
What happens when custap berry activates on a charge move, like fly or solarbeam? Is only the charge turn given priority? Can it activate before the second half of a charge move, like, in the middle?

If it gives priority to both turns of the move or can activate in the middle of the move, then it's mostly pointless, but if not then harvest custap curse fly tropius might be interesting. Priority fly going up that is slow coming down would be hilarious.
I can see this ability being potentially broken in double and triple battles with Role Play.
Pokemon like Latias, Arceus, Azelf, Infernape, Gengar and Lucario holding a rechargable berry sounds really scary.

Regarding single battles, once Enigma Berry is released expect to see this ability in the Suspect thread.
Exeggcutor with Harvest+Enigma Berry would be an absolute nightmare to take down.

Enigma heals you after taking damage, meaning if an attack is an OHKO, Enigma is useless.
Okay, just throwing around a theorymon that could abuse the heck out of this.

Exeggcute @ Oran Berry
-Leech Seed
-Hypnosis / Protect
-Protect / Hidden Power Fire

I once again point out that this is only theorymon, but in theory you could set up SubSeed and abuse Protect/Hypnosis in order to pass turns that you don't receive another Oran Berry. If you wish to use Protect over Hypnosis, then Hidden Power Fire becomes a great move as it takes out grass types which would be immune to Leech Seed.
Okay, just throwing around a theorymon that could abuse the heck out of this.

Exeggcute @ Oran Berry
-Leech Seed
-Hypnosis / Protect
-Protect / Hidden Power Fire

I once again point out that this is only theorymon, but in theory you could set up SubSeed and abuse Protect/Hypnosis in order to pass turns that you don't receive another Oran Berry. If you wish to use Protect over Hypnosis, then Hidden Power Fire becomes a great move as it takes out grass types which would be immune to Leech Seed.

I assume this is Little Cup...
So a couple of questions regarding this.

1.If you are using a Pinch Berry (say Salac) and Sub down to activate it,would you get the plus 1 and then another plus 1 at the end of the turn?Basically, does the Berry used get regenerated at the end of the turn it was used and be automatically used if applicable?

2.Where is a list of Gen5 legal berries?I know I have heard people say Custap isn't legal yet so is there others not released yet?

Thanks for any help on these questions.
I guess because this thread died out no-one mentioned it: Harvest always activates in the sun. Meaning all these strategies are only at their best in the sun. If you're running sun you've still got to consider whether chlorophyll might be better anyway. Meanwhile, Harvest can be checked by changing the weather. I don't think either Tropius or Eggy will like seeing Abomasnow, and the real killer might be that if they switch out without their berry, I doubt they're getting it back when they switch back in.

In fact, should Harvest fail to activate at the end of a turn, do we even know if it can activate on the next turn? If it's a case of "once it's gone, it's gone" then Harvest is only a hax ability outside of a Sun team.
Quick Question (not sure if this has been asked or not) But natural Gift can get a base power of up to 80.
And at many different types.
Would this be viable with Harvest?
Quick Question (not sure if this has been asked or not) But natural Gift can get a base power of up to 80.
And at many different types.
Would this be viable with Harvest?

I've been trying it a bit, it's the closest Tropius can get to DD+Leaf blade. It still sucks, but it might be redeemed by surprise value once tiers are implemented.
The berry for 80 bp grass natural gift is Liechi, which is the pinch berry for attack, so I think it would work best with substitute.
Tbh neither Harvest user can go physical well at all, so you may as well abuse something more potent like Lum/Chesto or the PP restore berry, or Custap when it's released rather than trying to abuse Natural Gift.
SD Exeggutor is pretty good in the sun.

Last gen yes, now it's pretty much outclassed by any Growth abuser - like Tangrowth, Shiftry, Sawsbuck (SD abuser but has epic coverage) in the Sun, especially as to use it with Harvest you give up Chlorophyll. Such low speed means he can't really go offensive all that well except with Custap, so best to stick to defensive or stallish Eggys until that berry is released.
I saw a Battle Video of a Harvest Tropius with a Starf Berry, it seemed to get the berry back 100% of the time, at the end of each turn; and it got like +4-6 Defense/SpA/Spe/Attack (lol) but it had like 25% HP so it died to a Rotom-Fan's Air Slash anyway and did suprisingly low amounts of damage to it with its own Air Slash.
uh... can we list of a pokemon who actually USE tension? most, if not all of them have WAY better abilities to use.

It's called Unnerve in English.

Ekans: Intimidate / Shed Skin / Unnerve
Arbok: Intimidate / Shed Skin / Unnerve
Meowth: Pickup / Technician / Unnerve
Persian: Limber / Technician / Unnerve
Aerodactyl: Rock Head / Pressure / Unnerve
Mewtwo: Pressure / (none) / Unnerve
Ursaring: Guts / Quick Feet / Unnerve
Houndour: Early Bird / Flash Fire / Unnerve
Houndoom: Early Bird / Flash Fire / Unnerve
Tyranitar: Sandstream / (none) / Unnerve
Masquerain: Intimidate / (none) / Unnerve
Vespiquen: Pressure / (none) / Unnerve
Joltik: Compoundeyes / Unnerve / Swarm
Galvantula: Compoundeyes / Unnerve / Swarm
Axew: Rivalry / Mold Breaker / Unnerve
Fraxure: Rivalry / Mold Breaker / Unnerve
Haxorus: Rivalry / Mold Breaker / Unnerve

I think all of these Pokémon have better options than Unnerve, with the possible exception of Joltik... I've been trying to think of a set for him that could shine in Little Cup, where berries in general are more common, Harvest or not.
Okay, you're all saying that Harvest doesn't always give you a berry, but I've used it online a lot, and it always gives me a berry at the end of the turn it was used, regardless of it being in the sun (though it never is).
This thing should not be ignored, I was stalled to death by a fucking Exeguttor, the thing can take hits. If you see one of these mother fuckers on a team, make sure to not lose your taunter.
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this, but...

Harvest Eggy @ Occa in sun takes fire hits normally, doesn't it? as opposed to double-STAB-super-effective?

also also:

People keep mentioning Sitrus Berry, but...since Eggy's likely to be seen in sun anyways (for 100% harvest), wouldn't Synthesis/Moonlight be a viable option? It's no Celebi, but still...

...too bad Harvest + Gravity is illegal...that would be far too awesome...

Tropius @ Sitrus Berry
Nature: Calm
Ability: Harvest
252 HP/ 128 Def/ 128 SpD
Leech Seed

Suggested? If you land a leech seed, who cares about taunt? Fly as a stall move, HP regen all day

Tropius @ Sitrus Berry
Nature: Calm
Ability: Harvest
252 HP/ 128 Def/ 128 SpD
Leech Seed

Suggested? If you land a leech seed, who cares about taunt? Fly as a stall move, HP regen all day

Why Calm? If you're using Fly (although I know it's not mainly for damage) I'd use Careful if you want Tailwind/Sub in the last slot, or keep Calm if you use Air Slash/Solarbeam.