Create Your Own Adventure - Comic

Shit did get gritty real quick. I WANT EPISODE 1!!!! (cliffhangers piss me off, but don't worry i liek em. wait, does that even make sense?)

Anywayz, GREAT WORK!!! Can't wait for the next part
I'm pretty sure that every one of these is gonna be a cliffhanger, lol. Just to give us something to vote on. Anyways, love it that you started it off with the guy being able to empathize with Cubone. Haha, I can dig it.

Edit: And btw, I really like your drawing style so far...just thought I'd add that since this is the art section of the forums and all.
Your drawing style is adorable c: (not all the blood but the way you draw people is cute)

Really wish I knew what was gonna happen, cliffhangers always mess me up not knowing what to expect. How often should we expect you to update this?
Your drawing style is adorable c: (not all the blood but the way you draw people is cute)

Really wish I knew what was gonna happen, cliffhangers always mess me up not knowing what to expect. How often should we expect you to update this?
I don't get to draw much, or really ever, but even with that in mind people are my worst... We will see how others turn out or even how this guy develops and changes, lol.

As to how often I might update... As often as possible. As I get a hang of this drawing thing I will get quicker at doing the comics and I may or may not do color every time which would speed up some updates. ALSO this time I paid painstakingly close attention to capturing the detail of twinleaf town and his house there... from now on I will probably spend less time getting things so exact which will also save time. So not counting the time it takes to do votes and stuff I would expect one... every week or so, if I have the time, lol.

The decision that you guys will vote on at the end of this next one will be a big one and will determine the course of the rest of the comic.

Thanks everyone for all the kind comments! I promise there will be actual pok'e'mon in the next comic!


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Ahahahaha!!!! First set of comics and people are already dead...didn't expect that coming...I gotta admit though, it puts a radical twist on the introduction. I hope we get to see who "honey" is...(flashback perhaps?)
Shit did get gritty real quick. I WANT EPISODE 1!!!! (cliffhangers piss me off, but don't worry i liek em. wait, does that even make sense?)

Anywayz, GREAT WORK!!! Can't wait for the next part

I think I like where this comic is going... ;D
Love your cartoony style. Looking forward to more.

Specifically I love the color and attention to detail. Your cartoony style utilizes simple shapes and lines yet every panel is intensely detailed. I also love how you use the medium to the fullest; communicating so much in each panel through details like the lights being off in the first panel. One piece of constructive criticism would be that while you did a great job of panel layout to move our eyes from panel to panel in each order and you did a great job of drawing our attention to the important part of each panel it was a little hard to follow because of the drastic perspective changes between each frame. I understand it was probably just because of the story, but it makes things flow a lot more smoothly when you don't overuse perspective changes.
Love your cartoony style. Looking forward to more.

Specifically I love the color and attention to detail. Your cartoony style utilizes simple shapes and lines yet every panel is intensely detailed. I also love how you use the medium to the fullest; communicating so much in each panel through details like the lights being off in the first panel. One piece of constructive criticism would be that while you did a great job of panel layout to move our eyes from panel to panel in each order and you did a great job of drawing our attention to the important part of each panel it was a little hard to follow because of the drastic perspective changes between each frame. I understand it was probably just because of the story, but it makes things flow a lot more smoothly when you don't overuse perspective changes.
Thanks for the constructive criticism! I will keep that all in mind!
I kind of like the style of the first two panels (the ones where you're at a distance) better.

The one where you see JT close up just seemed too much like animation to me. I prefer comic-ish comics.

It's just my personal preference, but I say stick to the type of drawing that you did in the first two panels.
Will we have a say in your future pokemon? BTW LUV the prologue. ur wife being killed by wild starly is my guess?
You guys will have SOME control over the pokemon on my team but not full control. I do have three instances in mind already where I will be giving you guys a choice concerning who is on my team.

Ha ha ha ha.... that is an amusing idea but that is not quite the direction I am going. I am using these beginning chapters to create a more realistic reason for our character to set out on such a crazy journey. That actual reason will be decided at the end of the next comic, lol.
You guys will have SOME control over the pokemon on my team but not full control. I do have three instances in mind already where I will be giving you guys a choice concerning who is on my team.

Ha ha ha ha.... that is an amusing idea but that is not quite the direction I am going. I am using these beginning chapters to create a more realistic reason for our character to set out on such a crazy journey. That actual reason will be decided at the end of the next comic, lol.
I vote that your team has a Kangaskhan in it. Why?
So that when Cubone talk about its mother dying, the baby Kangaskhan can have a heart attack.

Talk about dark and gritty.
I vote that your team has a Kangaskhan in it. Why?
So that when Cubone talk about its mother dying, the baby Kangaskhan can have a heart attack.

Talk about dark and gritty.
Lawl i was thinking the same thing, I second this option as your third pokemon :D
We will see, lol. Like I said before you guys will have SOME say in who goes on the team but I am not making any promises.

EDIT: They are only found in the great marsh and only as a random daily binocular pokemon AFTER you get the national 'dex (beat the game). Soooo... sorry! :/
So we want dark and gritty...

What if he's stranded on the woods with no food or water and he survives by catching a Miltank? If you know what I mean...:naughty:
So we want dark and gritty...

What if he's stranded on the woods with no food or water and he survives by catching a Miltank? If you know what I mean...:naughty:
How can you "strand" on the woods? xD anyway there's always food in woods even in the most barren of them.

How's part 1 coming along? I'm really interested what's going to thrive the main char to go on the quest to beat every gymleader+elite 4.

Perhaps they are a part of team galactic?
How can you "strand" on the woods? xD anyway there's always food in woods even in the most barren of them.

How's part 1 coming along? I'm really interested what's going to thrive the main char to go on the quest to beat every gymleader+elite 4.

Perhaps they are a part of team galactic?
OMG I just got a great idea!

Who here has played Pokemon Colosseum? You know how the main character is actually a defector from Team Snagem?

We should totally do a similar idea here. JS
How can you "strand" on the woods? xD anyway there's always food in woods even in the most barren of them.

How's part 1 coming along? I'm really interested what's going to thrive the main char to go on the quest to beat every gymleader+elite 4.

Perhaps they are a part of team galactic?
Sorry guys! I am honestly having trouble getting chapter 1 down on paper (so to speak)... I know where it begins and where it needs to end but its been really hard hashing out a good middle.... there is so much and yet so little to accomplish in this one. I am going to hash out the lines tonight but just warning you its not going to be too awesome. I have a bunch of comics further down the line stuck in my head and just cant come up with something good for this one. I figure I will throw something together to get you guys to the 1st decision and then things will pick up from there.

Thanks for the patience!
Sorry guys! I am honestly having trouble getting chapter 1 down on paper (so to speak)... I know where it begins and where it needs to end but its been really hard hashing out a good middle.... there is so much and yet so little to accomplish in this one. I am going to hash out the lines tonight but just warning you its not going to be too awesome. I have a bunch of comics further down the line stuck in my head and just cant come up with something good for this one. I figure I will throw something together to get you guys to the 1st decision and then things will pick up from there.

Thanks for the patience!
I'm excited. Yeah, the first chapter is kinda the toughest. You have to do so much in so little space without going too far.
CHAPTER 1 IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!


This vote will follow the same format as the previous vote! All votes will need to be BOLDED AND RED in order to be counted.

Either put OPTION 1 (or 2) or CALL POLICE!!!!!! (or LOOK FOR CLUES)

Thanks everyone! (Sorry for all the gore... it kind of got away from me)

EDIT: I will be keeping track of the votes in the 1st post of this thread... it will be easier for everyone to find there. Thanks!

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