but there's really no excuse for having such a ghastly movepool.

On the bright side, I'm really glad to see someone made this topic. This is one of my favorite Pokemon designs this gen, along with Meloetta, and I was beginning to fear I'd have to make this topic myself.
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