The greatest moment of your life

Academically: probably either my piano teacher telling me i was the most gifted student she ever taught (got 150/150 on grade 8), or getting 100 on every Maths module I sat.

Recreationally: have to be winning the English school's 200m by half a second earlier this summer, despite "qualifying" 3rd.

Socially: Sitting with my -ex on the beach in the sunset. Sex is never as nostalgic as those romantic moments~
The greatest moment of my life? That 1 frontier symbol that I have. It was with a Trick Room team that I threw together the night before (gg RZ). But if you wanted a more serious answer, probably when I won my 5th grade spelling bee. I beat everyone. Also, on an AP Chem test that 50% of the class failed, I scored a 101%.
I got top 8 in one of the Earlier Smogon Wi-Fi Tournaments. That was probably the greatest moment ever.

Wow. I just realized, the best I've managed to do in 21 years was get top 8 in a pokemon game =(
Social: Meeting my best friend for the first time in one and a half years

Fun Time: Beating my friend on Fifa 10 Online, and he was really good

Academic: Scoring the best marks in a Mathematics Accelrated course

Sport: Losing 1-0 in the best soccer match I have ever played, saving more than 10 hard to reach goals.
This past august was a cool time, made a bunch of new friends and we all just chilled everyday for the rest of summer because we knew everyone was gonna go their separate ways.
I don't have one "best moment as I have had some great moments in my life. Heck even walking along a beach chatting to my girlfriend is nice.

My most satisfying moment was a few years ago. me and my friend were in a chess tournament representing our school. Since the school had to have a team I was captain and my friend got upset since he thought he was better (we were pretty even but I had finished higher up on the schools ladder system.) Anyway I found out he had decided to create his own team behind my back. Our teams met in the tournament and me and my friend had the deciding match. With all the pressure on I managed to win and pretty much proved that deserved to lead.

I was pretty happy
I think i have more than one moment. Let's see:

Happiest moments: when i had a trip to my hometown once. Freaking awesome days i had.
Nowadyas life sucks (lol), but i do like being alone, staring at the skies at night while thinking about life and just being all innocent lol. Whenever i do this i feel... renewed.

Too bad i don't have anyone to share this for now (and i don't want to share such moment with a strong, sweaty male friend on my side that's for sure lol). Oh well...

I don't think i have something to be proud of though. Oh look, i'm number 2 on Dream World Ranking!!!! Great shit huh... [/sarcasm].
when i got my first ac130 in mw2 i was sooo fucking happy it was ridiculous. probably others but thats the biggest one. also my 21 kill streak i had on afghan with my m21 ebr was a really proud moment.

getting into college was also a really big deal for me.
For me it would be winning a writing contest in my school and the winner got to bring a friend to eat pizza with the school newspaper. I was the only one to enter but I was still proud and happy with myself.
I can't even rank them anymore, but I have a few (from most recent backwards):

First kiss (surprised more people have listed this one)
Solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded
Winning a game of Pandemic with 7 Virulent Strain epidemics and Mutations (if you've played you know what I'm talking about)
Playing on the varsity baseball team freshman year in the state playoffs
For me it would be winning a writing contest in my school and the winner got to bring a friend to eat pizza with the school newspaper. I was the only one to enter but I was still proud and happy with myself.

Seriously? That's the highlight of your entire life?

The greatest moment of my life was probably winning a robotics regional competition in terms of happiness and months of hard work paying off. The most important and as a whole positive moment was being expelled from high school.
Having a video game define the greatest moment of your life is kinda sad..? Just sayin.

For me it's either getting into my University of choice with basically no fees due to a hefty scholarship or a week long tramp through snow topped mountain range in the South Island. Pretty surreal experience and the wildlife was fucking insane. Once in a lifetime experience.
Winning a game of Pandemic with 7 Virulent Strain epidemics and Mutations (if you've played you know what I'm talking about)

This rules. I've played some pandemic and that's pretty ridiculous. If you're with a good group of friends i can completely see how this would make a great memory.

Having a video game define the greatest moment of your life is kinda sad..? Just sayin.

If you won like an MLG Halo tournament for 50,000 dollars would that still be sad? Just sayin'.
One of the greatest moments of my life would probably be playing Pokemon r/b and later g/s for the first time when I was a little kid.

Also making love to a beautiful womans for the first time.

Sounds like a pretty sad list of favorite things, these are the only things that really stand out to me though as one of my favorite things.
well whenever i get high it's a pretty good moment. so i'd say i'm having the best time of my life 5 days a week.

As someone who doesn't remember the last time he didn't get high, I have to say this is a pretty depressing statement. Go do something with your life. :I

I have to say, whenever I go to a concert I have a pretty great time.

But I think the best night of my life was probably the DECENTRALIZED DANCE PARTY, I know that sounds silly, but it was so much fun and I think it really changed me for the better. I'm more motivated I guess, but I get bored alot easier haha u__u
Pokémon National Championships 2010. That entire weekend was the best moment of my life :O
Dancing with a girl for the first time this summer.

Amazing person too, shame I hardly got to know her. Meh.

After that, placing in a nationwide competition and getting free stuff for it.
My greatest moment would have to be yugioh related too. I guess my greatest would be getting my first invite to Nats, as that was pretty cool. Too bad I quit yugioh a year ago due to how at the time, having 3 Il Blud($200 a card X_X) was necessary and you couldn't win without it. When I last checked Metagame, the game is all about OTK's and the cards needed are way to expensive. Oh well, yugioh was good back in the day. i have a lot of good memories. Also, where did you play yugioh? I live in NJ and played in tournament all over the area, so I might have played you once if you live somewhere close to NJ(Not very likely, lol). If you ever checked the Upperdeck rankings before I quit, I was around 6th in the state.
2 years later changing mine to:
Pokémon National Championships 2010. That entire weekend was the best moment of my life :O
Pokemon WORLD championships 2010. That entire weekend was the best moment of my life :O

one upped danny boy :p
Ok you people are likely to think my life is a shell but the greatest moment in my life is probably getting Pokemon Statium for my Birthday. I really wanted that game. When I actually got it I was literally jumping off the walls.