
It's uh...grass/psychic. Not ground/steel lol.
Another thing, you have sub-sitrus twice.

Anyways, for Chesto Rest, here's a set:


Exeggutor @ Chesto Berry
252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 4 SPE
~Swords Dance
~Seed Bomb/Wood Hammer
~Sleep Powder

Simply sleep the opponent, swords dance, swords dance, rest, then one more swords dance. GG.

Lum is preferable over Chesto always, and this is completely walled by herbivores / Nattorei
It's uh...grass/psychic. Not ground/steel lol.
Another thing, you have sub-sitrus twice.

Anyways, for Chesto Rest, here's a set:


Exeggutor @ Chesto Berry
252 HP/ 252 ATK/ 4 SPE
~Swords Dance
~Seed Bomb/Wood Hammer
~Sleep Powder

Simply sleep the opponent, swords dance, swords dance, rest, then one more swords dance. GG.
Bold lowers your Atk. Impish is better for this prupose

Anyway, I have a gimmicky and unorthodox set that may prove useful:

@Enigma Berry
Bold Nature
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP/156 Def/100 Sp.Atk

~ Psycho Shock
~ Grass Knot
~ HP Fire/HP Fighting
~ Substitute

A quite simple Sub + 3 attacks. But with one surprise: Now you're not hit by a Ghost, Bug, Fire, Poison, Dark, Ice or Flying-type moves because of Enigma Berry, that turns the SE hits in a 25% recovery on Eggy. First use Substitute. Then attack until the foe attacks you with something that can OHKO you without being super-effective.
How you're forgetting the miraculous Enigma Berry? This thing recovers Eggy's health by 25% if hit by a SE attack. Pretty potent.
Good god this would be amazing, only problem is we have no way of currently obtaining an Enigma berry in Gen 5 I believe. Since berries are completely managed by the dream world this gen they'll probably keep Enigma as a event. Furthermore I seem to recall you'd still take the normal damage of the SE attack before the berry kicks in so you'd need to survive still.
Wow, Eggy is making Incinerate look like a necessity.

What's that Ability that makes you unable to use berries? That's also good.

I tested Exeggutor and it's pretty hilarious to be honest, I used a physically defensive one with Sub / Leech Seed / Psychic / Sleep Powder @ Sitrus Berry and while it's not the most reliable set it's pretty fun to use. Kudos to whoever thought it up haha. Looking through the list of berries, it seems most of the ideas have already been brought up. Enigma, type-resist and custap can all be useful.
Apart from a bad physical move pool a cursing exxecgcutor could be really good with harvest

Careful Nature
252 Spc Defense
129 Attack
129 Hp

Seed Bomb/ Wood Hammer
Zen Headbutt (4th gen move but most likely breedable), Natural Gift

MAx Special Defense because curse will obviously help his defense. Treat this like a normal curse/rest set and just curse untill you get into a dangerous amount of health then rest off the damage. The reason this guy beats other curse resters is harvest. Other resters typically use chesto berry to make sure no other status steals its one turn sleep wake up. Eggy wont have that problem because since the lum berry will keep regenerating if he gets poisioned or burnt it will go away immedeatly. I tested this set out against some uber noob and he was getting furious that his darkrai couldn't put me to sleep hahaha. Seed bomb is prefered because recoil hurts defensive pokemon. Zen headbutt is only obtainable through 4th gen but since dream world abillities are breedable i assume you could legally get it. If not natural gift is gimmicky and i dont know what type lum berry is but its worth a shot. Return could also be used if you dont like those 2 options
Needs Natural Gift over Zen Headbutt. Someone said Natural Gift is EQ in a Wi-fi battle, and Grass/Psychic has terrible coverage. Grass/Ground and Grass/Normal make Venusaur's SD set tick.

I was going to post a cool set, but I realized Eggy can't get Chlorophyll and Harvest on the same pokemon. :/

EDIT: Yes that.
nature power is eq not natural gift
natural gift changes types based on the berry your holding but if earthquake is in fact the wifi room attack for nature power that will give exxegcutor an even bigger boost
The only problem I see with running any kind of Harvest set is the addition of Tension to Gen V. Let's do a rundown of all the pokes that have Tension (DW or otherwise):

  1. Denchura (the only Poke in Gen V that gets Tension outside of DW): Faster than Eggy and comes with STAB on Bug moves (Bug Buzz in particular)
  2. Houndoom (DW): Almost completely walls Eggy for the most part while being faster, and likely won't let Eggy get off a Nature Power EQ/
  3. Tyranitar (DW): Do I really need to say it?
  4. Ononokusu (DW): An absolute beast of the new dragons getting added in Gen V, and plenty faster than Eggy.
  5. Mewtwo (DW): Yeah... 'nuff said. However it is technically in Ubers
  6. Ursaring (DW): Just as slow as Eggy, but also has a decent enough bulk (relatively speaking) to possibly take a hit and OHKO back with either STAB Little by Little or SE Night Slash
  7. Aerodactyl (DW): Fast, strong, and has STAB Flying to smack Eggy around.
The only other two Pokemon with Tension are Arbok and Persian, which kind of suck anyway.

