
A Torterra? Torterra?! In OU!?!? Wtf is going on in the world?!

Im not angry with this but the fact that this passage literally refer to me hurts like hell and make me want to laugh as hard as possible, lolz

I havent seen torterra selling point in gen 5 even with DW ability though. So yeah this "guy who use torterra in OU" havent got an idea yet

Still think RP is his best shot, a defensive mon with so many common weaknesses is always kinda meh to me, although physically defensive ones are still fairly decent and can take a fair bit of abuse, although sand is not kind to it though(synthesis).

Probably another gen of UU for Torterra, he basically has the same problems he did last gen in OU.

Im not angry with this but the fact that this passage literally refer to me hurts like hell and make me want to laugh as hard as possible, lolz

I havent seen torterra selling point in gen 5 even with DW ability though. So yeah this "guy who use torterra in OU" havent got an idea yet

I didn't know it was you, I got it off a friend's signature. Sorry about that.
I didn't know it was you, I got it off a friend's signature. Sorry about that.

well kay then FYI that sig is taken from my warstory in which is used scarf torterra in OU (with double edge) and getting 3 KO but is bashed for using gimmicks just to be original not for good reason(im using it for Rotom counter though)
Shell Break would be nice, but it still would have problems with Skarmory, other Grass-types, and Bronzong (amongst other things). Rock Head would have been amazing for Wood Hammer, imagine Shell Break + Rock Head Wood Hammer D:. But it's pointless to discuss these things that aren't real.

Torterra @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Impish
EV: 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 SpD
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
- Synthesis
- Stealth Rock

394/280/261 defenses are pretty nice. In the sun it gains a resistance to Water and Synthesis becomes a viable form of recovery. It's unique for sun teams because it provides crucial resistances to Ground and Rock, while also being able to switch into Tyranitar and Hippowdon. I used to be running Swampert with EQ/SR/Roar/Ice Beam, but Torterra has a few worthwhile advantages. First of all, it resists Ground and has access to Synthesis. Secondly, it has a lot more physical bulk than Swampert (95/105 defense vs. 100/90; 394/339 vs. 404/306 when fully invested). This allows Torterra to invest in special defense while retaining good physical bulk. Swampert can never reach the overall defense of Torterra. Torterra wasn't surviving powerful Fire attacks anyway (Hihidaruma CB Flare Blitz, Heatran Fire Blast, etc) so the sun doesn't hurt it too much in that respect. Access to Stealth Rock is nice on a sun team, so it's a necessity. I run this alongside Flash Fire Heatran and it works quite well. In the sun Torterra can counter stuff like Gyarados, resisting Waterfall, Stone Edge, and Earthquake, which is cool :D.
Torterra is pretty much the same this time around. In my opinion, the only thing holding him back is that crippling 4X ice weakness combined with such a terrible speed. However, he's still pretty awesome and shoulnt be conpletely disregarded. He deserves more love IMO.
Grass/Ground has some nice resistances, especially the resistance toward rock. It's physical bulk and ability to use Leech Seed help it greatly, allowing it to switch in on high HP threats and sap away. It's speed let's it come in on things like Roopushin and toss out Reflect and/or Leech Seed while shrugging off weaker priority. Though if you switch on Roop, you have to be prepared for it to just spam Bulk Up, so Leech Seed should be a priority.

Also is Torterra OHKO'd by +2 Doryuzuu's Return/X-Scissor? Torterra does resist ground/rock (which are wonderful resistances for any defensive Pokemon), but with the popularity of Balloon Dory, it doesn't seem like Torterra will be doing much to it regardless.
Grass/Ground has some nice resistances, especially the resistance toward rock. It's physical bulk and ability to use Leech Seed help it greatly, allowing it to switch in on high HP threats and sap away. It's speed let's it come in on things like Roopushin and toss out Reflect and/or Leech Seed while shrugging off weaker priority. Though if you switch on Roop, you have to be prepared for it to just spam Bulk Up, so Leech Seed should be a priority.

Also is Torterra OHKO'd by +2 Doryuzuu's Return/X-Scissor? Torterra does resist ground/rock (which are wonderful resistances for any defensive Pokemon), but with the popularity of Balloon Dory, it doesn't seem like Torterra will be doing much to it regardless.

