
What would happen if you used Waterlog/Submersion on a Shedinja? (changes targets type to Water)

Essentially, you've cut down it's five weaknesses to just two.

Pair him with: DW Zapdos with Lightingrod to draw in Electric Attacks and Cloud Nine Golduck with Waterlog and you have a poor man's Sturdinja.
Zapdos and Shedinja covers against grass types, Golduck has the moves and ability, and just be sure to eliminate anything that may pack a Grass move.
Claw Sharpen is the only legal attack-boosting move on a Baton Pass Shedinja. This is because both Swords Dance and Baton Pass are on Ninjask's moveset, and Shedinja is only able to learn one move from Ninjask's moveset.. Since I just trained a cartridge Shedinja the other day, I'll give a quick rundown on how it works:

Nincada leveled up!
Nincada is evolving!
Nincada evolved into Ninjask!
Ninjask is trying to learn (move)! (if at appropriate level)
Ninjask learned (move)!
*at this point, Shedinja is silently created in player's party, inheriting Ninjask's IVs, EVs, and moveset - including the newly learned move*
*game returns to overworld screen*
Newsflash: Swords Dance is also a TM. :\ Oh look, and Shedinja learns it. Either way, you shouldn't be Baton Passing with Sheddy when you can do it with Ninjask, who is soooo much better at it it's not even funny. I'd much rather have Swords Dance on Shedinja than Baton Pass. The last slot I always use on Shedinja is either Wisp or Toxic, or occasionally something like Grudge.

What would happen if you used Waterlog/Submersion on a Shedinja? (changes targets type to Water)

Essentially, you've cut down it's five weaknesses to just two.

Pair him with: DW Zapdos with Lightingrod to draw in Electric Attacks and Cloud Nine Golduck with Waterlog and you have a poor man's Sturdinja.
Zapdos and Shedinja covers against grass types, Golduck has the moves and ability, and just be sure to eliminate anything that may pack a Grass move.
That's actually not a bad idea at all for Triples and stuff. :O
Newsflash: Swords Dance is also a TM. :\ Oh look, and Shedinja learns it. Either way, you shouldn't be Baton Passing with Sheddy when you can do it with Ninjask, who is soooo much better at it it's not even funny. I'd much rather have Swords Dance on Shedinja than Baton Pass. The last slot I always use on Shedinja is either Wisp or Toxic, or occasionally something like Grudge.

Newsflash: Shedinja doesn't learn Swords Dance by TM. I don't know where you're looking, but nowhere does it say that Shedinja learns Swords Dance by TM. The only way he learns it is upon evolution.
Since Shedinja has no worthwhile physical moves with less than 100% accuracy (iirc), then just treat Claw Sharpen as Howl with the bonus effect of hitting Sand Veil Pokemon more easily.
....right.... so it doesn't get Swords Dance TM. (I didn't look, becauase I'm lazy. But...) Regardless, Swords Dance from Ninjask is much more worthwhile to have on Shedinja than Baton Pass is. :\ The only Pokemon that should really be Baton Passing Claw Sharpen is Aianto, and as mentioned, Baton Passing with Sheddy is waaay too easily stopped by faster Taunts and SE moves-- of which there are a lot. Not to mention damaging weather effects and hazards, which just instantly KO it even if it carries Sash.
Sturdy/Waterlogged Shedinja are his only real improvements this gen, and those only work in double/triple battles. And even then, it's still very conditional. No poison, sandstorm, LC, Mold Breaker, etc. A good gimmick, but not competitively practical.

For 1v1, he's still in NU.
Since Shedinja has no worthwhile physical moves with less than 100% accuracy (iirc), then just treat Claw Sharpen as Howl with the bonus effect of hitting Sand Veil Pokemon more easily.
I dunno about you, but if a sandstorm was going (needed for Sand Veil to work) I wouldn't send Shedinja out.
Although Sheddy got a couple of new gimmicks, it's still where it always has been in the past...a gimmick or a very situational pokemon, at best.

It's fun to use him, though- just a liability on an overwhelming amount of teams, especially OU. Him on a sun or rain team could be cool, though, to get rid of damaging weather.
Though I haven't tried it yet, I've been thinking of pairing Shedinja with a Zoroark. They share no weaknesses, and leading with a SubZoroark to lure in and beat their counter (unless their lead has a fire/flying/rock/ghost/dark attack) can make it a lot easier to finish the game with an invincible Shedinja.
Shedinja @life orb/flame orb/toxic orb
252hp/252 def/4spdef Bold
Life gamble(or death gambit, whatever the translation is)
Double Edge

best set imo.

edit:added some other item choices
I don't really get why your running Claw Sharpen over Swords Dance in that one set because none of the moves have less then perfect accuracy. Also even if one did IMO Swords Dance is nearly always better.
Shedinja @life orb
252hp/252 def/4spdef Bold
Life gamble(or death gambit, whatever the translation is)
Double Edge

best set imo.
No. That set is just terrible. And for a few good reasons:
-Sandstorm kills Shedinja after 1 turn that it's been out.
-Life Gamble takes only 1 HP from the opponent when Shedinja uses it
-Double Edge and Life Orb recoil kill Shedinja as well.
-Rest and Substitute are useless on Shedinja. So is Troll
-Bold is a bad nature on Shedinja; it's pointless to take advantage of defenses if it's got only 1 HP. Adamant is the way to go.
-It's pointless to invest in HP or defenses if Shedinja has only 1 of it. The only places where EVs can be put viably on Shedinja is on Attack and Speed.