The other problem I see with Harvest is that (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) Incinerate bypasses Harvest's effect.
The other problem I see with Harvest is that (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) Incinerate bypasses Harvest's effect.
I wouldn't worry about this a great deal. :0 I think it's a safe bet to say that next to nothing, if not outright nothing, is going to be using Incinerate.
The thing is that the only Pokemon out of those you mentioned that would use Tension instead of their other ability are Aerodactyl and Mewtwo at most, the first one being a common suicide lead, and the other one most likely will be Uber.

So, unless Exeggutor becomes a huge threat, expect no one to use Tension to counter it.
Tension is inferior to the other abilities that all of those Pokemon have, so Tension nullifying Harvest is kind of irrelevant. The main issue is speed and lack of resistances, making the rest+infinite Lum Berry set only marginally useful. The infinite Custap Berry set is kind of gimmicky but could work for late game sweeping. As far as being walled by Nattorei goes, it's pretty obvious that Exeggutor will not be ascending to OU in B/W, and Nattorei is poised to be one of the most overused Pokemon in the tier. In UU he'll still have troubles with the usual walls like Registeel, although being somewhat physically bulky and now immune to Thunder Wave (with Lum Harvest) could help him deal with that.
Well, Persian could always run it over Limber if it has no use for Technician. :0 I have to point out that lead Aerodactyl rarely will rarely run Flying STAB, unless Focus Sash can activate Acrobat or something.
How about...

Exeggutor@Chesto Berry
Swords Dance
Seed Bomb/Wood Hammer
Natural Gift

This is a pretty cool set, in my opinion. Swords Dance as many times as possible, Rest to come back to full health. The two attacking moves have decent coverage with Natural Gift being a 60 power Water type move.
I'm mostly sad that Harvest is illegal with Gen 4 move tutor otherwise this would be a viable set.

Exeggutor@Custap Berry
-Low Kick
-Zen Headbutt
-Stun Spore/Sleep Powder
-Giga Drain
  1. Denchura (the only Poke in Gen V that gets Tension outside of DW): Faster than Eggy and comes with STAB on Bug moves (Bug Buzz in particular) No one use tension on him. Compound eye+STAB Thunder outclass it.
  2. Tyranitar (DW): Do I really need to say it? Most people stick with sand stream except use him on sun/rain team.
  3. Ononokusu (DW): An absolute beast of the new dragons getting added in Gen V, and plenty faster than Eggy. Mole Breaker is far better.
  4. Mewtwo (DW): Yeah... 'nuff said. However it is technically in Ubers Did you think this god will appear on lower tier....No way.
  5. Ursaring (DW): Just as slow as Eggy, but also has a decent enough bulk (relatively speaking) to possibly take a hit and OHKO back with either STAB Little by Little or SE Night Slash No Comment, I'm not have EXP on this guy
  6. Aerodactyl (DW): Fast, strong, and has STAB Flying to smack Eggy around. Well, this guy should problem. But AFAIK I mostly not see him use Flying STAB move.
I had to forfeit when somebody BPed an Eggy Rock Polish and Ingrain. It then proceeded to PP Stall me with unlimited Leppa and Sub/Protect.
Log of me doing it:

Battle between Qualdrion and Dr. Robotnik started!

Tier: Dream World
Variation: +20, -11
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause

Dr. Robotnik sent out AFRO BUFFALO! (Baffuron)
Qualdrion sent out Smeargle!

Start of turn 1
Dr. Robotnik called AFRO BUFFALO back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out Pumba! (Enbuoo)

Smeargle used Rock Polish!
Smeargle's Speed sharply rose!

Start of turn 2
Smeargle used Aqua Ring!
Smeargle surrounded itself with a veil of water!

The foe's Pumba used Hammer Arm!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Smeargle lost 313 HP! (99% of its health)
Smeargle hung on using its focus sash!
The foe's Pumba's Speed fell!

Aquaring restored Smeargle's HP.

Start of turn 3
Smeargle used Baton Pass!
Qualdrion called Smeargle back!
Qualdrion sent out Vaporeon!

The foe's Pumba used Earthquake!
Vaporeon lost 131 HP! (28% of its health)

Aquaring restored Vaporeon's HP.
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4
Dr. Robotnik called Pumba back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out AFRO BUFFALO! (Baffuron)

Vaporeon used Baton Pass!
Qualdrion called Vaporeon back!
Qualdrion sent out Exeggutor!

Start of turn 5
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO's Attack sharply rose!

Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 6
Exeggutor used Ingrain!
Exeggutor planted its roots!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO's Attack sharply rose!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 7
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 8
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO's Attack sharply rose!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 11
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 15
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 16
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 17
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 18
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 19
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 20
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 21
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 23
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 25
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 26
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 27
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 28
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 29
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 30
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 32
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 33
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Substitute's PPs are restored!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 34
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 35
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 36
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 37
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Start of turn 38
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Start of turn 39
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 40
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Protect's PPs are restored!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 41
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 42
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 43
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 44
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 45
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: This will take a while

Start of turn 46
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: I hope you have popcorn

Start of turn 47
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Dr. Robotnik: how much pp does sub/protect have o_O

Start of turn 48
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: Infinite thanks to leppa berry + harvest

Start of turn 49
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Dr. Robotnik: :S

Start of turn 50
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: And I regen as much hp as I use and I cant be phazed thanks to ingrain

Start of turn 51
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 52
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Substitute's PPs are restored!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 53
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: So ill just PPstall your entire team

Start of turn 54
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Dr. Robotnik: i see.....
Qualdrion: Or until you ragequit lol :P
Qualdrion: either works :P
Dr. Robotnik: i WANT to soo badly
Dr. Robotnik: but my inner "don't do it" says no

Start of turn 55
Dr. Robotnik called AFRO BUFFALO back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out Power Ranger! (Kirikizan)

Exeggutor used Protect!
But it failed!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 56
The foe's Power Ranger used Sucker Punch!
But it failed!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Qualdrion: fair enough :)

Start of turn 57
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 58
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 59
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 60
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Qualdrion: lol

Start of turn 61
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
A critical hit!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Start of turn 62
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 63
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 64
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The attack of Exeggutor missed!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 65
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 66
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Protect's PPs are restored!

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 67
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 68
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger used Thunder Wave!
Exeggutor's substitute blocked Thunder Wave!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 69
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 70
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute took the damage!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 71
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Start of turn 72
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute took the damage!

Start of turn 73
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Thunder Wave!
Exeggutor's substitute blocked Thunder Wave!

Start of turn 74
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The attack of Exeggutor missed!

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Start of turn 75
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 76
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Qualdrion: I guess I should have given it toxic or smth to speed up the process :P

Start of turn 77
Dr. Robotnik called Power Ranger back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out Cinderclown! (Roobushin)

Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 78
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

Start of turn 79
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

Start of turn 80
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 81
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute took the damage!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

Start of turn 82
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Stone Edge!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 83
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Substitute's PPs are restored!

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 84
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Stone Edge!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 85
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 86
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 87
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 88
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The attack of Exeggutor missed!

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 89
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 90
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

Start of turn 91
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 92
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 93
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 94
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 95
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 96
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 97
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 98
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 99
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Protect's PPs are restored!

The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!
Dr. Robotnik: yeah, this is getting me nowhere
Qualdrion: ^^
Qualdrion: Altho
Qualdrion: the hard part is to pass the boosts
Dr. Robotnik: yeah.......
Dr. Robotnik: well, imma concede this one to you
Qualdrion: Need aqua ring and preferably some speed boosts and such
Qualdrion: gg
Dr. Robotnik: gg
Dr. Robotnik: =D

Dunno what happened with the colors and such tho.

And as I said in the end of the battle, its passing the boosts that is hard, the rest is kinda easy.
Log of me doing it:

Battle between Qualdrion and Dr. Robotnik started!

Tier: Dream World
Variation: +20, -11
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause

Dr. Robotnik sent out AFRO BUFFALO! (Baffuron)
Qualdrion sent out Smeargle!

Start of turn 1
Dr. Robotnik called AFRO BUFFALO back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out Pumba! (Enbuoo)

Smeargle used Rock Polish!
Smeargle's Speed sharply rose!

Start of turn 2
Smeargle used Aqua Ring!
Smeargle surrounded itself with a veil of water!

The foe's Pumba used Hammer Arm!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Smeargle lost 313 HP! (99% of its health)
Smeargle hung on using its focus sash!
The foe's Pumba's Speed fell!

Aquaring restored Smeargle's HP.

Start of turn 3
Smeargle used Baton Pass!
Qualdrion called Smeargle back!
Qualdrion sent out Vaporeon!

The foe's Pumba used Earthquake!
Vaporeon lost 131 HP! (28% of its health)

Aquaring restored Vaporeon's HP.
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4
Dr. Robotnik called Pumba back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out AFRO BUFFALO! (Baffuron)

Vaporeon used Baton Pass!
Qualdrion called Vaporeon back!
Qualdrion sent out Exeggutor!

Start of turn 5
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO's Attack sharply rose!

Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 6
Exeggutor used Ingrain!
Exeggutor planted its roots!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO's Attack sharply rose!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 7
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 8
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO's Attack sharply rose!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 11
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 14
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 15
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 16
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 17
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 18
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 19
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 20
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 21
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 23
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 25
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 26
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 27
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 28
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 29
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 30
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 32
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 33
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Substitute's PPs are restored!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 34
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 35
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 36
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 37
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Start of turn 38
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Start of turn 39
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 40
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Protect's PPs are restored!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 41
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 42
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 43
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 44
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 45
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: This will take a while

Start of turn 46
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Swords Dance!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: I hope you have popcorn

Start of turn 47
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Dr. Robotnik: how much pp does sub/protect have o_O

Start of turn 48
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: Infinite thanks to leppa berry + harvest

Start of turn 49
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Dr. Robotnik: :S

Start of turn 50
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Afro Break!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: And I regen as much hp as I use and I cant be phazed thanks to ingrain

Start of turn 51
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 52
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Substitute's PPs are restored!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Wild bolt!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO is hit with recoil!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 53
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
The foe's AFRO BUFFALO restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Qualdrion: So ill just PPstall your entire team

Start of turn 54
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's AFRO BUFFALO used Earthquake!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Dr. Robotnik: i see.....
Qualdrion: Or until you ragequit lol :P
Qualdrion: either works :P
Dr. Robotnik: i WANT to soo badly
Dr. Robotnik: but my inner "don't do it" says no

Start of turn 55
Dr. Robotnik called AFRO BUFFALO back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out Power Ranger! (Kirikizan)

Exeggutor used Protect!
But it failed!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 56
The foe's Power Ranger used Sucker Punch!
But it failed!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Qualdrion: fair enough :)

Start of turn 57
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 58
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 59
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 60
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Qualdrion: lol

Start of turn 61
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
A critical hit!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Start of turn 62
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 63
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 64
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The attack of Exeggutor missed!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 65
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 66
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Protect's PPs are restored!

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 67
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 68
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger used Thunder Wave!
Exeggutor's substitute blocked Thunder Wave!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 69
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Iron Head!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 70
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute took the damage!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 71
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Start of turn 72
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute took the damage!

Start of turn 73
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Power Ranger is already paralyzed.

The foe's Power Ranger used Thunder Wave!
Exeggutor's substitute blocked Thunder Wave!

Start of turn 74
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The attack of Exeggutor missed!

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!

Start of turn 75
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

The foe's Power Ranger is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 76
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Power Ranger used Psycho Cut!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Qualdrion: I guess I should have given it toxic or smth to speed up the process :P

Start of turn 77
Dr. Robotnik called Power Ranger back!
Dr. Robotnik sent out Cinderclown! (Roobushin)

Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!

Start of turn 78
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

Start of turn 79
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

Start of turn 80
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 81
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute took the damage!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

Start of turn 82
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Stone Edge!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 83
Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Substitute's PPs are restored!

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 84
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Stone Edge!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 85
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 86
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 87
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 88
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The attack of Exeggutor missed!

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 89
Exeggutor used Stun Spore!
The foe's Cinderclown is already paralyzed.

The foe's Cinderclown used Bulk Up!
The foe's Cinderclown's Attack rose!
The foe's Cinderclown's Defense rose!

Start of turn 90
The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor already has a substitute.

Start of turn 91
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Start of turn 92
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 93
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 94
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 95
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 96
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 97
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!

The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
Exeggutor protected itself!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 98
The foe's Cinderclown used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Exeggutor's substitute faded!
The foe's Cinderclown is hurt by its Life Orb!

Exeggutor used Substitute!
Exeggutor made a substitute!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.

Start of turn 99
Exeggutor used Protect!
Exeggutor protected itself!
Exeggutor ate its Leppa Berry!
Exeggutor's Protect's PPs are restored!

The foe's Cinderclown is paralyzed! It can't move!

Exeggutor absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Exeggutor's HP.
Exeggutor's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!
Dr. Robotnik: yeah, this is getting me nowhere
Qualdrion: ^^
Qualdrion: Altho
Qualdrion: the hard part is to pass the boosts
Dr. Robotnik: yeah.......
Dr. Robotnik: well, imma concede this one to you
Qualdrion: Need aqua ring and preferably some speed boosts and such
Qualdrion: gg
Dr. Robotnik: gg
Dr. Robotnik: =D
Dunno what happened with the colors and such tho.

And as I said in the end of the battle, its passing the boosts that is hard, the rest is kinda easy.

That right there made me giggle
if only exeggutor recieved more stat boosting moves it would of been more useful. it really could use calm mind. i would even settle for amnesia so it can tank with harvest.
Lum berry + Harvest= awesome

You dont have to use Chesto Berry when u use Rest, because Lum Berry works too and better. I have used Exeggutor in Trick Room team and it really works. U can use Rest before opponent can kill u.Harvest work so many turns that poison kills opponets pokemon. I dont know when Harvest stops working, but it will.