Create Your Own Adventure - Comic

Call the police

Someone who can scream "Nooooooooo!" in such a dramatic way is usually not fit for detective´s work...
It´s a little cliche, but I like it so far. Funny how the main guy doesn´t look anything like the guy from the actual games(Was his name Diamond? Don´t know) while Dawn looks exactly like the original, just dead and with a little more... female-ness(? my english sucks)

Btw how much blood does the human body usually contain? ;)
Call the police

Someone who can scream "Nooooooooo!" in such a dramatic way is usually not fit for detective´s work...
It´s a little cliche, but I like it so far. Funny how the main guy doesn´t look anything like the guy from the actual games(Was his name Diamond? Don´t know) while Dawn looks exactly like the original, just dead and with a little more... female-ness(? my english sucks)

Btw how much blood does the human body usually contain? ;)

The average human body contains about 6 quarts (or 5.6 liters) of blood.

There is evidence in this comic though that Dawn was not the only one bleeding ;)
I'm pretty sure I saw Cubone bleeding--there was a cut in his neck iirc.

I can't even tell what's winning anymore, I think it's look for clues but I hope it's call the police >_>
I'm pretty sure I saw Cubone bleeding--there was a cut in his neck iirc.

I can't even tell what's winning anymore, I think it's look for clues but I hope it's call the police >_>

The votes are being tallied in the first post of this thread on the front page.

Currently look for clues is up by a couple votes.
Look for clues why? we want a dark gritty comic but we don't want someone that is about revenge. I think that's what we should be going for. Something sasuke like (but decent). Besides 9 chances out of 10 our protagonist ain't thinking straight anymore. Police might sound like an obvious choice but because we want dark and gritty i think it's better to do without police

Things have been quiet for most of the day and its been two days so I am going to close the poll and start thinking about/sketching chapter two... You guys have decided on:

Search for clues

Thanks for the input!
The last chapter was 8 days ago.
The poll closed 6 days ago.

I know that you can't rush perfection, but I dearly hope it gets here soon. My little brain doesn't handle waiting very well.

At least my choice in the poll was selected this time.
Sorry to just jump in like this, but I love this comic.

O.k,here's what went down...

Dawn is in her room, reading a book with questionable black and white pictures in it in her night gown. (XD Props to anyone who gets that!). She's SSOOOO mesmorized by this book, but she's scared to death(not literaly, yet) by this noise at the window. She yelps and her book flies across the room. She gets dressed and goes to the window. She opens it, finding nothing there. As she turns around, a Dustox flies into the room and scares the )$#% out of her. After realizing what it is, she watches it, amazed by it's beauty. She pulls out her camera and takes a picture. The flash exceedingly angers the Dustox. Since it's P.O'd, it screeches at her and violently attacks her with gust and poison sting, explaining the cuts and purple sticks in her arms, breasts, and legs. Curious, a scared cubone rushes upstairs to see what's going on. The Dustox realizes it's there, uses a violent Gust which throws him across the room(which explains the damage on his neck), then flees through the window while Cubone tries to stop it with Bonemerang.

Am I right!?
Yeah, I'm right. ;)
Sorry to just jump in like this, but I love this comic.

O.k,here's what went down...

Dawn is in her room, reading a book with questionable black and white pictures in it in her night gown. (XD Props to anyone who gets that!). She's SSOOOO mesmorized by this book, but she's scared to death(not literaly, yet) by this noise at the window. She yelps and her book flies across the room. She gets dressed and goes to the window. She opens it, finding nothing there. As she turns around, a Dustox flies into the room and scares the )$#% out of her. After realizing what it is, she watches it, amazed by it's beauty. She pulls out her camera and takes a picture. The flash exceedingly angers the Dustox. Since it's P.O'd, it screeches at her and violently attacks her with gust and poison sting, explaining the cuts and purple sticks in her arms, breasts, and legs. Curious, a scared cubone rushes upstairs to see what's going on. The Dustox realizes it's there, uses a violent Gust which throws him across the room(which explains the damage on his neck), then flees through the window while Cubone tries to stop it with Bonemerang.

Am I right!?
Yeah, I'm right. ;)

Why couldn't a Scyther smash through the window and kill her with its amazing scythes? hat would explain the cut on Cubone's neck, too.

I'm sick of speculation. I want my gratification NOW!
Why couldn't a Scyther smash through the window and kill her with its amazing scythes? hat would explain the cut on Cubone's neck, too.

I'm sick of speculation. I want my gratification NOW!

What do you speak of the purple spikes then? I know a scyther didn't do that. Hmmm....wait! That purple filled box! Berries? That...attracted the Dustox!? EUREKA! It was all for the food! Of course! BTW, if gust can cut down trees, i'm sure it could hurt flesh.
What do you speak of the purple spikes then? I know a scyther didn't do that. Hmmm....wait! That purple filled box! Berries? That...attracted the Dustox!? EUREKA! It was all for the food! Of course! BTW, if gust can cut down trees, i'm sure it could hurt flesh.

Look at her clothes. Clearly, she's emo and was impaling herslf with those purple spikes.

And a Dustox couldn't make that much blood. Everyone knows that Dustox is a vampire and would eat her if it could.
Look at her clothes. Clearly, she's emo and was impaling herslf with those purple spikes.

And a Dustox couldn't make that much blood. Everyone knows that Dustox is a vampire and would eat her if it could.

I'm not not sure that she's emo. I mean, a yellow barrete and a pink skirt with pink boots? I don't think so, plus consider it's dark in there. Also, Dustox isn't a vampire. He's a moth. I'm sure moths suck something, but not blood. Also, at the end, the nearly blinded Dustox was flailing around the house until it finallly managed to smash through the downstairs window, as shown in the prologue.
Sorry guys! All the traveling I have been doing for the holidays has severely cut into any time I would have used for this... I have it all sketched and figured out on paper but as I am leaving the house again for awhile it will probably be around the 1st of the year before I can get it out... sorry and thanks for the patience! :/
The poll closed a long time ago

1st of the year?!?!?!?!



epic sadface

Google images wanted you to have something:

1st of the year?!?!?!?!



epic sadface

Yeah, sorry guys... I'm visiting my girlfriend's family for a couple days. All this family/holiday time is really cutting into my drawing time. Maybe I will skip coloring this one so I can get it out faster... Thoughts?