@SkullCandy: While Shedinja can learn Swords Dance and Baton Pass, it can't have both at the same time. Claw Sharpen gives it a reason to use Baton Pass; some Pokemon that rely on strong, but inaccurate moves, can benefit from the accuracy boost.
Shedinja @life orb
252hp/252 def/4spdef Bold
Life gamble(or death gambit, whatever the translation is)
Double Edge

best set imo.

I really advise using troll at the 4th move slot since now you are hitting from both sides of the spectrum and a 60BP move coming from a blistering 30 base SpA is really threatening as it has the power to 3HKO Kakuna (standart 0/0 HP/SDef with hindering nature since Kakuna is usually a Harden Sweeper)wich is one of the most defensive pokemon in the troll tier.

Sandstorm isn't completly useless, because while Normal/Normal Coverage is great it misses out on enemys shedinja and deals a fair 6% damage to every other ghost.

Life Gamble is great to take out all those nasty focus sash/Sturdy Pokemon that resist Sand Storm or if you just can't afford having Sand Storm on (because you don't want to cancle your magikarps lefties or to not stack the residual damage for your LO Lovedisc) .

Rest is a great option to avoid status like Burn or Toxic wich often kills you sadly it comes at the cost of not being able to do anything, but what could your opponent do? Switch? Set-Up? No, the divine terror of Shedinjas pure presence on the battle field will prevent your opponent doing this.

Double Edge is a great Option to hit even Defensive mosters like Carvanha or Pikachu for an OHKO (and you doesn't have to care about Carvanhas Rough Skin or pikachus Static because you simply die while killing them). Another great thing about Double Edge is that you don't have to care about the recoil, because Shedinja will only lose 1 HP everytime it uses it and it doesn't even take LO recoil!!! Take that game mechanics.

Overall Shedinja is a great team mate for all Sand Storm/Hail Teams that have too much space left and need something to death fodder and absorb Status, no longer thinking about who should take that incoming burn or what to send in after ScarfTars Pursuit just lean back and watch Shedinja dieing to SR, because you forgot to spin rocks away in before.
No. That set is just terrible. And for a few good reasons:
-Sandstorm kills Shedinja after 1 turn that it's been out.
-Life Gamble takes only 1 HP from the opponent when Shedinja uses it
-Double Edge and Life Orb recoil kill Shedinja as well.
-Rest and Substitute are useless on Shedinja. So is Troll
-Bold is a bad nature on Shedinja; it's pointless to take advantage of defenses if it's got only 1 HP. Adamant is the way to go.
-It's pointless to invest in HP or defenses if Shedinja has only 1 of it. The only places where EVs can be put viably on Shedinja is on Attack and Speed.

@SkullCandy: While Shedinja can learn Swords Dance and Baton Pass, it can't have both at the same time. Claw Sharpen gives it a reason to use Baton Pass; some Pokemon that rely on strong, but inaccurate moves, can benefit from the accuracy boost.
I disagree, I think it's pretty much the best set of all time. I agree that Troll is the best option on the last slot, but you can't overlook the possiblity of Claw Sharpen giving you an even-further supplement to your uselessness. =D
Hahahaha I just laughed for a good two minutes, especially at the reactions. Very well done, jchen. Made my afternoon.

And I love the idea of using Zoroark as a test to see what switches in. I'm sorry for the lame question, but Zoroark doesn't copy ability and stats, right?
Lmao at the Troll Set. Sadly, it's only going to be a matter of minutes until a mod deletes all the troll posts.
Do you think zoroak can hide behind sheddy successfully?

I'm going to say no, because after reading this thread i've used Fighting/Bug moves on every Shedinja lead I see - they are always Zoroark. It's just a shame they always pack Sash.

However, I have had trouble with those Shedinjas. When they work out only one of your pokemon can kill it, they start switching like crazy and wearing you down.
Since Shedinja has no worthwhile physical moves with less than 100% accuracy (iirc), then just treat Claw Sharpen as Howl with the bonus effect of hitting Sand Veil Pokemon more easily.

Not even that because Shedinja dies the moment someone sets up sandstorm in order to activate Sand Veil.