
Well, I think NU because it will get horribly walled by Steelix, Chansey and Clefable. The thing it would need is Focus Blast, seriously. And Swellow outspeeds and KO. But UU is not crazy too. Can it survive Alakazam's Psychic? If it can, a Scarf set would work as Alakazam counter.
You can't assume that gen 5 UU will be similar to gen 4 UU! In fact, with gen 5's immense power creep AND the addition of 156 new pokemon (assuming at least 25 of them are OU/Uber) that's still a solid 100+ pokemon added to the UU, along with former OU pokemon who may end up falling out of use in gen 5.

Still... this thing is pretty damn solid. Insane speed, 91% accurate Thunder's, Bug Buzz that hits Grass types and (most) ground types pretty damn hard. I strong contender for gen 5's UU.
Stats are good, had it given a little bit better stats then it'd be that much more awesome
Compoundeyes screams Thunder :D (and pretty much negates sand veil)
...Bug Buzz and energy ball is good to use in its moveset and volt change is great on a scarf set. This could be good in future UU (Sorry for discussing tiers that are non-existent at the current time). I just kinda wished Gamefreak was a bit more kinder to its stats.
Well, I think NU because it will get horribly walled by Steelix, Chansey and Clefable. The thing it would need is Focus Blast, seriously. And Swellow outspeeds and KO. But UU is not crazy too. Can it survive Alakazam's Psychic? If it can, a Scarf set would work as Alakazam counter.

Ima tell u now that chancey is going yo be at least borderline thanks to the evolution stone... Steelix is easy to beat and clefables not going to force something into being that same logic swallow should be never used because it's walled by the Regis, steelix, and magneton :/.... Sorry for discussing tiers but I had to speak my mind.
Ima tell u now that chancey is going yo be at least borderline thanks to the evolution stone...
How the hell would Chansey go NU in this metagame. Green Thunder is right, with the evolution stone, Chansey will soon be flying all over the place from past Blissey users who would whore her otherwise.
Denchura @ Choice Scarf / Life Orb / Focus Sash
Ability: Compoundeyes

- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power Water / Volt Change
  • Denchura has a really cool typing going for him, and the ability to spam STAB Thunder with near-perfect accuracy is just icing on the cake.
  • Bug Buzz is a reliable secondary STAB move, and Energy Ball makes for perfect coverage.
  • HP Water hits both of Denchura's weaknesses with super-effective damage. Volt Change is for switching out on a bulky opponent (since Denchura can't afford to take a hit with his defenses), and hits more powerfully than U-Turn.
  • As for EV's, they depend on what item you're using. For Choice Scarf, you should try to focus on Denchura's special attack. As for the other two, speed is the best way to go.
Tell me what you think, please!
even with compound eyes zap cannon only gets 65 acc with wide lens + compound eyes its 71 acc

so still fairly unreliable should it ever get zap cannon.
What if he were used on a Gravity Team?

Can't remember the exact change that -2 Evasion makes, but I think it would boost Zap Cannon to respectable levels?

Is Electra Net worth anything? Can't remember if dropping speed is worth anything.
this is Looking like a pretty good UU Pokemon I say UU because I doubt it will be in standard which Genesect does the same thing but better this Pokemon has a cool Niche High accuracy thunder 120 damage stab is nothing too laugh at.
Just further evidence GF loves to troll us, Thunder is the only useful move this thing gets with less than perfect accuracy.
There's always Screech, I guess. It's not an all-purpose option like Hidden Power or Thunder Wave, but it would be possible to get value from it if it was supported by a team with nice priority, Pursuit, or Dugtrio.
I was testing Disable the other day and decided to try it out on Denchura, since it is one of the fastest users of the move. Eventually I settled with this set:

- Substitute
- Disable
- Charge Beam
- Bug Buzz

While not entirely competitive in OU, it was fun to use at least. If you successfully land a Disable, you get to set-up on Choice users and mono-attackers (including Blissey) and on Pokemon that rely on things like Shadow Ball/Focus Blast or Thunderbolt/Ice Beam for coverage. Its bulk isn't ideal but its speed and typing make it somewhat workable.
This set actually seems fairly interesting. It seems a decent way to make use of Swarm, yet CompoundEyes Charge Beam really does have it's use when you just can't afford to miss.
How can people say thunder is the only good thing on it? Thunder/Bug Buzz/Energy Ball/HP Ice = win. His good natural speed makes him a great Specs user too.

252 SpAtk/252 Speed/ 4 Whatever
Thunder hits everything HARD. Other Elecs that resist, Bug Buzz em. Ground types? Energy Ball. Zapdos/Borutosu get hurt from HP Ice, and so do dragons. Stab Thunder hits most things harder tho.
Me from the Analysis Thread said:
Name: Electra Net Lead
Ability: Compoundeyes
Move 1: Electra Net
Move 2: Thunder
Move 3: Bug Buzz
Move 4: Energy Ball
Item: Lum Berry / Focus Sash
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest / Timid

Basically, this set follows the footsteps of Kyuremu and Gengar as leads. Use your Speed-lowering move to "cripple" the opposing lead and defeat it using the following moves of Choice. This set basically limits the options of a lead and defeats it in the process. May not be plausible due to Sandstorm leads, but could be effective.
This thing has the potential to be much greater, and I question some of the design decisions made by Gamefreak for this. It's outsped by Lati@s, Infernape, and Espeon, and barely outspeeds a lot of other pokes, and with 97 SpA, it can't really do much. It really is kinda unfortunate
252 sp.atk/252spe/4hp or def
-energy ball

...soooo who wants to test this? It pretty basic and Anyone with disable can do it...but none of them are as cool as this guy, especially because it has a trollish speed stat.
I could see Denchura getting some usage at the VGCs with the Isshu-only rule due to a massive (and about damn time too!) lack of SR. Energy Ball to check Doryu and 90% acc Thunder...perhaps HP: Fire to round out his attack options?
Some of you guys are kind of underestimating this thing. Its SpA is only six points lower than Starmie's, and we all know how powerful Starmie is. Just because a stat is below 100 doesn't make it automatically average and/or unusable.
Couple that with the fact that Denchura can reliably use thunder instead of thunderbolt. It has a great special movepool and even has access to sucker punch, if you really need it.
Yeah, seriously, people need to stop acting like Denchura is unsalvageable. Gets right on my tits when I see people talking about a good Pokemon like its Luvdisc.

So what if Thunder is the only thing it gets to abuse with compoundeyes? How many pokemon can boast an accurate, 120 base power STAB with no recoil, or stat drops, with a 30% chance to paralyse? Like really? Quit bitching.
It's gonna be NU for not having any remotely strong stats or movepool, but its Thunder with decent coverage is gonna make it very useful still.

I... I just don't know. Are we looking at the same Pokemon? In what reality are dual 120/ 90 BP STABs considered not "strong"? Unless UU suddenly becomes rife with Dragons and Steels (hint: it won't) there is no way this thing is going to be NU.