Unfortunately, you'll have to kill yourself to take out Balloon Doryuuzu with Wood Hammer. 212 HP / 120 Atk / 176 Def; Adamant can always survive Jolly +2 X-Scissor with Stealth Rock and OHKO back with Overgrow Wood Hammer. If Doryuuzu is Adamant it takes 83.3% - 98.4% from +2 X-Scissor. In general, it's not a very good idea, but Torterra can still do it.
"The Grass-Type That Eats Seaking For Breakfast"
Torterra @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
Nature: Impish / Careful
EV Spread: 252 HP, 252 SpDef, 4 Def/Spe
1. Leech Seed [Grass] / Rock Polish [Rock] / Stealth Rock [Rock]
2. Seed Bomb [Grass] / Wood Hammer [Grass]
3. Earthquake [Ground]
4. Rock Slide [Rock] / Roar [Normal]

Torterra with Shell Armor and Stealth Rocks is impossible since the latter is no longer a TM.
Also, I feel like people are focusing too much on Torterra's devensive capability. Yes, its new Dream World ability makes it more inclined toward defense, but Torterra still has good Attack, a great movepool and the ability to boost both its Attack and Speed, so offensive sets should not be forgotten.
Torterra with Shell Armor and Stealth Rocks is impossible since the latter is no longer a TM.
Also, I feel like people are focusing too much on Torterra's devensive capability. Yes, its new Dream World ability makes it more inclined toward defense, but Torterra still has good Attack, a great movepool and the ability to boost both its Attack and Speed, so offensive sets should not be forgotten.

Rock Polish is certainly threatening, but it depends on what your team needs. Most teams would rather have other sweepers that don't require as much support; Torterra needs opposing Grass-types, Skarmory, Bronzong, Ice Sharders, and a lot of Choice Scarf Pokemon eliminated before attempting a sweep.
Since Growth now boosts both of Torterra's offensive stats one stage each (2 stages in Sunny Day), I couldn't help but make a Growth set for it:
-Grass Knot/Energy Ball
-Stone Edge
Nature: Quiet/Rash
EVs: 40 Atk/252 SpA/216 Spe (if Rash) or 216 HP/40 Atk/252 SpA
Item: Leftovers

This set could border on "novelty," but I at least tried to come up with a set for it.
Torterra isn't really fast enough to take advantage of Growth. It's reasonably bulky, but its 4x weakness to Ice cripples it from abusing it. Running Rock Polish alongside means it's restricted to 2 attacks, and it really does need the Grass/Rock/Ground coverage, as a lot of things can wall it if just one of them is removed.

Remove Wood Hammer: Swampert/Gastrodon, Slowbro, other Torterra. Gliscor also becomes more difficult to deal with since Wood Hammer is so much stronger than Stone Edge.
Remove Stone Edge: Skarmory walls you 6 ways to Sunday. Dragonite/Salamence can easily switch in, too.
Remove Earthquake: Heatran is the main culprit. It's actually the easiest move to remove, but Stone Edge generally can't keep up with damage if the opponent resists Wood Hammer (which is quite often).

That said, Torterra can't really make too much of a scratch. Bronzong still walls it unless it gets Superpower.
to be serious skarm would wall you even if you had stone edge, its just doesnt do enough damage without LO and SD, and SD torterra is not exactly a reliable sweeper. i would rather stick with a CB set, thanks to his new ability he can switch into moves without fearing a crit and spam CB wood hammer all day(or until his hp run out).

edit: man, i wish he had gotten mold breaker instead of only for the rotoms and bronzong.
DAmn, Torterra realy is in a bad spot right now....not fast enough to be a sweeper and too many weaknesses to be a reliable tank.

However a sunny day sweeper set does sound good if he does get Shell Smash someday.
I'd just like to point out that to this point gamefreak has kept shell break away from anything that would die from using it...
I perdict he'll see some action in RU once Yanmega gets banned.
How does Torterra fare in doubles? Its got Earthquake and Rock Slide along with Trick Room's viability going on for it there. Is that enough, or is the 4x Ice weakness still too much?

I'd just like to point out that to this point gamefreak has kept shell break away from anything that would die from using it...
I perdict he'll see some action in RU once Yanmega gets banned.

Shellder and Clamperl
^Torterra has to competd with blizzard spam in doubles. Especially with tr.



Growth Polish mixed torterra.
It's kind of like a double dance set. You'll use whichever is appropriate at the end of the day. Unlike faster pokemon, torterra probably won't be able to get away without using rock polish.
Such a sad poke...grass ground is a unique typing, resists and rock and ground combo, but that damn ice weakness...turtwig was always my fav starter. I saw him in UU a bit last gen how is he doing now?